Cthulhu Gonfalon

Chapter 84


Even a child can see Lei's dissatisfaction and doubt about wish-making.

Sui Xiong couldn't help but ask: "The wishing spell is also a well-known high-end spell. Even legendary mages may not be able to cast it. Even low-level wishing spells at a lower level often require high-level wizards or even legendary mages to cast it. Come out. Why do you look so disdainful of them?"

Lei sighed and recounted his experience.

When he heard that he had won the "World's Strongest Warrior" medal, Sui Xiong couldn't help laughing: "These people are so creative! Awesome! Awesome! - Do you still have that medal?"

Ray was silent for a moment and took out an old brass medal.

It can be seen that this medal has been played with for a long time. Countless times of rubbing have made the sharp edges and corners become rounded and have a warm light golden color. It looks like it has been aged for a long time.

The workmanship of this medal is very ordinary. Perhaps the blacksmith who made it really put a lot of thought into it. However, without mastery of skills, everything is in vain. For example, due to the poor material, its wear resistance is very poor, and the writing on the medal has become blurred, and only some of it can be seen vaguely. As for the original patterns on the medal, most of them have been worn away and cannot be seen clearly.

Steele just glanced at it and lost interest in it. Coming from a noble family, she was also an expert in jewelry appraisal. She could tell at a glance that this medal was indeed of low quality. If placed in a big city, it would only be enough to appear at a souvenir stall. A few coppers could buy one.

But Sui Xiong stared at the medal intently. After a while, he asked gently: "Do you regret making that wish?"

"Regret? That's not the case." Lei shook his head and said, "There are too many things I have done in my life that are worth regretting. That incident is actually not worth mentioning."

"Since you don't really regret it, why are you so disgusted with the wish-making technique? This doesn't make sense."

Lei hesitated for a while, sighed deeply, and said something else.

That was before he became a lone thief and explored the Western Wilderness as an adventurer.

At that time, he hid his identity and strength, and joined a well-known adventurer team as a mid-level adventurer. This team is not very strong, but the atmosphere within the team is very good. The captain was kind and fair, and everyone helped each other, which made him feel very satisfied.

After a year or two, they got a treasure map by chance. After going through a lot of hardships, they finally found the treasure.

The treasure was indeed satisfying, and everyone got a lot of good things—the enchanted leather armor he was wearing at the moment came from that treasure.

Among the treasures, the most precious ones are two wish-making scrolls.

Around these two scrolls, which could make all wishes come true, everyone was vying for them, and it was a mess - in fact, most of them were booing. Finally, after discussing with everyone, the captain used one.

His wish was "I want to live forever."

"This wish is not very reliable." Sui Xiong said, "The wishing technique cannot do such a thing."

Lei smiled bitterly and nodded: "You are right. After the captain made a wish, the time and space around him suddenly solidified, imprisoning him inside, and then he was sucked into a black hole that appeared out of thin air. No one knows where he went."

"Being imprisoned like this, it seems that he is indeed immortal..." Sui Xiong shook his head and sighed, "Wrong wishes often lead to such results. After all, the will of mortals is not enough to fight against the correction of the world, and will be fooled and misinterpreted. , not surprising.”

Lei and the others were stunned and wanted to rescue the captain, but they had nowhere to start. After much tossing, there was nothing we could do.

Without their respected captain, the adventure team soon fell apart. Ray continues his adventure as a lone traveler while the others go their separate ways.

Soon after, Lei was assigned the task of escorting a caravan through the orc empire, which lasted for several months. When he returned to Xihuang, he learned something that was like a bolt from the blue.

News about the wishing scroll leaked out, and the famous smuggler's guild "Iron Sand" came to the door. The companions in the team were found one by one, either betrayed or killed. In the end, the captain's wife, children, and children were all killed because they broke up. Previously, the remaining scroll was left to the captain's son.

"The scroll was taken away in the end?" Sui Xiong asked coldly, "Is this the battle that later gave you the title of 'Destroyer'?"

"Yes. I took out my savings and hired thieves to spread false news, making the Iron Sand Chamber of Commerce mistakenly think that another organization was going to merge with them. Everyone retreated to the headquarters. And I held the sword, Kill them through their gate." Lei said calmly, his expression neither happy nor sad.

That battle was so tragic that the famous Iron Sand Chamber of Commerce disappeared. All the main members of the chamber of commerce were killed by lightning. Except for a few lucky ones who escaped by chance, not even a chicken or a dog was spared. , this is where the name "Miemen" comes from.

From that day on, he ceased to be an adventurer and became a lone thief.

Ironically, when Lei went to the room of the president of the Iron Sand Chamber of Commerce, he found that the president had built a secret room that was completely isolated from the outside world. He carefully activated the scroll and made a wish, "I want inexhaustible wealth."

So Lei Yijian chopped him down, threw a handful of gold coins on him, and said, "If you have the ability to use it up, feel free to use it."

