Cthulhu Gonfalon

Chapter 3


The moonlight fell on the sea, causing countless silver-white ripples.

I don't know if it's an illusion, but in the world that Sui Xiong traveled to, the moon seems to be much larger than the earth, and the light is much brighter. Although it was night, the lighting conditions were not bad, and Sui Xiong could even clearly see the teeth in the mouths of the approaching small fish.

They swim fast and eat fast. In just a short time, many jellyfish on the sea had been torn into pieces and eaten, and they gradually came to Sui Xiong.

Sui Xiong did not run away, but floated quietly on the sea, ready to fight.

Soon, the three closest small fishes had entered the range where he could attack.

As natural enemies, those small fish have an overwhelming advantage over jellyfish. However, hidden inside the body of this jellyfish is a human soul.

The most important thing is that this jellyfish is completely different from those weaklings who have no power to resist in the face of natural enemies! Complete! No! same! of.

Sui Xiong smiled as he looked at the little fish showing its sharp white teeth and trying to tear the food into pieces.

He stretched out his soul hand, grabbed two small fish, effortlessly pulled out their souls, and put them into his mouth.

Then, the third little fish also followed in the same footsteps.

As a price, Sui Xiong—oh, it was the jellyfish he possessed, got a small bite.

The bite wasn't big, but it made him a little wary.

Although he was much stronger than these little fishes and could kill two of them at once, he only had two hands, and those little fishes were conservatively estimated to number in the hundreds.

Three fish made him a little concerned about one thing and the other. After being bitten, what would happen if hundreds of fish swarmed up

Sui Xiong was startled and looked carefully, only to find that he was surrounded.

"Damn! How can I be a hero when there are so many PKs? Come up and challenge me if you have the guts!" He couldn't help but curse.

However, it was obvious that these little fishes were not heroes, or they could not hear what he said at all, or they could not understand what he said.

So, they rushed up from all directions.

Sui Xiong was so frightened that he no longer cared about eating. He waved his fists and beat them in all directions, trying to kill all these damn little fishes.

For a moment, waves flashed on the sea surface, fish scales and sharp teeth reflected each other, and the roar of a new generation water ghost could be heard endlessly.

After a while, the sea finally calmed down again.

Sui Xiong stood in the middle of a large group of floating carcasses of small fish, looking at the jellyfish body that was already in disrepair, and wanted to cry without tears.

"I've only traveled through the world for a day, and I almost got dismembered. This world is really dangerous!"

After sighing for a while, Sui Xiong began to think about what to do next.

The body of this jellyfish is too weak. There is a joke on the Internet that the combat power of an otaku is equal to 0.5 geese, so the combat power of this jellyfish is probably not even as good as 0.1 geese. Even though Sui Xiong, who transformed into a water ghost, has strong combat power, all the opponents he has met so far have been killed with one move (except for the narwhal whale), but after all, he only has two hands and cannot protect all directions. A small fish that can fill his stomach can make him so embarrassed. What if there is something more powerful

If possible, of course he wanted to get rid of this useless body and change to a more powerful one, but for a while there was no way to get out of the jellyfish body, so he had to change his mind.

"Anyway, let's try to repair this body first." Sui Xiong muttered, lifting up a half-broken tentacle, "I remember that the lower the creature, the stronger its self-healing ability - as long as there are enough Just enough nutrition.”

However, where does the nutrition come from

According to Sui Xiong's impression, plankton needs to be eaten.

But Sui Xiong has found it now, but has never been able to find the legendary plankton.

What to do without plankton? Do we have to wait to starve to death? Perhaps before starving to death, this unlucky jellyfish's physical body had already been seriously injured and died.

If this body dies, will his soul also die

Maybe... it's possible...

No, it can't be like this! A manly man, even if he has to be on the street, he can't be so ridiculous!

In desperation, Sui Xiong turned his attention to the dead fish around him.

The souls of these small fish have been devoured by him, but the physical bodies are still here. Theoretically, the fish meat is also a nutrient, which can completely supplement the needs of the jellyfish's physical body.

The question is, how to eat it

Question: How do jellyfish eat? Waiting online, a bit urgent.

But there is no internet…

Sui Xiong pondered for a while and tried to poke a tentacle at the nearest dead fish.

The tentacles of jellyfish are its attack weapons. In theory, attack weapons are often related to eating tools, such as teeth and mouths.

But he soon discovered that the jellyfish's tentacles were powerless against the fish. Faced with the tough fish scales, no matter how Sui Xiong commanded, the tentacles could not pierce them.

"There is a pile of food in front of you, but you can't eat it. This is too tragic!" Sui Xiong muttered, still unwilling to give up, directing his tentacles to poke around the dead fish, trying to find a There is no protection anywhere.

Hard work paid off, and he finally found it.

Fish mouth.

The whole body of the fish is covered with scales, but there are no scales in the body. As long as the tentacles are inserted through the fish's mouth, they can be pierced from the inside of its body.

However, what to do next

Sui Xiong fell into thinking again.

Secrete digestive juices

I tried hard several times, but I don't know whether it is because the jellyfish lacks this ability or because it has a limited IQ. In short, it failed to secrete any digestive juice.

