Cthulhu Gonfalon

Chapter 5


Sui Xiong discovered that there is a power that can be called "magic" in this world.

The ice-cold power that the giant whale can use is innate, but the reason why this power is so powerful that it can freeze a huge sea area in an instant is not purely due to nature, but more from acquired practice.

Its method of cultivation is to absorb the rich magic power in a certain trench in the deep sea.

Sui Xiong really wanted to go to the land as soon as possible, find people there as soon as possible, and find out what the world was like. But he understands better that no matter when and where, self-preservation is the most important thing. If you can't control your curiosity, even a strange cat with nine lives will bury him sooner or later.

This world is not safe. Even a big whale in the sea can use conspiracy and tricks, let alone the human world.

Moreover, there is still magic in this world. I don’t know how many strange people there will be, and I don’t know how many weird methods there will be.

Therefore, he needs to further strengthen himself and strengthen his strength to ensure that he can survive in this world. Even if you don't become invincible in the world, you must at least ensure that you can escape even if you can't beat him.

After patiently waiting for the ice to melt, he turned the huge whale into nutrients and absorbed them, repairing and perfecting his temporary body.

This time, he made the body larger and more flexible, added many tentacles and several sets of propellers, and made the inside of the body hollow, leaving many water outlets.

The hollow body and these water outlets allow the pressure inside and outside the body to balance, preventing it from being crushed by the water pressure of the deep sea. And when needed, these water outlets can also be turned into water spray holes, which can emergency change directions and adjust the body's posture by spraying water.

In the heat of battle, this is necessary.

Sui Xiong remembered that before the time travel, in a certain world-famous large-scale Japanese animation series, those powerful robots that turned the world upside down seemed to be equipped with several "posture control nozzles". To put it bluntly, it seemed like this.

It is said that the animation in that series has a very high technical content, and it is even possible to actually build a robot according to the design (whether it is powerful or not is another matter), so these blowholes should be really useful, right

It’s not troublesome anyway, so it doesn’t hurt to be prepared but not in use.

Another use of the hollow body is that it can be used to store things.

The narwhal left behind a lot of trophies, including a sharp horn that contained powerful cold power, a cold gem in the brain part of the body, surprisingly strong bones, and a skin that remained tough even after death. .

Sui Xiong made full use of these resources to rebuild his physical body, but even so, he did not use them completely. The remaining parts were tied up and stored in his body.

Putting someone else's backpack on his back and hiding his backpack in his stomach can be regarded as innovative.

After he was ready, he plunged into the deep sea and swam towards the trench in the memory of the giant whale.

The deep sea is dark and deep, with almost no light. It is not safe to travel on this seabed. In the impression of the giant whale, it had encountered danger on the seabed more than once, so although it knew that the trench was a geomantic treasure that could greatly enhance its strength, it had not been there many times.

After all, although whales are called "fish", they are not actually fish. They still have to surface to breathe. This giant whale is very different from the whales on the earth in terms of combat power and intelligence, but they are quite similar in this regard.

After taking in enough air, it can dive for a long time in one breath, but it is still very dangerous if it encounters a fight on the bottom of the sea and gets entangled.

Sui Xiong didn't have such worries. The soul didn't need to breathe air, and jellyfish had no concept of breathing at all. What's more, this was a dead jellyfish. Sui Xiong himself didn't understand why his apparently dead body not only didn't rot, but also could survive. Jumping around. In short, he doesn't have to worry about lack of oxygen when diving, and he can dive for as long as he wants.

Jellyfish do not have the ability to see in the dark, but Sui Xiong, whose strength has greatly increased, can detect the surrounding situation with the help of his soul, which is more convenient than the original giant whale. Except when he needs to surface when looking for food, he spends the rest of the time swimming in the deep sea, looking for the geomantic treasure in the memory of the giant whale.

Along the way, he encountered behemoths from the deep sea several times, but no battle broke out again. The body after the re-transformation was extremely powerful, enough to make the giant beasts think twice before attacking, and Sui Xiong had no intention of competing with them for territory. He always took a detour whenever he saw them, so that they would not be angered.

After swimming like this for who knows how long, he finally arrived at the trench.

It was a strange sea area shrouded in bluish-white light, located at the bottom of a shallow, wide crack on the seabed.

The light, which was not strong, revealed an icy coldness that made even the soul feel cold. The rugged rocks on the seabed were covered with thick frost. Looking carefully, the bluish-white light actually comes from this layer of frost.

"What on earth is going on?" Sui Xiong murmured, carefully stretching out a prepared tentacle and trying to touch the glowing frost.

