Cthulhu Gonfalon

Chapter 61


Thunder's roar was like a bolt from the blue.

The nobles and representatives on the stage were so frightened that they trembled violently. At least five or six of them subconsciously activated their protective magic tools and were enveloped in colorful rays of light. More than one person was panicking and was at a loss. Somehow, he and his chair fell down, making them miserable.

The people in the audience were not much better. The bold ones could still stand firm, but the timid ones were so frightened that they sat on the ground. At least a third of them even fell down directly, shaking. He didn't dare to stand up, as if he was bowing to the ground to salute.

For a time, I don't know how many pairs of eyes were cast on the strong man who was famous for his strength, but this strong man was completely without his usual toughness. Instead, he was trembling all over, with cold sweat flowing down his forehead and cheeks. His legs were trembling as if they were swinging, and he was stammering, unable to even speak a word.

However, he was still able to say one syllable.


His voice was not loud, but in this deathly silence, it was at least enough for everyone on the high platform to hear.

As a result, everyone became more and more nervous and frightened, and their teeth chattered together.

Ever since Steele arranged to sit on the high platform, Lei has been very quiet, as if he doesn't care about anything and is just going through the motions. Even though Steele was extremely embarrassed during the debate and asked him for help with her eyes, he ignored her at all.

This made the representative arranged by Romon sitting next to him feel relieved, thinking that this strong man had given up after seeing that Steele couldn't hold up the wall with mud.

But now, everyone understands.

In front of a peerless powerful man who can exude power like a dragon, all rules, principles, and advantages... are all just decoration and meaningless.

His will is the key factor that determines everything.

They looked at the black-armored knight with trepidation, as if they were a poor man who had collided with a noble lord and was taken to court to await judgment.

"Your Majesty, you have gone too far." Lei said helplessly to Sui Xiong, "They were so scared that they almost peed..."

"That's because their spirits are too fragile. Look at Orian, except for her face being slightly pale, there's nothing wrong with her at all."

"... She knows you won't hurt her, but others don't! Look at that big guy, he's almost scared out of his mind!"

Sui Xiong carefully observed the strong man who was so frightened that his eyes were dull, and he couldn't help but be curious - this guy is also quite powerful, why was he so scared

Taking advantage of the strong man's mental confusion and loss of defense, he peered into the strong man's heart and saw that the scene was in chaos. The red flames beating everywhere tore through the gloomy night. Countless people were running away, shouting, and wailing. In the sky , a huge gray-red figure is swimming, exuding a suffocating terrifying power. Its mouth and nose continuously spit out sparks, and from time to time it spits out a ball of blazing flames, turning trees, houses, and even people and animals into blazing torches.

That is, a raging evil dragon.

It can be seen that this scene left a huge shadow in his heart, so that until now, when he felt the power of the dragon, he was immediately on the verge of collapse.

This is a man who has been defeated. No wonder he is so strong, but he can be bribed easily by Luo Meng.

If it were Lei, even if his true strength wasn't much stronger than him, but he was just a liar trying to bribe him with tricks like the White Wolf with empty gloves? He will definitely be cut into two pieces with one strike of his sword!

Of course, the "Dragon Power" that Lei used just now was not his own. It was transmitted by Sui Xiong through his body. The sample taken came from Shuang, the one with the biggest temper and the one who likes to get angry most among the three dragons in the grocery store.

In terms of strength, Snowflake, who is already a legendary powerhouse, is of course far stronger than Shuang. But when it comes to the strength of dragon power, when Shuang shows off his power, even Xuehua's momentum is not as scary as his.

Perhaps this is because Xuehua has a relatively calm personality and it is difficult to get really angry, while Shuang is a firecracker, so he can just get angry...

After using the real dragon to calm down the scene, Lei walked to the center of the high platform with great swagger. He looked first at Romon, who was frightened, and then at Orian, who was not afraid. He sneered and said: "It's just a scroll. Why do you need so much trouble! You two go down together, isn't the square as big as the one under the stage enough to cast a spell?"

"But Your Excellency, if there is no reference, some people will doubt the effect of magic." Orian replied calmly.

Even when facing a suspected giant dragon, she remained extremely calm and did not panic at all. This made many nobles and representatives with relatively neutral attitudes light up, and many people even secretly considered another possibility.

If Romon's bloodline is proven to be forged, not only will he not be able to become the heir, but he will also be executed for trying to defraud the nobles of their inheritance. Steele was already unfit to inherit the title because she had seriously behaved badly on a sacred occasion - even if she had not behaved badly, this bitch was not suitable to inherit the title.

In contrast, Orian Gelten, who suddenly appeared, not only has a reliable identity, but also has quite good talents. A person who can remain calm in the face of dragon power, even if his other talents are slightly lacking, his courage alone is enough to be a lord.

And... this little girl was actually able to take out a legendary spell scroll. She was probably a "Guardian" like figure that the Gerten family had been ambushing. Many families with a long history will prepare guardians like this. They are usually just side branches of the family, not prominent, and even have a weak sense of existence. But at critical moments, they often take out precious treasures or show great strength to turn the tide and save the family from danger.

The Gerten family is indeed in crisis now, and it is indeed a good choice for the guardian to inherit the title.

