Cub Raising Association

Chapter 110: One hundred and one as a childcare worker


On the return journey, I also took an ark ship. It was the first time I entered such a large battleship. On the way back, the black dragon cub, who was lightly put down from his arms by Xie Luan, also explored the new world and wandered the whole ark like flapping dragon wings. ship.

Xie Luan was exploring with the young dragon. When he arrived at the main hall, he reached out and hugged the black dragon cub who wanted to fly forward.


When he was about to fly, he was suddenly caught by the young man behind him and refused to fly. The black dragon cub with black jade scales didn't resist, but raised his head and screamed at Xie Luan when he was hugged.

Xie Luan didn't want to do anything when he hugged the black dragon cub. He just put the young dragon on the square table in the main hall of the ark, and then when the dragon baby raised his head to him again , reached out and touched the young dragon's black wings.

This place, the main hall of the ark ship, can also be regarded as the place where he and this black dragon first met.

But the black dragon he met here was not a baby dragon, but an adult dragon with humanoid form.

"Oni should be more careful in what she does in the future, and don't hurt herself. Your grandfather and I will both be very worried about you." Thinking that when they met in both worlds, they happened to see each other hurt, Xie Luan couldn't help but be right The black dragon cub in front of him said this sentence.

In both worlds, the black dragon had bandaged the wound. Xie Luan still remembered that in the other world, the black dragon was injured on the arm.

If he cared more about each other at the time, it would be better to get along with each other more. For Aoni and Ain, who have grown up in another world, Xie Luan met two cubs when he came back to this world. People have thought like this afterward.

Although the fact that he stayed in that world line was only a few days, no matter how much time he got along, it was still short.

Knowing that the young man who said this was caring about himself, he was snorted by the black dragon cub placed on the square long table, flapping his wings and flying so high that he could face Xie Luan face to face, and put his head lightly on Xie Luan's cheek. .

Now that he has returned to the Yunbao branch, Xie Luan brought the two new members who joined in front of the others who were staying in the living room and described the situation in detail.

It is normal for a cub care branch to accept cubs. I haven’t heard of any branch in Interstellar that has ever accepted family members, but after listening to Xie Luan’s description of the situation, everyone in the house nodded after thinking for a few seconds to express their understanding. .

This black dragon cub has no parents. It was brought up by his grandfather since he broke the shell. Now the old giant dragon who is a grandfather is very old. It can be said that it is almost the end of its lifespan. It is reasonable to say that They should undoubtedly let each other see more cubs.

However, the standard of end-of-life for dragons is higher than that of most other races, and this old dragon can still live for many years from a human point of view.

"I'll go and clean up a room for you later." Xia Qi was more polite and respectful towards the elders, so she took the initiative to clean up the room.

When Xie Luan carried the black dragon cub into the hall, the other cubs in the hall had spontaneously and consciously approached him in the direction before he actually walked over. He surrounded.

It was the first time that he stayed in the same place with so many cubs of other races, and would live together in the future. The black dragon cub nestled in Xie Luan's arms moved a little unconsciously, and lifted his front paws down, so he was in Xie Luan's arms. Luan Huaili stepped on it neither light nor heavy.

Feeling the movement of the cub in his arms, Xie Luan touched the dragon's wings soothingly, "As long as Aoni controls his power, he won't hurt them."


After making a low voice, it was put down on the ground, and the front and rear claws stepped on the soft blanket. Facing the other cubs that were close to the surroundings, the black dragon cub slightly raised its wings and then lowered its body.

Still not daring to touch, Xie Luan didn't urge the young dragon, but only reached out and patted the black dragon cub's back.

As soon as Xie Luan sat down on the ground, the black dragon cub fluttered down and flew onto his lap, and looked around with its magnificent golden vertical pupils.

Xie Luan just sat still, the cub would feel more at ease when it was nestled with people he was familiar with. After the young dragon got used to it for a few days, he would naturally take the initiative to contact other cubs.

Without moving his position, Xie Luan reached out and hugged the little mermaid cub who had been waiting for him in the morning so that the little mermaid could lean on him.


The ice-blue tail fin started to sway gently after seeing the young man. The mermaid cub grabbed the clothes of the young man next to him with his hands, and a happy expression appeared on his delicate and expressionless face.

