Cub Raising Association

Chapter 112: One hundred and one as a childcare worker


It was said earlier that once the special weapons and equipment are removed, the disadvantage of the human race in terms of physical ability will appear. At this time, humans are generally very weak, which is almost the consensus of all races in the entire interstellar space.

The cubs of most races in the interstellar are also quite dangerous to humans, so generally no humans will develop in the direction of interstellar caregivers.

So Xie Luan now stands out from the crowd.

In the various curious and exploratory eyes cast around him, he maintained a natural look that was no different from usual. Xie Luan still had time to observe the surrounding environment at this time.

The assessment site for the Star Alliance's childcare workers is different every year. The super-large building at the designated location was constructed from the first two months of the assessment.

It is a recyclable building. After use, you can press the button in the control room to recycle it with one click. After recycling, you can take it to another location for reuse.

Equivalent to a portable and mobile building, building materials are special materials that can be highly stretched and extended. Xie Luan has always been curious about such buildings that existed in the interstellar era, and it was the first time he saw it today.

The young people who were concerned by the group did not respond, but this still did not reduce the surprise and interest of the others present. Many of the people who came to participate in the assessment in pairs began to whisper with their peers.

"Is it a human...?" A candidate took a peek at the black-haired young man standing not far away, raised his elbow and bumped the waist of his companion next to him, speaking in a hesitant and uncertain tone.

The companion also glanced at it at this time, and after watching it for a few seconds, he finally nodded and replied in a similar tone: "Yes."

After such a conversation, the two Saim people from Finne star looked at each other for a while, and each saw the surprised expressions on each other's faces.

The Yunbao branch was a dark horse in the last Star Alliance assessment. Xie Luan, as the current president of the Yunbao branch, of course there were people who knew him.

And someone asked this question: "It's the president of that Rainbow Dash club, but isn't he an investor... Also a childcare worker?"

Knowing is knowing, but there are not many people who really understand the situation.

After the Yunbao branch became slightly famous, many people were surprised that the president of this cub care branch was a human, and he was the main investor of this branch before, but they did not know that Xie Luan was in the Yunbao branch. What role does it play.

"It should be that when the president has nothing to do, come over and take the test casually."

More than one person had this idea. When someone said this to the person next to him, many people nearby who heard it easily agreed with this remark.

If you just come here to pass the test, the other party should not even be able to pass the C-level evaluation...

They are not saying that they despise the human race, but it is well known that humans are indeed not suitable for the profession of interstellar caregivers.

Human beings have a natural disadvantage in the score of physical ability. It is impossible to get a high score in this score, and it is even more likely that ordinary scores cannot be achieved. This shortcoming alone is enough to make the assessment of interstellar caregivers for human beings. Race has become harsh.

There are more whispers, and some of them will reach Xie Luan's ears, but it has no effect on him.

Not long after joining the Yunbao branch, Xie Luan knew that it was very rare for humans to be interstellar caregivers, so before he came to participate in this assessment, he had already thought that he might face the current situation.

"That... you don't need to care what they say." A young Severa man approached Xie Luan with a shy look.

There were too many people around who showed that they were not optimistic about the young man in front of them after being surprised and concerned. Locke felt that the other party might be hit by the performance of others, so he walked over with good intentions and wanted to say something of encouragement.

He also lived in Gaia before coming to this planet. Locke had heard a lot about the Rainbow Branch that developed on his own planet, and he admired the youth who saved the cub care branch that was once close to falling apart.

There is a swaying tentacle on the opponent's head, which is the racial symbol of the Severa race. Xie Luan remembered that the shaking frequency of the tentacles of the Sevilla means friendliness.

"Thank you." Xie Luan nodded to the other party. Although he didn't care, he still thanked the young man who came to tell him this kindly.

From this thank you, I can feel that the young man in front of me is a person who is easy to get along with. Locke reported his name and said, "Don't be too nervous. This is the fourth time I have participated in the assessment of childcare workers, and the contents of the first three assessments are not different. Big, this year should be the same."

When he participated in the assessment for the first time, Locke's rating score was only a little short of being able to reach the B-level, because it was only a little short, and he continued to apply for the past three years.

The problem is that this gap seems to be particularly difficult to break through. There has been no progress in the assessment for two consecutive years. In fact, Locke is also apprehensive about this year's assessment and has no confidence.

Ten minutes before the start of the assessment, all the candidates who participated in the childcare assessment this year were all present, and the venue entered the closed mode for the last five minutes.

Like most exams, the first part of the interstellar nursery grade assessment is also a written exam. Everyone finds a seat in the corresponding area according to the serial number on the number plate.

Five minutes later, with the sound of a ding dong, this year's childcare worker grade assessment hosted by the Star Alliance officially began—

After the sound of the warning sound, the super-large building suddenly became quiet, almost to the point where a needle could be heard.

