Cthulhu Gonfalon

Chapter 14


"Is the human body structured like this? I always feel something is wrong..." Looking at the set of skeletons displayed by Sui Xiong, Gerald scratched his bald head and frowned.

This question immediately made Sui Xiong angry: "How is that possible! Do you know what my background is? Let me tell you, I have painted more human bodies than you have cut them! You can never go wrong!"

"But I always feel that it's not very reliable."

Sui Xiong was speechless. He flicked his tentacles and grabbed a skeleton from a distance and threw it next to it as a reference: "Look at that skeleton and compare it. Is the structure exactly the same?"

"The structure of the skeleton...could it be too fragile?" Looking at the skeleton not far away that was almost falling apart, Gerald's expression became more distressed.

Sui Xiong shook his tentacles casually and smiled broadly: "Don't worry, I will give you enough materials to ensure that even with an axe, you can chop it!"

Gerald thought of the skeletons he had seen and was a little worried: "Wouldn't that lack flexibility? I think the movements of the skeletons are quite stiff..."

Sui Xiong was stunned for a moment, thought for a moment, and said, "I'll divide the bones into several more segments for you and add some more muscles, so that they become more flexible."

As the body gradually took shape, Gerald's question came again: "... This structure is really strange. I have never seen such a structure."

"As long as it has strong strength and flexible movements, what does it matter if the structure is strange?" Sui Xiong said nonchalantly.

Gerald suddenly realized: "That's right. It's good to live again. There's no need to pay so much attention... By the way, help me strengthen my muscles."

"It's very simple! Cover it with me!" Sui Xiong assured, waving his tentacles.

Gerald was overjoyed and soon had a new idea: "Is it very simple? Can we also enhance the skin and get a natural armor? There are also things like dark vision, anti-toxicity, etc... "

"Strengthening the skin is very simple, and dark vision is not difficult, but resisting poison is a bit troublesome." Sui Xiong thought, "Let me get you a magical anti-poison system."

Gerald was stunned: "But I don't know magic."

"It doesn't matter if you don't know. I'll teach you." Sui Xiong laughed.

"Can I learn your magic?"

Sui Xiong thought for a while and came up with an idea: "I'll also make you a magic core, that's fine."

"...Then am I a human or a monster?" Gerald was confused.

"Anyone who cares about details is a fool! As long as the body is useful, it doesn't matter whether it is a human or a monster!" Sui Xiong waved his tentacles and burst out with pride.

"...I can't ignore this! If you think about it carefully, this body structure is clearly that of a monster!" Gerald was stunned.

"Don't worry, the appearance will be the same as that of a human being, just bigger."

"... This is too big." When Gerald entered the body and manipulated it to stagger to stand up, he couldn't help but complain when he found that he was already high enough to overlook the roof.

"Isn't this just right? Those who have grudges against you will never recognize you when you look like this."

"...I always feel like I've been cheated." The reborn giant scratched his head habitually, with a complicated expression. It was hard to tell whether he was happy or depressed...

But whether he is happy or depressed, Gerald Caban is really alive again.

Sui Xiong used his own stored nutrients to create a new body for him. This body was extremely powerful. In terms of strength, it could uproot a tree as thick as a person, in terms of speed, it could run faster than a bird can fly, and in terms of strength, it could He can smash an ax with his arm, and he can see in the dark, chew wood like biscuits, and eat highly poisonous things as if nothing happened... The only problem is that he is too tall, conservatively estimated to be close to four meters, standing there It's taller than two people stacked on top of each other.

Of course Gerald himself has some opinions on this. This figure does not look like a normal human being. However, Sui Xiong said that this head was nothing and was far behind compared to him. The two of them would have to act together in the future. If the height difference was too big, it would look uncoordinated, so he had nothing to say.

Although this reason is extremely unreliable, since Gerald was possessed and resurrected, he seemed a little restrained in front of Sui Xiong, and Sui Xiong always felt that he was a little absent-minded.

"I used to work in the sea, and I'm not familiar with things on the shore." So he randomly found a topic, "I plan to find a place to live in a populated place for a while. Where do you think is better?"

"I think we can just find a random village." Gerald answered the question while looking at the eastern sky.

It is dawn now and sunrise will soon be upon us. The weather looks good today, it should be sunny.

"What are you looking at?" Sui Xiong asked curiously.

"I'm waiting for the sun."

sun? Sui Xiong looked at the sky in confusion—Is the sun in this world special? Or does Gerald believe in the sun god and need to pray at sunrise

After a while, the sun came out, and the golden sunlight shone on the earth.

Gerald, who had no clothes to wear because he was too big, stood naked in the sun. The sun shone on his angular and solid muscles, and on his hard-lined face that looked a bit ferocious. He remained motionless, as if Just like a statue.

At first, his expression seemed a little nervous. Gradually, as the sunlight became stronger, his expression gradually became calmer, changing from nervousness to joy, and finally to relief.

"I... really live..."

