Cthulhu Gonfalon

Chapter 60


When the two sides began to debate, the situation was even more one-sided.

How eloquent Romon is! It is true that bad things can be said to be good, smelly things can be said to be fragrant, black things can be said to be white, and dead things can be said to be alive. In comparison, Steele was just smart and articulate, and she was completely different from him.

From the very beginning of the debate, Steele was suppressed and beaten by Romon. Her reasons were refuted one by one, and she was criticized in an awkward manner. Occasionally, if he seizes the opportunity to retort, he will fall into the trap prepared by Luo Meng in advance, which will expose his ugly appearance even more.

Not only that, whenever Romon performed well, one or several nobles or representatives who had been bribed by him in advance would applaud him. Every time they applauded, the nobles and representatives who supported Steele became more ugly. In the end, they were all green and black, green with black - Sui Xiong suspected that if it weren't for the rules, they would have already He walked away.

This scene can only be described as miserable. The nobles and representatives shook their heads one by one. Even Steele herself knew that defeat was inevitable, and she just held on with the thought of not wanting to lose everything.

"Alas! This is like a professional player beating up a kid!" Sui Xiong couldn't help but sigh, "On the one hand, there are masters who can always pay attention to the battle situation elsewhere under high-intensity operations and accurately grasp the skill cooldown time in half-second increments. On one side is a novice who can only bury his head and rush forward with his face and roll on the keyboard. Luo Meng is really boring. He has to show off his skills even when he abuses the rookie, forcing him to go back and forth... "

"Where is the return?" Lei asked in confusion, "I didn't see Steele fight back."

Sui Xiong laughed.

The one-sided debate was over. The nobles and representatives didn't even need to discuss it. It was clear from the looks in each other's eyes that everyone had made the same choice. And those nobles who had been bribed by Romon in advance were already celebrating and were ready to congratulate Romon.

The old baron inquired a little, confirmed everyone's opinions, cleared his throat and told the result.

"The result of this inheritance battle is that Romon wins. He will inherit the title of Viscount Gerten and become the new lord of this land. And Steele will be deprived of her noble status and expelled from the Gerten territory." He Looking around the audience majestically, "Now, does anyone want to object to this result?"

Almost immediately, the voice of the girl Qingyue sounded from the audience: "I have objections!"

Upon hearing her words, the originally noisy venue fell silent.

Many nobles on the high platform looked surprised and thought slightly. The nobles who supported Romon showed expressions of shock and anger, but they did not dare to act rashly.

Anyone who dares to make trouble on such an occasion is definitely not a fool and must have someone to rely on. But no one can figure out what confidence this person has to dare to risk the disapproval of the world

The old baron who acted as the host was also stunned. He was about to get angry, but he felt a chill in his heart and vaguely guessed. So he hurriedly suppressed his anger and allowed the doubters to speak on the stage according to the rules.

Orian slowly walked onto the high platform, and at the most critical moment, she completely calmed down. There was no trace of panic on his face, he was as calm as if he were taking a leisurely stroll.

When she came to the center of the high platform and stood side by side with Romon and Steele, the old baron asked: "In what capacity do you speak? Why do you raise objections?"

"I am Orian Gelten, a member of the Gelten family, and I speak here as a member of the family." Orian replied calmly, "I question Mr. Romont's bloodline, the Viscounty of Gelten, cannot Inherited by outsiders.”

"Nonsense!" A nobleman as tall as a bear suddenly stood up and roared loudly, "We personally identified Romon's identity, and it is absolutely correct!"

He was one of the nobles that Romon bribed in advance. Seeing that something big was about to happen, he jumped out to disrupt the situation. He immediately stood up and showed off to show that he was definitely not reaping the benefits in vain.

His title is not high, but his personal strength is extremely strong. His eyes widened as he spoke, and a fierce aura burst out from his body, like a tiger descending from the mountain. Although it was still far away, it seemed to be pressing towards the center of the high platform, wanting to use his aura. Pressuring Orian and forcing her to retreat.

Forced by this momentum, Steele's legs weakened and collapsed on the ground, and her body was even wet. Romon's face also turned pale. Although he barely maintained his grace, he had to take two steps back.

But for Orian, who had fought against a giant dragon before, this momentum was nothing at all. Even though most of the momentum was directed at her, she was not affected at all. She looked at the strong nobleman calmly as if the breeze was blowing on her face: "Of course I have evidence. It is impossible to talk about this kind of thing."

"Hmph!" The strong man who looked more like a bear than a man looked around and couldn't find any help, so he had to snort and sit down again, "I'm waiting to see your evidence - if it can't convince me, even if you are Women, don’t even think about escaping punishment!”

As he spoke, he slammed his fist on the table in front of him. The huge force not only cracked the solid wood table, but also shook the entire high platform slightly, causing many people with low martial arts values to shake. The nobles all frowned.

If this humanoid bear really goes crazy on stage, everyone will be in danger!

"You said you have evidence? Then bring it out." The old baron tried to keep his tone calm, but his frown and solemn eyes still showed the displeasure in his heart.

Seeing that things were about to end perfectly, why did another disruptor appear? And the reason is to question Romon's bloodline... If she really confirmed her doubts, including him, wouldn't all the nobles who checked and recognized Romon's bloodline become a laughing stock!

