Cthulhu Gonfalon

Chapter 63


At first glance, Steele's injury was not very troublesome, it was just excessive blood loss and severe poisoning. As long as she uses an advanced restoration technique, she can be brought back from the brink of death.

But when Sui Xiong actually started the treatment, he discovered something very strange.

This woman's soul is undergoing strange changes.

Injuries, excessive blood loss, and severe poisoning are nothing to him. They are nothing more than repairing wounds, replenishing blood, and eliminating toxins. According to Sui Xiong's thinking, this should be an easy problem to solve.

Vast magic flowed into Silty's body along the tentacles, along with abundant nutrients. Under Sui Xiong's control, the injured parts of her body began to be repaired, the lost blood was regenerated, and the toxins that had spread throughout her body were gradually decomposed, and her entire body quickly returned to health.

But Steele did not wake up. On the contrary, her soul was trembling violently, and an unpleasant breath slowly came out of it. Sui Xiong looked carefully and felt that her soul was resonating with an extremely distant existence.

He had seen this situation before in the information given by the God of Redemption.

Inspiration after death, transformation by the Holy Spirit.

People in this world have high or low levels of belief. Among them, the most respected ones are not fanatic believers who believe in gods wholeheartedly and dedicate everything to themselves, but those who understand and agree with the teachings of gods from the bottom of their hearts and implement them. The kind of person who walks into life as if a god himself is walking in the world - even if he doesn't know the existence of that god at all.

This kind of person is called a saint, and this kind of faith is called holy faith.

When a saint dies, his soul resonates with the origin of the god and transforms into a strange being called the "Holy Spirit." The Holy Spirit is a creature with demigod status, possessing power close to that of a god, and is the strongest fighting force under the gods.

Not only that, when a god dies due to an accident, as long as he still has the Holy Spirit under his command, the Holy Spirit will temporarily take over his duties, maintain the operation of divine power, and prevent his kingdom from collapsing. In this way, after a period of time, the gods can be reborn relying on the Kingdom of God, or directly resurrected through the body of the Holy Spirit.

In other words, the Holy Spirit is still as precious a resource to the gods as the "resurrection coins" or "resurrection points" in the game.

… but! Sui Xiong never expected that Steele, a promiscuous woman who could do anything for anyone, this weird woman who wanted to have sex with a dragon even before her death, was actually the Holy Spirit of a certain god!

Depend on! Do you actually have such a weird god in your world? Just ask those decent gods!

While Sui Xiong complained, he searched in the information to see which great god was so weird that he could have such a holy spirit!

The strange thing is that after searching again and again, he couldn't find any information about this god.

Seeing that Steele's soul was slowly transforming with the trembling, he was puzzled and simply sent a communication request directly to the God of Redemption, asking for advice from the god who could also be called an old-timer among the gods.

The God of Redemption quickly responded to Sui Xiong's request. A ray of divine power came along with the invisible connection between the two parties. He checked Steele's condition, then trembled slightly, showing disgust.

"How disgusting!" said the God of Redemption, "He is actually a madman who sincerely agrees with and practices the evil god's 'King of Sex and Desire'! Strictly speaking, this mortal is also a Holy Spirit, but he is not the Holy Spirit of our gods. But it belongs to the evil god.”

He was obviously very disgusted with the growing aura in Steele's soul, and retreated, leaving only a message to introduce the evil god known as the "King of Sex and Desire" to Sui Xiong.

All in all, it's a large Stil.

This explanation is so apt that no more words are needed.

"Your Majesty, what's wrong?" Lei is a smart person. When he saw Sui Xiong suddenly stopped, another kind of divine power came and then left. He didn't know that an accident had happened!

"Things are a bit... unexpected." Sui Xiong explained the situation, "... As a Holy Spirit, Steele's soul began to transform when she was about to die. Now, although I have repaired her body, the changes in her soul But it’s not that easy to solve. It seems like I’m really going to break my promise this time.”

"What?! Evil God?!" Lei was shocked and said hurriedly, "Then why don't you stop it quickly!"

Now it was Sui Xiong's turn to be surprised: "She wants to be the Holy Spirit, why should I stop her?"

"That's the evil spirit! Doesn't that mean there's another evil god in the world!"

Only then did Sui Xiong understand the problem and explained with a smile: "The King of Sex and Desire is not actually an evil existence. He just promotes pure 'sex' and believes that all happiness, joy and art come from sex. Sex should be pure and sacred, existing apart from the narrow concept of 'love', and becoming what life should pursue. This theory is shocking at most, but not harmful to nature."

"But... but..." Lei said "but" several times, but he still couldn't give a suitable reason. He subconsciously felt that there was something wrong with this matter. There was something wrong with the Holy Spirit becoming an evil god, but he couldn't figure out what the problem was.

