Cub Raising Association

Chapter 124: One hundred and twelfth as a childcare worker


The Knox in front of him was real, because things were too unbelievable, Xie Luan reached out and touched the silver tail around his waist, and touched it to confirm the reality.

"Yayi..." Although there are many questions, such as how the other party came to his world, Xie Luan now only reads the name of this Knox.

The second time he called the other party's name, Xie Luan shrank even more when he saw Knox's already slightly shrunk vertical pupils.

Almost at the same moment, Xie Luan was suddenly pushed down on the chair he had just left, and the Knox lowered his head and bit his Adam's apple.

"Hmm." Xie Luan breathed a little, but he could feel Knox's obviously tense body. Even if his Adam's apple was lightly bitten, Xie Luan still raised his hand to touch the soft silver hair. action.

For Yayi, he had been missing for a full month. Xie Luan could understand this Knox's reaction, and he couldn't refuse it at all.

This time, the act of stroking his hair didn't appease Yayi, not even touching his tail. After reading the expression of Knox's little bit of his Adam's apple, something became more and more obvious, Xie Luan turned his eyes away. Moved to the bedroom and said with a little difficulty: "Go to the room."

No lights were turned on in the bedroom, and it was night again. For Knox, the dark environment had no effect, but Xie Luan had difficulty seeing the surrounding scene in this environment.

The door of the room was closed, and through the light-colored wooden door, a faint sound could be heard outside the door, indicating that the prey was captured and occupied by the hunter again, which continued until the day came.

Due to the difference in racial physical abilities, Xie Luan failed to persevere until this Knox was completely satisfied, and the next day the other party was the same as nothing else, and Xie Luan felt tired everywhere.

"Where are those Sierras now?" Xie Luan asked after listening to Yayi's general description.

Because it was just to establish a link, when Xie Luan "died" in the world over there, his body gradually turned into a light spot and disappeared just like he left the parallel world line.

This Knox witnessed his departure. Xie Luan couldn't even say the last word to the other party at that time. The spotlight was very fast and disappeared like a burst bubble.

Knowing from Yai's mouth that after his "death", the other party took the initiative to accept Sera's invitation, in order to take advantage of the characteristics of Sera's living body.

In the short battle, Yayi has roughly grasped the characteristics of this group. This group has a unified consciousness. All individuals in the group will obey the most powerful one in the group, and the latter will dominate the will of the entire group. .

The Sierras wanted to absorb Yai's consciousness and make this Knox a member of their clan, but the fact is that after Yai accepted the invitation, he took control of the entire clan from Serra's former king, become the new will of this group.

That's why the Star Alliance saw the enemy's sudden withdrawal without warning, which was actually an order from Yayi.

"I let them self-destruct." There was no turbulence in this Knox's cyan vertical pupils, and the profile of his face looked straight and extremely cold, as if he was talking about something that was no big deal.

As long as it is the will of this race, even if the order is self-destruction, these Sera will follow.

It is true that a lifeform like Sierra cannot be killed in theory, but if it self-destructs, this lifeform will also die.

After becoming a new will, ordering self-destruction can be said to be the only way to destroy this group.

Hearing the answer, Xie Luan was stunned for a while, feeling a little unreal in his heart.

So Sera, the enemy who plundered countless worlds and made every universe regarded as a target unable to escape the end of destruction, has now been completely wiped out

It was said by Yayi, it must be true, Xie Luan only has one question now: "Yes... How did you come here to find me?"

From the moment we saw him again, Xie Luan had almost always had a silver tail around his waist. This Knox was more careful and possessive than ever before, and would not let go easily even within sight.

Yayi stared at the black-haired youth surrounded by him, his cyan vertical pupils were a little deep, and replied in a low and pleasant voice: "After I became the will of this group, I merged and acquired the ability of a living body like Sera."

The ability to cross planes to reach other universes is one of them. With self-led fusion, in addition to crossing planes, Yayi has also gained some new mutated abilities.

Using the ability to cross planes, Yai went to search for one world after another, and did not stop for a moment before he found it, until he came to the current universe and found the person he was looking for on this planet called "Earth" .

Although the link between the two worlds can no longer be established, but when Yayi finds this place, Xie Luan will have a way to go to that world again.

In this world, as long as Xie Luan said that he would travel far away to find inspiration, he would basically make no one doubt his whereabouts.

The balance between the two sides of the world can be explored slowly. Xie Luan arranged things first, and then said to Knox next to him, "Let's go."

