Cthulhu Gonfalon

Chapter 17


Natural armor, also called armored skin, refers to skin that is as tough as armor and can withstand swords.

This is a very rare ability. Except for those powerful monsters, only ascetics who have undergone rigorous training or senior warriors who have experienced countless battles can possess it.

Because when Sui Xiong "faced" Gerald, he made him look quite young and looked like a fledgling young giant, so no one would mistake him for an ascetic or a senior warrior.

Since it is neither of the two, there is only one last possibility left - this young man who seems to be just big is actually a super strong man comparable to Warcraft!

How could this not surprise those seasoned veterans!

Of course, the chief guard of the Temple of the God of Justice is also knowledgeable. When he saw the scene of blocking the knife with his arm, he was stunned for a moment and couldn't help but laugh.

"I still underestimated you!" He laughed, his gray eyebrows trembling slightly, "So, are you interested in learning some advanced skills? For example, cutting down several people with one knife, or not needing to retreat after an attack. Move, and then you can launch a second attack, or use a light weapon to produce the effect of a heavy weapon, use a heavy weapon to produce the effect of a light weapon... and so on."

Hearing this, Gerald was really tempted.

He is a seasoned adventurer and knows a lot of fighting skills, but to be honest, they are all just mass goods. He had only heard of methods such as "whirlwind attack", "serial attack", and "arbitrary weapons" mentioned by the guard chief, but had never seen them before, let alone learned them.

For a warrior, the more and more advanced combat skills he knows, the stronger he will be. Those top warriors can even kill legendary monsters with one sword and one person, and thousands of troops can kill them seven in and seven out. Their combat power is simply abnormal.

If he could learn everything the guard chief said, maybe he could become stronger and not let the gods he believed in protect him and become a burden to His Majesty...

Thinking of this, he felt hot in his heart and couldn't help but agree to the old guard chief's suggestion, but after a second thought, he swallowed the words that were about to reach his lips.

The master he serves is not the gods known to the public in this world, but a new-born god. If you want to learn from a master, you will definitely need to stay in the temple of the God of Justice for a period of time. If the clues are discovered, wouldn't it cause trouble for His Majesty!

He was startled and hurriedly declined politely.

The old guard couldn't help but feel a little regretful when he saw that he seemed to be attracted to him at first, but gave up for some reason. But as a believer of the God of Justice, he certainly could not force others to become disciples. He had no choice but to tell Gerald that he could come to the temple to study at any time if he was interested, and then left in despair.

This old man was quite prestigious in the town. Even if he failed to recruit him, the other people who were interested in Gerald also gave up their attempts to recruit him. Instead, Gerald was finally free. He was carrying a small bag and walking casually on the street, and before he knew it, he came to a big wooden sign.

This wooden sign was erected in the square in the center of the town, in a very conspicuous position. There are pieces of cloth of various sizes attached to the wooden signs, some with only words written on them, and some with pictures and texts. There was also a rather clever-looking young man standing guard next to him. From time to time, people would go to the wooden sign to look at it carefully, and then they would go to the young man to ask what was going on. Some people would also give him one or two silver coins, and the business was quite prosperous.

"What are you doing?" Sui Xiong asked.

"Your Majesty, that is the bounty column. All kinds of bounties, large and small, as long as they are not shady, will be posted here. That young man is from the Adventure Guild. He is responsible for the early contacts here and sells some information." De is quite familiar with these things, after all, he himself has been an adventurer.

Sui Xiong roughly understood. He was a little curious about this employment system, so he took a moment to look carefully at the task list on the wooden sign. After a while, he suddenly saw Gerald's head on a piece of cloth.

That is what Gerald looked like "before his death". There are two pictures, one is a close-up of the face, and the other is a portrait of the whole body. Generally speaking, the painting skills are very good. He does not use many brushes, but he accurately captures the portrait of Gerald. Ladd's facial features make it easy to identify him. Sui Xiong felt that even if the brother who painted these two portraits traveled to the earth, his ability to paint portraits would be enough to set up a stall in a tourist attraction to earn a living - just like one of his similarly bald senior brothers.

However, his senior brother whose pen name is Hua Siyuan set up a stall in Tiananmen Square. Being able to set up a stall in the core area of a huge country shows that his skills are extraordinary and he is the strongest among street painters. In contrast, the brother in this portrait is only as luxurious as platinum. He can probably only go to Badaling to set up a stall and bask in the sun and wind to make hard money.

Thinking of this, he couldn't help but laugh.

"Your Majesty, is there anything funny?" Gerald asked.

Sui Xiong pointed to the piece of cloth: "Look, there is a reward for you."

Gerald's face was calm, without the slightest hint of surprise: "Yes, my reward should still be hanging. Let me take a look... Ha, the reward has been increased."

