Cthulhu Gonfalon

Chapter 96


According to Satan's introduction, Knight Parn lives in the West City District of Jinta City. There is a gathering place for settled adventurers, lower-level nobles and lower-level mages. These people generally have some skills or connections and have enough food and clothing, but it is not easy to climb up further. In earthly parlance, it’s the so-called “middle class.”

The security in Xicheng District is good, there are guards patrolling, and no pickpockets or homeless people were seen. Compared with the Dongcheng District where they entered the city, the situation was much better.

Knight Parn's address is Dendrobium Street in Xicheng District. There is no concept of "house number" in this world, so the exact address cannot be clearly stated.

Of course, this is not a problem for a veteran adventurer. Lei has always believed in the approach of "following the road". He randomly found a guard who seemed to be relatively friendly, took out two silver coins, and said with a smile: "This hard-working patrolman Sir, can I buy you a drink?"

The guard stopped, looked at the silver coins, and replied with a smile: "This price can buy a bottle of wine - do you want to know some news? I'm just an ordinary soldier, I don't know any special news. .”

Lei directly handed him the silver coin: "I have a lucky friend who got a job in the territory of a noble man. The man practiced martial arts all day long and had no interest in government affairs. He wanted to find someone who could help him take care of the chores. . My friend recommended a knight named Paan who lives here. Do you know where he lives? "

The guard was stunned for a moment and sighed regretfully: "You are late. Knight Parn has passed away."

"Ah? When my friend passed by here a few years ago, he was still alive and healthy!" Lei was taken aback and asked hurriedly, "Why did he die suddenly!"

The guard hesitated for a while, looked around, and whispered: "It's not convenient for me to talk about this. You can go directly to his house and ask. His house is easy to recognize. There are two rows of marigolds planted in front of the door."

After saying that, he turned around and left, unwilling to stay even for a moment.

Lei frowned secretly, but kept a calm expression on his face. He followed the guard's instructions and went to find Knight Parn's home.

At the same time, Sui Xiong's real body, who was far away in the four northwest towns, found Satan who was busy.

"What?! Paan is dead?! This is impossible!" Satan exclaimed, "He was in his prime and a senior warrior. There is no reason for him to die suddenly!"

"I'm investigating and will know the results soon."

Satan lowered his head, his hood covering the anger on his face: "Your Majesty, if he was harmed by someone, please allow me to take a temporary leave to avenge him!"

"Oh? You have a good relationship with him?"

"He was the one who helped me when I was down and out." Satan said. "Without his help, I might not have been able to leave Golden Tower City alive. At that time, I was penniless, let alone travel expenses. Even eating was a problem. He supported my life, helped me contact a group of adventurers who were determined to leave the Mystic Tower Federation, and helped me forge some necessary documents... With his help, I was able to leave safely. Later I first went to the Thunder Principality to live for a while, then took a boat to the Gold Coin Federation, and finally came to the four northwest towns."

Sui Xiong nodded slightly: "It seems that this person is quite good, right?"

"Yes, Knight Parn is a nobleman who believes in the God of Knights. He insists on mercy and justice, is very methodical in doing things, and is keen to help people who are really in trouble. He is quite prestigious in Golden Tower City, and he often He is a respected gentleman who mediates conflicts between various forces in the middle and lower classes."

Sui Xiong sighed secretly, regretting that such a talent died so young.

Just when he was in contact with Satan, Lei had already found Knight Parn's home according to the guard's instructions.

It was a rather beautiful small bungalow, and it could be seen that the owner must have good financial resources. The two rows of marigolds in front of the door emit warm golden light in the sun, making people feel warm in their hearts just by looking at them.

But if you look closely, you can see that the house is quite old and needs repairs in many places. Perhaps the owner's current financial situation is not ideal.

Suddenly, Lei frowned and his eyes fell on an inconspicuous mark in the corner of the wall.

It was a small pit with a small protrusion in the middle. It seemed ordinary at first glance, but to him, a combat expert, it was a bit shocking.

This is the trace left by the crossbow bolt, and it is a crossbow bolt that completely shot into the wall!

Although the crossbow bolt is not long, the power required to completely shoot a crossbow bolt into a wooden wall is extraordinary. The one that can do this is definitely not an ordinary crossbow, but a specially made heavy crossbow.

This kind of heavy crossbow can easily penetrate the knight's armor, and it may not be able to block it even if he holds a shield. After a period of training, even a newbie can use it to kill powerful warriors. And as long as the appropriate enchantment is used on the crossbow or crossbow arrow, it can also penetrate the protective spells of powerful wizards and kill with one blow.

