Cub Raising Association

Chapter 130: Extra - what if


(Written at the very top, this side story is a scenario that is supposed to happen, but actually impossible, the time is before the world line merges)

When the eggs of the Knox cubs brought back to the Rainbow Dash were broken, Xie Luan still thought of the grown-up cubs in the other world and the time when Xie Luan was busy taking care of these new cubs. Yai of the world over there, every time he thinks of it, he will be a little distracted.

If you touch the huge clock on the capital star of the Sarn tribe, there will be no reaction. Xie Luan wants to go to the parallel world to see if the grown-up cubs are doing well now. It is impossible—

Theoretically so.

But just as Xie Luan lowered his head slightly for a moment, he found himself entering a space that was not unfamiliar, and then he saw a golden ball of light after a long time.

"Xia Zuo?" Xie Luan was stunned. He thought that the golden ball of light had completely disappeared when he finished guiding, but now the other party appeared in front of him again.

It seemed that he could see what Xie Luan was thinking, and the golden light ball quickly conveyed his voice to Xie Luan's mind: "In order to establish a link between you and this world and successfully deceive the rules, I did almost completely disappear, This ball of light, as the last consciousness I split off, will of course disappear."

"But it seems that the god of luck favors me. I can still appear here. In order to thank you for saving this world, I am here to help you fulfill a wish." The other party said.

In line with Xie Luan's previous conjecture, Xia Zuo was indeed a member of the Saen clan. The other party was supposed to be the successor of the Prophet Klay, but because he saw the ending of the world, he sacrificed himself to change the ending.

There are three prophets in the Saen tribe, and when the previous prophet reaches a certain age, he will start to train his successor.

Choosing a point in time, returning to the past briefly, and being able to peek into the future with subjective consciousness are all Xia Zuo's personal abilities. In the Saen tribe, Xia Zuo is recognized as a genius.

But now no one in the Saen family remembers Xia Zuo, and there is no trace of the other party in the current world. This is the sacrifice, or the price, that the other party paid to change the ending.

Just like last time, Xia Zuo was still pressed for time. After responding to Xie Luan's conjecture, the other party immediately began to act.

Xie Luan was still thinking about what the other party meant by helping him fulfill a wish, and the scene in front of him changed completely in the next second.

"Hmm..." The slight dizziness he felt made Xie Luan raise his hand to rest on his forehead. After a while, he could really see the surrounding scene clearly.

Not only the sight in front of him, but also the silver tail wrapped around his waist and the cub whose flapping wings slammed into his arms made Xie Luan slightly stunned.

here is…


It was suddenly on this ark ship again, and this time it wasn't just me who was sent over, Yayi and the other five cubs also came here.

Sometimes it is an advantage to be able to fly. A chubby chubby with goose-yellow feathers and a black dragon cub flew into Xie Luan's arms one after another. At this time, Xie Luan was leaning against a Vic cub and a small one. The mermaid was grabbing his trouser legs with his hands, while a muka cub was obediently approaching Xie Luan.

Although I don't know what happened to this sudden teleportation, as long as the young man is by his side, these cubs are not panicked by this sudden occurrence, but are very relieved.

The cubs can feel at ease as long as they are close to their close parents and don't think too much. Yayi immediately wraps his tail around Xie Luan, and puts the other cubs into the protection circle.

Although there are familiar buildings in front of him, it is true that the ark ship is Gaia, but this Knox has also been keenly aware of some subtle differences.


Grabbing the youth's trouser legs, the mermaid cub raised his head, his blue eyes clearly reflected the youth's appearance, and the caudal fin on the ice blue fish's tail began to sway slightly from side to side.

Hearing the little mermaid calling to him, Xie Luan first responded warmly, and then he picked up the little mermaid cub.

This little mermaid can't transform its legs yet. It must be held by someone on land. Ain can't see it. In this strange environment, Xie Luan also needs to hold it and move.

Xie Luan couldn't hold so many cubs by himself. The black dragon cub, who flapped his dragon wings and flew into his arms, lay down on his shoulders very sensible. Now Xie Luan is holding three cubs smoothly. .

