Cthulhu Gonfalon

Chapter 77


Sui Xiong is not sure that the red dragon sleeping in the lava is the super villain Users Kread, but if it is, then as a decent person - or a decent jellyfish, he feels that he has the responsibility to do justice for heaven and put the The villain's head was smashed open, his soul was pulled out, and he put it into the blue ice and fire of his divine power, giving him a passionate massage that lasted for hundreds of years.

But if not, that's a different story.

"We can't let the bad guys go, but we can't unjustly accuse the good guys first. The absence of guilt is one of the signs of the progress of the rule of law." Sui Xiong muttered secretly in his heart and started searching around the crater.

To obtain a conviction, both human and physical evidence are needed.

He quickly found his target, which was a small underground forest at the end of the creek, next to a deep pool that didn't know where it led.

Due to the lack of sunlight, the trees here grow in strange shapes, neither tall nor lush, giving them a sickly and weird feeling. And in the woods, a group of elves in ragged clothes, gray faces, and as embarrassed as Somali refugees were lying on the ground.

"Very good. We have both human and physical evidence." Looking at these elves who were obviously kidnapped, Sui Xiong noticed that there were many burn scars on their bodies and nodded slightly.

This is quite reliable physical evidence. The next thing to do is to find a personal witness and inquire carefully.

Of course, these elves are not so nervous that they can still sleep soundly next to the evil dragon, but they are hypnotized by the power of magic. A huge magic circle enveloped the entire forest, covering all the elves inside. Sui Xiong glanced around and saw that this magic circle was not difficult at all, it was just a hypnotic magic. But with a series of special structures, the effect of the spell was greatly enhanced, so much so that the elves who should not be affected by hypnotic magic under normal circumstances were actually knocked down by it, and not even a single one successfully resisted.

If it was the red dragon who designed this magic circle, it would be really versatile.

Of course, dragons are full of versatile people. In fact, as long as you live long enough, it is difficult not to be versatile. When the growth of strength can only rely on the slow accumulation of time, apart from passing the time by learning various skills, what other way can be used as a pastime in the endless years

Oh, the dragons have another way, they can sleep. After sleeping for three to five years at a stretch, time naturally passed by.

In order to increase their strength while sleeping, dragons often choose places to sleep that suit their attributes. For example, red dragons will choose to sleep in magma, white dragons will choose to sleep in ice caves, rock dragons will choose to sleep in piles of rocks, and ice dragons will choose to sleep in ice...

The red dragon in front of us that looks like Users Creed is a good example.

Sui Xiong observed for a while, raised a few tentacles, and quickly drew a few magic symbols in the air. Then the magic flowed, forming a tiny magic array, which was firmly embedded in the original magic array, as if in the air. There was a hole in it, and a stream of blue smoke snaked in. Like a tentacle, it wrapped around one of the elves who had obviously stronger life energy, and dragged it out.

Sui Xiong rolled his tentacles around the elf and fixed it on his back. Then he canceled his spell and quickly left the underground cave with the elf on his back, returning to the surface.

Only then did he cast a spell to revive the elf.

To be honest, the exchange between the jellyfish and the elf was not very pleasant. The elf, who was already frightened, looked extremely flustered. If it weren't for Sui Xiong's strong suppression, he might have fled in a panic to inform his tribe.

But facing the terrifyingly powerful weird jellyfish, his resistance was futile, and all he could do was cooperate obediently.

And when he learned that Sui Xiong came to trouble the evil red dragon and was verifying whether he was guilty of a confirmed crime, he was even more excited. He even made gestures with his hands and feet in an effort to express the resentment in his heart.

According to him, the red dragon came without warning. Before that, their village had no interaction with the dragon, let alone any conflict. As a village located deep in the ancient forest, they have always lived a peaceful life. Apart from the caravans that pass by regularly, they have almost no contact with the outside world.

The elf emphasized the word "any" several times, and it was obvious that he was very concerned about being attacked for no apparent reason, and was very aggrieved - an unreasonable disaster is the most unacceptable.

Then, the red dragon came and attacked. The method of its attack was the same as that of the legendary "Cruel Burner" Uthes Kreid. It first breathed fire indiscriminately, burning the village into a sea of fire, and then lay down next to the sea of fire, while watching the villagers in the sea of fire. While struggling in the miserable state, he chewed up and devoured several elf children alive.

At that time, this powerful elf escaped from the fire by luck. Seeing this scene, he rushed towards the dragon desperately, hoping to at least leave a wound on the brutal beast.

Then, he was knocked unconscious until now.

