Cthulhu Gonfalon

Chapter 65


The vast wilderness of ancient trees is recognized as the most unfriendly area for adventurers on the entire main plane.

Not only are there endless beasts and monsters here, there are also countless poisonous snakes and insects, and the natural environment is also extremely harsh. There is no solid piece of land visible on the ground. There is stagnant water everywhere. The water is covered with duckweed or algae, completely blocking the view. Except for those experienced explorers, even senior adventurers like Lei have no way of knowing whether the step they step on will result in a fairly solid muddy ground or a bottomless mud pit.

It's just that the ground is bad, the situation in the air is equally troublesome. Because of the humid climate, a large number of shrubs and vines grow here, and they are densely packed everywhere. Coupled with the hanging aerial roots of the big trees, countless branches are entangled with each other like snakes and insects, and the path is often blocked after a short walk. Without holding a sharp ax, he kept cutting away the obstacles blocking the road and forcibly opening up a passage.

Among these branches and vines, poisonous snakes and beasts often live. More than once, Lei swung his ax to chop down the branch. When the branch broke, a poisonous snake rushed out and attacked him.

Fortunately, Lei was very powerful, and he had learned a lot about adventures in the swamp from the adventurers in Gerten beforehand, so he was always on guard, so he didn't get tricked.

But this situation will obviously slow down the team's journey, especially after they pass through an area near the edge of the swamp where the land is relatively solid, making the journey more and more difficult.

Other troubles can be overcome, but the dangers from underfoot cannot be solved. No matter how powerful Lei is, he has to be down-to-earth to be able to use it. Sometimes he stepped on mud and strong weeds, but when his other foot came over, the weeds suddenly shattered together with the mud, and his feet suddenly turned into a bottomless quagmire. , making him miserable.

What's even more disgusting is that there are so many trees here, and the crowns of the big trees are connected together, blocking most of the sunlight. Even at noon, the ground seemed a little dark. The rest of the time, it was almost like it was night in the outside world, and it was impossible to see clearly what was going on underfoot.

After encountering several dangerous situations in succession, Sui Xiong simply used a floating disk technique to create an invisible disk floating about one meter above the ground (or water surface) for him to stand on.

Floating Disk is a very common introductory spell. It can create such a disk, which is not too heavy. For those new wizards, this is a very convenient spell, which can be used to travel in muddy and rugged terrain, or to carry some debris.

The duration of this spell is quite long. Even a disc created by a low-level mage like Palin can last for about four or five hours - now it is more than that, at least double - and with Sui Xiong's strength to cast this spell...

Generally speaking, the duration of a spell is limited to one whole day, because normal people need adequate rest every day, and after a mage has adequate rest, his spellcasting ability will be fully restored and he can cast spells again. Therefore, the duration for a whole day is an important hard indicator. Many times, in order to make the spell duration reach this hard target, mages must practice a skill called "spell delay" to double the duration of the spell effect.

Because of the need for spell duration, powerful senior mages have developed a technique called "spell duration", which can ignore the original duration of a spell and directly enhance it to last for a whole day. At this point, the hard target level has finally been surpassed.

However, Sui Xiong was able to maintain the Floating Disk Technique for more than a day with just his most basic spell-casting ability. When Steele asked how long this spell could last, he simply did an experiment and made a floating disk to take with him.

As a result, this floating disk technique continued from noon that day, and it did not disappear at noon the next day, nor at night. It was not until the next morning that everyone discovered that it had disappeared during the night, but no one noticed when it disappeared. .

"It's amazing!" Steele exclaimed in admiration, "You are indeed a god! I have never heard of someone who can maintain this spell for so long with just basic spell-casting ability without relying on special skills!"

Lei Ze calculated it silently and was secretly speechless.

Unexpectedly, this jellyfish god who always sits on his head disguised as a hat turns out to be a super powerful mage!

Of course, this imprecise result did not satisfy everyone, so Sui Xiong cast the spell again. This time he made up his mind that even if he didn't sleep at night, he would wait until the spell dissipated and calculate the precise duration.

"Well, I'm interested too," Ray said.

"Me too!"

However, things often develop beyond people's expectations. While trekking the next day, they encountered an accident.

After lunch, a group of three (or one person) moved on.

Because of the incident with the King of Sex and Desire, Sui Xiong had a different view on the matter of becoming a god than in the past. He was a little worried, so he calmed down and carefully studied the information given by the God of Redemption, and talked with the King of Sex and Desire. Comparison, trying to peel off the cocoons and find out possible problems.

Because of his distraction, when a strong hostility suddenly struck him, he was unable to react immediately.

To be honest, I can't blame him. It's completely different now than when we set off. After adapting to the dense forest environment, the team no longer needs his vigilance when marching.