For this very sensible black dragon cub and the well-behaved Muka cub beside him, Xie Luan showed his compliments with his body movements, and then Xie Luan expressed his comfort to Yayi who was approaching the battle state.

I don't know whether to say it's the first time and the second time, or it's some kind of intuition. Compared with the dull state last time, Xie Luan quickly realized this time that he might have come to another thread that he was concerned about again. world line.

The security system of the ark ship detected an unknown intruder, and the intruder appeared without warning. The situation was so similar to a few years ago that the people sitting in the main hall of the ark ship changed slightly at this time. look.

A young man in the seat stood up first. This young man has quite special dark blond hair. At this time, the expression on his face seemed to be a bit of surprise and also very uneasy.

Originally, the other party was just smiling indifferently, but now it is mixed with many other expressions, such as anticipation and caution, although he has not confirmed anything at all.

"Isn't it..." He didn't hear the hostility of the intruder. Ravi, who stood up, said in a low voice. The few people around who heard him whispering didn't speak, but their attention was obviously focused on what was displayed on the virtual panel in front of them. on the red dot.

The soldiers on the ark were ordered to immediately bring the invaders to the main hall. If the invaders were a black-haired human youth, they were not allowed to use any force.

For this somewhat strange order, apart from the fact that the soldiers who newly joined the legion did not understand what was going on, most of the soldiers in the legion understood the reason and immediately became more cautious in their actions.

Not surprisingly, when Xie Luan walked out of the room with the cub and a Knox, he encountered a group of soldiers with beam weapons in that passage again.

Sure enough, he came to this world again—

After it was really confirmed, Xie Luan's mood at this time became very complicated and unspeakable. Of course, he was very happy, and he wanted to see the few people he was worried about in this world soon.

The soldiers who came with weapons did not raise their weapons at first because they considered the young people they might encounter, and their muzzles were all facing the ground.

These soldiers were not stunned when they saw Xie Luan. When they saw the adult Knox standing beside Xie Luan, they were stunned on the spot.

They just... Didn't they meet the leader in the main hall

Did they come first with space abilities? Soldiers can only think of this explanation.

"It's not the enemy, this is..." Xie Luan gently pulled Yayi who was living next to him, but he didn't know where to explain it, so he had to say, "You should understand when it's over."

The young man did not come to their ark alone this time, and brought several cubs. For some reason, the soldiers who were leading Xie Luan always felt that these cubs gave them an inexplicable sense of familiarity. .

When they were brought to the main hall, they saw the leader sitting on the main seat and Knox standing beside the youth, who looked exactly the same except for the clothes, and the thinking of the surrounding soldiers was completely stuck.

The people sitting at the long table were originally very happy when they saw the young man, but when they saw the cubs held by the young man at the same time, Ravi obviously changed his expression.


The goose-yellow chubby chubby crouching in the young man's arms, of course, saw the adult comrade in front of him, and had a wonderful sense of familiarity with this compatriot. This Kuwei chubby chirp gave Xie Luan two crisp tweets.

Xie Luan raised his hand to tidy up the feathers of the chubby chubby who was looking at him with black eyes, touched the soft back feathers of the Kuwei cub, and said warmly, "This is the grown-up Ravi. "

The Cuvi cub obviously didn't understand Xie Luan's words very well, but when Xie Luan stroked the feathers, the little chubby chubby quickly rubbed Xie Luan's fingers with his light-colored beak, expressing it clearly. Out of dependence on closeness.

"Humph." Seeing the young man so gently tidying up the feathers on the Kuwei cub, Ravi almost reflected his gender and snorted. The hum was actually very low, but it also reached Xie Luan's ears.

In fact, he didn't have the position to do so. Ravi was very aware of this matter, but when he saw Xie Luan's doting on the Kuwei cub with his own eyes, he couldn't help but have this reaction.

It's hard to describe what kind of feeling this is, I just feel a little blocked and not so happy, even knowing that the cub is "myself" in another world line.

I don't know why this Kuwei-chiu was suddenly unhappy, but Xie Luan knew that the reason must be on his side, so after thinking for less than a second, he reached out and touched the hair of this young man who was already very close to him, Slow down and call the other party's name: "Ravi?"