In the Yunbao branch, he had never been out for such a long time, and Xie Luan was now worried about the reaction of the cubs in the branch.

When he went out before, he told the cubs in the branch that he would go back in a few days, and he obviously did not keep his promise.

As long as there is a certain target plane, crossing planes is a very simple matter for the current Yayi, almost in the blink of an eye, Xie Luan saw the familiar star Gaia and...

Familiar Rainbow Dash Club.

The place where the two moved was in front of the living room of the Yunbao Branch. At this time, in this room, Xia Qi was looking worriedly at the mermaid cub who had basically eaten nothing today.

In fact, it's not just this little mermaid, but the three little chubby chirps who usually like to step on young people with their little claws and chirp the most are also looking like they have no appetite these days.


From the small treasure box, the only emerald gem that was given by the youth was picked out. This black dragon cub fluttered its dragon wings and liked it very much. After snorting in front of Xia Qi, the young dragon looked at each other with golden eyes.

In this black dragon cub's magnificent golden vertical pupils, there is a feeling of anticipation. After pushing the small treasure box over, afraid that Xia Qi could not understand its meaning, the young dragon bit the work card originally belonging to the youth, facing the Xia Qi fluttered her dragon wings and flew low in the air.

Being looked at by this black dragon cub with expectant eyes, Xia Qi became more and more speechless.

This little treasure box was given to her and asked her to let the young man come back. It was done by a cub. It was naive and simple, but it also made people feel particularly distressed.

She wanted to take out the treasure and exchange it. Seeing this black dragon cub do this, the other cubs seemed to be inspired, and then Xia Qi saw the Muka cub grabbing the birthday hat on the bed with his sharp forearm. Come here, and the three little chubby chubby flapped their wings together to get the small medals of the flying competition hanging on the wall.

The merman cub raised his hand and rubbed his eyes to create some beautiful spar, while Ain, with his unglamorous eyes wide open, bit a small collar that the young man had given it before and put it in front of Xia Qi.

While many are not items of real value, to these cubs, these are what they consider precious treasures.

She couldn't speak, and she didn't know how to face this scene. Xia Qi accepted that it was not the case that the young man could come back, and refused to say that it was impossible. She was in a dilemma.

After being embarrassed for a long time, Xia Qi forced herself to speak: "I..."

"I am back."

The sudden sound of the door opening and the familiar clear and moist voice interrupted Xia Qi's words, and at the same time, it also diverted the attention of everyone in the room.

The cubs were reluctant to stay in the hall for a while. As soon as they heard the voice of the youth, they approached the place where the voice came from, and soon surrounded Xie Luan and Knox by his side.

As Xie Luan walked towards the hall, the cubs followed him.

After walking to the hall, he first spoke a few words of comfort with white lies. Xie Luan hugged the mermaid cub who could only stay where he was and looked at him with azure blue eyes because he had not transformed his legs and could not walk. He approached him and touched the soft blonde hair of this little mermaid with obvious red eyes.

"Jal, don't cry anymore." The last time Xie Luan saw this mermaid cub cry, it was when the Huo Di family sent someone over, and the little mermaid misunderstood him that he didn't want it.

Xie Luan hopes that these cubs can grow up happily. Of course, the less tears, the better.

"Papa, Papa—"

The caudal fin on the Binglan fish's tail returned to a gently lifted posture almost as soon as it saw the young man. The mermaid cub called its parents several times and slapped the caudal fin on Xie Luan.

"Well." Xie Luan responded warmly. Before explaining what happened to the others, he had to appease the cubs.

As the presidents, Xie Luan and Yayi returned to the Yunbao branch. The missing personnel have now been filled. Under the leadership of Xie Luan, the Yunbao branch quickly regained the warm and comfortable atmosphere before.

The enemy that threatens this universe has been confirmed to have disappeared, and the alert mode of each planet has been lifted. The Shilorin Star, which has suffered a certain degree of damage due to this war, has been assigned by the headquarters of the Covenant, and the city streets have been gradually repaired. restore it to its original form.

It will take some time to be fully restored, but the smiles of the people on this planet are back.

All races in the interstellar space now know what the Knoxes, including Yayi, have done for them. After a round of negotiation, starting with the Covenant, all races have joined the reconstruction of Atiyah.

They can't be compensated for doing this, but they must do it.

