Cthulhu Gonfalon

Chapter 85


If Lei hadn't woken her up from her fantasy in time, maybe Steele would have turned into a pig.

When she looked at the red ring on the back of her left hand that had been lit with seven flames, she looked like she was about to cry.

"Just imagine, why is it so serious..." She kept thinking and muttering in a low voice along the way.

Lei Quan pretended not to hear and concentrated on his way.

When she read it for the fifteenth or sixteenth time, Sui Xiong finally couldn't bear it anymore. He glared at this strange flower angrily and said angrily: "You still have the nerve to complain? I The preset limit given to you is actually quite loose. Just one fantasy has ignited so many fires. You should find the reason from yourself!"

"I just thought about it briefly!" Steele said with a frown, "I just thought about some ways I can't usually do it..."

Without saying a word, Sui Xiong raised his tentacle and gave her a bang.

"Correct your thoughts and get rid of distracting thoughts!" He yelled viciously, "If you become a pig, I will put you on a rack and roast you!"

Steele shrank her head, not daring to say anything more, and flew ahead to explore the way.

However, she still couldn't control her random thoughts. About two days later, when they passed by a tree elf village again, after holding it in for a long time, she finally saw a strong man cutting down a tree with his shirt off on the side of the road. Can't hold it back.

The flames on the back of her left hand were burning like boiling fire, and in the blink of an eye all twelve flames were filled.

Steele, who was walking towards the muscular man who was extremely rare among tree elves and wanted to strike up a conversation with him, screamed in surprise and was enveloped in flames pouring out from the back of her hands, shocking the villagers who saw this scene. .

The red flames came and went just as quickly, disappearing without a trace in less than three seconds.

When the flames disappeared, what remained was not a severely burned and endangered man, but a pig.

A plump, round pink pig with a bow on its head.

This little pig is about half the length of an ordinary person's arm, and only about a foot from head to toe. Its lines are quite rounded, and the small bat wings on its back are not at all ferocious, but full of a funny feeling. It stood on its two hind legs, as upright as a human being. There was a huge red ring between its chest and abdomen, and twelve balls of flame inside the ring were burning slowly and peacefully.

The piglet's body does not smell like ordinary pigs, and its eyes are unusually large, making it look very energetic. It was staring blankly ahead - the muscular man rushed over with a bucket of water. It seemed that he wanted to save people, but now he was at a loss.

Steele, who had turned into a pig, was in a daze for a while, and finally realized what had happened. She looked at the other person, and then looked down at her hands and feet - for the chubby pig, this action was really strange. It was a bit hard—I finally yelled.

"To lock it, touch it to the left or shrink it!"

"Your Majesty, what did she say?" Lei asked curiously.

"Probably 'what's going on'..." Sui Xiong couldn't help but laugh when he looked at the pink piglet crying on the muscular man's lap with a collapsed face and tears streaming down his face.

Obviously, no matter how horny Steele was, the strong tree elf man would not have sex with a pig - especially the pig was so small, even compared with ordinary pet cats and dogs, it was not a big deal. Get on the big guy.

So after a lot of entanglement and crying, she finally followed Lei helplessly, said goodbye to the handsome tree elf man with a handsome face, a strong back, a strong back, but a good heart, and continued on the journey.

Not far away, Lei became a little mentally unbalanced.

"Why can you still fly even if you become a pig?" he asked.

Steele, who was flapping her wings and flying slowly not far behind him, replied: "Woyobozaiduo..."

"She probably said 'I don't know either'." This time, before Lei could speak, Sui Xiong translated for him, "Actually, her accent isn't that difficult to understand, it's just that every sound is a bit loud. Uh-huh-huh, listen carefully and you’ll understand.”

Lei followed his instructions and listened carefully, but still shook his head.

Steele's "pig-like dialect" is too difficult and obscure. Except for the gods who can peer into the soul as an assistant, it is really not easy for mortals to understand it.

He was too embarrassed to always ask Sui Xiong to translate. After some discussion with Steele, he took out an ax and chopped down a tree, cut it into a number of large and small round and square wooden boards, and gave them to Steele to use as book pages. .

Whenever Steele wants to say something, she can use magic to write it on the wooden board. Although this is not fast enough, it is still much better than having Sui Xiong act as a translator.

As for these wooden boards, Steele also has storage tools anyway, so it doesn’t hurt to bring a bunch of them.

After you finish writing, it’s good to use it as firewood...

Using this method, the communication between Steele and Lei became much easier, and various doubts about this little pig were gradually solved.

First of all, there is the issue of flying. Although the piggy wings are short and small, they look like just decorations. But just like Steele did not really rely on her wings to fan the wind when she flew before, the wings themselves are equivalent to magic props. , can provide flight capabilities, as for the appearance, that is secondary.