When the young man called his name in a gentle tone with a hint of questioning, and his hair was touched, the adult Kuwei Chiu became happy almost immediately, took another step closer, and carefully lowered his head to the young man's shoulder.

But when Xie Luan called out this name, of course, the fat chubby in his arms also thought that Xie Luan was calling him, so he quickly responded with a tweet.

Because of this chirp, Chubby Chiu, who was squatting in Xie Luan's arms, and Ravi, who rested his head on Xie Luan's shoulder, looked at each other for a while, and then seemed to be inspired by the latter's intention to occupy the youth. , this goose-yellow little fat chubby suddenly spread his wings a little, puffed out his hairy little chest, and uttered a less friendly cry to the latter: "Chirp, chirp!"

This is the attitude of the cub to express the confrontation. Of course, it is not threatening in the eyes of adults, and it is even a little cute. Xie Luan touched the chest and abdomen of this Kuwei cub and comforted the little fat. down.

I don't know why the big and the young are so wrong when they first met. Xie Luan has never encountered such a situation before. Xie Luan feels a little headache.

But soon, Xie Luan found that the situation that caused him more headaches was still behind. The cub and the big babies in Xie Luan's eyes were fine, and the two Knox who existed in this world at the same time let Xie Luan Really overwhelmed.

Xie Luan couldn't ignore either side. Being sandwiched between these two Knox, Xie Luan felt the difficulties of life for the first time.

Fortunately, as the layer in the middle of the sandwich biscuits, the huge pressure Xie Luan felt only lasted for a while.

When the Ark stopped at Loren, the two Knox seemed to have reached some kind of agreement in order not to make Xie Luan's life so difficult.

So Xie Luan realized for the first time what it was like to be surrounded by two Knox tails around his waist, he really couldn't walk...

It can be said that everything is a coincidence. The destination of the ark ship this time is still Loren Planet, and Xie Luan came to this planet again after a long absence.

The two Knox are barely able to get along peacefully. On the cub's side, the two Kuwei people who are most incompatible with each other are the big and little ones of the Kuwei tribe. The other babies have given Xie Luan a lot of peace of mind.

Especially the Muka cub, whether it is the big Nick or the little Muka cub, they are very good when they stay by Xie Luan's side, and they get along very well with each other.

When Xie Luan patted the sharp forearm, the two mukas made low hiss at Xie Luan from their throats. When Xie Luan wanted to touch his head, because Xie Luan was not tall enough, the older Nick took the initiative to lower his head to touch him.

"The name Nick comes from a word in the ancient Severa language, which means "birth"." The last time I didn't have time to tell the other party about this, Xie Luan spoke to the adult Muka seriously this time. Exit, while speaking, he raised his hand and lightly touched the hard head lowered towards him.

"Although I didn't see it when Nick was born, I have high expectations for your birth." This expectation was not timely enough and was made up later, but Xie Luan's expectation never diminished. half a point.

These two mukas don't need to be coaxed by Xie Luan. As long as Xie Luan is by his side, they will be very good. Next, Xie Luan sees an adult fish walking towards him.

Unlike the short-haired mermaid cub held by Xie Luan in his arms, this mermaid has long light blond hair and looks gender-neutral and extremely beautiful.

From the outline of the eyebrows and eyes, it is easy to see that this adult fish looks very similar to the little mermaid in Xie Luan's arms, especially the pair of blue and beautiful eyes, the same light golden hair and ice blue fins, not to mention more .

If you have to find the biggest difference between the two, there is probably only the golden pattern on the forehead. This pattern is only on the forehead of the mermaid cub, not on the forehead of the adult fish.

When Xie Luan saw the other side walking towards him, he took the initiative to wave his hand. After the mermaid approached him, Xie Luan held the mermaid cub in his arms, and at the same time he released his hand to half hug him.

Seeing the other person holding a mermaid cub in the youth's memory and seeing it with his own eyes like now, for Gar, the feeling is still different.

When the young man released his hand to gently hug, only the mermaid with light blond long hair opened his hand and hugged back, and he finally felt a sense of security when he met the young man for real.

