Cthulhu Gonfalon

Chapter 93


The Secret Magic Tower Federation is a strange country to talk about. It does not have a decent government. What decides the country's affairs is a large assembly composed of mages. The Grand Council is divided into two parts. The Lower House, composed of senior mages, is responsible for handling the country's main government affairs, such as finance, taxation and personnel, all of which are handled by the Lower House. The House of Lords, composed of legendary mages, is only responsible for major matters such as diplomacy and military affairs - the masters are very busy and have no time to pay attention to those small matters.

"What are those legendary mages busy with?" Sui Xiong asked curiously.

Lei thought for a while and said: "Generally speaking, they should be studying how to break through the biological limits and step into the realm of demigods - anyway, several masters I know are studying these."

"Do you still know the legendary mage?"

"I can't say we know each other, but I do know them, but most of them have no impression of me." Lei said with a smile, "I studied here for a period of time when I was a boy. At that time, it was in the Supreme Tower, the capital of the Mystic Tower Federation. .Because of some luck, I was lucky enough to meet two masters, and I also met two other masters, plus Master Green. I know all the fourteen legendary mages in the entire Secret Tower Federation. It’s exactly the number on one hand, which will definitely envy many middle and low-level mages.”

"With your current strength, even if you don't consider your background, you are fully qualified to visit those legendary mages." Sui Xiong said with interest, "Will we pass through the territory of any legendary mages along the way? I think You can go and pay a visit.”

Lei recalled it carefully and shook his head: "To be honest, I don't have a very good impression of where the masters live - for example, Mr. Green Sea Resident, I know his existence, but I don't know his origin at all. Right here in Greentree City.”

"Is this kind of information kept secret?"

"Maybe it wasn't kept secret, but I had no interest in intelligence or anything like that at that time. When I got a little older and started to be interested in these things, it was already..." Lei's face suddenly darkened, and he sighed deeply, No more talking.

Obviously, he remembered some sad past events.

Sui Xiong gently patted his shoulder to express comfort: "Don't be sad, people can't always live in memories. You have a bright future, so why bother always worrying about those unhappy things in the past!"

"You're right." Lei smiled and nodded, but his expression remained gloomy.

But after all, he was an experienced adventurer and was very good at regulating his emotions. It didn't take long for him to return to normal, burying those sad past events deeply in his heart again.

The Mystic Tower Federation is composed of towns. Because they are guarded by magic towers, the security in the city is often very good. However, once you leave the city, all kinds of monsters appear in endlessly. Even on the road, they often appear. There are many monsters.

This is because the terrain here is very high - there is a plateau in the south of the main plane continent, and the concentration of magic power is relatively high. This is also the reason why the mages chose to build magic towers here.

The high concentration of magic power caused a large number of mages to gather here, and it gradually developed into a country of mages. However, the higher concentration of magic power also makes the monsters here emerge in endlessly, just like weeds in the wilderness, they are endlessly cut down and destroyed. Sometimes, it is even clear that the patrol team has just swept through a certain area, and they are gone in the blink of an eye. Rain, a large number of monsters sprung up like mushrooms after a spring rain, appearing out of nowhere.

Lei swung his long sword and chopped a roaring Minotaur into four halves with his axe. Then without looking, he stabbed out a spear with his backhand and stabbed a screaming harpy. His heart felt cold. At the same time, his feet were not idle. While running, he also kicked a mutated slime with spikes all over its body. The extremely ingenious force caused it to hit a big tree. It finally exploded, turning the monster that was supposed to be immune to most physical attacks into a puddle of mud, splashing everywhere.

In the blink of an eye, more than a dozen monsters were killed by him, and the ground was covered with blood and a mess.

"Why are there so many monsters here?" Sui Xiong said in confusion, "There are not so many monsters in the Greystone Mountains or the Ancient Wood Swamp!"

Steele flew back from a short distance, holding a wooden board with a line of big words on it: You ask me, who should I ask

So everyone and everyone turned their attention to Lei.

Among them, Lei was the only one who had been to the Secret Tower Federation before.

"I don't know either. I came over by water by boat, then landed at Baita Port, and directly used the short-distance teleportation circle to go to the Supreme Tower." Lei said, "Later, when I was in school, I basically took one step at a time. I have never left the Supreme Tower, so I also understand the actual situation of the Secret Tower Federation through books."

"You don't listen to what's going on outside the window, and you only read the books of sages - you had a very exam-oriented education style back then!"

“What is exam-oriented education?”

"Just like you, concentrate on reading and don't care about anything else."

