Cthulhu Gonfalon

Chapter 15


The Ash Forest was very big, and Sui Xiong and Jerad walked for several days before they saw the edge of the forest.

It was a barren mountain range called "Barren Mountains". It is located on the northwest side of the main continent of this world, adjacent to the Ash Forest on one side and the Meteor Desert on the other, like an extremely high and thick wall that separates the two sides. At both ends of the mountain range, they connect the northern snowfields and the Western Sea respectively.

The terrain of this mountain range is high and there is little rain, so there are very few vegetation. The barren mountains and rivers have given birth to all kinds of ferocious monsters. The only people who can come and go freely here are adventurers who are more ferocious than the monsters.

Perhaps because of the inexhaustible road, there are several gaps in this majestic and steep mountain range. Although the road is rugged and difficult, it is not completely isolated on both sides. On the west side of these mountain roads, there are several areas adjacent to the Ash Forest. This small town is the northwest pole of the civilized world of mainland China.

There are many rare products here, which are not in large quantity but are very precious, so there are always some adventurers who think they have great skills come here to try their luck. Most of them never left alive, but as long as they could leave alive, they often had enviable gains, and there were not a few who got rich overnight.

With adventurers making money, of course there are businessmen who want to put their money into their own pockets, and then there are various related industries. So even though these towns are not big, they are well-equipped even though they are small. Even many luxurious things can be seen here. And because they are so high in the sky and far away from the emperor, they are located beyond the reach of various countries. The rule of law here is also quite chaotic. Many people who have committed crimes and are wanted will flee here, making this place become more and more chaotic and gradually become a harbor of filth. place.

In a place like this, the Church of the Good God can barely maintain itself, but the Church of the Evil God is at home like a fish in water. It even has the energy to collect refugees from all over the mainland, organize them to go to the Ash Forest to open up, and establish a strong rear for its own church.

For example, Baiye Village is one of the strongholds under the leadership of the Church of the Dark Night God. If this were not the case, how could farmers not believe in the Goddess of the Earth, who blesses harvests, or the Goddess of Life, who blesses health, but instead believe in the gatekeeper of the Kingdom of Darkness, who has nothing to do with agriculture

"So that's it..." After listening to Gerald's introduction, Sui Xiong thought thoughtfully, "Then wouldn't it be inappropriate for us to go to these towns?"

"You can't say that. These towns are like wooden cages. No matter whether they are cats or dogs, they have to be honest when they get in. But your Majesty, you are a dragon! There are only cages for cats and dogs, but you are not Crush them with one kick!" Gerald said with a smile, "Furthermore, judging from your character and position, you are originally going to conflict with those evil god churches. By developing in these places, you can also win over the good gods. The church even asked the church of neutral gods to help, killing two birds with one stone!"

What he said made sense, and Sui Xiong nodded repeatedly. His body was shaking like a mountain, bringing with it gusts of cool breeze.

"However, Your Majesty, your body is too large and powerful. If you enter the town directly, you will cause some trouble. Why don't you find a place to rest outside and let me explore the way first." As a loyal believer, Jela De is very motivated to do something for the gods he believes in.

Seeing how active he was, Sui Xiong couldn't refuse. However, he was really worried about Gerald. He always felt that the bald man—oh, he was no longer bald, but had very thick hair—was weak. If he acted alone, he might die inexplicably on the roadside tomorrow. As a friend who is loyal to him and a good person, he thinks it is necessary to add another layer of insurance to Gerrard.

After thinking carefully, he took out a piece of giant whale bone and used powerful magic to compress the one-foot-long and half-foot-wide piece of bone into the width of a finger, bent it into the shape of a bracelet, and engraved several words on it. Layers of magic circle, and finally a small amount of soul power was separated into it, completing something that could probably be regarded as a magic item.

"Bring this with you, as if I am following you. When the situation is urgent, I will take action myself."

Jerad knelt down and respectfully took the gift from Sui Xiong. The small bone bracelet felt cold in my hands. When I put it on my wrist, I felt that my mind was clear and my mind was clear. Even my eyesight and hearing were much sharper. I could feel Sui Xiong's strong will accompanying me, making him feel more at ease. .

"Your Majesty, what should be the name of this treasure?" he asked.

Sui Xiong thought for a while and said, "Let's call it 'Void Staring'. After all, its most fundamental use is to expand my sight."

Gerald nodded, knelt down again, then adjusted the tattered homemade robe on his body, carried the package and left, heading for the distant town.

Sui Xiong watched him go away. He found a piece of fairly flat ground, waved his tentacles, and quickly dug a huge pit and lay down in it. After his entire body had sunk into the pit, he used magic to reinforce the surrounding soil, and transported the soil he had dug out before back into it, turning it into a solid layer of soil at least two meters thick above his head.

The body of the giant jellyfish is indeed not very useful on land, so let's take advantage of this time to remodel the body.