I am envious of my "self" in another world being able to give the first scale that it dropped to the youth, and I am even more envious that this little mermaid can sing to the youth at the Nesera Festival and get praise from the other side. I am most envious. The good thing is that this mermaid cub can grow up in the care and favor of young people.

A few years ago, Gar also sent scales to the young man in front of him. It was not the first scale he dropped, but the young man accepted it, which made him really happy at the time.

Not long after, Xie Luan heard the grown-up mermaid in front of him saying to him that he wanted to sing to him. Xie Luan didn't think about anything, and immediately nodded his head softly.

"Of course." Xie Luan responded.

Seemingly wanting to confirm something, before singing, the mermaid called out to the young man in a loud voice: "Papa."

"Well." Xie Luan answered clearly and clearly.

The merman cub held by Xie Luan glanced at the adult fish in front of him, then raised his head to look at his parents, blinked his blue eyes, and followed the other party to call Xie Luan with a still childish voice.


When calling, the caudal fin was lightly shaken from side to side, and the mermaid cub slapped the caudal fin on Xie Luan gently.

Xie Luan touched the icy blue tail of the little mermaid in his arms, and at the same time expressed his love and gave the adult fish in front of him a forehead kiss, and the bowl of water couldn't be more flat.

After a while, a burst of singing echoed in the grove where Xie Luan was.

The singing of the mermaid is usually quite pleasant, but such a beautiful song that even swimming fish and flying birds stop for is unique among the mermaid. There is no doubt that this song has an intoxicating power. heartstrings.

Of course, Xie Luan was also moved. The emotion conveyed in the singing is not difficult to understand. Although this mermaid has grown up, he still has the kind of dependence on him when a cub faces its parents.

Before the young man left, he didn't sing to the other party. This has always been something that Carl regretted. Now this matter has finally been made up, and the mermaid's singing has become clearer and clearer.

The mermaid cub held in Xie Luan's arms was also listening with its blue eyes open. Listening and listening, the little mermaid also started to sing.

The two mermaids express the same emotion in their singing. Although the cub's singing is a little more immature than the adult fish, it also has the ability to move people's hearts.

The singing is mixed, and those who hear the singing near this area can't help but stop and listen to this beautiful and beautiful sound of nature.

The day was fairly peaceful, and the next day, in this small wood, Xie Luan encountered something that gave him a headache.

The two Kuwei-tweeters, one big and one small, seemed to be vying to show their power in front of him. After a while of mutual indifference, they were now more powerful in front of him.


The downy yellow chubby chubby stood on the ground, flapped his wings hard, and created a mini hurricane that rolled up a few leaves on the ground, and the leaves were rolled up in the air and reverberated several times.

After doing this, the little fat chirp straightened out his hairy little chest to Xie Luan, his black eyes were very bright, and he tweeted several times to Xie Luan.

"Well, the baby is very powerful." Xie Luan immediately praised him, hoping that this little chubby would be happy.

But the little one was just happy, but the big one wasn't happy yet.

He also wanted to express himself in front of the youth. The young man with dark blond hair snorted as he watched the place where the little chubby made a mini hurricane. The next moment, the huge tornado visible to the naked eye directly swept the small forest. fall down.

After doing this, Da Chuu, who showed that he was more powerful, showed a smug expression, and the little fat Chuu who stepped on the ground with his little paws seemed to be stunned, but after reacting, he still stood up and tweeted at the other party. up.

"Tweet Tweet, Tweet Tweet!"

Xie Luan twitched the corners of his eyes slightly, and reluctantly first picked up the chubby chubby on the ground and touched the soft back feathers, and to the other Kuwei Tweet who was waiting for him to praise, Xie Luan did praise him. But after complimenting, Xie Luan also bent a finger and tapped the other person's forehead: "It's wrong to destroy the forest, it can't be like this in the future."

The Kuwei who was reprimanded by the youth nodded obediently. Although he did something wrong and was reprimanded by the youth, Xie Luan's compliment just now made the other party very happy.

