Cub Raising Association

Chapter 14: Fourteenth day as a childcare worker


This Kuti cub was willing to speak up after being held by the youth, which was undoubtedly a pleasant surprise to the parents who were worried and concerned about each other.

When Fuya took the family cub to several previous cub care clubs, the Kuti cub was very reluctant to make a sound, especially after being taken away from her arms by the nurses, even more so. It's not making a sound at all.

The cub showed a kind of silent resistance, but as a parent, Foya felt distressed, but she had nothing to do with this situation.

But now, she heard a cry from the cub at home, and it was still facing the human youth who carried it over.

Maybe this doesn't mean anything, but in Foya's eyes, this is already a good start.

"Then I'll leave my children to you." Without hiding the joy on her face, Foya nodded to the people in front of her, and said this in a more sincere tone than before.

The Kuti cub in his arms watched his parents leave without moving. Xie Luan thought that this cub had just left his parents and might not be able to adapt to a new and unfamiliar environment, so he raised his hand and touched it. The little Kuti cub folded his wings and said, "Baby, will I take you to meet the other little friends in the branch? You will live together in the future."

Although he didn't want to come into contact with this new environment, the young man's question was like coaxing, and the Kuti cub, who was held in his arms, could not refuse.

There was no reply, but the Kuti cub was willing to let Xie Luan hold it peacefully, and his black eyes looked at Xie Luan's face, in fact, he agreed.

A new cub moved in, and the dozen or so cubs in the house did not show any obvious emotions about the newly added Kuti cub. Most of them only showed a little curiosity when they first saw it, and then they all The new cub was soon accepted.

Originally, the Kuti cub seemed to have shrunk back when Xie Luan first put it down, avoiding the other cubs, but found that the other cubs did not show any rejection to it. The cub Kuti suddenly stood still like a little chicken.

But not long after it stopped in place, the Kuti cub suddenly felt a hand gently tap its back feathers from behind, it looked back and saw Xie Luan crouched down, and said to it in a soft voice: "Baby go over there. Bar."

As if encouraged by the gentle tap on the back feathers, the Kuti cub first flapped its wings inadvertently, and then it slowly approached the other cubs as Xie Luan said.

"啾." After successfully walking to the place where the other cubs were staying, the Kuti cub suddenly turned around, raised his head and chirped at Xie Luan.

What does this cub behave like this mean? The other people in the room just thought that the cub had adapted to the new environment, so they didn't pay much attention or think about it.

But Xie Luan understood.

"Well, the baby is very good." Walking over, squatting down, Xie Luan slightly bent his eyebrows, stretched out his index finger and lightly tapped on the fluffy forehead of this Kuti cub.

This cub actually hoped to be encouraged, Xie Luan saw this.

As long as the adults can properly give enough encouragement, this Kuti cub will actually be willing to try to get in touch with the new environment. What Xie Luan had to do was to praise him with words, so that the cub could have a little more courage.

"Chirp!" Hearing the compliment, the Kuti cub chirped again, staring at Xie Luan with dark black eyes, and his chest, which was a little round because of the fluff, also stood up.

In addition to the Kuti, the cubs of the Kuwei and Kuto races are also similar to birds, but the color of the down is different. The Kuwei cubs have goose-yellow fluff on their bodies, while the Kuto cubs have gray fluff. feather.

As far as Xie Luan knew, the three races had a relatively close relationship.

It just so happened that the cubs of the Kuwei and Kuto clan were also cared for in their branch. Xie Luan put the three cubs together, thinking that this would make the Kuti cubs familiar with the other cubs in the branch more quickly.

Xie Luan's original intention was right, but he found that when he brought the other two cubs with similar shapes to the side of the Kuti cub, the Kuti cub was not so comfortable.

The little chest that had been raised after being praised just now shrank back again, and the Kuti cub moved its little wings imperceptibly, and the head that was raised originally slumped slightly now.

"Baby?" Xie Luan didn't know what the specific situation of this Kuti cub was in other cub care clubs before. The parents didn't tell him about this, and they probably didn't know the specific situation just like him.

But now, observing some of the reactions of the Kuti cub, Xie Luan always felt that this cub must have experienced something in the previous branches, which is why it became what it is now.

Looking at the current state of the Kuti cub, Xie Luan thought for a while, and then took the cub back into his arms, raised his hand to touch the light red soft feather, and said slowly: "Other The cubs are also very good babies, they won't bully you, don't be afraid."

