Cthulhu Gonfalon

Chapter 70


What's the most amazing way to fly in the world

By plane? hot air balloon? Paramotor? Bungee jumping

Flying mount? My own wings? Magical anti-gravity? Dou Qi stepping into the void

Perhaps people have imagined all kinds of strange and incredible ways of flying, but probably no one has thought of "living in the belly of a god and flying".

"It's incredible!"

Looking outside through the window specially left by Sui Xiong, Lei could not help but widen his eyes, looking around like a greedy child, wanting to keep this ordinary person in his eyes for the rest of his life. The impossible sight is etched in my mind.

After a long time, when his eyes were a little sore, he left the window, returned to his "seat", and asked Steele, who was dozing off, "Why don't you feel excited? Are you flying around all the time?" , are you used to seeing this kind of scenery?"

Steele yawned and said in a daze: "How can I fly so high... I'm flying above the clouds..."

"Then why aren't you excited?"

"I had a headache yesterday and didn't sleep well...don't bother me!"

Lei suddenly realized that Steele had been tightly restrained from having evil thoughts from the night before yesterday to last night, but of course she couldn't restrain the messy thoughts in her head, basically all day long. In the process of "having evil thoughts in the heart - having a headache - becoming honest - having evil thoughts in the heart again". It wasn't until the tight hoop was finally modified that peace finally came.

The reason why she was not tired at that time was because she had to climb a mountain. Now that I have some free time, the accumulated fatigue comes to my mind. It’s really weird if I’m not sleepy!

After he figured it out, he didn't bother Steele and took a book to pass the time.

Born into a noble family, he had the habit of carrying books with him, but he rarely read. Over the years, he has been either fighting or running around. Even if he has some leisure time, he will probably urge himself to exercise and prepare for the next adventure and battle. However, the current environment makes him really afraid to exercise, so he can only read books.

The workmanship of this book is very exquisite. The tawny parchment is tightly bound by a silver frame and will never be deformed. The black cover has text inlaid with gold wire, and the fine gemstones used as decoration add a touch of luxury to it.

But for those who really know the book, the line of the scribe's signature under the title is the real value of the book.

The person who copied this book was a legendary mage—of course, when he copied this book, he was only a young scholar and had not yet truly entered the mysterious palace of magic.

There is no papermaking technology in the main plane, and most of the materials used in books are parchment. Each piece of paper means the consumption of a piece of sheepskin of the same size, and labor that may be more valuable than the sheepskin itself. This makes the books very expensive, and it is probably rare for ordinary people to see them all year round.

In addition to sheepskin, cloth is also a good writing material. But it is not suitable for making books, and is generally only used to make notices, reward lists and the like.

Writing on paper is a technical task, and apart from using spells specially invented for this purpose, it can only be copied by scholars. The text of the spell records is neat and clear, but it lacks artistic beauty, so it has no value other than books. Some strict collectors even only recognize manuscripts as books and disdain books written by magic.

Although the book in Lei's hand is just an ordinary epic, there is nothing special in terms of content. But its beautiful brushwork itself can be regarded as a manifestation of art, and the identity of the author greatly increases its value, enough to enter the ranks of "treasures."

When Lei left home, he was alone. Apart from the sword in his hand, this book was the only thing that was precious. Over the years, he has been wandering around, but even when he was at his lowest, he never thought of selling this book.

If the sword is his comrade-in-arms, then the book is the comfort of his soul. Only by reading this book will he think of the peaceful and peaceful life in the past, and will not feel that his boyhood was just a dream.

Although, he rarely reads.

The sunlight coming in from the window was clear and bright. Lei An sat quietly in his seat, carefully flipping through the pages of the epic poem in his hand, chewing carefully the thrilling history contained in the poems, and sometimes became a poet. Admire the carefully crafted words. If you don't know his origin, just look at his appearance at this moment, he is clearly a scholar, and he is full of aristocratic elegance.

When Steele woke up, she saw this scene.

Lei's appearance is actually very good-looking. The "plastic surgery" done by Sui Xiong on him was by no means random, but carefully carved according to the principles of fine art, leaving his face with a slight sense of deliberate incongruity. Outside, it's almost perfect. And as the days passed, this sense of incongruity slowly disappeared after his repeated joys, sorrows and joys. At this moment, he can be regarded as a top-notch handsome man. If he puts on modern clothes and walks on the bustling streets, he will make many women's eyes shine.