"Yeah." Xie Luan responded warmly, spreading his hand flat, so that the caudal fin carried by the mermaid cub could slap in the palm of his hand.

The Vic cub, who heard the voice from a distance, has also run to Xie Luan's side to sniff the breath like a puppy. Maybe because Xie Luan has been out for a few days, this cub has also been sniffing for a longer time this time. some.

He put his left hand to let the little mermaid pat lightly with his tail fin, and put his right hand to let the Vic cub lower his head to sniff. Xie Luan can't spare his third hand now.

"Wang woo."

After finally smelling the breath, the Vic cub licked twice in the palm of Xie Luan's outstretched palm.

The other cubs who approached sat in a row around Xie Luan, which was very different from the other cubs. A huge Muka cub brought eight other Mukas who had grown a lot from the outside. Baby Ka stayed at Xie Luan's left.

Xie Luan raised his hand to the muka cub, just so that the muka cub lowered his head to touch it. When he touched the hard shell of the cub's head, Xie Luan touched it.

"Nick." Xie Luan softened his voice and touched the Muka cub's head gently, and he quickly heard the cub's response.

Staring with scarlet vertical pupils, the Muka cub, who was bowing his head and touching the young man's palm, uttered a low hiss obediently after hearing the call.

Relying on the ability to fly, several chubby chubby feathers of different colors flew to Xie Luan very early, and have been chirping for a while since just now.

Seeing how these cubs approached the youth, the black dragon cub nestled on Xie Luan's lap blinked his golden eyes. Although he still didn't make contact with the other cubs, the folded dragon wings relaxed slightly and spread out to both sides. Also try to lift the front paws and step on the soft blanket next to them.

This is a good start.

Xie Luan, who had always been following the movements of the black dragon cub, watched silently. When the young dragon raised its head and looked at Xie Luan again, what he received was the latter's encouraging gaze.

Don't be afraid of approaching others, and don't be afraid of being approached. Xie Luan wants this black dragon cub to know about things that he couldn't tell each other on the other side of the world.

Speaking of which, with the Knox on his shoulder, Xie Luan found that he had already collected all the world-destroying combinations on the other side of the world, except for the three who had been in their branch from the beginning, he now The other two were also turned back to Rainbow Dash.

"Papa?" The young man next to him seemed to be distracted, and the merman cub who grabbed the young man's clothes moved the small fish tail covered with ice-blue scales and made two repeated monophonic sounds.

After returning to his senses, Xie Luan lowered his head slightly to face the blue eyes of the mermaid cub who was looking at him, reached out to touch the soft blonde hair of the little mermaid, and gave the cub a soft expression when responding.

The parents focused their attention again, and the mermaid cub's reaction was also very obvious. When the hair was being stroked, the tail fin couldn't be shaken, and his eyes became brighter.

These cubs will be nurtured and grown up in this world, Xie Luan put his eyes on the four cubs who were still babies one by one.

"A Luan, is your exam registration okay?" Although there should be no surprises, Xia Qi asked this question with concern when approaching the young man who was surrounded by cubs.

Xie Luan nodded and took out the number plate with the chip embedded in it: "I got the number plate, just wait for the official assessment later."

The grade assessment of the nurses still needs to wait for nearly two months after the registration deadline. During this time, the nurses who have obtained the number plate and waited for the official assessment are basically busy with the assessment while taking care of the cubs on a daily basis. Prepare.

"That's good." Xia Qi calmed down and added, "There is a written test in the assessment. If you need to read books during this time, Luan, you can do less work and leave it to us. "

Xie Luan waved his hand and said, "There's still a lot of time, and it's not tiring to take care of the cubs."

The cubs in their branch are very well behaved, and the caregivers are actually very worry-free.

"The president's assessment rating is definitely not low." Instead of taking the test himself, Zheng Zhou also had an expression full of confidence.

In fact, it's not just Zheng Zhou, almost everyone in the Yunbao branch has a natural confidence in Xie Luancun, which has been formed in their working relationship since they joined the Yunbao branch.

At this time, Xie Luan didn't say anything, and Xie Luan lowered his eyes to take a look at the number plate he was holding in his hand. Xie Luan was still a little looking forward to this childcare worker assessment.