Lei, who is very talented in acting, appropriately demonstrated the arrogance of the dragon. He smiled slightly, put his foot on the limp Steele, and kicked her directly from the high platform to the square, but she landed lightly on the ground without any injuries. . The use of power is simply wonderful!

This is of course not Lei's real strength, but the result of Sui Xiong helping him act. If one day he can do this kind of thing just by relying on his own ability, then he will probably truly enter the realm of legend.

"Well, isn't that a reference?" Lei said casually.

Orian nodded and jumped off the high platform. Her movements were as nimble as a swallow. She turned over and landed firmly on the ground, showing her good skills.

Lei looked at Luo Meng again: "Are you going down by yourself, or should I help?"

Luo Meng looked at Lei's almost perfect but expressionless face, trembled, and said quickly: "I can just go down by myself! No need to trouble your Excellency!"

As he spoke, he ran down the stairs quickly, as if a tiger was chasing him and biting him.

However, when he came to the ground, he did not go towards Steele and Orian. Instead, he turned around and got under the high platform, then took out a scroll and activated it.

"I'm a fool to take a hit from Mana Collapse! Run!"

The teleportation technique stored in the scroll was activated immediately, and before anyone could react, it turned into white light, wrapped him up into the sky, and disappeared without a trace in an instant, leaving only a sentence curling back in the air.

He ran away.

For a moment, everyone was stunned.

"Even I didn't expect it... This guy is so talented, he even fooled the gods!" Sui Xiong couldn't help but sigh.

This guy Luo Meng is truly a first-class liar. Not only can he act, but he can also make decisions on the spot.

Sui Xiong was certain that at least when he stood in front of Lei, he had absolutely no thoughts of running away. He must have weighed the pros and cons while going down the stairs, figured out all the stakes, and then decisively decided to run away.

And his method of escaping was also very clever. First he got under the high platform and hid in the visual blind spot of Lei and Sui Xiong. Then before everyone understood what was going on, he activated the teleportation scroll and flew away, taking his own. He abandoned all his wealth and all his comrades without hesitation or nostalgia.

After coming to this world, Sui Xiong has met many people with outstanding talents, but when it comes to quick wit and decisiveness, this Luo Meng is definitely the number one, no one can match him!

"This man is a talent." That night, Wall said in the simple cabin in the library, "As long as he doesn't die, he will become famous in the world sooner or later!"

Sui Xiong and Lei both agreed with him. An outstanding liar can quickly find opportunities to escape when he senses danger. Such talents are indeed rare. The reason why Romon failed this time was not because there were any flaws in his plans and actions, but because he encountered unexpected factors that made it impossible to realize his expectations.

This is a trick of fate, nothing more.

Of course, it may not be impossible to say, "The sky has eyes, and bad guys will not succeed."

Anyway, that's what happened, purely by chance.

"Teacher, will you continue to stay in the library?" Orian asked with tears in her eyes and worry on her face, "You won't leave too, right?"

During the day today, after Romon escaped, the nobles and representatives discussed and decided to let Orian succeed Viscount Gerten.

This result was not beyond the girl's expectations at all, so she didn't look very happy. In contrast, it was another news that made her a little sad.

Now that things have happened, Sui Xiong and Lei will continue to go south, passing through the Ancient Wood Swamp, Duanyun Mountains and the Ancient Forest, to the Golden Tower City of the Mystic Tower Federation to recruit the down-and-out nobleman who is talented in internal affairs.

This surprised Orian, and she couldn't help but persuade: "Your Majesty, don't you want to build a holy land? Can't you do the Gerten Territory? As a lord, I can help you arrange it. It only takes ten or eight years... everything If everything goes well, perhaps even before the Holy Land in the North is built, Geerten Territory will become a Holy Land exclusive to your faith!"

"Maybe that's the case... But I'm still very curious about the knight who is highly respected by Satan." Sui Xiong said with a smile, "Besides, it's not good for you to dictate matters of faith when you have just become the lord."

"It is natural for believers to pay for gods and faith. How could it not be great!"

"... Alas! You people are still too simple-minded!" Sui Xiong just shook his head, "In short, just be your lord. In the future, when you have a stable position and the church over there is established, come and preach. Just give me a little help when the time comes."

"This is not enough!"

"That's enough, this is God's will." Sui Xiong put a big hat down, leaving Orian speechless. Then he turned his tentacles into palms, rubbed the girl's silky hair, and said with a smile, "Don't worry, when you get old, my Kingdom of God will definitely be built. When the time comes, I will leave you a place in the Kingdom of God. Position, you don’t need to change your career after coming here, you can still be a lord.”

So the matter was settled, and it was precisely for this reason that Orian was worried that Wall would leave too.

"I won't leave. Where can I go?" Wall was amused by the girl's nervous look. "I have been sweeping the land here for fifty years. If nothing happens, I will continue to sweep. Until the day when I can kill the Cloud City with a black blade in my hand. Don’t worry, I won’t abandon you.”

Seeing Orian finally burst into laughter, Sui Xiong couldn't help but smile.

I hope she can maintain this innocent heart for a long time, treat herself and others well, and be kind to the people in her territory.

As the god she believes in, this is his greatest expectation for the girl.