Time passed little by little, and Steele's soul slowly stopped trembling. But at this time, her soul had completely changed.

Her appearance is still the same as when she was just alive, but the clothes on her body have changed from adventurer leather armor to flesh-hugging silk clothing. It is still black and translucent. Except for the most critical parts, everything else is faintly visible. The silk clothing The soft material makes it stick tightly to the body, so the outlines of those key parts can be roughly seen, which is simply more secure than wearing no clothes.

On her back, there is a pair of small fleshy wings with a black frame and red wing membranes. At first glance, they look like bats. At this moment, it is half closed, and there is no hint of ferocity at all.

If you look closely, you can see a thin long black tail behind her. The end of the tail is a heart-shaped pointed cone, but it doesn't look sinister at all. Instead, it looks very cute.

In general, Steele doesn't look evil at all now, she just has a bit more charm on top of her original charm, and her sexiness has increased dramatically, that's all.

She slowly stood up from her body. Probably because she was not awake yet, her expression was still a little confused. She looked blankly at the corpse at her feet, not understanding what was going on.

At this moment, along the channel generated by soul resonance, a violent impact fell from the sky and struck her mercilessly.

"Huh?!" Sui Xiong was shocked and subconsciously stopped him. He realized that this blow was very powerful. If it hit, it would definitely blow the newborn Holy Spirit to ashes. Not even a bit of scum would be left.

But the strange thing is that he can clearly feel that the source of this blow is the evil god known as the "King of Sex and Desire"!

"What are you doing? Why do you want to kill your own Holy Spirit?" He sent his thoughts along the unclosed passage.

There was a flash of light, and a magnetic and charming voice answered: "I don't need the Holy Spirit!"


The King of Sex and Desire did not answer, but launched another fierce attack.

The force of this blow was stronger than the last time, and Sui Xiong spent a lot of effort to resist it.

So he couldn't help but get angry and yelled: "Kill if you don't need it? Are you a madman! Let me help you wake up!"

Before he finished speaking, the surging magic power sent from the main body turned into a bolt of ice-blue lightning, piercing the sky and blasting back along the passage.

Because of the distance, he didn't know exactly how effective the blow was. But judging from the results, it seems to have achieved results.

After this blow, the King of Sex and Desire stopped. After a while, He sent a thought and unilaterally cut off the passage.

That idea explained in detail the reason why he did not want the Holy Spirit: Originally, the King of Sex and Desire could become a god by virtue of his priesthood such as "sex", but he was unwilling to obey the god's rule that "personal will must give in to the priesthood" and gave up. The priesthood became the evil god. The Holy Spirit is equivalent to a "resurrection coin" for gods, but for an evil god like him, the existence of the Holy Spirit will prevent him from being resurrected by his own means after his death, and will be forced to use the gods' Identity resurrected.

It is obviously impossible for the King of Sex and Desire to allow this to happen. For Him who is proud and stubborn, give him freedom or die!

So His choice was to kill the Holy Spirit to avoid future troubles!

At the end of that thought, He warned Sui Xiong rudely: "Since you intervened to stop me, then this guy belongs to you. If she affects me in the future, it will be regarded as you declaring war on me. And if in the future Whatever bad things she did, it was all because of your failure to control her!"

"If you don't want to, just kill her and it will be over!"

Sui Xiong was stunned by the inexplicable thing and didn't know what to do. He never dreamed that when he rescued people, he actually rescued such a monster moth. He looked at Siti who was slowly regaining consciousness, but was rapidly weakening because the soul link was cut off. He was about to lose her soul and turn into a wisp of broken particles in the River Styx. Well, I can't help but feel distressed.

what can we do about it

The situation was urgent and did not allow him to think about it in detail. After a moment's consideration, he used the power of his soul to turn into a tentacle, wrapped it around Steele's soul, and stuffed it into his body.

"No matter what, go back to my body first! You can't just die without saving me!"

However, the form of Steele's soul has long since changed. The mortal body cannot accommodate the soul of the Holy Spirit. As soon as the soul entered the body, the body that had not yet completely expired began to tremble violently, blood spurted out from the seven orifices, and there was a violent force. The body was surging, as if it would explode in the next second and turn into a blur of flesh and blood.

At this time, she could only treat the dead horse as a living horse doctor. Sui Xiong didn't have time to think about it, activated his magic power, and began to transform her body.

Body and soul are not compatible? Then transform your physical body to fit it!

About half an hour later, Steele, who was finally fully resurrected, opened her eyes, flapped her newly created bat wings a little unfamiliarly, and her tail behind her swayed from side to side in a daze, and she stood up unsteadily.

Now, except for her different clothes, her body has completely transformed into the appearance of the Holy Spirit.