Cthulhu Gonfalon

Chapter 80


"Comrade Lei Feng once said that you should treat your comrades as warm as spring; treat your work as hot as summer; treat your mistakes as crisply as the autumn wind sweeps away fallen leaves; treat your enemies as ruthlessly as the harsh winter. Those who are full of evil, enjoy your time slowly Get the sentence!”

His Majesty the Jellyfish God sneered, then cast a spell to collect the huge body of the red dragon, and then searched inside the cave.

Unfortunately, he did not find the red dragon's treasure, and even using prophecy spells was of no avail.

It's not that it can't be found, it's that it's not there at all. This guy Uthes Creed is really, as rumored, completely different from ordinary dragons, and has no interest in making money at all.

It is the nature of dragons to love money. Whether they are vicious, kind, wise, cunning... almost all dragons love money. They are naturally fond of shiny gems and golden coins. According to Xuehua, when they sleep with gold coins in their arms, they feel warm in their hearts.

However, Uthes Creed was not like that. Gold coins could not warm his cold heart. Only the sight of weaklings wailing and screaming in the fire could make him happy.

Therefore, it doesn't bother to amass wealth at all, and its wealth is so poor that it may even be inferior to that lazy girl who loves to sleep.

Of course, it is not really penniless. The few magic items it carries with it are worth a lot of money. For example, the special scales embedded in its body are actually talismans disguised as dragon scales. They can provide more than ten different types of protective effects, can also activate a number of life-saving spells, and can even effectively resist spell detection.

The problem is that they are all engraved with the soul mark of Uthes Creed. If you want to use them for others, you must first erase this mark.

And even if the mark is erased, those talismans are too huge. If used by humans, they can only be used as giant shields - the kind that stand on the ground and can protect the whole person.

Bigness is not the key to the problem. What is more important is that the materials used for those talismans are very sufficient, and the weight is really ridiculous. Even the lightest one weighs at least one hundred kilograms.

A heavily armored knight's complete set of equipment would not exceed eighty kilograms in total - this is underwear, shirt, inner chain mail shirt, cotton lining, outer full body armor, metal helmet, metal gloves, metal boots, gun and sword , shields, daggers...etc., a set of things, all of which add up to a lot of weight.

Under normal circumstances, those who can wear this set of heavy equipment for combat are at least mid-level expert adventurers. There are many advanced adventurers who are not good at strength—for example, Lei, you want him to wear such a set. The heavy equipment will be very inconvenient even if you want to walk normally, let alone fight quickly.

In other words, if Lei was given a talisman for the giant dragon, he would no longer have to wear his own equipment and use his usual weapons. Carrying the talisman around would be strenuous enough.

So Sui Xiong planned to dismantle these talismans, take out the useful things in them, and remake them into truly practical equipment.

After solving the problem of the evil dragon, Sui Xiong returned to the ground, sent the physically hypnotized elf back to the magic circle in the woods, and then waved his tentacles, accompanied by a crisp sound, like glass breaking, covering the entire forest. The magic circle collapsed instantly.

"Elves, wake up." The voice of the jellyfish god echoed in the air, reaching into the hearts of those who were sleeping deeply and struggling in nightmares, "You are free!"

At Sui Xiong's call, the elves woke up one after another. They looked at me and I looked at you, shocked.

They couldn't see the invisible Sui Xiong, but they could see the surrounding scene clearly. Especially some of the elves who were kidnapped while awake could recognize the volcano where the evil dragon was entrenched at a glance.

After a while, a brave elf finally sneaked closer to the crater and confirmed that the evil dragon was not here. So the elders with higher prestige stood up and ordered everyone to evacuate as soon as possible.

"Hurry! Hurry! Hurry! The young adults are responsible for carrying the children, and the rangers go ahead to explore the path, and there are also those with spellcasting abilities to assist!"

"Hurry up! The dragon may come back at any time!"

"The old people gather together. If Users Creed comes back, we will fight it! Even if we rescue one more clan member, what is there to be afraid of at our age?"

"Where's the priest? The priest prays quickly to see if he can use the power of your majesties to contact other tribesmen. Let them come to meet us."

"There is no way to pray in this cave. You have to go to the ground..."

"Damn! Let's go quickly, we are very pressed for time!"

The elves retreated in a busy and chaotic manner. They formed a long procession and ran up the stream as fast as they could toward the ground.

Many experienced elves were still paying careful attention to their surroundings as they ran, watching out for possible dangers.

But their worries were unnecessary, because Sui Xiong was following them invisibly, guarding them.

Walking and stopping along the way, it took the elves almost a day to finally get out of the canyon and return to the ground.

By this time, the young adults were okay, but the children were already exhausted, and many of them even fell asleep on the backs of adults.

Seeing that everyone was exhausted to the extreme, the temporary leaders of this group of elves had no choice but to order a rest.

Some elves with adventure experience were responsible for building simple temporary camps so that the exhausted tribesmen could have a more comfortable place to rest, while others were responsible for searching for food so that everyone would not go to bed hungry.