On the piece of cloth, there were a few lines of words below the portrait, which roughly meant: Bald Rune, charged with attacking a noble, wanted by the Blue Moon Kingdom. There is a reward of 1,000 gold coins. You can claim it after taking the head to the temple of the God of Nobles or the God of Commerce for verification.

"One thousand gold coins is equivalent to one hundred thousand copper coins. This is a huge amount! What did you do to provoke such a huge reward?"

"When I was an adventurer, I used the pseudonym Luen - most of us adventurers use pseudonyms to avoid trouble. At that time, we had an adventure team with a total of six people, and we all had a good relationship. Later, during an adventure, a companion was bitten by a monster. His leg was broken, and we needed to collect money for him to go to the temple to receive treatment for the rebirth of the broken limb, so we went to take a dark job of smuggling weapons. As a result, after the job was completed, the employers not only refused to pay but also wanted to silence him. After the fierce battle, only I was left dead among my teammates." Gerard used the simplest words possible to summarize the past events of conspiracy and betrayal, anger and blood, "The Viscount died in the battle... That’s about it.”

Sui Xiong was silent for a moment and said, "Well done! Is the original enemy still alive?"

"No, we adventurers can't hate you overnight."

"Well done!"

Gerald scratched his head with a silly smile on his face.

"Your Majesty, I suggest you take a look at these tasks. There may be ones suitable for us." He suggested, "Building temples, promoting righteous faith, and cultivating clergymen all cost money."

"I've said before that I'm not a god, so there's no need to spend all this money..."

"You're going to need to spend this money sooner or later, and there's nothing wrong with being prepared."

Sui Xiong had nothing to do with Gerrard's stubbornness. The biggest fear of being a boss is to meet a subordinate who is loyal and stubborn. You can't bear to fight, but it doesn't make sense to talk about it, especially when the other person puts on a posture of "big boss, I am here for your own good", as if he is ready to do anything to you at any time. When it comes to serving the country with death, except for those convulsions with water in their heads like Emperor Sui Yang, even those "Eternal Emperors" can only shake their heads, sigh, and give in.

Anyway, idle time is idle, so it’s good to find something to do to pass the time.

Since Sui Xiong decided to do some tasks to make money, of course he went straight to the task with the highest pay. At the top of the reward column, there was a piece of cloth that looked a little old. There was no pattern on it, only a few lines of words.

To kill the Shadow Demon King, use the magic core as a certificate, and all the major temples will jointly notarize it. The reward will be 100,000 gold coins, plus two customized high-level magic items. After verification, the magic core will belong to the killer.

"This mission is not bad, there are 100,000 gold coins!"

Gerald looked at it and shook his head: "The Shadow Demon is the most famous monster in the eastern area of the Ash Forest. It is at least a legendary monster and is probably a demigod. There are many ways to make money, so why fight a demigod for money? "

"Demigod... is very powerful, right?" Sui Xiong couldn't help but be a little interested. Since time traveling, he has never encountered a truly evenly matched opponent.

According to Gerald, he estimated that he was probably a strong person at the level of demigod. Demi-gods would definitely be able to fight demigods very happily.

"Your Majesty, we really don't need to go out of our way to provoke that guy!" Gerald was a little anxious, "It's not worth it! Even if you want to find an opponent to fight with, you can also find someone like the 'Skeleton Devourer' who can communicate with you , the Shadow Demon King is notoriously evil, and he will definitely use all kinds of conspiracies and tricks to plot against you!"

Sui Xiong sighed and stopped discussing this topic. He finally figured it out. If he insisted on having a fight with the Shadow Demon King, Gerald would have to swing his knife to kill himself to stop him.

What should I do if my subordinates are too loyal? Waiting online, quite urgent.

Alas... there is no internet!

Ignoring this mission, there are some other high-priced missions on the bounty column. One of them, Sui Xiong, thought it was good:

Expel the evil dragon "Arctic Tyrant" who lives in the mountains near Longroar Town. After the expulsion is completed, you need to bring priests from three different temples, including the God of Justice, to the Dragon Lair for verification. The mission reward is 5,000 gold coins. In addition, if reinforcements are not needed, you can have exclusive access to all the treasures in the Dragon Lair.

Gerrard did not object to this task. As far as he knew, most evil dragons bully the weak and fear the strong. With the force of His Majesty "Void Mask", as long as he does not steal the treasure hidden in the dragon's lair, he will definitely be able to force the evil dragon to move. Overall, these five thousand gold coins are not difficult to earn.

After paying a silver coin, asking for some information from the Adventurer Guild's contact person, and determining the general location of the dragon's lair, Gerald bought some necessities for wild life, and prepared to leave Huishite Town and head to Dragon Roar Town. .

However, he had just left the town when he stopped.

A carriage fell to the ground and a group of chaotic merchants blocked his way.