Cthulhu Gonfalon

Chapter 79


In the dark cave, only the crater area is bright.

The hot magma emits dark red light and infinite heat, reflecting the battle between two powerful creatures.

The sound of banging, banging, banging was heard endlessly, and it became one continuous sound. Magic missiles hit the giant dragon one by one. First, they smashed a layer of protective spells that were as colored as steel until they lost their light and disappeared into thin air. Then they blasted the red dragon's dragon, which was as rough as red sandstone but far harder than steel. The scales made a ping-pong sound.

Magic missiles are not a threatening spell to the evil dragon Uthes Creed, and its hard scales are enough to withstand them. But the overwhelming missile storm made it impossible for him to open his mouth to cast spells, and even his eyes had to be closed to avoid damaging his delicate eyeballs.

As a powerful spellcaster, it can of course cast spells without chanting spells, but this situation of being suppressed and beaten by one side deeply angered it and made it furious. The previous spell exchange between the two sides also allowed it to judge the strength of its opponent - there is no doubt that the strange giant jellyfish is also an extremely powerful spell caster.

In this case, change your thinking. Judging from the appearance of this jellyfish, it seems that it is not very good at hand-to-hand combat, so simply rely on the dragon's powerful hand-to-hand combat ability and use warrior methods to kill it!

The thick dragon tail swung violently, bringing up a spray of magma. In the blink of an eye, it crossed a distance of tens of meters, defeating countless magic missiles along the way, and landed in front of Sui Xiong.

What greeted it were a dozen tentacles that were much thinner than it.

Sui Xiong was already prepared for the evil dragon's possible use of physical combat. The combined power of more than a dozen tentacles is far stronger than the dragon's tail.

Violent shock waves bloomed in the air. Two creatures that were unimaginably powerful clashed head-on with their bodies containing infinite magic power. In the end, the smaller one gained the upper hand. The giant dragon seemed to be able to tear off even a mountain peak. The tail was severely beaten back.

Only then did the explosion of the dragon's tail break through the air, followed immediately by the sound of the dragon's tail colliding with its tentacles. The two sounds merged together, like an overwhelming sound.

At this time, the red dragon had already flown up and rushed in front of Sui Xiong.

Uthes Creed does not like hand-to-hand combat. As a powerful spellcaster, it is keen to use magic-or wisdom-to defeat enemies, rather than using claws and teeth like a crude barbarian.

But this does not mean that it is not good at fighting!

On the contrary, for most dragons, fighting is a far more powerful method than magic.

They are extremely fast and powerful. The time it takes an ordinary mage to recite a spell is enough for them to launch at least five or six attacks, and each attack is enough to kill the enemy.

Not to mention, with their mental power that is unmatched by mortals, they can cast spells while fighting fiercely, achieving an effect of one plus one far greater than two.

But this time, the dragon met an opponent who could restrain it in all aspects.

In terms of strength, Sui Xiong is stronger than it; in terms of speed, Sui Xiong is faster than it; in terms of mental toughness, Sui Xiong is far superior to it; as for casting spells in battle, Sui Xiong is also more fluent than it.

The sounds of explosions and roars are endless, and the brilliance of magic also rises and falls one after another. The two sides are fighting inextricably, and at first glance, there is no distinction between high and low.

But as time passed slowly, the evil dragon gradually became worried.

The battle situation was still a stalemate for the time being, and it was difficult to determine the outcome, but Usersklade knew that he was at a disadvantage, and it was not that he was at a disadvantage in one aspect, but that all aspects were suppressed.

"Damn it! Could this be the envoy of some god? It is much stronger than the envoys I encountered before! Could it be that... this is simply the clone of some shameless god who came to the world?"

It was thinking carefully while fighting.

Sui Xiong's power far exceeded its expectations. Such a powerful person must have an extraordinary origin. Uthes Creed himself is already the pinnacle of "Legendary Creatures". Even when faced with those reclusive demigods, it is confident that it can take advantage in one aspect and will never be suppressed in all aspects.

Then, the answer can be imagined.

The evil dragon's lava-like eyes rolled and he quickly made a decision.

No matter whether the opponent is an envoy or a clone of a god, it is impossible for him to stay in the world for a long time. As long as it retreats temporarily, it will not be long before it must return to the Kingdom of God.

At that time, you can feel free again!

Thinking of this, it no longer hesitated and secretly recited a long spell.

That is one of several legendary spells it has mastered. Although it is not as powerful as the previous three-chain legendary spell "Ghost Apoptosis", in terms of effect, it is not weak at all.

It is simply unimaginable to prepare a legendary spell while fighting a strong enemy, but it can do it - after spending countless hours and energy on dedicated practice, it can prepare the spell for escape while fighting fiercely. appropriate.

That's its real final trump card.

A moment later, following a mantra containing multiple complex words, a red light suddenly rose up, completely enveloping Uthes Creed's body in it.