Then, he raised his gun and stabbed the guy to the core.

"Well done!" Sui Xiong praised, thought about it carefully, and said with a smile: "His wish seems to have come true. It seems that there is really 'inexhaustible wealth'..."

"Yes, endless wealth." Lei smiled sarcastically, "After these few incidents, I have developed a strong vigilance and disgust towards the 'wishing spell'. I always feel that this kind of thing is very unreliable. , avoid it for fear of not being able to catch it."

"This wish-making technique cannot bring about any good results at all. It is nothing more than bad, or worse."

At this time, Sui Xiong finally understood where his aversion to the wish-making technique came from. It was all a bloody lesson!

This is probably like Sui Xiong watching one of his gamer friends who is quite talented - that friend once fought back when their team was beaten 4 to 0 in a team battle. One person wiped out all five of the opponent's team. He also once A sudden faint move when the situation is great will ruin the victory that has almost been won... Generally speaking, the majority of the time is when the opponent is faint, and the situation of explosion is rare.

So they played the game together for several months. Poor Sui Xiong not only failed to improve his competitive level, but instead fell from gold level to silver level.

From then on, whenever the "Psychic Knife" asked him to form a team, he always found various reasons to shirk.

… I’m afraid of being tormented!

"But the Perfect Wish Spell is different!" He said, "This spell will never have such bad results!"

"Wish-making spells are just the same, so what's the difference?" Lei asked.

Sui Xiong was unhappy and explained loudly: "The wishing spell is a mortal spell, and the perfect wishing spell is a divine spell. The two are completely different! Different!"

"What's the difference?"


"What difference does it make?"

"The perfect wishing spell will not have 'malicious results'." Sui Xiong raised a tentacle, like a finger to strengthen his persuasion, "If the wish does not get a good result, then this spell will automatically roll back and recover. To a state where there is no wish.”

Of course, the perfect wishing spell cannot really "come true", but as a divine spell, it has a complete error correction mechanism. Once the wish cannot be fulfilled in a way that is beneficial to the wish-maker, it will automatically cancel the wish and allow the wish-maker to make a new wish.

Let's take "Suppose Lei makes the wish 'I will become the strongest warrior in the world'" as an example. Suppose he uses the perfect wishing technique, then he will get feedback "This wish cannot be realized, please modify it, or make a new wish." ". The result is that he will not waste his precious wishes in vain. He can adjust them, such as "I want to become a stronger warrior than the dragon", or "I want to become a warrior with divine power and speed".

"In other words, the Perfect Wish Technique can ensure that a wish is fulfilled from the front - although the situation may not be perfect, it will definitely not deceive people. Right?" Lei asked after pondering for a while.

Sui Xiong smiled: "Well, that's pretty much it."

Lei was silent for a long time, then patted Steele on the shoulder: "Come on! Although I think it is more likely that you will turn into a pig, but maybe you will turn around and change your mind... A perfect wish-making spell is worth all your efforts!" "

Although I don’t know how many good deeds I need to accumulate and how much gratitude I need to ignite all the twelve flames in the blue ring - it must be an astronomical number, but no matter what, at least this is a clear "wishes"!

In this world, there are countless strong people who have wishes that they cannot realize, and eventually die of regret. No matter how hard they try and how much risk they take, they will probably not be able to realize their wishes.

The legendary mage who invented the wish-making technique is a tragic example. She was originally a princess of a country. While practicing magic, she learned that her hometown was destroyed by war and her relatives and friends died. In order to save her motherland, she spent more than a thousand years studying magic and finally invented the wish-making technique. But this spell failed to achieve her goal - although her power was so powerful that even the gods turned their attention, the final result was only to tamper with all historical records and obtain a "salvation" that only existed in writing. That’s all.

The great mage died in endless regret. Her power and will shook the world, and she eventually became a new god - the God of Regret. It was a god who lamented for those wishes that could never be realized, and sneered as he watched the world chew the pain in sorrow.

A... terrifying demon.

Neither Lei nor Sui Xiong knew that the emergence of the perfect wishing technique had a lot to do with the demon god - the person who invented this spell was the demon god's teacher, a great man who was so powerful that he could even say no to the gods. Sage.

In order to redeem the souls of his disciples, he spent hundreds of years and finally developed this spell.

The perfect wishing technique ultimately failed to make up for the devil's regrets, but it could make the world less regretful.

But now, as long as the lucky Steele works hard and accumulates good deeds, she can definitely realize a wish.

Of course... the premise is that she has to do enough good things.

After hearing these things, Steele's eyes widened and she stared dumbly at the blue ring on her right hand. She kept saying to herself: "Perfect wishing technique, wish... Perfect wishing technique, wish..."

As she spoke, something didn't look right in her eyes. At the same time, in the red ring on the back of her left hand, flames of light burned one after another...