Cthulhu Gonfalon

Chapter 78


Generally speaking, if adventurers need to fight high-level spellcasters, they will never choose to fight in the opponent's magic tower, but will only choose encounters. Because when caught off guard, a mage's weak constitution and slow reaction will become a huge flaw. Almost every once in a while, a senior mage will be killed in an encounter - most often by an enemy who is far less powerful than him. On hand.

However, when the spell caster is a giant dragon, the shortcomings of weak force are made up for by the dragon's naturally powerful physique, and the lack of magic power is also made up by the dragon's bloodline that is simply flowing with surging magic power. It is simply perfect.

It is almost impossible to kill such an opponent.

It is not uncommon for warrior-type dragons to be killed, but spell-type dragons are rarely killed because they are simply too strong.

Although it was already known that Uthes Creed was a magic dragon, Sui Xiong's expectation that his magic skills were so high was still a bit beyond his expectation.

Fortunately... he had made sufficient preparations in advance.

According to the predetermined plan, Sui Xiong fired three powerful spells in a row.

With a wave of his tentacle, the first spell was cast. I saw streaks of cold air condensing into dozens of sharp ice spikes in the air, roaring towards the giant dragon. They did not file away, but formed a fan shape, covering the dragon and a large area around its body.

This spell is enough to knock down dozens of well-equipped adventurers in one go, but for Sui Xiong and the evil dragon, it is just a prologue, just a way to say hello.

Their purpose is to sweep away defensive methods such as deflection, blur, and illusion, and to bring the evil dragon out of possible hiding states.

The second spell that follows is dozens of spell light balls of different colors. They can cause damage of various different attributes and can effectively destroy the dragon's protective spell.

The third spell came first. It was just a dim ray, but it suddenly spread out in the air and turned into a huge magic circle, covering almost the entire crater.

Along with the appearance of this magic circle, countless chains seemed to emerge in the surrounding space, completely locking this space.

This is the most important spell, locking space.

This is something that must be done when fighting high-level spellcasters. Otherwise, during the fight, the opponent will feel that the situation is not good, and he can escape with a teleportation spell.

Sui Xiong was not going to let the evil dragon escape. Since he decided to eradicate this villain, he must first cut off its escape path!

Faced with Sui Xiong's three consecutive spell attacks, the evil dragon also responded.

Most people would be confused for a while when woken up from sleep, but not the dragon Uthes Creed! It had already started preparing spells the moment it woke up. Unlike Sui Xiong, it was preparing a spell that took some time but was extremely powerful.

Ice spikes like heavy rain fell down, turning its vague phantom into nothing, and its real body emerged slightly further away. Then those light balls that were supposed to be empty circled around and roared towards it, canceling out the defensive spells on it one by one.

When all these light balls disappeared, there were only a few defensive spells left on the dragon.

But its spell has also been completed.

The huge dragon's red eyes, which were like two masses of lava, emitted a dazzling light and turned into two scarlet rays, which went straight towards the giant jellyfish floating in the air.

"You guys from the sea, have a taste of my power!"

Accompanied by the declaration of the evil dragon's will, scarlet rays came towards him.

This spell was so fast that it was impossible to dodge or resist. Sui Xiong only felt his body shake slightly before he was hit by the ray.

Colorful rays of light continued to appear on his body, turning into countless tiny lightning bolts that crackled non-stop.

He originally used magic power to float in the air, and suddenly felt his body shake. The magic power all over his body stagnated, and the fixed floating spell also lost its effect, and he fell straight into the magma below him.

This is "dispelling magic," one of the most common methods used by spellcasters in combat. However, the spell cast by the evil dragon is much more powerful than ordinary magic dispelling.

Sui Xiong was startled. He was about to mobilize his divine power to levitate again, but he felt that his whole body was burning hot. He felt that all the blood had become hot, and it seemed that it would boil in the next moment.

"Withering? How can it be so powerful?! No, this is connected with the magic dispelling just now - spell chain? No, it's the same spell..."

Sui Xiong immediately recognized the effect of the spell on his body, but immediately rejected his suspicion.

The withering spell that can evaporate the water in the enemy's body is an extremely domineering and vicious spell, especially for jellyfish whose body is mostly composed of water. This shows that this red dragon is not only cruel, but also rich. Fighting wisdom.

However... the "power" of this spell is only at the level of "senior mage". For those in the legendary realm, although it is still a powerful spell, it is definitely not dangerous. Especially for powerful legendary creatures, this kind of spell that can withstand it as long as the body is strong is impossible to cause too serious damage.