On the other side, Gerald wore a bone bracelet and "gazed into the void" and came to the town called "Phoenix".

Bypassing the business groups who camped in the open space outside the town in order to pay less taxes, he walked to the busy town gate.

There were several soldiers wearing leather armor at the door, who were responsible for guarding and collecting the entrance tax. They stared at Gerald, who was almost as tall as the wall. They hesitated again and again, but finally did not dare to collect taxes from this giant. They only told him not to cause trouble in the town and let him in.

"This treatment is much better than when I passed by here." Gerald couldn't help but smile, "I remember that when I was fleeing, I passed by here. I was injured and sick, and I was made things difficult for a long time. I paid an extra The money was able to come in.”

"Oh? Do you want to take revenge or something?" Through the bone bracelet, Sui Xiong could sense the situation around Gerald and communicate with him with his mind. He asked with a smile.

Gerald shook his head: "In the past, I often thought about making them look good when they got rich in the future, but now I don't think it is necessary. They are just a group of small people, doing dangerous work, and their income is not high. They are just trying to find ways. It’s just to make some extra money to support the family, it’s not worth being angry with them.”

"Your realm has reached a high level."

"I now have power that I could not even imagine in the past, and I have even received the blessing of a great god. Why bother with a bunch of little people who are just trying to make a living." Gerald scratched his head again and smiled honestly.

Neither he nor Sui Xiong noticed that when a middle-aged man passing by him saw the bone bracelet on his hand, his eyes narrowed slightly and his pupils narrowed slightly.

He passed by Gerald as if nothing had happened, until Gerald turned a corner and disappeared, then he turned around hurriedly, hurried to the door of an inconspicuous small courtyard, and knocked on the door.

"Who is it?" A small hole dug in advance opened on the door. The gatekeeper took a look and hurriedly opened the door, "Vice President? Didn't you go to Gold Rush Town for business?"

"There are more important things." The middle-aged man said briefly, "Call the most powerful thieves in the town, and also call the 'Quick Knife' brothers - no, don't call them, just call the thieves Just find him."

The big man guarding the door was stunned for a moment. Seeing his solemn expression, he didn't dare to ask further questions. He quickly agreed and hurried to deliver the order.

The middle-aged man closed the door, went straight to the inner room, walked around twice, and walked into an inconspicuous small room.

This house was quite simple and unremarkable in appearance, but he knew that there were at least twenty kinds of dangerous mechanisms hidden here, and even a group of adventurers would not be able to break into it.

An old man who looked very ordinary, like a roadside vendor, was sitting on the bed reading a book. Seeing him hurriedly come in, he frowned and asked: "Grey Eyes, you should go to Gold Rush Town and join forces with your colleagues over there to prepare." It’s the underground auction next month.”

The old man's tone was not serious, but the middle-aged man was suddenly frightened and sweat broke out on his forehead. He hurriedly defended: "President, I saw a treasure on the road! Big deal!"

"Oh?" The old man's eyes lit up and he put down the book. He is very aware of the skills of his deputy. Although he is not good at stealing or assassinating, and his character is timid and cautious, not fierce and decisive enough, and he is somewhat unworthy of the name "Thieves Guild", but this man has extraordinary eyesight and can identify various treasures. Never missed. On the contrary, he often picks up some good things from the rags cleared out by down-and-out adventurers. He is worthy of a character with the word "eyes" in his nickname.

What can make him so excited must be something genuine and good!

"Sit down and speak slowly."

"Yes!" Gray Eyes sat down, took a breath, and described Gerald's appearance in detail, with special emphasis on his bone bracelet.

"President, I promise with my eyes, that bracelet is definitely not an ordinary treasure!" His tone couldn't help but become excited again, "At least it is a high-level magic item... I suspect that it may be some legendary treasure! "

"Legendary treasure?!" Even the president of the Thieves Guild couldn't calm down anymore. He stood up and asked, "Are you sure? What type is it?"

"I'm sixty-seven percent sure, but the type is not yet certain. But I can vaguely feel that there is a powerful thought condensed on the bracelet, and it is probably a sacred object worshiped by the giant tribe for generations."

The president nodded repeatedly. Giants were originally a very powerful race, and the sacred objects that carried their sacrifices and prayers for generations were probably legendary treasures.

When he thought of the word "legendary treasure", his mood suddenly became hot.

Although this world is big, legendary treasures are not common. Almost every legendary treasure has an impressive history behind it. They mostly fall into the hands of those big forces, such as high-ranking nobles, or famous mages, or leaders of large organizations... For example, his superior, the big shot who presides over the affairs of the entire Ash Forest Thieves Guild, is said to have some. There is such a thing.

That treasure was the big man's trump card to save his life. It had saved him from danger more than once. If he could also get such a treasure...

Thinking of this, he couldn't help laughing sinisterly.