Cthulhu Gonfalon

Chapter 40


Pick up leaks

Looking at the non-negotiable attitude of boss A Xue and looking at the large box of equipment, Palin hesitated for a while, but finally couldn't resist picking up the missing items and handed over ten gold coins.

Then, under the watchful eye of boss A Xue, he picked out the box of equipment.

As a mage who has also worked in a caravan, Palin has quite a lot of experience in appraising equipment. He searched left and right and soon found something valuable.

It was a piece of leather armor that had been mostly torn apart, with only about a third of the back part left intact. After careful inspection, he felt that the leather armor seemed to be made of some kind of fire-resistant Warcraft leather. Although there was only a small piece left, after being cut appropriately, it could still be made into something like a fire-resistant chest protector. In worse cases, you can also make a pair of fire-resistant gloves.

A pair of gloves that could defend against fire, even if it wasn't even considered an enchanted piece of equipment, was still worth at least hundreds of gold coins. And all he has to pay is some labor.

This discovery cheered him up, so he was not in a hurry to end it. He just picked out this piece of broken leather armor and continued to search for it.

However, his luck seemed to have run out, and it took a while before he found a second valuable item.

Finally, Palin couldn't help but whispered in his heart: "Your Majesty, what do you think... is the most valuable thing in this box?"

Sui Xiong, who was already confident, smiled: "It depends on what you want."

"Your Majesty... what do you mean by this?"

"There are many valuable things in this box, but the most valuable may not be what you really need." Sui Xiong said, "First think about what you want most, and then ask me."

Palin was stunned for a moment and said subconsciously: "What I want to get is, of course, powerful equipment."

"What is the concept of powerful equipment?" Sui Xiong asked.

Palin was lost in thought.

As Sui Xiong said, how should we define "powerful equipment"? You can't just rely on price.

For example, for game fans, a top-notch keyboard and mouse set is definitely a powerful piece of equipment. And if it is a DIY set by a computer expert, it will have an extra row of custom hotkeys on the keyboard, which can combine many difficult skills into one. The key is completed, and of course it is a more powerful equipment.

When Sui Xiong was in college, he met a junior fellow student who was very skilled in computer science but poor in gaming skills. After he beat children for more than 20 consecutive games with his cruel style, the junior fellow student became angry and spent more than a month. Over the past month, I have made a set of powerful equipment. The keyboard has almost twenty more keys than an ordinary keyboard, and each key corresponds to a set of very practical skills. With this magical weapon, his younger brother, whose game level was far inferior to his, beat him forty or fifty games in one breath, and swept all the invincible players in the school. He was considered a peerless powerhouse in the amateur and non-competitive world.

If even amateur sports were not allowed to use this kind of foul equipment, maybe that junior brother could really compete in the professional circle with this e-sports artifact.

Of course, there is definitely no equipment in this box that is so powerful in actual combat. But there are really second-rate things here...

Palin thought for a long time and finally figured out what he wanted.

"Your Majesty, is there a magic book left by a powerful mage in this box?" he asked.

"Of course there is. If you scroll down, there is about half a magic book inside a torn thick cloth. The level of spells in the book is not low, but it may be too difficult for you at the moment. Maybe Satan’s words are quite appropriate.”

"But I want to remind you that the spells recorded in this magic book are... very unusual. They may bring you trouble, but that's not necessarily the case."

Palin thought for a while, and finally made up his mind. Following Sui Xiong's instructions, he quickly found only half of the magic book left.

For a spellcaster, the magic book of a senior master is the crystallization of experience and wisdom, a symbol of inheritance, and an irresistible temptation. Even if there would be trouble, he could not refuse the offer of this treasure.

The pages made of Warcraft skin are old, but the words written with special ink on the pages are still clear. These words are the ancient Elvish language commonly used by many mages. They are complicated and wordy, but they can express their meanings clearly and accurately, with very few ambiguities. They are considered one of the required languages for mages.

To become a mage, one needs to know multiple languages. In addition to the common language of the mainland, there are ancient elven languages with accurate records, dragon languages that contain magic, dwarf runic languages that can be directly used as spells, special languages needed to communicate with celestial creatures and hell creatures, and secrets often used within mages. Language... Just to list these commonly used languages, there are probably more than ten.

Even though Palin is just a new mage, the compulsory ancient Elvish language is not a problem for him. He can read the contents of this magic book at a glance - by the way, he was born in a powerful southern magic country and is still in the famous magic tower. The educated Satan inside knows a total of thirty-one different languages, and is simply a walking universal translator.

Palin only glanced at it, and his eyes were locked on the magic book like welding, and he couldn't move an inch away.

"This... turns out to be... a dragon-slaying spell?!"

Dragon-slaying magic? !

Upon hearing this, Boss A Xue was stunned for a moment, frowned and looked at the child who was soliciting customers. The child was also stunned. He thought carefully and recalled it, but he still looked confused.

