Cthulhu Gonfalon

Chapter 48


Surprisingly, Sui Xiong got along very well with the barbaric races in the Graystone Mountains, which can be described as "the guest and the host enjoy themselves".

Those wild races are not that evil in nature. The grievances between them and humans are mainly due to the competition for living space. If it were a human god and human adventurers who came, of course they would be furious and fight to the death, but what came was a jellyfish god and his mount - when Lei learned about this view later, he expressed his solemn protest, but The protest was ineffective, Sui Xiong still chose to live on his head - and the god was still friendly to them, so why didn't they show kindness

Of course, Sui Xiong would not tell Lei that the main reason why he was friendly to these barbaric races was that he sensed the aura of divine power on the other side's priest.

It was a breath similar to that of the god who had helped him in the past. According to the information about the God of Redemption, this showed that the priest believed in and worshiped the god's subordinate, the god of fertility.

Thanks to the information provided by the God of Redemption, Sui Xiong already has a considerable understanding of the gods in this world. For example, he already knew that the god who helped him when he had a conflict with the Sleepless God in Baiye Village was named Morani. He was the main god of the wild god system and was honored as the "Iron Lion". He is a kind-hearted god who likes to travel around the world and fight injustices everywhere. And there are several subordinate gods under his command. Among them is a fertility god named Zhuo Geng, who is called the "Rambler of Fertility". He can turn all barren lands into fertile farmland. He is one of the gods of many gods. Everyone has always wanted to poach someone.

According to the information about the God of Redemption, the God of Fertility does not have a church, but only shares its faith under the God of Savagery. But looking at the situation of this priest, it seems that the so-called "no church" is just that there is no church in the world of humans or humanoid creatures. In the world of wild races, there is still a market for this god of fertility.

Ever since that time in Baiye Village, Sui Xiong had not seen the God of Wilderness again. But in his mind, he had long regarded this god who had drawn his sword to help him when they met by chance as a friend. Of course, his friend's subordinates were also friends. This is the reason why he shows kindness to those ferocious goblins who have a fierce aura and whose camp is probably neutral and slightly evil.

Sui Xiong understood that in order to protect their own living space, the barbaric race would inevitably have a war with the humanoid race. This kind of war is fought for the survival of the race. It may be evil, but it should never be condemned for it.

No matter what, it is not a wrong thing to protect your family and resist invasion.

He is not a holy white lotus flower, nor is he an inhumane iron-faced man, nor is he one of those perverted virgins who will send the right cheek away even after being slapped on the left cheek. He fully understands and supports such behavior. If he one day establishes the kingdom of God, he will never exclude believers who behave like this just because of differences between the good and evil camps.

Soldiers shed blood while alive, how can we let them shed tears after death!

This also made him have some doubts about the effect of the "Eye of Camp Identification" spell. Perhaps the spell itself also presets a position... Considering that this spell comes from the information of the God of Redemption, and believers of the God of Redemption only Including humans and some humanoid creatures, excluding savage races, it is not very strange that there will be such a result.

He is a hero and I am an enemy. Even gods are not exempt from this idea!

He told Lei these thoughts while bidding farewell to the ferocious goblin tribe and sleeping in the wild.

"Your idea is really strange. Of course gods have their own race, and every race has its own position. It would be unreasonable for a god not to think about issues from the standpoint of his own race." Lei commented, and then Said, "Of course, this is not true for you. After all, jellyfish are non-intelligent creatures, so you don't have the issue of 'own position' at all. Maybe for you, those wild races are more interesting and worthy of getting close to than us humans." .”

Sui Xiong was silent. In fact, he was not a jellyfish, but a human being—but not a human being in this world.

As a time traveler, his innate position is actually not much different from that of a jellyfish. To him, there is indeed no big difference between various intelligent creatures—as long as their appearance does not conflict too much with his aesthetic sense.

"The world is so big, and the living space occupied by these barbaric races is actually not much. Why do some people still want to rob it?" He couldn't help but muttered to himself, and then he understood the ridiculousness of this idea - the human heart. , there is no such thing as "contentment"! Not to mention in this different world where there are as many races as stars, even if everyone is of the same race on Earth, with the same yellow-skinned and black-haired people, it is often the case that today's friends will turn into enemies in the blink of an eye.

Even God can't do anything about this kind of thing...

Because of his bad mood, Sui Xiong remained silent during the next few days of the journey. He put his energy into research, using research to pass the time and change his mood.

Soon after, when Ray finally arrived at the edge of the Greystone Mountains, his research bore fruit.

"Your Majesty... what is this?" Palin was a little confused when he saw Sui Xiong's projection suddenly appeared and handed him a strange thing.

This is a small, oblate, thick pancake with colorful spirals on the surface, going round and round from the center to the edge. Underneath it is an ordinary wooden stick that acts as a support. If you smell it carefully, you can smell the tempting sweet aroma coming from it, like candy.