When the power of all the races of the star are combined, the incomparably difficult task of rebuilding a destroyed planet is also possible, and the process is advancing at a speed visible to the naked eye.

The original central city of Atiyah was rebuilt first. The central city of the Knox race was originally the seat of the imperial palace. Now a solemn and sacred monument of consolation has been erected in the center of this planet. With gratitude and respect.

This newly rebuilt city is called the City of Heroes, in memory of the Knox who made great contributions and sacrifices to protect this world.

Bow to the dark, serve the light—

The Knox, the Night Race, are the race that guards the light in the dark.

Xie Luan and Yayi came to the solemn and sacred memorial monument in the center of the planet. Attia was rebuilt. Xie Luan felt that he should take each other over to take a look no matter what.

Yayi is the last Knox in this interstellar space, and with him, of course, it cannot reproduce.

Thinking that such a powerful and beautiful race will disappear one day in the future, Xie Luan looked at the memorial tablet and felt an indescribable regret in his heart.

"Everything will die one day, and the reproduction of the Knox race is based on love for a partner." Seeing the thoughts of the young man next to him, Yayi turned his head and stated this to Xie Luan.

Encircling the young man with the silver tail behind him, this Knox stared at Xie Luan and said in a low voice, "I love you."

Xie Luan was stunned for a moment. Instead of responding verbally, he went directly to kiss the corners of Knox's beautiful eyes.

Since they all came to this planet, Xie Luan wanted to take this Knox to see the other party's increasingly rebuilt hometown. There was still a long way to go before the huge and solemn memorial monument. Xie Luan and Yayi walked together. past.

The gardening on this part of the road has been done very well. Just thinking about it, Xie Luan and Knox by his side walked to a certain place. At this time, this place seemed to be for them... or the arrival of Yayi. In response, the ground began to vibrate slightly.

"—?" Xie Luan did not expect the sudden situation. After the shock ended, Xie Luan saw a passage appearing on the ground that was originally green grass in front of him.

This channel must not have been created when the planet was rebuilt, but it was originally there, that is, something made by the Knox.

Understanding this, Xie Luan and Yayi looked at each other and walked down the opened passage.

This passage is not a long staircase. When Xie Luan and Yayi reached the bottom, the originally dark underground space suddenly became brighter, and the things that were placed in the underground space were also clearly displayed. In front of Xie Luan.

This is-

Seeing the white cubs that seemed to be sleeping quietly waiting for someone to wake up, Xie Luan couldn't help opening his eyes slightly.

It's a baby egg of the Knox race!

Almost lost his language in surprise, Xie Luan immediately used his mental power to detect the life reaction of these cubs, and found that the life reaction still existed, and it could even be considered healthy.

It's just that the device in this underground space, while successfully protecting these baby eggs, seems to prevent these baby eggs from hatching.

There is no way for outsiders to remove the device that protects each baby egg.

There is a console in the center of this underground space, Xie Luan studied it, and Yayi must drip blood into the groove on the console to release the device.

There are nearly a hundred baby eggs in this underground space. After disarming the device, Xie Luan carefully transferred these baby eggs to the Ark ship and brought them back to the Yunbao Branch.

Everyone in the Yunbao branch was shocked at the number of baby eggs that Xie Luan brought back, and when they knew that these were baby eggs of the Knox race, they were directly shocked.

Everyone was in a hurry, but very careful to carry these baby eggs into the holding room in the branch. Every day after that, the nurserymen of the Rainbow branch took turns going to the holding room to apply nutrient solution to these small eggs.

After taking care of these cub eggs so carefully for about a month, when Xie Luan went to the incubator again to apply nutrient solution to the cub eggs, he suddenly heard a cub egg that was very close to him. click sound.

It was the crisp clicking sound that represented the broken shell, Xie Luan was startled, and quickly moved his eyes to the place where the sound came from.

Before he could hug the baby egg with cracks in the shell, the little life that was active in the baby egg had already pushed out a hole in the egg shell and climbed out of the egg shell with kicking legs.


The first two small horns were exposed. The newly-born Knox cub opened its cyan vertical pupils as round as glass balls. He sniffed the breath he liked and arched his body into Xie Luan's arms.

Xie Luan held the newborn Knox cub a little blankly, and his inner feelings at this time were indescribable.

The birth of this cub can be said to mean the new birth of Knox, a powerful and beautiful race.

It is the birth of a new life and the beginning of a new future—

For this race, and for this world, all the gloom has passed, and they will usher in a bright dawn.