Of course, Palin, whose eyes were completely attracted by the contents of the magic book, could not see this. He looked at the magic book intently and couldn't help but said to himself: "Does the dragon-slaying spell... really exist?"

"It depends on how you define it." The kid in charge of soliciting customers has regained his composure, came over, and said with a smile, "If your request is to have a sleeping dragon lie in front of you and let it go without any defense. You recite a spell for a long time and then hit it with a spell to kill it, then such a spell probably exists."

As he spoke, he naturally walked behind Palin and looked at the records in this magic book with him.

Palin was amused by him. He rubbed the pages of the incomplete magic book with his fingers and stared at the complicated spell model. After a while, he roughly understood its principle.

"Judging from the principle of this spell, it seems that the requirements are not that strict. As long as it can hit, it can cause huge damage to the dragon." He said.

"But the so-called 'huge damage' is actually very limited for a giant dragon." The child frowned slightly, but said with a smile, "The vitality of a giant dragon is not comparable to that of ordinary creatures."

As he spoke, a gray shadow appeared behind him, and with the sound of whistling wind, it hit Palin on the head.

The speed of this shadow is astonishing. If it hits him with one blow, Palin's head will definitely be smashed and his brains will burst. Red and white will be scattered all over the floor, and he will die. But before it hit the target, Palin's bracelet shook slightly, and a transparent jellyfish silhouette appeared in the air. He waved his tentacles, and a sharp blade made of ice-cold air appeared out of thin air, rushing to protect Palin in a circle. The cold light on Lin's head stopped the shadow.


The violent impact was accompanied by a dull sound, the blade collapsed, and the shadow was pushed back. A look of surprise appeared on the child's face, and he hurriedly retreated. In just one or two steps, his hands had turned into terrifying claws, and a thick long tail was trailing behind him.

It was this long tail that attacked Palin just now.

The familiar smiling face before was completely invisible now. The strange-looking child revealed not only a vicious murderous intention, but also a frightening coercion.

It was the strong versus the weak, no, it was the coercion that a predator at the top of the food chain would naturally exude when facing its prey.

If Palin is alone, even if he is lucky enough to escape his sneak attack, he will be terrified in the face of such pressure, and the only option left is to run away or beg for mercy. But now it's not just Palin who's on edge, but his enemies too.

"What on earth did you... come from!" The child, who transformed into a terrifying look, shouted in shock and anger.

Sui Xiong did not answer his question, but instead talked about another matter without answering the question: "To be honest, the 'Dragon Slaying Spell' in that magic book is not very powerful. If the dragon body hits it, it will probably only He was slightly injured. But if the dragon foolishly turned into a human form, then it wouldn’t be surprising if the whole family died with just one spell."

"Also, you dare to sneak attack on my believers, are you ready to accept the punishment?"

Before he finished speaking, the transparent jellyfish's body suddenly burst out and turned into countless light spots, which merged with the ice magic that filled the air. It suddenly grew several times larger, and a thick tentacle made of ice flew out howling. He hit the child who turned into a weird look hard.

A cold light flashed in the child's eyes, and his claws faced the tentacles without giving in. He has always been very confident in his own strength. Even those monsters known for their strength can never hope to gain the upper hand on him in terms of strength.

There was a roar, the tentacles and claws hit hard, the huge jellyfish floating in the air shook, and the child was knocked out, his feet left two obvious marks on the solid floor, and he exited in one breath Four or five steps.

"How is that possible!" His eyes widened in surprise, unable to believe that he was actually lacking in strength.

"You'll know it might be impossible when you're beaten down!" This time, Sui Xiong waved out four tentacles.

In the brief confrontation just now, he had already estimated the strength of that weird child. At best, the opponent can only block the attack of his two tentacles. Now the attack is doubled, and he can definitely knock him down with one blow!

But these four tentacles failed to hit their target, and were instead blocked by circles of white cold light.

Previously, the smiling boss Ashue suddenly flew into a rage when he witnessed the child suddenly launching a sneak attack. While staring fiercely at the self-proclaimed brat, he used his magic power to build a strong barrier around Palin.

She gritted her teeth and started to roll up her sleeves with both hands, as if she were an enraged parent about to slap a child in trouble with a feather duster.

However, before she could take action, Sui Xiong had already started fighting with the child, and the battle was completely one-sided.

This made her a little confused, and she didn't know what to say or do for a while. But when she confirmed Sui Xiong's identity, she suddenly looked shocked and angry.

Seeing that the child was about to be seriously injured at the hands of Sui Xiong, she hurried to rescue him. First, he glared at the child fiercely, and then focused all his energy on the confrontation with Sui Xiong. With a soft groan, a cold pressure rose up on his body.

"A young god? You are playing with frost in front of me, you are looking for the wrong target!"