Cub Raising Association

Chapter 102: One hundred and zeroth as a childcare worker


Such a small cub, which Xie Luan could easily pick up with one hand, lowered his head and licked his palm gently.

In the other world line, the image of Ain, who has grown up and is accustomed to closing his eyes, is very cold, which is similar to Yai and Gar in that world.

Unlike the icy appearance in adulthood, the cub who was gently licking Xie Luan's palm seemed to be very obedient, and seemed soft and innocent in Xie Luan's eyes.

Xie Luan couldn't help sitting down first, and carried the little milk-colored little Vic cub on his lap. Before getting familiar with the new environment, he should give this cub a little more sense of security.

When Xie Luan came to the hall, the cubs who were resting or playing in this place would always approach him, and this time was no exception.

The approaching cubs can easily find that Xie Luan has brought back new companions. These cubs do not reject the new and unfamiliar companions, and are curious about the new companions as before.

As soon as the young man walked into the hall, he attracted all the cubs that were moving in the hall like a luminous body.

At this time, they all thought to themselves, when the young man went to the Kalia branch this time, this scene must have also been staged—

With Xie Luan's affinity for the cubs, everyone felt that this was really possible, and they couldn't help but think about the expression of the caregivers of the Kalia branch at that time.

For the cubs close to him, Xie Luan fished a few onto his lap, and then responded appropriately to the cubs who wanted to get attention.

"The new baby is called Ain, and he will live with you in the future." Xie Luan lowered his voice when he said the last sentence, "This baby can't see, when it encounters difficulties, you are more help it."

Help the new companion, the young man said so, although the cubs around him still don't know how to help, they are now responding obediently one after another.

But at the same time, some cubs questioned Xie Luan.



Not long after the three chubby chubby and Riley cubs finished playing the flying game together, they were now squatting next to Xie Luan and making a clear cry of inquiry.

Xie Luan thought about what the cubs wanted to ask him, and finally said in a low voice: "If you can't see it, it's all black and there's nothing in front of you. Ain can't see what the surrounding things look like like you can. of."


The crisp cry has also become lower, although it is still only a cub, hearing these little fat chirps described by the youth can also feel how difficult it is to "see".

In order to express their willingness to help each other, the three chubby chubby flapped their wings and flew to Xie Luan's legs, squatting near the new companion and straightening their hairy bodies, "Tweet Tweet!"

With these little chubby chirps, the other cubs around began to take the initiative to get to know their new companions.

The cubs in their branch are very well behaved.

Watching the cubs in action, Xia Qi and the others were about to show the comforting expression of an old mother/father.

As long as they teach and take care of them intentionally, the cubs will become sensible. This is something the nursery staff of the Rainbow Branch have understood since their work during this period.

Except for Xie Luan, the breath of everyone in the room was unfamiliar to Ain.

These different breaths were recorded one by one between the breaths. It seemed that there was no action on the young man's leg. This Vic cub actually recorded all the breaths of the cubs that approached it.

After staying in the new environment for a while, Xie Luan felt that the cub on his lap should feel a little more secure, and he put the fluffy cub on his lap back on the soft blanket on the ground.

"This is the hall, and it's where you and other babies usually move around. Ain can try walking around here now." Xie Luan touched the back of the Vic cub and added in a warm voice, "I Right next to you, don't be afraid."

Since he couldn't see, the cub had to grope for a familiar environment when he went to a new place, and it was the same when he was in the Kalia branch.

But at the Kalia branch, the cub was unaccompanied as he explored a new environment of memory, and sometimes bumping into things or tripping over obstacles was inevitable.

Originally staying in the Kalia branch for about a year, this Vic cub should have been familiar with the environment, but not long ago, the Kalia branch changed the layout of the living room. It's like having to start all over again.

Said to be next to him, Xie Luan really followed the cub step by step.

Whenever the cub was about to encounter an obstacle, Xie Luan whispered the cub's name to stop the other party, then crouched down and warmly told it that there was something in front of it.