The tentacle immediately turned into a popsicle, and the ice spread rapidly along the tentacle toward the body. Fortunately, he had been prepared. Not only was this tentacle much longer than the other tentacles, it also had several weak points and was cut off in an instant.

A long popsicle fell slowly in the sea water and landed on the glowing frost. It did not bounce up, but turned into powder silently and scattered all over the ground.

Sui Xiong felt his scalp numb and subconsciously stayed away from this ghost place.

No wonder the giant whale knows that he can enhance his magic power here, but he doesn't dare to come here often. This place is too scary! If you are not careful, you will lose your life!

After hesitating for a long time, Sui Xiong finally approached the blue-white ice trench again.

It is indeed dangerous here, but as long as you are careful and keep a sufficient distance, the danger is actually controllable. Just like the world before he traveled, everyone knew that electricity was dangerous, but no one used it.

"Okay, this distance is about the same." After getting a little closer, Sui Xiong was unwilling to move forward. Using several sets of propellers to rotate in various directions to keep his body firmly in the water, he began to try to absorb the cold breath.

This is not easy, after all, he is not the giant whale who is born with the ability to control the power of ice. But as the saying goes, hard work pays off. After an unknown amount of time, he was finally able to successfully absorb this cold breath and store it in his body.

This process is a bit slow, but fortunately he is becoming more and more proficient and absorbing the cold air faster and faster. He didn't know how long it took, but he suddenly discovered that the jellyfish's body had condensed gems similar to those in the giant whale's head.

"Is this... the legendary 'Demon Core'? Or the 'Demon Crystal' or something like that? So, my jellyfish has evolved into a magical beast?" Sui Xiong found it a bit funny. A mere body that had died long ago, not only Able to jump around and evolve into monsters... This world is really weird!

After condensing the gem that could be called the magic core, the speed of absorbing cold air was significantly accelerated. As a large amount of cold air was absorbed and stored in the gem, Sui Xiong began to think about how to use the cold air.

The giant whale has three ways to use cold air. The first is to turn the cold air into a line and pass it along the sea water, which can freeze the enemy. It used this method when it plotted against Sui Xiong before.

The second method is to spread the cold air around the body to form a layer of frost armor. When it fought Sui Xiong, it didn't have time to use this move - of course, even if it did, it wouldn't be of much help.

The last method is to release a large amount of cold air stored in the gem at once, completely freezing a large area of the surrounding sea area. This kind of freezing is controllable. Once the giant whale escapes from danger, it can absorb the cold air and easily thaw its surroundings. It is very convenient whether it is escaping or fighting back.

However, the cost of this move is also very high. Once used, the power of ice will be completely lost in a short period of time, so the giant whale has always used it as a life-saving trick.

In Sui Xiong's view, these three methods are indeed good, but they are still too monotonous.

He drew on the experience of his "previous life" and developed two other tricks through repeated exploration.

The first move is to use ice to make sharp blades. These sharp blades can be used as swords, guns, swords and halberds, or they can also be turned into minions. The changes can be used with one heart. They are very useful weapons.

The second move is to restrain the power of ice and bombard it directly without turning into ice. Once it hits the enemy, the enemy's body will start to freeze from the inside out. Although it consumes a lot of money, the power is far greater than that of the giant whale. The ice line is even more powerful and is a one-hit kill.

In line with the principle that "even a dog should have a name", Sui Xiong named each of these five tricks - or magic - respectively.

Freeze Ray, Frost Armor, Big Freeze, Ice Blade, Ice Bombardment.

To be honest, these names are not cool at all. Even Sui Xiong himself, who came up with these names, thinks they are silly.

Just be silly if the name is silly, as long as the tricks are easy to use.

All these moves consume the power of ice. With the formation of the magic core, Sui Xiong has been able to continuously accumulate the power of ice. However, relying on his daily accumulation, he cannot accumulate much ice power. Compared with the speed of absorption and accumulation in the Ice Trench, it is completely different.

After experiments, he also determined an interesting thing: in this world, the further down, the higher the concentration of magic power, or the faster he absorbs and accumulates the power of ice; and the further up, the concentration of magic power becomes higher. Naturally, the lower it is. But once out of the water, the situation is reversed. The higher you go up, the higher the concentration of magic power is, and the higher you go down, the lower it becomes.

Generally speaking, the concentration of magic power at the water level in this world is the lowest. No wonder the fish and shrimps in the shallow water are so weak.

What a wonderful world!

I don't know how long it took, but Sui Xiong felt that the cold air he had absorbed from the Ice Trench had almost reached its limit. No matter how much it continued to be absorbed, the magic core would not be able to store more, and would only drain away like water leaking. This loss of cold air is not only useless to him, but will actually damage his physical body.

He understood that the time for training was over, and now it was time for him to go to land and find people.