The trees in this grove had to be replanted. Ku Weijue, who knew that he had done something wrong, had already obediently went to choose the saplings. Xie Luan saw the good attitude of the other party and changed his attitude when he knew his mistake, and decided to make a pudding to reward the other party tonight.

Since it is to make pudding, it is impossible to make only one person's share. Xie Luan also made other people's shares, and gave them to them separately at night.

There was a special room for the cub in the villa. Originally, the cub should rest in the room at this time, because the little Vic cub who looked like a milk dog could not be seen, so Xie Luan wanted to hold the other party more. Yes, lest the cub be afraid of unfamiliar surroundings.

When delivering the pudding to the grown-up Ain, Xie Luan also went with the Vic cub. The other party was in the living room, sitting on the sofa in the living room with his eyes closed. Very indifferent.

Xie Luan was not affected by this cold feeling. He walked over and gently placed the pudding he was holding on the small table in front of the other party. Like before, he stuffed the porcelain spoon into the other party's hand.

"Wang woo."

He smelled the same breath as himself from the people nearby, which made the Vic cub nestled in Xie Luan's arms suspicious, and instinctively screamed at the young man holding it.

Xie Luan patted the fur on the back of the Vic cub. What the cub could detect, the man with his eyes closed in front of Xie Luan could of course detect it. Even if he couldn't see it, he knew about the other one. The "self" of the world is at hand.

The Vic cub was sniffing the young man's breath. Xie Luan put his hand in front of the cub so that the cub could smell his palm, and waited for the Vic cub to stop and sniff his palm. Xie Luan put his hand down only after he sniffed lightly in his arms.

Unseen, Ain could roughly understand what was happening in front of him, based on his increasingly acute hearing over the years.

It is precisely because he understands the meaning of smelling breath in the Vic family that Ain can better understand the closeness, dependence and love expressed by this Vic cub to the young man in front of him. He also understands that this cub must have been caught. A fact that young people love.

"It may not taste good after a long time." Xie Luan said so, his eyes involuntarily stopped for a while on the silently closed eyes of the man in front of him.

The Vic cub in Xie Luan's arms had its eyes open, but Ain, who had grown up in front of Xie Luan, had never seen the other's eyes open before Xie Luan.

Xie Luan has always thought that the eyes of the other party should be very beautiful, even if they are not glorious, because the cubs in his arms are like this.

He has a pair of beautiful eyes that have lost their luster.

After Xie Luan said this, he was actually about to leave. The other party was different from Cal and the others, and there was no memory related to him.

It is very strange to share it specially. Xie Luan still cares about the other party, but the cold appearance of the other party also makes Xie Luan feel that he needs to take a degree.

Don't act too close to yourself, or the other party will not adapt.

Xie Luan thought so, but when he was about to turn around and take a step, he saw the eyes of the person in front of him slowly opening to him.

Like the most transparent amber, it is still very beautiful, although it does not have the brilliance.

What did the other party mean to him when he opened his eyes, before Xie Luan could come up with an answer, Ain closed his eyes again, and didn't speak at this time, he just picked up the spoon that Xie Luan had put into him, and took a sip. Eat the crème brûlée.


Not only the taste, but the feeling of softness and sweetness seemed to be conveyed to Ain's heart. Ain was very unfamiliar with this feeling.

He opened his eyes just now to see what the young human being in front of him looked like. Although the Vik people don't remember a person by their appearance, Ain still wants to see it.

Because his eyes cannot see, there is no light in his world, but the youth seems to exist in another form of light, giving Ain the illusion of seeing the light in an instant.

After delivering the pudding to Ain, Xie Luan had the last one in his hand. This pudding was for the black dragon who had grown up in this world.

Speaking of which, after coming to this world, in addition to the two Mukas getting along well, the other two black dragons who get along well really surprised Xie Luan, which was something Xie Luan could not have imagined.

After looking for a few places where people were most likely to be found, but no target was found, Xie Luan simply asked the soldiers stationed there, and learned that two black dragons, one big and one small, were now in the basement.

Xie Luan had some doubts about what to do in the basement at this time, but he didn't think much about it. After asking the soldiers for the route, he walked over with the pudding.