Not to mention, Sui Xiong's physique has far surpassed that of ordinary legendary creatures. If it is the Wither Technique, even if it is combined with the super magic skill "Spell Maximum Effect", it will not have much effect on him. At most, it will only cause him a little pain.

This spell was actually able to make his whole body feel hot and give him a premonition of blood boiling - and if he didn't suppress it immediately, this premonition would soon become a reality.

Such a powerful spell is definitely not comparable to the wither spell, just like the frost ray and the extreme cold ray. Although they are both a blast of cold air, their power is completely different between heaven and earth.

If Sui Xiong hadn't been physically strong enough, he would have been seriously injured even if he didn't die!

Moreover, the evil dragon is quite cunning. Its enhanced version of the wither spell is a fusion of two spells. The dispel magic at the beginning can effectively destroy the defensive spells on the target, allowing the power of the wither spell to be fully exerted, achieving a fatal blow. Purpose.

"It's so vicious!" Sui Xiong couldn't help but sigh secretly.

However, he still underestimated the legendary evil dragon that was rampant in the world. Its magical power was far more than that.

In the next moment, Sui Xiong understood the real danger of this spell.

When he used his strong body to suppress the boiling tendency of the blood in his body, another deep and evil force suddenly erupted, twisting the space around him and turning it into a black vortex, trying to drag him in.

What came out of the black vortex was the deep and dark breath of death.

It turns out that this spell is actually divided into three parts. The first is a greatly enhanced dispel magic, which disintegrates possible protective spells on the enemy; the second is an upgraded version of the wither spell, which alone is powerful enough to severely damage or even kill ordinary enemies. A legendary powerhouse; and even if the enemy can withstand the power of this spell, it will definitely be attracted to him. When the enemy resists and his blood boils, the subsequent spell will open a portal to the netherworld and drag the enemy in. .

First disintegrate the defense, and then hit with a fatal blow. Even if it is not fatal, it can still contain the opponent and ensure the success of the subsequent exile to another world. A set of methods can be completed in one go.

Not only that, the other side of this whirlpool is the territory of an overlord in the Netherworld. Its power is so great that even the Cruel Burner trembles at it. Once the enemy is sent there, there is absolutely no way he can come back alive!

In the past years, the evil dragon has used this spell to kill powerful enemies more than once, and there are many who are stronger than it, including two divine envoys.

So when it determined that Sui Xiong was a powerful opponent, it used this spell without thinking.

However, it miscalculated this time. Sui Xiong's power was far beyond his expectation.

From the Withering Technique to the Netherworld Vortex, it would not take more than a second. But in less than a second, Sui Xiong had mobilized his divine power to break the withering technique, got rid of the influence of blood boiling, and regained his freedom of movement.

So when the Netherworld vortex appeared, he just waved his tentacles, and his body suddenly flashed and moved to the other side of the crater, trying to escape before being entangled by the death breath overflowing from the vortex.

This powerful spell was also a big burden for the evil dragon, so much so that it couldn't recover for a while and watched Sui Xiong escape without having time to react.

Of course Sui Xiong would not let go of the opportunity. Several tentacles moved together, five or six magic arrays emerged at the same time, and then more than a dozen light balls flew out of each magic array, and they drew arcs in the air. Shoot towards the dragon.

This is a magic missile, which is almost at the entry level among all spells. Even a novice mage can cast it, and the consumption of magic power and spirit is very limited.

And that means... it can be released many times.

Just a second or two later, countless light balls had merged into a storm of missiles.

The evil dragon was so angry that his teeth were itching. If it was in good condition, there would be at least a few ways to completely block this low-level spell. Even if you have to fight them back, it's not impossible. But now most of the protective spells on it have been cracked, and it is in the recovery stage after casting a powerful spell, and it is unable to fight back.

The reason why Sui Xiong used the magic missile was to hit it fast and slow down, seize this short gap, and give it a punch first!

More importantly, he wanted to suppress the evil dragon with a storm of magic missiles, so that the evil dragon could not cast spells smoothly.

This guy's spells were so powerful that just one spell made him frightened. Looking at the slowly disappearing Netherworld vortex, he was still a little scared until now.

If the evil dragon continues to cast spells like this, it will not only add many variables to the battle, but it will also be very dangerous!

Therefore, Sui Xiong must contain it first!