Being coaxed so patiently, the Kuti cub first looked at Xie Luan with its dark eyes, then turned its head to look at the two cubs that were similar in shape to it, and finally chirped softly again. one sound.

He can't learn to fly. In the previous cub care clubs, this Kuti cub has never been coaxed so patiently. When it learns to fly, the nurses who teach it will frown after a while, shake their heads or sigh at it.

"This cub should really have no talent for this..." After changing several cub care clubs in a row, this is what this Kuti cub heard most often from the caregivers.

At this time, other employees in those branches usually say: "We have done our best, if this Kuti cub really can't learn to fly, its parents will not embarrass our branch on this point. ."

The cubs of the same clan know that it can't fly, so they usually stay far away from it. If it gets close, those cubs of the same clan will walk away together.

Cubs of other races also think that it can't fly and is very stupid. Although they don't avoid it deliberately, they usually don't pay attention to it.

After hearing the low chirping sound, Xie Luan continued to touch the back feathers of the Kuti cub twice. While soothing, Xie Luan tentatively moved his hand to the little cub that was closed by the cub. on the wings.

Without being resisted, Xie Luan stretched out a finger and gently hooked up the left wing of the Kuti cub.

The outer wings of birds are covered with hard feathers, and the feathers on the wings of this Kuti cub are indeed harder than other parts, not as soft as the down on the chest and abdomen.

The Kuti cub held in his arms stared at him with black eyes, and Xie Luan lowered his brows and eyes to show full kindness from the very beginning.

Probably from the soft emotion he saw, he determined that the young man in front of him would not hurt him. The Kuti cub didn't struggle when his wings were lifted a little by the young man, and just quietly let the young man continue like a good baby. hold it.

The Kuti cub's parents previously said that the cub was in good health, and on the medical report, the wings were not injured or stunted.

Xie Luan gently lifted the Kuti cub's left wing slightly. Following the normal movements of birds when flying, Xie Luan shook the cub's left wing back and forth, and then he carefully observed Did the pup show any unpleasant reactions.

Xie Luan didn't doubt the words of the other's parents, but he still wanted to personally confirm this matter.

What if there is an undetected injury

Although Xie Luan also knows that the medical technology in the interstellar era has left him several blocks away from his original world, even if it is only one in ten thousand, this confirmation is necessary in Xie Luan's eyes.

Seeing that the Kuti cub remained motionless when his left wing was moved by him, Xie Luan was basically relieved. Then he touched the cub's wing bone again and confirmed that it was all right. Xie Luan put down the little wing that he had lifted up a little.

The right wing was also checked and confirmed by the same steps. Xie Luan almost knew it.

A flightless Kuti cub—different from Xie Luan, who relatively lacks some common sense in this world, several other nurses in the Rainbow Branch are currently not optimistic about the situation.

Especially in the check-in information filled in by the parents, they saw that this Kuti cub had been checked in by the cub care clubs that were very high in the interstellar rankings. Things are even less confident.

Even the first, third, and tenth Cub Care Branches in Interstellar have not been able to successfully complete this task. Considering that these branches are so much better than theirs in terms of hardware facilities and teaching staff, it is difficult for them to be in There's a reason for this.

The first few days were the stage for the Kuti cub to integrate into the new environment. After these few days of care and care, the cub has basically adapted to the life in the branch.

Occasionally flapping its wings but failing to fly, the Kuti cub jogs on the ground on its little paws these days.

From a distance, it really looks like a chubby chick.

This Kuti cub likes life in Rainbow Dash, because in this branch, even if it can't fly and can only walk on the ground, other cubs don't deliberately hide from it.

The nurses in the branch didn't shake their heads and sigh at it, and they didn't always look at it with disappointed eyes, which made this Kuti cub a little more energetic than when he first came to the Rainbow Branch.

"啾啾." Walking on the ground like a chicken cub, the Kuti cub ran over when Xie Luan first entered the house, then raised his head and tweeted to the human youth in front of him. Twice.

Forget it, the day is almost over.

Xie Luan squatted down and picked up the Kuti cub, first freed his left hand to touch the light red down feathers on the cub, and then said softly, "Baby, let's learn to fly, okay? ?"