At first, he sniffed slowly and moved forward. When he found that the young man had indeed been by his side, the cub gradually stopped sniffing, and tried to raise his front paws and take a step forward.

This is a safe exploration, which is different from the need to grope carefully before. Even though there is only black in front of him, this unknown darkness has become less cruel and harsh to Ain.

It doesn't hurt even if you can't see it, and a gentle voice whispers its name before it can be hurt. When it was safely explored to the end, it was carried back into that extra warm embrace.

"Let's get to know this place today, and we'll go somewhere else tomorrow." Letting the cub turn around the hall, Xie Luan encouraged and stroked the soft fluff on the cub's body when he said this.

Worried that the cub would not be able to remember it if he explored too many places at once, Xie Luan divided the plan of bringing Ain familiar with the living house into several parts, and they could take it slowly day by day.

"Wang woo."

Just like the soft cream-colored fluff, the Vic cub's response sounded docile and soft, and at this moment, the cub's eyes felt bright even if they lost their luster.

Xie Luan stretched out his right index finger and lightly touched the corner of the cub's eye in his arms, and touched the pulp of his finger there.

Speaking of which, in another world line, Xie Luan discovered that Ain who grew up liked to eat crème brûlée, so this cub would probably like it too.

After that, he will try it in the oven as a reward for the cub to know the new environment.

Knowing that Ain was congenitally blind, after Xie Luan accompanied the cub to familiarize himself with the hall, he still carried the cub to the infirmary built on the second floor of the living room.

"Do you have a cure for this cub's eyes?" Xie Luan adjusted his posture so that the cub in his arms was facing the old man opposite, and asked politely.

Bella didn't answer right away. She used her powers to probe the body of the Vic cub, and said in a low voice, "Is it a condition from birth?"

Xie Luan nodded and affirmed the other party's statement.

Looking at the cub in Zheng Anshun's arms, Bella shook her head apologetically: "Sorry, I have no choice."

Xie Luan paused for a moment. In fact, this answer was expected, but when he heard the other person say it himself, it felt different.

"Well..." Xie Luan responded.

Seemingly feeling the change in the youth's mood, the cub Vic in Xie Luan's arms raised his head at this time and looked at the position where the voice came from above.

"Wang woo."

He couldn't see but still watched, following the smell he had smelled, after the cub stared at Xie Luan for a while, he lowered his head to find Xie Luan's hand, and licked lightly in the latter's palm.

After licking, the cub made another sound as if to attract Xie Luan's attention.

"Wang woo-"

Xie Luan was dumbfounded for a moment, but he actually felt that the cub was comforting him.

It was almost like a little milk dog whimpered against him, Xie Luan turned his eyes to meet the eyes of the cub in his arms, not glamorous, but he seemed to be watching him seriously.

Having been "watched" by this cub several times, Xie Luan thought about it for a while, then he picked up the cub a little more, and let the cub put a front paw with a soft pad on his face superior.

If you can't see it, if you touch it, can you also let this cub know what he looks like...

The claws were already retracted, and the only thing this Vic cub touched on the young man's face was the soft pads of flesh.

Only one front paw was attached at first, and after a while, the cub carefully raised the other front paw and attached it as well.

For the next few days, Xie Luan was accompanying the cub to familiarize himself with the environment in the living room. When the living room was familiar, he planned to take the cub to two other large facilities to have a look.

"A Luan, Xiao Ain really likes you." Xia Qi couldn't help but let out this sigh, looking at the cub who was sniffing at the youth again.

"Huh?" Xie Luan glanced down at the cub who didn't know how many times he had sniffed at him, raised his head and made a questioning tone to Xia Qi.

"In the Vic tribe, the first time you smell the breath is a record. If Ken smells the second time, it means he doesn't hate this person. If it's more than the second time, it means he likes your performance." Xia Qi smiled. meaning to explain.

Hearing it every day, it is conceivable that this cub does not like young people in general, and probably has reached the level of nostalgia.