At the very least, Steele's eyes are shining now, as green as a hungry wolf.

Perhaps the aura she exuded was too strong, and Lei, who was reading, was awakened. He calmly put away the book and knocked on the wall next to him.

"Your Majesty," he asked, "Is it okay to recite the tightening spell here?"

Before Sui Xiong had time to answer, Steele had already yelled and lay motionless on the ground.

"...I haven't recited the incantation yet!"

"Actually, I think you two have a pretty good relationship." Sui Xiong said with a smile, "You have a good understanding."

Lei's face suddenly darkened: "I have a tacit understanding with her?! Your Majesty the Jellyfish God, your observation and understanding of human beings are not enough!"

"Maybe." Sui Xiong didn't dwell too much on this issue, and instead used magic power to synthesize an electronic sound, which wandered back and forth in the "cockpit".

"Passengers, please note that the Jellyfish flight flying over the Broken Cloud Mountains is about to land. Please fasten your seat belts and keep an eye on your children. Please check your belongings and turn off your mobile phones and other electronic products. Thank you for your cooperation."

This passage is well-written and can be used on airplanes on Earth. However, in this alien world where no one understands Chinese at all, it only attracted surprised complaints from two passengers.

"What kind of spell is this?" Ray asked.

"Perhaps something went wrong?" Steele's thoughts were a little pessimistic. "Our altitude is decreasing. Are we about to fall?"

Sui Xiong sighed, feeling frustrated that he was looking at a blind man.

The "Jellyfish Airship" quickly landed slowly. Because Sui Xiong kept the air pressure in the cockpit at a normal level, the two passengers did not feel dizzy and tinnitus like they did on Earth, and of course there was no nose or ear pain. pain. Sui Xiong couldn't help but secretly dream: "If this technology could be used on Earth's aircraft..."

However, this is impossible, because the outer shell of an airplane on Earth cannot be as strong as the body of the jellyfish god, and can withstand the huge pressure caused by the different density of air inside and outside the cabin at high altitudes.

With a gentle collision, the "airship" landed smoothly on the ground. A door opened on the bulkhead. The two "passengers" packed their things and walked out carefully.

Outside the door is a flat rock, and there is still unmelted snow nearby, which shows that the terrain is quite high. The lush woods start from the distant hillside and extend to the end of the land. The horizon formed by blue and green looks so clear and distinct.

This is obviously the place south of the Duanyun Mountains, the ancient forest that is said to have existed since the birth of the world, and is called the "Ancient Forest".

From "boarding" to "landing", the trip only lasted a few hours. In fact, Sui Xiong could completely compress the time to a shorter time, and even cross the Duanyun Mountains in just a few minutes. However, the dense magic power in the high altitude made him feel very comfortable, so he slowed down and walked as slowly as a walk. The speed traveled leisurely in the sky, and it took such a long time.

Of course, Lei and Steele couldn't know this. They only knew that the Duanyun Mountain Range, which could be called a natural chasm even for those extremely powerful people, was easily climbed over, without any difficult trek or any difficulty. There was no dangerous battle, not even a long journey. The whole process was nothing more than Steele taking a nap while Lei read a book.

It's like resting in a hotel, relaxing.

"The power of the gods is so vast and unpredictable!" Lei couldn't help but sigh, "Your Majesty, if you were not so unreliable, you would definitely have many, many believers!"

"Actually, I have many followers." Sui Xiong said, "In the north, I have recruited nearly a hundred people."

"I'm not talking about the kind of people who praise you for money or shelter, but people who respect you and believe in you from the bottom of their hearts." Lei emphasized, "For the former, as long as you are willing to spend money, you can spend as much as you want. But only the latter Only those who can truly be called believers in you.”

Sui Xiong smiled nonchalantly. In fact, he didn't care about this at all.

He really doesn't see any benefit in faith.

According to the rules of the gods, if people believe in them, they can gain strength from them. But he has never felt any "power of faith". For him, being believed by people is nothing more than being praised and getting spiritual happiness.

Of course it's good if someone has faith. No one believes in it, but that’s it, it’s not a big deal. In the final analysis, it is nothing more than a matter of face.

This may be like the proverb on earth, when Buddhas compete for a stick of incense, they only compete for face, that's all.

Although he has lived in this world for a long time, although he has the great power of a god, and although he is believed by many people like a god, Sui Xiong has not truly transformed into a god in this world.

In essence, he is still the same soul from earth, unchanged.