Eat it directly

After trying several times, I don’t know whether it’s because the jellyfish tentacles don’t have teeth or because his IQ is limited, so he couldn’t eat anything.

Faced with the situation of being unable to do anything, Sui Xiong became angry.

"I don't believe in evil today! I killed everyone, but I can't eat it? Can the meat on the chopping board fly away?"

He thought hard for a while, and finally dug out some life experience from the depths of his memory.

A cup of milk tea is placed on the table and the lid cannot be opened. How should I drink it? Just insert a straw.

Since the tentacles of jellyfish can release venom, they must be hollow and can be used as straws.

It's just that... the thought of sucking the contents of the fish's belly through a straw made him feel a little nauseous.

This method is so unethical.

There is no need to go into details about what happened next. In short, the circle of dead fish around them eventually turned into unrecyclable garbage wrapped in skinny bones and a pile of internal organs. Sui Xiong finally chose a compromise method and stabbed his tentacles into the fish as much as possible. , just eat raw fish.

Perhaps the internal organs are also very nutritious, but the thought of possibly inhaling some of the contents of the digestive tract makes him feel nauseous.

It's strange to say that these fish meat should be strong, but why does it dissolve and be absorbed like ** when you suck it hard? Do jellyfish have this ability? Could it be that all jellyfish in this world are so powerful

Looking around at the results of the battle, Sui Xiong pondered for a while and attributed this strange phenomenon to the difference in the world.

Once the nutrients are absorbed, it’s time to make full use of them.

However, how to use it

Sui Xiong pondered.

First of all, you need to strengthen your movement speed. The swimming speed of jellyfish is too slow!

But how should we enhance the movement speed

Add fins? But even having fins doesn't seem to solve the problem.

Add some tentacles? Or make the tentacles flatter, like rowing oars

Doesn't seem like a good idea...

Sui Xiong pondered, pondered, and pondered again, and finally came up with a solution.

He decided to equip the jellyfish with two propellers.

Propellers are very common things on earth, and their principles are not complicated. To put it bluntly, they are just a set of inclined rotating blades. Through the rotation of the blades, the fluid is allowed to flow rapidly in a certain direction, thereby obtaining thrust in the opposite direction. The most common application of this kind of thing in life is probably an electric fan.

Whether it's air or water, they're both fluids - at least that's what Sui Xiong thinks.

"I need a strong central axis, three strong blades, and a very strong bearing." Sui Xiong muttered, directing the massive nutrients stored in the jellyfish's body to continuously transform them into muscle structures one by one, and then Overlapping over and over again, I finally got what I wanted.

It took him most of the night to discover this method, but once he found the right method, it only took a while to make two propellers.

The body of a living thing is really magical. As long as he has a clearer concept, the manufacturing process is extremely easy and enjoyable. All he has to do is two things.

Design, and wait.

It is not difficult to make the propeller rotate. It can be done with a simple gear transmission.

Perhaps it is a very painful thing for living creatures to turn their flesh and blood into gears that constantly rotate and collide, but Sui Xiong is not a jellyfish. No matter how damaged the jellyfish's body is, it will not let him There is a slight feeling of pain.

So the problem was solved. He got a good power system and could speed through the sea water at a speed that would have shamed the previous jellyfish to death.

Now that the movement speed has increased, what should we consider next

Attack power? Defense

Sui Xiong thought for a moment and then set his target on defense.

He already has powerful means of attack. So far, no fish has been found that can withstand his terrifying attack of extracting souls, so naturally the only thing that needs to be strengthened is defense.

His priority is naturally scales.

Just like on Earth, soldiers who charge into battle like to protect their bodies with armor made of metal, Sui Xiong also tends to use strong armor - scales - to wrap the body where he temporarily inhabits.

It was a good idea, but when he designed the armor, he discovered a problem.

The scales formed by repeated overlapping of jellyfish muscle fibers are not strong enough.

It's not that they lack hardness. Those scales and the bones of the propeller are essentially the same thing. What they lack is "elasticity."

Sui Xiong had read some military works before traveling through time. He knew that armor in the cold weapon era not only needed to be hard, but also needed to be flexible. Relying on a head-on approach to resist an attack will only cause the power of the attack to be directly absorbed by the body. At best, it will be nothing more than a piercing that turns into an impact.

Therefore, the elasticity of armor is very important.

But no, he couldn't make elastic scales.

After confirming this, he had no choice but to take the next step and try to create a tough cortex.

This is much easier. Just overlap the muscle fibers in a few more layers to form the shell bone fragments, and then put a few layers of mesh cushioning under the bone fragments, and you're done.

Finally, he adjusted the shape of the jellyfish's body.

When the sun's disk, which was larger than the sun on earth, began to fall to the west, Sui Xiong completed the transformation of the body he temporarily lived in.

Streamlined body, gray tough and thick skin, a set of propellers protected by bone fragments on each side of the body to provide strong power, and finally those slender tentacles at the end of the body - he originally wanted to strengthen the tentacles, but There is insufficient nutrition, so we can only talk about it later.

No matter how you look at it, it looks like a monster.