Not only is this thing expensive to build, but its production and transportation are also strictly controlled. Lei remembered that when he was a prince, he only saw a few in the heavily guarded arsenal. Later, one of them left an unforgettable impression on him...

"Your Majesty, I'm afraid there is something wrong with Knight Parn's death." He quietly reported his findings to Sui Xiong through spiritual contact.

Sui Xiong pondered for a moment and said, "No matter what the problem is, since we are here, we always have to meet with his family. We can talk about other matters after we have a detailed discussion with his family."

Lei nodded and led Steele to the door. After knocking on the door, the closed door opened.

"Why are you making trouble again! The agreed time for repayment hasn't come yet!"

With an angry roar, a red-haired girl walked out holding a long sword.

It can be seen that she is ready to fight the enemy, but it is not her enemy who comes.

"Uh... I'm sorry, I got the wrong person." Seeing two completely unfamiliar visitors, the girl immediately realized that she had made a mistake, and hurriedly put the long sword back into the scabbard, making herself blush.

Lei smiled slightly and made an aristocratic salute with impeccable grace: "Please don't mind, no knight would be angry with a beautiful lady like you."

The girl's face suddenly turned redder.

"My name is Lei, and she is my friend Steele. We were entrusted by the magician Mr. Satan to invite Knight Parn to serve as a political officer in the pioneer territory." Lei smiled and asked knowingly, "Excuse me, is this the home of Knight Parn? ?"

The girl was stunned. She stared blankly at the smiling Lei and Steele, and confirmed their identities from the aristocratic etiquette they displayed that could only be achieved through special training.

However, tears came to her eyes.

"... My father is no longer alive." She tried hard to sound stronger, so that her voice would not tremble, and she tried even harder to hold back her tears and prevent them from flowing down. "I'm so sorry for letting you live up to your good intentions! "

Lei pretended to have just learned the news, exclaimed in surprise, and asked: "Knight Parn passed away? But Mr. Satan said that he was an outstanding knight. Although he usually makes a living by copying and teaching, But his martial arts skills are not inferior to mine at all - forgive me for being rude, it is hard for me to imagine that a knight like me would die in his forties... I can take the liberty to ask whether he died of illness or injury. Of?"

The girl was silent for a long time, lowered her head and whispered: "This has nothing to do with you. Anyway, my father has passed away. It is impossible for me to serve as a political officer in your territory. Please come back."

Lei winked quietly, and Steele immediately answered: "Then we still have one thing to do. Mr. Satan was greatly favored by Knight Parn back then. He is living a good life now, but he is too busy with work. After learning We are coming to visit Knight Parn, and he specially prepared a gift and asked us to bring it along the way."

Her words successfully attracted the girl's attention, and the girl waved her hands repeatedly: "Gifts? No gifts are needed. Father helps others and never wants anything in return!"

"You are making things difficult for us." Steele smiled softly, her manners were as generous as the spring breeze blowing on her face, which made the man feel good. "Mr. Satan has a very high status in the territory, and we often Take care of him. We should help him do what he has entrusted us to do. It is just a gift, so please don’t turn away the kindness sent from thousands of miles away, okay?”

Although her tone was inquiring, the gentle temperament she exuded made it difficult to refuse her plea.

Regardless of whether they are men or women, as long as they are not hard-hearted Lao Jianghu, no one can even think of saying no when facing her like this.

Of course the girl couldn't. She hesitated and then invited Lei and Steele in.

Then, he hurriedly closed the door and lowered the latch.

"Huh? Is the public security in this city very poor? Do you have to lock the door in broad daylight?" Lei appropriately showed his surprise.

The girl smiled awkwardly and did not answer.

It was obvious that she didn't want to mention certain issues.

The two followed the girl through the door. Before they could sit down, a sharp voice came from upstairs: "Sister! Is the annoying guest gone?"

The girl laughed more and more awkwardly and hurriedly apologized to Ray and Steele.

Of course they didn't mind this kind of thing and resolved the awkwardness with a burst of laughter.

Then, they saw two people coming down from upstairs, Knight Paine's wife Teague, and his second daughter Nisi.

As for Liv, the eldest daughter of Knight Parn, she is of course this reckless red-haired girl.

Mrs. Teague has obvious elf characteristics and is probably a hybrid of elf and human—commonly known as a half-elf. The eldest daughter Liv is obviously of human blood, with no elf features to be seen, while the second daughter Nisi is somewhat similar to her mother, with slightly pointed and longer ears, and silver hair that seems to be able to shine.

It can be seen that their bloodline should be from the relatively rare moon elves.

After the two parties exchanged pleasantries, Lei took out the space bag and took out "Mr. Satan's gift".

It was a set of dazzlingly beautiful porcelain and a bag of valuable gems.