Cthulhu Gonfalon

Chapter 71


The Ancient Forest is a vast and vast forest. Legend has it that when the world was first opened, the two gods of light and darkness fought endlessly. Their blood mixed together and became the original source of life. Most of the source of life became the goddess of life, and the remaining part infiltrated the newborn earth, giving birth to a lush and vast forest, which is this large forest located in the south-central region of the continent.

This forest was the favorite of the Goddess of Life, and she has lived here for a long time, among the many creatures she created. Until the Year of Destruction, the battle between light and darkness finally ended with both sides dying together. The fall of the great god caused violent turbulence at the origin of the world. The earth, water, wind, and fire tools appeared into various terrifying monsters. They fought endlessly with the gods, ravaging the earth, The common people are devastated. The goddess of life couldn't bear the suffering of all the living beings she loved, so she drew her sword, killed monsters, divided planes, expelled gods, and finally finalized the rules of this world.

After that battle, she also exhausted her strength and died. The great priesthood of "life" is still vacant. Although there are many gods who are trying to get some light, no god dares to truly inherit this priesthood. Legend has it that her will still remains in this forest, guarding the world she loves so much. Once an overly powerful being steps into the main plane, it will offend it, and the power of the great goddess will become irresistible. Thunder will kill those who cross the line on the spot.

Back then, the first-generation God of Thunder felt that he was the most powerful among the gods, and that he had the exclusive responsibilities of "thunder and lightning" and "destruction". He should not be afraid of the thunder of destruction, so he stepped into the main plane with swagger, thinking We must rely on our innate advantages to dominate this world.

The results of it

Whenever the sun goes down, people can see a bright moon slowly crossing the sky, which is the remains of this unlucky guy.

Over the years, the number of powerful beings killed by the Thunder of Destruction has exceeded the number of fingers on two hands. And the vague rule that "no overly powerful beings are allowed to enter the main plane" has finally become a rule that powerful gods and demons have to abide by.

Nowadays, even strong men at the demigod level often have to prepare for leaving the main plane, because no one knows when the thunder hanging above their heads will strike down.

Most of the gods walking in the world use their own clones. They did not really come to the main plane, but just copied a copy of their own will, and added a body carrying a little power to complete the so-called "The arrival of gods into the world".

Gods who truly walk in the human world with their true bodies must also temporarily transform the area they are in into a divine kingdom to separate it from the main plane. This consumes a lot of power, so even the most powerful gods will not appear in their true form at will, let alone fight with others under such circumstances.

Just imagine, if the "temporary kingdom of God" breaks down during the battle and His aura is lost, the next moment will probably be thunder of destruction falling from the sky...

As long as you think of this, even if you have a huge anger, you can still suppress it.

As for those who really can’t hold it in any longer, what should they do

It's nothing more than adding one to the list of kills of Thunder of Destruction.

"...Close your eyes and imagine the thunder of destruction crashing down, hitting the heads of the unruly gods one by one. That scene is really amazing! The goddess of life is indeed powerful and domineering!" Sui Xiong finished the story, I couldn't help but praise, "If she were still alive, I would definitely give her a thumbs up and say - girl, you are such a man!"

Lei looked at the dusk sky expressionlessly, waited for a while, shook his head and sighed.

"What's wrong?"

"It seems... the goddess of life is really dead." Lei said regretfully, "Otherwise, a thunderbolt would have struck you to death!"

Sui Xiong choked immediately, while Steele laughed so hard that she rolled around on the ground.

"Is it that funny?" Lei was a little confused.

"Eh? You don't like it?" Steele stopped immediately, "If you don't like it, you should have told me earlier. It's very uncomfortable to roll around."

This time, it was Sui Xiong's turn to laugh.

Although the Ancient Forest is densely wooded, it is not a dangerous place. This is the place where the elves originated. It is said that the goddess of life created the earliest intelligent creatures here - the high elves. Although the world has changed with the passage of time, and high elves are almost invisible in the human world, their descendants, a variety of creatures named after elves, still thrive in this forest.

There are three common elves, namely tree elves, wild elves and sun elves.

Tree elves are characterized by green hair like leaves. They are naturally able to communicate with plants and can use natural spells like druids. Although their bodies are a bit slender and not strong enough, their magical abilities are enough to survive.

The lifespan of tree elves is about four to five hundred years, making them a long-lived species. In addition, they are naturally good at casting spells, so the overall combat effectiveness of this race is very high, and they are one of the few powerful forces on the entire continent. If they hadn't inherently disliked leaving the Ancient Forest, they might have already established a huge empire.