Orian nodded slightly, took two steps to the side, and distanced herself from Romon, as if she was afraid that Romon would get angry and hurt someone.

Her action was too obvious, causing everyone to frown again and again. Luo Meng didn't know whether to laugh or cry - he was not crazy, and no matter what kind of doubts he faced, he would never hurt anyone!

If he takes action, his suspicions will be confirmed. Even if he passes the current hurdle, he will be in big trouble in the future. Not to mention... If he dares to sneak attack and hurt someone on this sacred platform that symbolizes nobility and tradition, even if his bloodline is fine, he will definitely be deprived of his right to inherit!

For example, the idiot next to him has collapsed on the ground and smells disgusting. Even if he is knocked down now, it will never be this idiot's turn to take over.

After all, what nobles value most is honor, or "respect." A person who loses his dignity at a critical moment is not qualified to be the successor.

Besides, he didn't believe there was any way this little girl could make him reveal his true feelings. The bloodline inheritance ceremony has been used by nobles from all over the world countless times over the years. Who has seen anyone who can break it down

After Orian stood still, light flashed on her wrist, and there was a gray-white scroll in her hand, exuding crystal blue light.

"This scroll seals a 'Magic Disintegration' spell, which can dispel the effects of any magic. Whether it comes from the spell itself, a magic prop, or a ritual, there is no exception."

Luo Meng's heart skipped a beat and he almost fell over. He never dreamed that the Gerten family had such a foundation, that a little girl from a side branch who didn't know where she came from could actually produce a scroll of legendary spells!

Could it be said that among the viscounts of the Gerten family, there was actually someone who had met a great legendary mage and had such a good friendship that he made this scroll specially for him

Maybe... this legendary mage is hiding in the dark now. Is he the one who ordered this little girl to come forward to protect the inheritance of the Gerten family

But he immediately pushed all these ridiculous thoughts out of his mind. He didn't know whether the scroll was true or false, so why did he scare himself? There are too many such things in casinos. There are many idiots who clearly have good cards but are bluffed by bad cards. You can't make such a mistake!

Legendary spell scroll? How could it happen so easily!

As a senior liar, he has perfected his facial skills. The thoughts in his mind turned several times, but his face remained completely calm, which made the nobles who were a little confused after hearing Orian's question couldn't help but feel suspicious again. The nobles who had been bribed by Romon even took the opportunity to whisper and disturb people's hearts.

"Isn't this little girl talking nonsense?"

"Yes, the legendary spell scroll... How is it possible? My family is considered a noble family. I have never seen it in my life."

"What a existence a legendary mage is! If you can meet him and exchange a few words, you can brag for a lifetime. And a legendary scroll? Even a legendary mage, not everyone can make a legendary scroll!"

Of course, it’s not like no one discussed it seriously—

"Is it possible to use 'Advanced Dispel Magic' to make up the numbers? Theoretically, it can also dispel magic effects and temporarily suppress magic items..."

"But if you want to remove the effect of the ritual, I'm afraid you have to use legendary spells. Otherwise, how could the blood inheritance ritual be-"

"Be careful what you say! Be careful what you say!"

"Yes, yes... I can't say something, I'm confused..."

Facing the scrutiny and suspicion of everyone, Orian remained calm and raised the scroll above her head: "Yes or no, I will activate the scroll later and everyone will understand."

"Now, I am going to activate this scroll."

"No!" the bear-like man yelled hurriedly, "Who knows what kind of scroll you have in your hand! If you attack the magic scroll with force, we are so close, and with one spell, at least half of us will die!"

Orian sneered: "If anyone is worried that it is an attack scroll, you can leave now."

Facing Orian, who was holding a faintly glowing scroll in his hand and could be provoked at any time, even the big man as strong as a bear couldn't help but show caution and did not dare to act rashly.

He knew that his wisdom was limited and he couldn't think of any good solution, so he turned his head and hurriedly winked at the "respectable" old nobleman next to him.

The old nobleman was worthy of his maturity, and he had an idea in a blink of an eye. He said in a deep voice: "I don't think it's right. We all have magic props that are used to save our lives. If your magic power breaks down, all the magic props on us will be ineffective... This is a huge loss!"

"Then you can first hand over the magic props to trustworthy people and send them far away." Orian still maintained the posture of holding the scroll in her hand, her expression unchanged.

"This is not possible!" A representative with a triangular face shouted, "Without the magic items to protect yourself, what if there are assassins? - Maybe you are actually with the assassins!"

This person was also bribed by Luo Meng in advance in order to frame him when necessary. It was originally just a well-prepared and idle move, but now it really worked.

Now that he had started, the nobles and representatives who had decided to support Romon's succession also followed suit. Each one expressed that they had a noble status and were in danger of being assassinated at any time. Orian asked them to remove their protective masks. The magic props simply have ulterior motives and want to collude with assassins to assassinate them!

For a moment, the situation on the high platform became a little chaotic, and Luo Meng secretly smiled.

That’s it, the messier the better! As long as the water is muddied, there is a chance to stop the little girl before she activates the scroll. Regardless of whether the scroll is the legendary magic "Destruction of Magic" or not, if it cannot be activated, everything will be in vain.

But he was too happy too early. At this moment, Lei, who had been silent, stood up, took a deep breath, and roared -