If there was an Earthling here, he would be so surprised that his eyes would widen - isn't this just a lollipop

"Specially designed for you, it can effectively prevent you from experiencing symptoms of insufficient vitality." Sui Xiong said with a smile, "Try it and see if it suits your taste."

Is it really candy? !

Palin tried to put this strange candy into his mouth. A warm and sweet taste melted on the tip of his tongue, and soon turned into a warmth that spread throughout his body. Not only did it wipe away the fatigue he felt from fighting with the account books these days, it also made him feel indescribable satisfaction and happiness from the bottom of his heart, just like when he was a child and had done good deeds and was praised by his parents, he couldn't help but smile.

The young mage held the special candy in his mouth and was silent for a while before he came back to his senses.

"This candy... is weird," he said. "But it tastes really good and it works really well."

"That's enough." Sui Xiong laughed loudly and took out a large handful of colorful lollipops. After thinking about it, he cast a spell and wrapped a layer of the same candy on each lollipop. Colorful waterproof paper, with a beautiful bow tied with a short red ribbon at the lower end of the waterproof paper, was then stuffed into Palin's hands.

"Don't worry, eat slowly, I still have plenty here!"

After saying that, he laughed and the projection disappeared with a bang.

The research was a success! His products get rave reviews from customers! I really want to give myself thirty-two likes!

Because of the success of the "lollipop" research, Sui Xiong was in a good mood and started laughing with Lei Ye again.

However, Lei did not adapt to this. He was actually very satisfied with the silence of His Majesty Void Mask during this period. Quiet, calm, and peaceful, the whole world is so peaceful. Now this abominable jellyfish started chattering nonsense again, making him feel deeply that "good times are always short", but there was nothing he could do about it.

Regardless of whether Sui Xiong was satisfied or not, this was the first time since time travel that he had met someone who didn't look up to him, could communicate on a relatively equal footing, and was very leisurely.

Gerald and Palin have completely become fanatics. Even if he says that the sun is square, they will only think that mortals are really short-sighted and cannot even see the true face of the sun that they can see every day - with Such people can talk about specific matters, but cannot discuss topics such as world outlook, outlook on life, and values.

Satan and Rhodes are not so fanatical, but they are very wise and cautious, and they definitely follow the crowd in terms of these core ideas. There is no way to expect to get more specific and valuable information from them.

Among the three dragons, Shuang's thoughts are clear at a glance. They are nothing more than "lower creatures are all scum, and I, the great dragon clan, are the only masters of this vast world." His thoughts have no reference value to the current Sui Xiong; Sui Xiong's thoughts - I'm so annoyed. Please don't talk to me. I want to sleep... Well, every time Sui Xiong tried to talk to her about something, she would reply like this.

Snowflake is a person (dragon) with complex and in-depth thinking, independent personality and profound thoughts. However, she is very busy. Since taking over the position of "consultant", she has been working hard to analyze the actions of the gods of various pantheons over the years. , to explore and grasp the thoughts and plans of each god, so as to prepare for Sui Xiong's future diplomacy before becoming a god. If you dare to disturb her with those unrealistic topics, she will probably have a cold look in her eyes and say coldly, "If you make trouble again, I will kill you even if you are a god."

As for the armored creature Phil, Sui Xiong once tried to talk to him who was busy in the flower field of the temple that had been converted into a dragon lair. His reaction was to think for a while and then said: "I have seen - no, I just heard about it." -There was a man of noble birth, outstanding talent, and noble character, who could be called the pride of heaven. Because he thought about these problems all day long, he finally went crazy and turned into a big devil who wanted to destroy the world. He died in a It was in the hands of people who never thought about such problems. And the person who killed him also fell into depression and confusion for a long time because he started thinking about such problems. It can be seen that thinking about such problems is harmful rather than helpful."

He said this and then ignored Sui Xiong.

As for the gods, Sui Xiong does have the ability to contact them now, but he absolutely does not want to discuss these topics with the gods.

After all, these topics are quite sensitive, and I don’t know which ones will offend the gods. It's better not to have deep conversations until you are familiar enough with each other and you are strong enough.

It seemed that the only suitable communicator was Lei.

"I said... do you think that if a hundred people go out to sea in a boat, and the boat breaks down and sinks, the lifeboat can get 60 people on it, and the other 40 people fight desperately to rush to the lifeboat, but if they get on, they can save lives. The ship is about to sink. A kind and skilled ranger is guarding the lifeboat. Should he let everyone sink together? Or should he force the remaining forty people to die? "

"…I hate these damn questions!"

"But don't you think they are very meaningful? Don't you think that through these questions, we can think deeply about topics such as kindness and humanity?"

"I am not interested!"

"Perhaps my question is unrealistic, so let me think of another question: There is such a paladin who is caught in the dilemma of having to eat human flesh to protect others..."

"Get out! You evil god!"