"You are alive, your heart is beating, your blood is circulating, and all your organs are working normally - you are not only alive, but also very healthy!" Sui Xiong thought that he was doubting his skills, and couldn't help but feel a little angry, "Don't be so naive. Look at my craftsmanship! It’s just a physical body, what’s so difficult about it!”

Before he finished speaking, Gerald had already prostrated himself on the ground, crawling in front of him and kissing the tentacles he used to support his body.

"My great Majesty, you are my savior, my faith, and the destination of my soul!"

He was so sincere and pious that it scared Sui Xiong.

"Gerald, what's wrong with you? Are you sick? Or do you feel uncomfortable somewhere? It's impossible! Your body is so strong, even if you can't be immune to all diseases, at least you shouldn't get sick just by basking in the sun!"

"Your Majesty, I am healthy."

"Then why are you like this? This is abnormal! Where is your health!"

Gerald bowed again before getting up from the ground. His attitude seemed extremely humble, as if he was ready to bow again at any time.

"It seems that Your Majesty has not realized your true identity - you are not a legendary creature, but a god who has just awakened and is walking in the world!"

"What?" Sui Xiong was stunned. He checked himself carefully and confirmed that he was completely different from the gods in the information he obtained from the shrine. He couldn't help but shake his head, "You are wrong. I am just an ordinary wanderer. At most he should be bigger."

Gerald did not argue with this obviously unreliable question, and said calmly: "Reviving the dead is something that only gods can do. Even the most advanced magic can only create something between life and death. In the moment of death, it is nothing more than a humanoid golem that relies on magical energy instead of normal life force to move. You truly resurrected me and saved me. This is undoubtedly the power of the gods!"

"Maybe you didn't realize this in the past, but as a mortal saved by you, as your believer, my existence is proof of your greatness!"

Gerald's pious expression seemed to be without any hypocrisy, and Sui Xiong couldn't help but believe him. But when I thought about it again, I discovered a big doubt.

"You say I am a god, so since you believe in me, why can't I get the power of faith?"

The power of faith is a very important thing in this world. Sui Xiong still doesn't know how important it is, but the information obtained from the shrine tells him that for the gods, the power of faith is an extremely important resource. .

There was a little power of faith condensed on that shrine. Most of them were analyzed and absorbed by Sui Xiong, and the remaining ones were completely condensed, pointing to the Sleepless God like a pointer. He did not dare to attack those powers of faith, so he simply threw them into the shrine together. Undersea volcano.

If he is really a god, Gerald's faith in him should have the power of faith, so it is impossible for him not to feel it.

Facing this question, Gerald smiled: "Your Majesty, how can I, as a mortal, pry into the world of gods? I can only believe in you, respect you, and serve you with all my heart. Those profound questions can only be answered by you." You can answer it yourself.”

This answer left Sui Xiong speechless. Looking at Gerald's "I believe it or not" look on his face, he shook his head and stopped dwelling on this topic.

"Forget it, whatever you say is what it is."

Arguing with a fanatic that the god you believe in is not real is one of the stupidest things in the world. On an earth without God, there will still be fanatical believers who will blow themselves and their enemies into pieces for the glory of God. In this world where gods truly exist, the power of faith is of course even stronger.

Sui Xiong could remember that the old chief priest of Baiye Village sacrificed himself alive for the glory of God.

Judging from Gerald's appearance, if Sui Xiong needed it, he would definitely do something like sacrifice himself.

Of course, not to mention that Sui Xiong is not a god. Even if he is really a god, he is definitely not an evil god like the sleepless god. In his view, the glory of gods comes from the virtues and talents of believers, and from the praise of those who benefit. And definitely not from threats and fear.

A god who makes believers devote themselves wholeheartedly and even take their own lives is more like a devil than a god!

As a result, the topic of whether Sui Xiong was a god was quickly reduced to the last part.

"Your Majesty, please allow me to ask, when I want to pray, what name should I use to address you?"

"Name?" Sui Xiong thought for a while, "My name is probably different from your habits..."

"No, what I'm asking is, what name should I use to address you respectfully?" Gerald corrected, "Please note that you cannot call God by his name directly."

"This is really troublesome!" Sui Xiong thought about it carefully and said, "In this case, then you can call me Oscar, Mask of the Void Oscar."

Oscar means acting, and Mask of the Void is a guy with several tentacles that is quite similar to a jellyfish in his favorite game before.

Gerald nodded, indicating that he had taken note of the name, without asking any questions about "What does Oscar mean" or "Why is the mask so emphasized?" Sui Xiong, who had originally planned to spend some time explaining, felt like his fist had hit the cotton, and he felt a little helpless.

After solving the problems that have nothing to do with real life, it’s time to solve the real problems.

After asking Gerald, Sui Xiong decided to leave Baiye Village and head to the edge of the Ash Forest.

There, there are small towns that are almost on the edge of civilization.

Whether you want to get something or enhance yourself, the first priority is to return to the civilized world.