Then there is the ability of this little pig. After turning into a pig, Steele lost her best charm ability, and all kinds of spells were basically blocked. Only the healing spells can still be used normally. But as compensation, her physical strength was greatly enhanced, and she was able to fight Lei back and forth in a short period of time. Just looking at the appearance, who would have thought that this little pink pet pig has extraordinary strength and super agility!

Unfortunately, Xiaozhu's fighting state did not last long. He got hungry soon. When he was hungry, his combat effectiveness immediately plummeted. It seemed that he was an explosive player and his endurance was very problematic.

Lei's questions were generally answered, but the question that Steele was most worried about could only be answered by Sui Xiong.

After turning into a pig, can you turn back into human form

"Of course." Sui Xiong said, "My purpose is not to turn you into a pig, but to punish and restrain you by turning you into a pig. The twelve flames on the ring on your chest are The evil thoughts you have stored are used as fuel, and when the stored evil thoughts are burned out - that is, when all twelve flames are extinguished, you can return to your human form."

However, the flames did not burn very fast, or maybe Steele had too many evil thoughts stored up before. In short, it was not until they almost walked out of the ancient forest that the twelve flames finally burned out. With the "touch" With a sound, a puff of smoke rose up, and Steele, wearing an adventurer suit, appeared in front of them again.

"Oh my god! I finally changed back!"

Steele cheered and looked around in the mirror, almost unable to hold back tears of joy.

At this time, Lei raised another question.

"Steele, when you turned into a pig, you clearly only had a bow, so how come you are wearing all the clothes after you turn back into a human?" As he said this, he remembered the scene when Steele turned into a pig, and couldn't help but feel more depressed. , "When you changed from a human to a pig, your clothes didn't fall off. Where did they go?"

Of course, Steele couldn't answer this question. With her meager knowledge of magic, she had no research at all on her transformation into a human and a pig, let alone an in-depth discussion of such a high-end matter as "where did the clothes go?"

So of course only Sui Xiong can answer this question.

"I ignored it." Sui Xiong said apologetically, "I never considered the issue of 'pig also wear clothes' before, and because I wanted to emphasize the twelve flames on the chest, I didn't help you design clothes. ...Wait a moment, I will think it over carefully and help you design a suit of clothes suitable for pigs..."

"No need." Steele shook her head, "A pig wearing clothes, don't you think it's weird?"

Sui Xiong was stunned for a moment and asked Lei: "Do you feel strange when you see a little pig wearing clothes?"

He didn't think so. Before he traveled through time, he often saw owners dressing their pet dogs. By analogy, it seems very reasonable for pet pigs to wear clothes.

But he doesn’t know much about the customs and traditions of this world, and he hasn’t lived in a very prosperous place since traveling. So do the high-end pets in this world wear clothes? He really wasn't sure.

Lei recalled it and shook his head: "First, I have never seen anyone raising pigs as pets. Maybe there are some mages who specially cultivate special pigs as magic pets... I'm not sure about this; second, I don't know either I’ve seen people dress their pets in clothes, except for some perverts who keep beautiful little boys and girls as pets.”

"Holy crap! Are there such perverts in this world?"

"There will always be perverts, especially among the group of spellcasters. There are countless weird things..." Lei said thoughtfully, "Maybe there are also people who can dress their pets, such as summoning a skin. If Ke Jing is a magic pet, then she must wear clothes."

Sui Xiong nodded repeatedly and asked Steele: "What about your own wishes? Do you think you should wear a full set of clothes when you turn into a pig?"

"It's not necessary." Steele said without thinking, "Wear clothes to keep warm, it's convenient to go without clothes, whatever. We are going to the south now, the weather is getting warmer, there is no need to keep warm - Then why should I wear clothes?"

What she said was reasonable and well-founded. Although he always felt that something was wrong, Sui Xiong was still convinced.

"...Actually, from my perspective, I hope you can stay in human form and not turn into a pig." He patted Steele on the shoulder with his tentacles and encouraged him, "You must learn to restrain your desires. Be the master of desires rather than slaves. If a person wants to make progress and achieve something, he must work hard to restrain desires!"

"Just imagine, if you could restrain your desires back then, you might be a lord now. If you could restrain your desires some time ago, you wouldn't have turned into a pig..."

While he was pouring chicken soup for Steele's soul incessantly, hoping to purify her desire-filled heart a little, Lei couldn't help but let out a long sigh.

"What's wrong?" Sui Xiong asked.

Lei pointed at Steele's left hand.

On the back of her hand, the first flame slowly emerged from the originally empty red ring.

This woman... seems to be hopeless!

"Steele..." Sui Xiong couldn't help but sigh deeply and gave up admonishing, "You'd better learn how to be a pig!"