Cthulhu Gonfalon

Chapter 51


"Did you hear the cry for help?" Sui Xiong suddenly said, "About two or three miles ahead, in the forest, there was a cry for help."

"Another cry for help?" Lei muttered, listened attentively, and shook his head: "Your Majesty, Mask of the Void, please don't ask me, a mortal, for your ability. I can't possibly hear the sound from that far away."

So Sui Xiong cast a spell to amplify the sound coming from that direction.

Sure enough, among the sounds of wind, water, birds, animals, and insects, there was clearly a young woman's cry for help.

The voice was urgent and frightened, clearly in danger.

"Oh, there is indeed a cry for help." Lei shrugged and continued to look for the bridge. He was in a bad mood now. He just wanted to find a bridge to cross the river as soon as possible and leave this annoying place as soon as possible. "But the direction is not in our direction. ,never mind."

"Hey! Human life is a matter of vital importance, so why don't you just let it go if you don't go your way?"

"I'm not 'Heaven', what does human life have to do with me?" Lei sneered and continued to struggle with dry food while saying vaguely, "Look here, so many people died along the way, except for you. Besides the kind jellyfish god, who else cares about them? Human life matters? Human life here is as despicable as weeds on the roadside!"

Sui Xiong was stunned for a moment, thinking of the hungry people he saw along the way, and the calm way passers-by turned a blind eye when they saw the hungry people, and he couldn't help but frown secretly.

Lei is right, human life is indeed very cheap in this place.

He pondered for a moment, and then made the decision to save people: "It's not my style of doing things without saving people! Let's go and save people!"

"But we can't cross the river." Lei reminded him, "This river is not shallow, and we can't cross it if we can't find a bridge."

Sui Xiong smiled slightly, transformed into a floating jellyfish larger than a bed, waved his tentacles and waved hello to Lei.

"Come up, let's go rescue people!"

Lei shook his head: "It's not a smooth road over there, we shouldn't waste time."

Sui Xiong waved his tentacles, and then turned into sharp spikes and pressed against his temples: "What did you say? I didn't hear clearly, how about you say it again?"

Lei sighed and reluctantly compromised: "I said wait a moment while I organize the equipment."

Sui Xiong nodded slightly at this choice of following the good and he felt deeply that the so-called "the most important thing in education is to have strength" was indeed a golden saying. Of those classes on earth that can produce more than a dozen high-scoring academics at the same time, how many of them are not produced through strong pressure

The truly correct truth is indeed universal!

Under the threat of violence, Lei's movements became fast. He sorted out his equipment a little to ensure that he could enter the battle in good condition. Then he jumped onto the floating jellyfish and pulled out his spear. He was fully prepared for the battle. Prepare.

The flying speed of the floating jellyfish is not slow, and it can reach a distance of two or three miles in a short time. When they turned around a forest, they saw messy clothes thrown on the ground by a gentle stream. Several strong men were surrounding a fair-skinned plump woman who had been pushed down, doing some kind of inappropriate behavior for children. sports.

"Well, it seems to be different from what we imagined." Lei smiled, "Maybe it's just for fun..."

"Interesting?" Sui Xiong said he didn't understand.

"Well, look at the clothes that are taken off next to them. Both men's and women's clothes have the same coat of arms in a conspicuous place. They are obviously a family, and it is not at all like 'a lonely woman meets a gangster in the wild'. Look at that woman again There is no hint of fear or discomfort in her face. She is clearly very happy. This is definitely for fun!" Lei seemed to be very professional and pointed out all the doubts to Sui Xiong one by one, "Especially look at her posture. He is definitely a veteran. I don’t know how many men I have worked with before I can be so skilled... His Majesty, Mask of the Void, you are a jellyfish after all, and you don’t know anything about the human world!”

"Is this okay?! A group of men and a woman?! Or in the wild?! Do you have to shout for help a few times beforehand?! Are you sure this is fun?!"

"Of course. In fact, this is nothing. There are a lot of messy things in the aristocratic circle! At least it is still people playing with people. I have also seen people playing with horses, people with pigs, people with monsters, etc... "

When he said this, Sui Xiong also saw the problem and couldn't help shaking his head and sighing: "The nobles in your city are really good at playing..."

Suddenly, he came back to his senses and asked: "Lei, you know so much about the aristocratic circle, are you also from a noble family?"

Lei's body stiffened for a moment, he was silent for a while, and sighed, which was regarded as acquiescence.

"Damn it! You are an aristocratic gentleman. Instead of doing the serious business of walking dogs, fighting cocks, and bullying men and women, you go to the edge of the desert to kill people, set fire to the blades of knives and lick blood... Just now you said they were a mess, but you are even more messed up than them!"

"You think I want to live a good life and be a robber in a thousand mountains and rivers? That's not the way to find excitement! I'm not-" Lei suddenly woke up and his words stopped abruptly.

"What's going on? Tell me." Sui Xiong asked with interest.