It's similar to taking a test paper, except that this test paper is not paper, but is directly reflected on the desktop like a virtual screen.

To be honest, this type of test question is very familiar to Xie Luan. Multiple-choice questions, true-false questions, short-answer questions, and case questions are obviously not difficult for Xie Luan, who has extensive test-taking experience.

Some things only need to have a vague memory to choose the right one. Pointing at the table with his finger, Xie Luan quickly solved the multiple-choice question.

The questions in the written test are not obscure questions, on the contrary, they are all common sense content.

The most common question in the multiple-choice questions is to ask about the preferences of the cubs of various races, like the last multiple-choice question that Xie Luan just finished.

[What is the favorite color of the Kesu cubs? 】

[A. White B. Gold C. Rainbow D. Orange]

Just like this, although common sense, it is also what a childcare worker needs to master most.

After recalling the true and false questions a little, Xie Luan was almost sure, mainly because the short answer and the case part took some time.

The case question basically asks what to do as a childcare worker when encountering the above situation. There is no standard answer to this kind of question.

Xie Luan picked up the electronic pen and wrote the answer in the blank box according to his own thoughts. After finishing all the questions, he habitually glanced back and pressed the submit button in the upper right corner to confirm that there were no missing questions.

The time for the written test is exactly one hour. When Xie Luan finished writing and handing in the papers, the barrier that blocked his view near his seat was lifted, and he could see other candidates in the same test room.

Seeing that everyone else was still answering the questions, Xie Luan was a little surprised. He found that he seemed to be the first to submit the papers.

After the written test is over, it is a physical ability test. Xie Luan has no suspense in this part of the test.

This part of the physical ability assessment is to know the scores immediately. The scores will be announced on the virtual screen suspended in mid-air in order of high and low, and Xie Luan's name will appear in the last place.

In the part of the written test, I didn't know what the other party's score was, but at this time, seeing the physical ability test scores announced on the screen, many people who looked up and saw the last name showed such expressions.

It is not unreasonable to say that the human race is not suitable for being an interstellar caregiver. You can see the difference in the score of this physical ability, and it is even a little short of the ordinary passing line.

Locke also saw the bottom score, the good-natured character made him unwilling to walk to Xie Luan again, looked at the other party and paused for a while, and finally comforted: "It's okay, there are still several projects left. , as long as you score higher in other items, you can pull up the score."

Even so, Locke knew in his heart how unrealistic the words he comforted were.

If you want to use the scores of other items to pull up a low score at the bottom of an item, then I am afraid that at least two items in the back must be close to full marks to regain the advantage. No matter how you think about it, it is too difficult.

Xie Luan wanted to thank the other party for their concern, but he just opened his mouth slightly, and before he had time to speak, the next part of the assessment began.

The third test is a mental power test, and each candidate has to go into a small room for testing.

There are a total of 100 rooms, the chief examiner only formally stays in the middle room, and the other examiners are scattered in other rooms, and they are actually monitored by monitors.


Without waiting for the green horizontal line for admission to light up at the door of the room, the examiner who stayed in this room opened his mouth to inform, and after waiting for the Woma candidates in the room to go out, the examiner soon saw the person who entered the room. A black-haired youth.

This was the first time I came to participate in the assessment of the nursery staff. Although I had learned about the situation on the star website, Xie Luan's actions were inevitably a little rusty. After he walked into the room, he first confirmed where he should go.

But this year's examiner is from the goblin race and is impatient at the same time. When Xie Luan just confirmed it, he knocked on the table with the reading glasses he took off the bridge of his nose, pointed to the transparent crystal ball in front and said: "Put your hand on this and input your mental power."

Xie Luan walked over according to the words, and put his hands on the floating transparent crystal ball in front of him as he did, but Xie Luan hesitated at the step of inputting his mental power.

To input mental power, how much do you need to input

Originally wanted to ask, but seeing that the examiner in the seat in front was wiping his round glasses, he didn't seem to want to talk to him, so Xie Luan swallowed the question that was coming to his mouth again.

Bowing his head and wiping his round glasses with gold chains, the green-skinned goblin examiner was not in a good mood after experiencing many candidates who like to procrastinate.

This year's candidates are really getting worse and worse than previous years. Everyone is procrastinating and procrastinating. Don't you know that time is money!

Still lowering his head, at this time the examiner seemed to hear a very light and crisp sound in his ears, but he continued to wipe his glasses with a cloth at this time without paying too much attention.

After waiting, he realized that the click sounded twice in a row, and the examiner realized later that it was not an illusion, and the next second—


Like the loud noise made by a small explosion, the examiner's hand holding the reading glasses trembled.

He hurriedly put the glasses back on the bridge of his nose and raised his head, looking at the transparent crystal ball that had been torn apart on the ground, and the original shape could not be seen at all, the examiner was stunned.

(The little angels take a look and talk =3=)