Cthulhu Gonfalon

Chapter 76


Lei and Steele both expressed strong support for Sui Xiong's order.

Lei has always dreamed of becoming a dragon-slaying warrior. When he was a boy, he often dreamed of holding a shield engraved with a dragon head, wearing dragon scale armor, riding a famous horse bathed in dragon blood, and walking into the city gate in front of everyone. , and then took out the dragon's head in public, winning countless praise and admiration.

Although times had changed, even if he became a dragon-slaying hero, he would not be able to return home in glory, but when he thought that he could play a part in the great cause of slaying the dragon, he couldn't help but be excited and eager to give it a try.

If Sui Xiong knew what he was thinking, he would definitely match him with Pan Feng's classic line.

"My big ax is already hungry and thirsty!"

Steele had another idea. As a sexologist who was keen on studying the physiological structure of various male monsters, she had always regretted that she had not studied the physiological structure of giant dragons. This time she participated in the dragon slaying, and there was at least half a chance of meeting a male dragon, which would give her a chance to make up for her regrets.

Thinking of finally being able to study it carefully, her eyes lit up and she laughed softly.

Looking at his two subordinates who looked very excited for no reason, Sui Xiong thought for a while and said, "Do you think there might be any misunderstanding about this matter?"

"Misunderstanding?" Lei was stunned for a moment and asked doubtfully, "What misunderstanding?"

"I mean, the dragon attacked the village and ate the elves... could this be a misunderstanding? I also know a few dragons, but even the one with the worst character among them, if you say he kills people and sets fire, I believe it; if you say he cannibalizes people, I really don’t believe it.”

"There are good and evil dragons, too. Your Majesty, you may know a kind dragon." Steele said.

"Dragons from the good camp are very rare. The most common ones are the evil camp and the neutral camp." Lei said, "But even the dragons from the evil camp don't dare to be presumptuous in front of your majesty. Maybe this is because you have a good impression of the dragon. The reason."

"But!" He changed the topic and his tone became serious, "Respecting the strong does not mean respecting the weak. Strong people who can communicate with the weak as gently as you are very rare. Even among the same race, bullying is common. It's a matter of course, not to mention that they are different races. For most people, the dragon is a natural disaster, and it is the most terrifying monster at the top of all monsters!"

"But that giant dragon may not be evil." Sui Xiong said, "We should go and talk to him first."

"But do you know where it is?" Lei asked subconsciously, and then couldn't help laughing.

It would be foolish to ask a god this question.

So Sui Xiong cast a prophecy spell to find the location of the red dragon. However, his spell seemed to be interfered with by something, and he could not get a more accurate result.

"Giant dragons are generally very wealthy, and they themselves are often powerful spellcasters. If you want to use prophecy spells to deal with them, it is difficult even for you." Lei advised, "We'd better wait for the dragon-slaying team to assemble. , let’s set off together.”

Sui Xiong shook his head stubbornly. He still wanted to see the dragon first and verify it.

When Sui Xiong became stubborn, Lei and Steele were helpless. In desperation, the two of them could only go out separately to help him find out where the evil dragon lived.

This time, the two of them went out for a long time.

Lei didn't come back until dinner time. He regretfully told Sui Xiong that he had found nothing - the dragon's residence was a kept secret. In order to prevent someone from going there privately and alerting the enemy, it would not be announced until the team actually set off.

Steele didn't come back until midnight. She had obviously just taken a bath, but she still looked very tired, and she didn't know what she did during this time.

"I have found out clearly." Steele did not mention her own experience at all, but smiled tiredly and told the news she had found out, "The evil dragon lives in an underground volcano to the west. From here to the west , after walking for about half a month, an ordinary caravan will find a canyon. There is a stream in the canyon, and along the stream, there is a volcano at the end of the water. The evil dragon lives in the crater. , and the captured elves were imprisoned by it in an underground forest at the source of the stream."

Sui Xiong nodded, looking at her tired look, his eyes couldn't help but show anger.

"They actually do such a thing?! Let's go! Let's give them some color!"

Others may not be able to see it, but Sui Xiong, who personally reshaped Steele's body, could see her situation clearly at a glance: in the past few hours, she had used a large number of healing spells on herself, which caused an overdraft of magic power. , that’s why I’m so tired.

Why are so many healing spells needed? One can imagine!

If she wasn't a half-holy spirit with a powerful body and healing magic, I'm afraid she would have died long ago...

"No, no need." Steele shook her head and rejected Sui Xiong's suggestion, "It's just a fair transaction, as agreed in advance. They do what they want to do, and I know what I want to know. It's fair and reasonable."

"How is this fair!" Sui Xiong was angry.

Lei also understood at this time, sighed deeply, and said, "They finally told Steele the news, so it's fair."

"Your understanding of 'fairness' is very problematic!" Sui Xiong couldn't help shaking his head, but looking at the looks of Lei and Steele, he couldn't say anything else.