Wild elves are the most common type of elves on the continent. Their stature is about the same as that of humans. They are not slender at all. There are even many extremely strong individuals, and there are not a few who are wearing armor and holding battle axes. Their physical characteristics are probably pointed and slightly long ears, and unusually soft hair.

The life cycle of wild elves is a bit strange. In their youth, youth and middle age, they are not much different from humans, they just live slightly longer. But when they reach old age, they often have the strange phenomenon of "old but not dead". A wild elf may be gray-haired when he is about eighty years old and can only do some light jobs, but he may still be like this until he is one hundred and eighty years old... a long period of old age, more than half of his entire life.

Assuming that there are wild elves on the earth, and they form a country, then the aging problem in this country will definitely be very serious, so serious that it will keep the head of state awake at night.

The last common type of elf is the sun elf. This kind of elf is tall and muscular, and each one looks like a statue carefully carved by artists. They can almost be regarded as a relatively perfect species, with no defects in either physical or mental abilities, and the proportion of spellcasters is also quite high. The only drawback is the difficulty of reproduction - Sun elves cannot mix with any known race, and it is extremely rare for a Sun elven couple to give birth to four or five children in their lifetime. In fact, most sun elf families have no more than two children.

Scholars generally believe that sun elves are the direct descendants of high elves. There have also been evil wizards who captured sun elves and tried to extract the blood of high elves from them. However, the result was very tragic... Every Sun Elf received the focus of the elven gods. Once someone attacked them, the punishers sent by the elven gods would arrive in an instant. They would try their best without exception.

In addition to these three major categories, the elves also have many branches such as "mountain elves", "sea elves", "underground elves", "moon elves", etc., but their numbers are very small and not worthy of special explanation.

Sui Xiong and the others were traveling in the Ancient Forest. After walking for less than a day, they saw a village of tree elves.

It was a village built on trees. The tree houses formed this village in the sky. If you didn't look up, no one would have thought that there was a village hidden above a clearing in the forest.

Sui Xiong and the others did not deliberately hide their whereabouts, so they met the village sentry far away. It was a middle-aged man wearing bark armor, carrying a long bow and a staff. The armor and weapons both glowed with magical light, which was obviously extraordinary.

The enchantment skills of tree elves are famous throughout the continent. Every year, many people visit them in the Ancient Forest with their beloved weapons and ask them to enchant the weapons.

However, the enchanting skills of tree elves have great limitations - the equipment enchanted by them will recognize its owner. Even if other people except the owner get it, they can only use it as ordinary equipment.

In contrast, although the enchanting technology of mages is more expensive and slightly less effective, it is better because there are no restrictions and anyone can use those enchanting equipment, so it is more marketable than the enchanting technology of tree elves.

Lei highly praised the enchanting skills of the tree elves. After they passed the interrogation and temporarily stayed in the village, he asked the hotel attendant if there was an enchantment master in the village and wanted to make some enchanting equipment.

"There is no enchantment master in this village. For the enchantment of our equipment, we ask Master Trian who lives nearby for help." The waiter Valen is a young man with quite vigorous movements. It is obvious that he has good skills at a glance. He is obviously very skilled in martial arts. Lei was very fond of him and told him important information, "The master is a bit withdrawn and doesn't like to meet people. But he is actually very easy to get along with. As long as you visit with good intentions, you will get good results."

"Master Terrian?" Lei thought for a while, suddenly remembered a famous figure, and asked in surprise, "Is his name Terrian? Or is it just Terrian, with another name?"

"It's not clear. We only know that he is Master Trian." Valen said, "The master is very lonely and has not seen a visitor for almost fifty years. And even fifty years ago, no one in the village saw him. , it’s just a few simple sentences..."

"So what does he look like? Have you heard about his appearance?"

Valen recalled carefully for a while and said uncertainly: "I seem to have heard that... the master is very old, with white hair and beard. He is wearing a black robe and has a distinct smell of potion. His health is not very good. , often coughing...that’s about it.”

"So, in addition to enchantment, is this master also good at alchemy?"

Warren was stunned and asked in surprise: "How do you know? Is Master Trian famous?"

Lei couldn't help but laugh: "Of course, he is very famous! But no one expected that he lives here in seclusion."

Now, he was absolutely sure.

What a blessing to be able to meet that legendary figure on this trip!