At the same time, the space around it shook violently, not only completely destroying the space blockade that Sui Xiong had used before, but also forcing Sui Xiong back a long distance.

This is the key reason why the "Cruel Burner" can repeatedly escape the pursuit of strong men, the legendary spell "Breaking Air Teleportation".

This spell can create space shock, which can not only force the enemy to retreat, but also break the space blockade of spells such as dimensional anchors. Especially when it is teleported, it can break all kinds of tracking spells, making it impossible for the enemy to track its whereabouts through methods such as breath or space fluctuations.

As for the prophecy spell... of course it has other precautions.

Seeing that the space tremors were getting stronger and stronger, and the teleportation was about to begin, the evil dragon couldn't help but smile sarcastically.

"So what if you are stronger than me? Why don't you just let me run away!"

However, this time, things developed far beyond his expectations.

Facing the dangerous space shock, the large jellyfish unexpectedly rushed over!

The violent space shock had almost irresistible destructive power. In just an instant, at least one third of the giant jellyfish's body was destroyed.

"Idiot! Idiot! You are seeking death!" The evil dragon screamed in his heart, but more of it was nameless panic.

It knows that its opponent will never do useless work!

The body of the giant jellyfish was almost completely destroyed in the space shock, but in the end, a tentacle reached out in front of the evil dragon.

In the evil dragon's doubtful eyes, a shadow that looked like a human hand stretched out from the tentacle and grabbed it!

"Want to escape? It's not that easy!"

In the elf's memory, after witnessing the evil dragon's crimes, Sui Xiong had already made up his mind to let the villain die here. Not to mention the space earthquake, even if the Evil Dragon God comes in person, don't even think about stopping him!

Sui Xiong is a person who rarely makes up his mind to do something, but if he makes up his mind, he will stick to it to the end!

It is true that even he cannot resist the power of space shock. But to him, physical damage is nothing.

This powerful floating jellyfish that can cast spells and fly is actually just the armor he uses to protect his soul.

Even a small section of the body is enough.

As long as he can protect his soul and come before the evil dragon, everything will be over.

After traveling to this world for so long, he has never seen an opponent who can block his soul attack.

This time, there will be no exception!

Sui Xiong's soul hand easily broke through the evil dragon's body and captured its soul. Feeling the danger of death, Uthes Creed struggled hurriedly, and countless magical lights rose up from his body. At this moment, it no longer cared about the consequences or the price it would pay.

But everything was in vain. Before it could cast even a single spell, its soul had been pulled out of its body by Sui Xiong, so the brilliance of magic was immediately extinguished, and its huge lava-like eyes also lost their luster. The teleportation spell that was about to be launched was interrupted. The giant dragon's huge body floating in the air completely lost its power and fell slumped into the magma, splashing hot waves.

This evil dragon that had been rampant in the world for many years finally died like this.

In terms of its own combat power, Uthes Creed is definitely enough to run rampant in the main plane where the highest-end combat power is restricted. Even facing Sui Xiong, it was only at a disadvantage, and it was too early to be defeated.

However, in the face of Sui Xiong's soul attack, it was no different from a small fish in the sea, and it died in an instant.

It wears a treasure that can provide soul defense, and its power is actually not weak. But in front of Sui Xiong, that precious treasure did not work - or it did work, but the effect was not enough to save the evil dragon's life.

It also tried to detonate its body at the last moment of its life, converting all the magic and vitality contained in its huge body into pure destructive power, and perished with the enemy. But because death came so quickly and suddenly, it was not possible in the end.

Therefore, when it died, it could neither escape nor resist, nor could it self-destruct.

Cowardly and unwilling, he finally died helplessly.

As the space shock dissipated, an invisible magic force was released from the jellyfish remains with only half of its tentacles remaining. The smashed jellyfish remains flew back from all directions and gathered together again.

After a while of squirming, they merged again into green jellyfish, floating quietly above the red dragon corpse, smiling coldly and happily.

In the center of its tentacles, a flashing red light was struggling, but could not escape.

This was the soul of the evil dragon Uthes Creed. Originally, it had deployed some defense methods against the soul, but all these methods failed to work in the face of Sui Xiong's soul attack, and he died in a daze in the end.

Sui Xiong did not follow his original habit of swallowing the dragon's soul. Instead, he used his soul power to create a cage and imprisoned its soul in his own body. Then he put flames condensed by ice magic into the cage, giving it a feast of ice and fire.

Before Uthes Creed could bear it anymore and begged for mercy, he completely sealed the cage, trapping the roar and whine of the dragon's soul inside.

As far as Sui Xiong knew, this villain started doing bad things at least two hundred years ago, so he had no intention of opening this cage for at least two hundred years.

Good deeds will be rewarded with good deeds, and evil deeds will be rewarded with evil deeds. The time has come, so repay now.