Lei shook his head and changed the subject: "It's nothing, it's just an old thing - Hey, something seems a little wrong over there..."

While he was talking, a strong man who was lying on the woman and working hard suddenly stretched out his hands and grabbed the woman's neck.

"Is this also fun?" Sui Xiong asked.

"No, this is going to kill people."

"Damn it!" Sui Xiong cursed angrily. With confusion and indignation towards these nobles with unique ideas and unique gameplay, he grabbed Lei with his tentacles and threw it towards the stream, "Hurry and save people! "

An ordinary person would be scared to death if he was thrown out of thin air like this, but Lei was not an ordinary person. As a big thief running rampant in the Western Wilderness, he was really used to big winds and waves. Especially recently, following the god Kaos of the Mask of the Void has really opened his eyes and imagination. Small things like flying in the air are no longer enough to surprise him.

Before he fell in the air, he aimed at the strong man who was squeezing the woman, and threw the spear in his hand. Just hearing the roar of the wind, followed by a scream, the strong man was pierced by a spear, his whole body flew out, and with a rain of blood, he was nailed to the river bank next to him.

Until this moment, a certain strong part of his body was still strong, and there was even a white turbidity drawing an arc. The strength of the strength was indeed admirable.

The incident happened so suddenly that before the other men could recover, Lei fell from the sky with a loud shout and struck out with a sword.

Over the years, he has been able to roam the Western Wilderness with one man, one horse, one spear, and one sword. His martial arts skills are so strong that even the giant bear, which is almost a monster of war, can be killed in front of him with just one sword. What's more, these beasts can't stand up to the sky. The foursome at that time were equally matched guys.

I saw the sword light flashing, and the sounds of screams and screams could not be heard without end. In other words, in two sentences, all seven or eight strong men were lying on the ground. Their injuries were minor or serious, but at least they lacked the courage to stand up.

"What are you doing!" Lei Yan, who had made a mistake in judgment and was humiliated in front of Sui Xiong, looked fiercely at the people who fell on the ground like an evil tiger, "Explain to me honestly!"

"Help... help!" In the end, it was the woman who reacted first. Regardless of the fact that she didn't even have a piece of cloth on her body, she crawled over and hugged Lei's leg. "This brave and upright knight, please help." Me! I am Steele, the heir to Viscount Gerten who rules this area, and I will definitely repay you heavily!"

"Don't believe her, she's just a bitch who only knows how to seduce men! The heir to the Gerten family is Master Romon!" A strong man who was slightly less injured and looked calmer shouted, "Except She can’t get anything out of that rotten body!”

"And that rotten flesh is worthless!" A thinner man next to him said, "She has three holes, the cleanest one has been penetrated by at least hundreds of sticks of different sizes, thicknesses, colors, and even different races. But, she’s a piece of shit!”

When Lei heard "ruling here", he had already frowned. When he found out that he was actually involved in the dispute over the inheritance of the noble title, he frowned even more. He was really distressed and didn't know what to do for a while. .

At this moment, he felt a slight movement in his heart, but someone was using telepathic magic to contact him.

"Lei, it's me." Sui Xiong's voice came, making him feel refreshed.

God is indeed a god. Although he is usually very unreliable, at critical moments, he reacts much faster than a mortal like him!

"Your Majesty, Mask of the Void, what do you think I should do?" he asked, "No wonder this place is in such a mess. It turns out there is a dispute over inheritance rights... How unlucky to be involved in such a thing! It's easy to become a scapegoat. !”

"It's not important how you do it. What's important is - did you hear it just now? 'Different races'! Damn it! You're really not talking nonsense. There really is chaos between different races! Your aristocratic circle is so chaotic. ! It’s got personality, it’s got personality!”

Lei lowered his head, feeling that he was so moved and admired just now that he was so innocent and pitiful...

He didn't bother to ask that unreliable jellyfish god for advice anymore, so he simply dealt with it according to his own will. He swept his eyes coldly across the crowd, shook off Steele who was hugging his legs, and swung his long sword to kill those people one by one. The men were all killed.

"Okay, these people are all dead, you can leave without worries." After doing all this, he went to pull out the spear, wiped the gun and sword clean on the clothes of the men, and at the same time, he was frightened by the bloody scene. Steele, who was trembling, said, "I have no interest in your damn Viscounty of Gerten, and I am very busy and will leave soon. We will never see each other again."

Steele watched blankly as he killed all the warriors with a reputation for bravery in Viscount Gerten like a chicken. Her body was trembling, fearing that he would kill herself with a sword. Hearing his words at this moment, he finally came back to his senses.

But she didn't leave as Lei said. Instead, she rushed over again, hugged Lei's feet, and kissed his boots with her lips.

"Mighty knight! I am willing to offer all the treasures in the treasure house passed down from generation to generation by the Gelten family. Please help me defeat Romon, the illegitimate son who has no blood in the Geltern family at all, and safeguard the glory of the family!"