Steele is indeed a divine creature. Not only can she fly high and fast, but her body can also switch between virtual and physical bodies. Every once in a while, she transforms into an incorporeal body, ignoring the dense woods and vines around her, and is not afraid of attacks from any snakes, insects, or beasts. She walks swaggeringly through the swamps and dense forests, easily seeing the danger ahead and reporting back.

And Lei, who was standing on the invisible disk, no longer had to worry about falling into the quagmire. With his superb riding skills, he immediately adapted to this way of advancement. He could easily cut off the vines and branches blocking the road with his sharp axe. Occasionally, some snakes and insects would attack, but he would effortlessly fly them away, leaving them completely out of reach. His side.

In addition to the harsh environment and darkness, the swamp and dense forest environment had minimal impact on them.

But at this moment, an accident happened!

At that time, Steele was flying above the tree canopy, scouting for any special dangers in the distance, and looking for a suitable camping spot - here, after noon, it was time to find a campsite. Lei stepped on the floating disk as always, wielding his ax to cut off the obstacles along the way and open a path. Everything seemed to be exactly the same as usual.

But when he cut off a tree vine as thick as an arm, flicked away a green poisonous snake, and went straight forward, a huge black figure suddenly rushed out from the muddy water not far away and launched an attack on him. attacked.

Lei was caught off guard and struck with a sharp ax. But when the sharp ax struck the black figure, it was like a wooden knife striking leather. It was slippery, soft and tough, with no force at all, and it suddenly slipped away.

But the ax finally had some effect, and the black figure leaned to the side and passed him.

Lei didn't hesitate, threw away the ax and drew his sword.

Not only is his sword well-made, but it has also been strengthened with spells by a powerful mage, making it a top-quality enchanted weapon. With a sword in hand, he is confident to fight even if he faces a giant dragon (win or lose is another matter). No matter what this black shadow is, can it be more powerful than the giant dragon

With an angry shout, he was about to jump up, but felt a strong sense of crisis. Before he could think about it, he used force on his feet and jumped back suddenly.

Another black shadow passed in front of him, carrying a strong smell of wind, whistling and smashing down, like a towering ancient tree falling in front of him, and like a mountain peak falling in front of him, just wiping down. When it reached a point, it smashed the floating disk into pieces, and the splashing mud and water were like two walls, hitting the left and right.

Lei was in the air, with nowhere to rely on, but he had no fear. His eyes widened, he held the long sword with both hands, faced the wall of water that was about to hit him, and slashed it with the sword.

The sword struck the flowing water, but the sound it made was like an ax striking a big tree.

A gap was opened in the wall of water by Lei Yijian, and the torrent almost brushed his body as it rushed through. But before he could take a breath, a bloody mouth opened and came towards him with a hissing sound.

At this moment, he had clearly seen the enemy's true face in Lushan - it was a terrifying giant snake. Its flat body was wider than his whole body lying sideways. The length could not be clearly seen for the time being. It was conservatively estimated to be more than ten meters. The gray scales are bigger than his palm, the scarlet eyes on the triangular head emit a ferocious and cruel light, the bloody mouth that can swallow a cow directly spits out a dizzying stench, the fangs and snake letters are hidden in the darkness Among them, it is even more terrifying.

"What the hell is this!" He cursed in his heart, pulled out the spear hanging from his back, and stabbed the giant snake with all his strength.

His marksmanship was as good as his swordsmanship. Even though the shot was taken hastily, there was no deviation at all, and it accurately hit the inside of the giant snake's mouth, probably where the gums were. The part that was not protected by the snake scales was obviously not strong. This shot made a real impact, allowing him to use the strength to escape the danger of being buried in the snake's belly.

But this shot was not a serious injury to the giant snake. It didn't even show any pain. It was just slightly frightened, and its body suddenly shrank back and curled up into a ball, assuming the most classic posture of a snake preparing to attack.

Looking at it with its body coiled up, its triangular head shaking slightly, and its vomiting look, it is no different from an ordinary venomous snake.

The only difference is that it is too big, almost like a hill.

Lei turned over in the air and stood firmly on a thick branch, holding a pistol in his left hand and a sword in his right hand, assuming his best fighting posture.

To be honest, he had no idea. Although he is quite confident in martial arts, all he has learned is the art of fighting people. How can he fight a giant snake? He really doesn't.

But now it is obviously impossible to just improvise and find a teacher to learn specifically - besides, there is probably no teacher in the world who specializes in teaching this. All he could do was to cheer up and do his best to have a good fight with this giant snake.

Fortunately, he has a strong backer behind him and a teammate who will be back soon, so he is not alone.

When he thought of his two companions, especially the one who was still pretending to be a hat on his head, he suddenly felt confident.

"The big deal...throw this jellyfish god into its mouth...it will definitely be crushed to death!"

With a disrespectful thought, Lei waved his weapon and fought with the giant snake that rushed towards him.