As luck would have it, they didn't go far when they encountered two giant beasts fighting to the death for territory. One was a giant bear and the other was a giant python. Both giant beasts had deep wounds on their bodies, and their deaths were quite tragic. I don’t know what kind of nerves they had when they were alive, but they died together.

The "foraging team" spent a lot of effort to transport these two giant beasts back to the camp. Seeing their fruitful results, the tired and hungry tribesmen cheered.

"Well done!"

"It's just luck..."

"We must have run out of bad luck, and now we have such good luck!"

"Yeah... I don't know where the evil red dragon has gone. I hope it never appears again!"

"I hope I still have the chance to encounter it—when I become strong enough to destroy it."

"Haha, where is the pastor? Did the pastor pray? We need to contact the tribe as soon as possible."

"Praying requires a lot of energy, and they are all exhausted. It's better to take a rest first and eat before we start."

After the commotion, the well-fed and drunk escapees fell asleep in the temporary camp, while the priests who finally recovered prayed around the makeshift holy residence and used sacred rituals to contact their distant tribesmen.

After a while, their prayers were answered. With the help of the power of the gods, he quickly contacted his tribesmen in distant places.

"You escaped? Great! We are organizing a dragon-slaying team here, and we thought we could only avenge you..."

"Don't be in a hurry to slay the dragon. The evil dragon who is probably Uthes Creed has gone somewhere... Send someone to pick us up first."

"Okay, but it's strange to say that the contact with the assembly point was cut off. I don't know what happened..."

"Did the evil dragon strike first and attack the assembly point?"

"Impossible! There are more than a dozen high-level adventurers there, and there is also a legendary strongman sitting there. If Users Creed goes there, he will die!"

"Damn it! What accident happened!"

"Don't panic! What you need now is to have a good rest. After you have rested, continue towards the nearby villages. We will send people to the assembly point to check the situation."

When the news was told to the temporary leaders, they were a little uneasy. But as the tribesmen from far away said, the most important thing now is to have a good rest. Panicking won't help, and if something does happen to the rally point, they won't be able to help.

The only thing they can do is to take these escaped tribesmen to the nearest village and settle down.

In the darkness of the night, no one saw a green jellyfish rising into the sky and rushing towards the village that was used as the assembly point.

Sui Xiong was originally parked on a big tree above their heads and was about to take a nap too. According to his plan, he planned to escort these poor elves to a safe place, but when he heard that contact with the assembly point was lost, he couldn't sit still.

I didn't spend much time on my trip, so why did something happen over there

What a hell!

Sui Xiong was galloping in the air. He used the power of his flying spell to the extreme, and his figure almost turned into a green lightning.

At this time, he couldn't help but regret a little - if he had known something might happen over there, he should have left a spatial coordinate on Lei or Steele, so that he could use the teleportation spell to come directly to them.

well! In fact, we should leave a little clone behind, so that we can at least keep in touch at any time!

While he was complaining about his lack of thinking, he was also a little puzzled - Steele had her own protective spell, Lei was a veteran of many battles, and there were many masters in the village, including a legendary strongman. , how come something happened in such a short period of time

This is simply ridiculous!

Green lightning roared across the sky, leaving behind a series of low roars.

The battle with Uthes Creed consumed too much of his strength, especially in the end, in order to prevent the dragon from escaping, he forcibly broke through the space to shock the body, causing his body to almost completely collapse. In order to repair his physical body, he consumed almost all the reserves of this clone, and also suffered a lot of losses.

If the dragon's corpse can be eaten, of course it can make up for the losses and make a lot of money. But the corpse of the legendary evil dragon Uthes Creed can be said to be full of treasures. Dragon scales, dragon skin, dragon blood, dragon bones, dragon teeth, dragon tendons, dragon marrow, and dragon hearts are all good things. Even the dragon meat and internal organs are all good in their own way. Useful, should not be wasted.

According to the news from Wendy's clone, Wendy has made preliminary progress in her research on the giant snake's corpse. She used magic to divide the giant snake's flesh and blood and activate it, catalyzing various factors in it respectively, and has roughly delineated the "longevity" possible range of factors. Just to activate the longevity factor in the giant snake, she needs to use the flesh and blood of higher organisms as a culture medium. Although she has some materials left by her teacher on hand, she uses those precious materials refined by the late master of alchemy. As cheap consumables, they are always suspected of being a waste.

In comparison, the body of the evil dragon Uthes Creed is so big that cutting off any flesh is just a drop in the bucket. Moreover, the giant dragon is the most fertile creature known, and its flesh and blood is most suitable as a culture medium, which can greatly activate the giant snake's longevity factor and speed up the experimental process.

And even if the experiment is successful in the future, when making longevity potions, it is likely that materials such as dragon blood and dragon meat will need to be used, so the more, the better.

Therefore, it was certainly impossible for Sui Xiong to devour the dragon's body just to make up for the shortfall.

Now he regrets a little, but it's too late to regret - it takes time to swallow the dragon's corpse, and what he lacks most now is time!