In the first few days, don't ask the Kuti cub to learn to fly, it's best not to mention it at all, let the cub adapt to the living environment in the branch first, and then make other plans depending on the situation.

This was Xie Luan's idea.

Also as nurses, Xia Qi, Lin Yi and the new colleagues who joined before have no objection to Xie Luan's idea, so the three of them have been very cooperative these days, trying their best to create a good environment for this Kuti cub .

Hearing the young man's words, the Kuti cub who was still quite energetic immediately shrank his body, but the young man was already someone he could rely on, so the Kuti cub still instinctively at this time. Arched into the young man's arms.

The cub in his arms is arching at him, which Xie Luan can certainly feel. This kind of action made by the cub usually means seeking a sense of security or expressing dependence, so Xie Luan slowed down his voice: " We can learn slowly, not all at once.”

Most Kuti cubs are able to master the ability to fly on their own, after all, flying is like a bird's instinct. A small number of Kuti cubs need human guidance to learn, but the learning process is generally very rapid, no more than three days.

The Kuti cub held by Xie Luan obviously does not belong to any of the above situations. There is a special way to learn. Xie Luan doesn't mind accompany this Kuti cub to explore slowly, as long as the cub can finally Learn to fly.

"Chirp." Out of reliance on the youth, the Kuti cub responded with a low chirp.

The time for learning to fly was two hours after feeding the cubs. In the afternoon, Xie Luan cleaned up the top of a locker and pushed the two-meter-high locker to a more open place in the room. .

After making these preparations, Xie Luan carried the Kuti cub over, raised his hand and put the cub on the top of the locker.

"Does this really work..." Zheng Zhou, like the other two nurses in the branch, was not very confident about the scene in front of him.

Just using ordinary methods to make this cub learn to fly shouldn't have any effect... Otherwise, the nurses in other branches would have taught this cub to learn to fly long ago.

Xie Luan did not respond to this question. He thought it was useful, but it was not convincing to say it with a bare mouth.

Taking a step or two away, Xie Luan opened his hand to the Kuti cub who was on the top of the locker, and coaxed warmly, "Come on, the baby flew over here."

"Chirp..." The destination was the youth's arms, and the cub of Kuti, with some light red down feathers, stood on the edge of the top of the locker. Like a chick on the edge of a cliff, the Kuti cub flapped its wings, chirping at the one it depended on in fear and withdrawal.

Youth's arms are a very safe place, but it can't fly through.

"Don't be afraid." Xie Luan kept his hands open, "If it can't fly, I will go over and catch it."

Being coaxed into a little courage, the Kuti cub standing on the top of the locker finally tried to fly to the position where the young man opened his hand.

However, it only fluttered its wings a few times in the air, and even failed to hover in the air for three seconds, the cub fell straight into the arms of Xie Luan, who was ready to run over to catch it.

This flying is a bit terrible, and it is completely incapable of flying... Although it didn't show on the face, the few people watching couldn't help sighing inwardly.

The Kuti cub, who fell into the youth's arms, buried his head and folded his small wings tightly. Instinctively, he arched into the youth's arms again, but this time the Kuti cub's movements were obviously lighter and more careful than before.

But contrary to everyone's expectations, Xie Luan bowed his head and kissed the fluffy forehead of the cub in his arms at this time, and praised: "The baby is awesome."

The three people who were watching were all stunned for a second, and even couldn't help but cast their eyes on the young man together.

It's just talking nonsense with your eyes open, right?

"Chirp?" The Kuti cub raised his head when he heard the compliment, and the little wings that were still tightly folded couldn't help but move slightly at this moment.

Only this time, the Kuti cub didn't hear the disappointed sigh after trying to fly, and even got a compliment.

"It will be good to practice a little more every day in the future." Xie Luan touched the little wings of the cub covered with hard feathers in his arms, and then lowered his eyes and said, "We will try again in a few days, and the baby will definitely learn to fly. ."

"Chirp!" In response to a particularly clear cry, the Kuti cub raised its head and rubbed the young man's fingers with its pointed, light-colored beak.

From this day on, this Kuti cub, who was originally very resistant to learning to fly, would try to flap its wings every day, without even having to be coaxed by the nurse, this Kuti cub started to practice spontaneously.

All the staff in the Yunbao branch couldn't help but soften their hearts.

If only this Kuti cub could finally learn to fly successfully—

At this moment, this is the common expectation of all members of the Rainbow Club.