"That's really a good way of life." Lei said with a smile, "It's stable and peaceful, without fighting against the world. My teacher always wanted me to be a scholar, and not to become a knight like others."

Steele laughed, took out a wooden board, and wrote two lines: Scholar who committed murder and set fire? Robbery specialization

Lei couldn't help but smile bitterly, shaking his head while laughing.

Sui Xiong thought for a while and asked: "What about you now? Do you want to be a scholar or a knight? Or... have you made up your mind to be a successful robber?"

"If possible, I still want to be a knight." Lei said, "But it's unlikely. Knights have very high requirements."

"I don't think so. You are already a strong man who is about to reach the legendary realm. If this is not enough, how many knights can there be in the world?"

Lei sighed: "This is not a question of strength, but a question of character. To become a knight, you must follow eight virtues, humility, honor, sacrifice, bravery, mercy, faith, honesty, and justice. The corresponding oaths I I won’t go into details one by one... In short, I have deviated from the virtues of a knight, and no matter how strong I am, I can’t be considered a knight.”

"It seems that knights seem to be very high-end..." Sui Xiong muttered in a low voice, "They actually have such high moral standards..."

Steele laughed again, took out the wooden board and wrote a big word: Liar!

"Liar? What do you mean?" Sui Xiong asked curiously.

Seeing Steele take out the wooden board again, he simply waved his hand and used a temporary common language for everyone, so that Steele could communicate directly in language.

"The virtues of chivalry are nothing more than a formality when canonizing a knight. The lord or bishop presides over the ceremony, and the knight who is canonized makes a false oath—in fact, no one will take it seriously." Steele said with a smile, "I have seen many knights. Not to mention the eight virtues, I have never seen anyone who can meet even half of them."

"Not even half of it?"

"Of course." Steele took out the wooden board and wrote the eight virtues on them, explaining one by one. "Humility, this requires the knight to be humble to everyone, lower his attitude, not be proud, and not be arrogant. Be strong. Most people are proud, and only the weak will be humble. The knights I have seen are indeed humble when facing people with higher status than them, but that's all."

"This can be considered half a piece." Sui Xiong said.

"Okay, even half of it." Steele continued, "Honour requires knights to firmly protect their honor, not to do anything that harms their honor, and never to back down when defending their honor. This is the most important virtue among knights. It is often mentioned that 'honor is my life' is said by many people - but when they really need to take risks to maintain their honor, or pay the price to maintain their honor, most of them shrink back. I just Occasionally I see knights who are willing to uphold their honor—fortunately, there are some after all.”

"Then this counts as one."

"Well. Needless to say, sacrifice. After all, knights are warriors who obey the lord or the church. If a warrior shrinks from battle, what is the point? So this is the best implemented among knights' virtues."

"Two and a half."

"Be brave, many stupid young people can do it. But most stupid young people can't be knights, and those who can become knights, not many are brave anymore." Steele said, "There are basically no heroic knights among the noble knights. But if you include the knights of the church, there are still some brave ones among the knights of the church."

"Does this count as one?"

"At most half." Steele said, "The next step is compassion. Anyway, I have never seen a knight with this virtue. When you see it, you can ask me to visit and open my eyes; Faith, noble knights don't have Of course the church knights have faith, but what they believe in is not justice or justice, but their own gods—even evil gods."

"Is this considered a virtue?" Sui Xiong asked.

"Some people may think so, but I don't think that fanatical belief in gods and drawing swords against anyone who conflicts with one's own gods' teachings can be called a virtue."

Sui Xiong smiled: "This really doesn't count."

"Honesty and justice, these two things must be counted together - because I have never seen them. Like mercy, these three virtues are very rare. Not only have I never seen them among knights, I have never seen them among nobles. Something." Steele scribbled on the wooden board and finally smiled.

There are only three remaining virtues in total.

Sui Xiong turned to look at Lei, his expression was a little gloomy. It was obvious that Steele's criticism of the moral standards of the knights made him very unhappy.

"Only by following the eight virtues can one be called a knight." He emphasized, "Fake goods can be found everywhere, and it is not just among knights. Nobles also have rules and standards of virtue, but who has seen how many nobles can fulfill them? of?"

Steele laughed twice and didn't take it seriously: "Nobles are already terrible! Look at me, apart from being a little lustful, do I have any other shortcomings? I was deprived of the right to inherit..."

"You're not 'a little' horny, you're too horny!"

"It doesn't matter, it's just a matter of personal style..."

Lei and Steele started making noises as usual again. Sui Xiong watched silently, making secret calculations in his heart.

Maybe... after his church is built, it's time to hold a canonization ceremony for Lei

Well, let’s do it!