But he secretly decided that if there was a chance, he would have a good talk with the god responsible for "fairness" in this world, and talk about what true fairness is!

"I shouldn't have asked you to ask for news!" Looking at Steele's haggard look, he couldn't help but blame himself and said, "Let you, a weak, single woman, go out at night to ask for news... I'm simply stupid. crazy!"

"It's not your fault, Your Majesty." Steele smiled, with a bit of resentment in her eyes, "Actually, if I weren't bound by a tight hoop... this little thing wouldn't matter at all!"

"If you really think it's hard for me, please temporarily untie me and let me indulge, okay?"

Looking at her tired and expectant eyes, Sui Xiong waved his tentacles without thinking, and the golden hoop on her head flashed and disappeared without a trace. At the same time, a powerful divine power was injected into her body, making her condition extremely good, and leaving a magical defense on her body that was enough to ensure safety.

"I'm going to negotiate with the giant dragon. Lei, if anything happens, take care of me."

After giving an explanation, the floating jellyfish flew out of the window and flew towards the western sky.

Sui Xiong was flying with all his strength this time, which was completely different from his usual leisurely floating. The power of magic turned into a surging driving force, holding the green floating jellyfish flying through the air at a speed that would shock even the swiftest birds.

Perhaps, only those flying monsters who are qualified to compete for "Sky Overlord" can achieve this speed.

It only took a short time for a canyon like a scar on the earth to appear in front of him. The night had no effect on him. The gurgling stream at the bottom of the canyon was like a road sign, clearly pointing out the direction for him.

Sui Xiong lowered his speed and altitude and flew down the stream. Because the speed was greatly reduced, it took him almost half an hour to reach the end of the not-so-long canyon.

At the end of the canyon, there is a large crack extending underground. The crack is very wide, like a door to the underground world. The stream flowed into the crack, as if it had been swallowed by a terrifying giant beast.

Of course Sui Xiong was not afraid of anything. He flew directly into the crack and entered the underground world.

Before traveling through time, Sui Xiong had read many Western fantasy works, which designed a strange but magnificent underground world, various strange races, and a perverted society that was intrigued and ruthless but worked hard to maintain a superficial order. However, In this world, there is no such underground world. There is no vast underground world under the earth, only some small caves and cracks.

Of course, such an environment cannot provide sufficient survival resources, so those who live in those caves and crevices are losers in the competition for survival in the above-ground world. Some of them are due to their lack of strength, but more often they are doing evil things and are not tolerated by the order of the above-ground world, so they can only run and hide underground in despair.

For example, that dragon.

Sui Xiong didn't fly for long before he saw its figure.

In the deepest part of the cave, there is a circular crater, but there is no smoke spewing out, only a large area of churning magma at the bottom, proving that it is by no means dead.

A huge figure lay in the magma, floating and sinking. It was much larger than the few giant dragons Sui Xiong had encountered before. It was at least fifty meters long from beginning to end. It was impossible to tell because of its folded wings. It has a wingspan, but you can imagine how terrifying it will be when it spreads its wings and flies over the village, spitting out flames and burning everything on the ground!

Miraculously, Sui Xiong found that he seemed to have seen this guy before.

Back in the Viscounty of Gerten, he once spied on the memory of a well-known nobleman. He was a strong man whose strength had reached an "advanced" level and was slowly approaching the limit of a mortal. Deep in the memory of this strong man, the fear of a brutal red dragon was engraved, and the red dragon in his memory seemed to be the same one sleeping in the magma pool at this moment.

If it is the same guy, then Sui Xiong happens to know its identity - the famous evil dragon, Uthes Creed, known as the "Cruel Burner".

Even among evil dragons, this guy has a particularly bad reputation. It has no intention of collecting money at all. Instead, it is keen to launch attacks on villages where humans, elves, dwarves...all creatures weaker than it are inhabited. The attack was not for the purpose of taking money, but simply for the destruction and burning. It is keen to see those weak creatures wailing in fear and being burned alive in the flames. After the attack, it often lies on the scene of its crime, admiring the tragic scene of people struggling to die in the sea of fire, while holding Women and children as snacks.

Because he has done too many evil things, this guy has already been targeted by several powerful people. At least ten gods have sent down oracles to kill it, and the bounty hanging on its head has accumulated to astronomical figures. If a knight kills him and exchanges the bounty for gold coins, he can be buried with both men and horses without even a trace being visible.

But it is still alive and at large, and many heroes have died in its hands. It is even said that a saint from a certain church used the divine descending technique to let the power of the gods personally control the mortal world, and was also killed by it. Repelled.

Among the many villains in the main plane, this evil dragon can be regarded as a banner of evil power.

Sui Xiong carefully observed the sleeping dragon, thinking about how to deal with this guy.