The basement of the villa was transformed into a treasure house by Aoni of this world. Xie Luan only found out when he walked down the passage and pushed open the door of the underground treasure house.

Treasures that can be described as mountains are piled up in the treasure house. The black dragon cubs brought to this place by the big black dragon have already plunged into this golden treasure house. Now they are lying down and sleeping on the pile of gold coins. A little babble.

"Mum, yum~"

Lying on the pile of treasures to sleep probably made this black dragon cub very satisfied, and even talking in his sleep was a cry of joy, and the black dragon wings on both sides of the body were stretched out.

Seeing this scene, Xie Luan really didn't know what to say for a while, thinking that this black dragon cub would be very happy when he woke up and saw himself lying on the treasure pile, Xie Luan thought about it for a while and dismissed the cub. Dragon hugs the idea of going back to the room to sleep.

The exception was this time, but Xie Luan still took off his coat and folded it, and let the black dragon cub lie on top of his folded clothes, so that the place where he lay at least was a little softer.

After finishing this, Xie Luan breathed a sigh of relief, and put the pudding that he brought over in front of the black dragon who seemed to be looking at him with golden vertical pupils.

This grown-up black dragon in humanoid form looks like a young woman, and his appearance can be said to be very beautiful, especially the pair of golden pupils that are as magnificent as gold and a sun wheel can easily make people unable to look away.

This is an adult black dragon, not a baby black dragon that he takes care of. Xie Luan actually doesn't know what attitude to use when facing Aoni and Ain in this world.

On the one hand, I want to care, but on the other hand, I feel that my concern may be very abrupt to the other party.

Xie Luan could only find a suitable point as much as possible to express his concern and importance in moderation. Seeing that the black dragon in front of him had no trauma, Xie Luan was also relieved for the most part.

As long as the other party doesn't let him hurt casually, Xie Luan can feel much more at ease.

"Last time... I'm sorry." Perhaps the words "I was wrong" should be used more. The memory of what it would be like to admit a parent's mistake is too long, and O'Neill is not quite sure about this matter.

Hearing the other party's apology, Xie Luan was a little surprised. After a while, he slowly remembered that what the other party said might be the incident when he bandaged the other party's wound.

"For that matter, you don't need to apologize." Looking at the almost identical golden vertical pupils, Xie Luan suddenly felt that the black dragon in front of him was no different from the black dragon cub he was taking care of, and quickly responded with soft eyebrows .

After confirming that the other party did not contradict, Xie Luan raised his hand to touch the hair of the adult black dragon in front of him, and said with a smile, "Aoni has grown up and is a beautiful girl."

When the black dragon was obediently being touched by him, Xie Luan added in a soft voice: "There must be many people who like Aoni."

For the first time someone said these words to her, the adult black dragon stared at the human youth in front of him with golden eyes, and after a while, he finally answered in a low voice, "Yes."

After getting along in such a simple but quite warm way, Xie Luan returned to his room, which also meant that he had to face the most troublesome thing.

Lying in the middle of the bed, Xie Luan had two silver tails half-circled around his body, and these two tails seemed to be still competing. Get a little closer over there.

Xie Luan felt that he was not a sandwich biscuits now, but the river that was pulled out. If he let it continue, he probably wouldn't have to sleep this night.

"Sleep." Put one hand on one tail. Although Xie Luan didn't have the strength to hold the tail of an adult Knox, the two silver tails that Xie Luan touched were settled down.

The two knox stopped, and Xie Luan finally had the chance to fall asleep. After a while, the breathing of the youth in the room gradually became gentle.

Like looking in a mirror, the two Knox, who also had silver-haired blue eyes, glanced at each other coldly, and their faces were equally expressionless.

When will this dream wake up

The author has something to say:

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And if you collect an author in the author's column, you can adopt an author's fungus. If you open the pit, you will know owo

The little angel who is interested in this article can go to the top Weibo of the author.

Gezhi predicts that the new episodes will be Nick Baby Becomes Human, Little Mermaid's Growth Diary, and maybe even the episodes of the cubs when they grow up

This article is completely finished here. Thank you for the little angels who accompanied us all the way. Goodbye, let’s meet again =3=

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