The elf became sadder and angrier as he spoke. He clenched his fists tightly, and his nails pierced his palms due to excessive force. Blood fell drop by drop, but he was unaware of it.

His body kept shaking, not because of fear, but because of uncontrollable grief and anger.

If he were in front of the evil dragon at this moment, he would definitely rush forward without hesitation and fight the villain to the death!

Sui Xiong had been listening silently. He suppressed the anger in his heart, forced himself to calm down, and carefully watched the elf's heart, alert to possible lies. The elf's heart is filled with anger and pain, without any conspiracy or lies.

And the cruel scenes reflected in his heart were very similar to what Sui Xiong saw in the heart of the strong nobleman led by Gerten. Just clearer, more ferocious, more evil.

Sui Xiong read it many times, finally closed his eyes and threw a ball of ice mist on his head.

The cruel sight made him so angry that he might become violent if he didn't allow himself to calm down.

This is not okay. If you want to fight, you must stay calm!

"Very good, now I can be sure that it will not be an unjust, false or wrongful conviction." The floating jellyfish sneered and raised its tentacles.

The blue light flashed, and the elf felt the deep fatigue from his heart for a moment, and fell into a deep sleep without even being able to resist for a moment.

With a roll of tentacles, Sui Xiong caught the elf's body that almost fell to the ground. After thinking for a moment, he used a memory weaving spell on the other party. Then he created a small temporary shelter in the tree next to him and let him go. Inside.

"Have a good sleep. When you wake up, the nightmare will be over."

He was very sure of his spell. The elf would never wake up within two or three hours. Even if he woke up in the future, he would lose his memory for a period of time.

In this way, the whole thing can be done silently without anyone noticing.

"I do good deeds without leaving my name behind. I really deserve to be a good person who grew up singing 'Learn from Lei Feng's good example'!"

After arriving deep into the cave for the second time, Sui Xiong no longer hesitated and flew straight towards the red dragon sleeping soundly inside the magma.

"Users Creed, you have done many evil things, and today is the time for evil to be punished!"

He didn't really get close to the crater last time, because there were obviously several magic circles in operation around the dragon's body, providing it with sufficient warning and defense. If he approached rashly, the magic circles would be triggered and wake it up.

The giant dragon who was awakened from a deep sleep had a bad temper. As evidenced by Xie, apart from not daring to get angry when facing the snowflakes, she would get furious even if it was her brother who woke her up.

Sui Xiong was not sure whether this red dragon was a bad guy before, so of course he didn't want to cause trouble casually.

But this time is different, he is here to cause trouble!

No, he is not here to cause trouble, he is here to eradicate evil and enforce justice for heaven!

The floating jellyfish's body shook, and its body that was originally only the size of a hat suddenly expanded hundreds of times, turning into a behemoth over ten meters in an instant. If all the tentacles were spread out, it would be enough to wrap the dragon tightly.

Although hand-to-hand combat may not be required, it is always better to be prepared first.

Sure enough, when he was still some distance away from the crater, a magical light suddenly lit up on the ground, and a wonderful magic circle appeared around him.

Sui Xiong saw the essence of this magic circle at a glance - it had three effects, namely alarm, restraint and curse. It can wake up the sleeping dragon immediately and provide it with absolutely favorable conditions for starting a war.

The light of magic turned into black chains and wrapped around Sui Xiong. These chains were pitch black and gave off a heart-stopping, dangerous aura. You could tell at a glance that they were not good things.

But Sui Xiong showed no fear. He waved his tentacles and the blue light was like a sharp blade, slashing at the magic chain. With a crisp sound, all the chains suddenly fell apart, and the magic circle also collapsed, without any effect.

No, it still worked. At least it completed the task of calling the police.

The evil dragon sleeping soundly in the magma was awakened!

The huge red dragon suddenly opened its eyes, and the brilliance of magic rose from its body.

Circles of light appeared one after another, and the dragon's body suddenly gained several layers of magical armor. The entire figure became blurry, and there were even more radiant magic light balls surrounding it. Around you, like a satellite.

"It's a triggering spell, but there are so many... This guy is not only a villain, but also a powerful spell caster!" Sui Xiong was secretly surprised and became more vigilant.

As we all know, spellcasters are the most terrifying enemies. They have strong instantaneous explosive power, excellent field control and support capabilities, and unimaginable escape capabilities. Especially those advanced spell casters, they must have one or two pre-determined spells (mostly teleportation spells), which will be triggered once a certain condition is met, without the need to recite a spell, and they will take effect immediately. And if it were in their magic tower, the number of spells that could be triggered would increase several times.

What Sui Xiong saw at this moment was this scene.