Cub Raising Association

Chapter 15: Fifteenth day as a childcare worker


After about half a month, the Kuti cub who joined the Yunbao branch has completely integrated into the current living environment.

Not to mention, this Kuti cub is getting along very well with the other two cubs in the branch that are similar to it. When Xie Luan usually goes to the house, he can often see these three little cubs giving each other. The grooming scene.

Specifically, three little fat chirps get together, and then use their slightly pointed beaks to gently comb the feathers on the lower back of the other chirp.

Such a scene is still very harmonious and cute, and every time Xie Luan sees it, he can't help but slightly bend his eyes and show a little smile.

Xie Luan usually just watched without interfering, but sometimes he would approach, squat down and touch the little wings of the three cubs one by one. At this time, he would usually be used by the three approaching cubs. The bird's beak rubbed his fingers, and then he heard a series of crisp calls of "chirp chirp".

Knowing that the Kuti cub is still learning to fly, the Kuwei and Kuto cubs who have been able to fly a long time ago did not despise or laugh at this new member. Under the promotion of Xie Luan, they still accompany Ku every day. Pick up the cubs and fly on the ground together.

The so-called flat ground flight, as the name suggests, is to rub the ground and fly a little.

Although this flying ability is far from the passing line by the standards of birds, in Xie Luan's eyes, this Kuti cub has made great progress—

Compared with the previous situation where he couldn't fly at all, the Kuti cub can now fly a good distance forward and flat. Who can say that this is not a big improvement

"If you work hard for a while, you will definitely be able to fly." Xie Luan first gave his little wings a distance, then turned his head to look at his Kuti cub and cast an encouraging look, then slightly lowered his eyes and used a special Say it in a firm tone.

Before this cub can really fly, Xie Luan will always make himself firm in this idea. It would be better if his ability similar to the ability to "make it happen" can play a catalytic role.

According to Zarad, when he concentrated on expressing this idea, there would indeed be a momentary short-lived mental power fluctuation on his body.

Xie Luan's ability can only play an auxiliary role on the Kuti cub. He is very aware of this, and he hopes that this kind of assistance can become a small boost when the Kuti cub is working hard. force.

"Chirp!" Cub Kuti raised his head and responded with flapping his wings.

It has to continue to practice hard, so that in the future, it does not need the youth to squat down to hold it, and it can fly into the youth's arms by itself.

Among the thirteen cubs currently under the care of the branch, minus the two cub eggs that had not yet broken their shells in the incubation room, Xie Luan actually paid the most attention to the Knox cub.

The reason is not complicated. First, Xie Luan felt that he needed more care because the cub was born shortly after it broke its shell. Second, it was because the Knox cub was the last guide given to him by the golden light ball.

This Knox cub will decide whether this world can continue to survive in the future. It may be the key to saving the world, or it may be the root cause of the destruction of the world.

If Xie Luan was an aborigines in this world, then he would definitely not believe this kind of nonsense.

But he is not. Even the spiritual link that can link the two worlds has happened in himself. Xie Luan can't believe the guidance that the golden light ball left him.

The size of the Knox cub has grown a little in the past half a month. It is larger than a normal rabbit and closer to the size of a four-month-old milk cat.

When Xie Luan picked up the cub now, he could feel the obvious weight.

Carrying the cub into his arms, Xie Luan first habitually touched the back of the Knox cub, and then followed the back all the way to the fluffy tail behind the cub, and then called out slowly. called the other party's name.


This Knox cub is not as lively and active as other cubs, and as far as Xie Luan observed, this cub hardly interacts with other cubs.

Not interacting with other cubs, this Knox cub likes to stick to him. It has been several days in the morning, and every morning Xie Luan wakes up, he finds that there is an extra rounded white stuffed creature in his bed.

Basically, when Xie Luan opened his eyes and looked over, he would meet a pair of pale blue eyes, vertical pupils belonging to beasts.

These eyes seemed to have been staring at him for a long time. When the eyes met, Xie Luan would see the pupils in the pair of light cyan vertical pupils shrink slightly and become more slender.

It has changed from being a little stunned at the beginning to being habitual now. When he found out that this could not be changed, Xie Luan simply carried the Knox cub back to the room every night, lest the cub be in the middle of the night again. run over by himself.

When Xie Luan touched his tail, he seemed to pause for a moment, but the Knox cub's reaction was not obvious, so Xie Luan didn't notice it either.

"Huwu." Hearing the young man's call, the Knox cub hummed in response, and then let out a slightly low grunt from its throat.

In order to take better care of the cubs in the branch, and to supplement the knowledge that he should have as a nurse, Xie Luan went to not long ago to buy a copy of "Cubs Encyclopedia".

Although the descriptions in the book on the habits and preferences of cubs of various races may not be 100% applicable to reality, Xie Luan felt that it was good for him to use this book as a reference.

However, when Xie Luan wanted to look for "Knox Cubs" in this book, he found that there was no description related to the Knox race in this book at all.

Remembering that the Knox race was equivalent to destruction more than 30 years ago, Xie Luan can understand the situation that "Knox cubs" were not found in this "Cub Encyclopedia".

But even if he searched on Star Online, Xie Luan found that the relevant information he could find was only a few words.

This is because the Star Alliance does not want anyone to go back and explore this dangerous race. All information about the Knox race is basically blocked on the Star Network, so Xie Luan can only flutter.

The Knox cub in his arms behaved differently from ordinary cubs. Xie Luan didn't feel this.

That's why he wanted to know more about this race to see if there was any related reason.

After the newly admitted Kuti cub started to study independently, Xie Luan was relatively idle before.

Seeing that the young man is still relatively free now, Zarad lowered his eyes to look at the Knox cub in his arms when the former used his mental power to channel his abilities, and then mentioned it casually.

"The black cub was indeed sent to the third-ranked cub care branch in the world at first, but for some reason, it came to our branch." When it comes to the words "for some reason" , Xie Luan paused slightly.

Xie Luan already knew the specific reason from Xia Qi's side, but he didn't want to mention it in the presence of the cub in his arms.

When this Knox cub was still a black cub egg, the cub egg was pushed around by other cub care groups, either directly refusing to care for it, or repenting not long after receiving care Send this baby egg away.

It was finally sent to their branch.

This kind of thing, there is no need to let this cub know.

Zarad nodded in understanding. Even if Xie Luan didn't say it, he could basically guess the reason. He opened his mouth to ask about it just to start a conversation, so that what he was about to say next would be less abrupt.

From the time he saw the youth take care of the Knox cub as an ordinary cub, Zarad was worried that the other party might have no knowledge of the "Knox" race.

The Star Alliance launched a blockade of information on the Knox race many years ago. The young human in front of him looked very young, and even knew that the other party's understanding of the Knox race must be very limited.

To avoid the other party being unaware of the potential dangers around him, Zarad just wanted to find a suitable time to give the other party some advice.

After all, the youth is a great benefactor who helped him recover his powers, and of course Zarad doesn't want anything to happen to the other party.

In fact, in terms of technology and abilities, the Knox race was a higher race that once stood at the top of the universe. Even though many people now speak of this race with an unavoidable tone of hatred, they cannot deny the fact that this race was once extremely powerful and built an unprecedentedly prosperous empire.

Compared with other races that need to work hard to develop their own abilities in the day after tomorrow, the Knox race is like a hang-up at this point. The cubs of their race are usually able to self-sufficient within a short time after they are born. Awakening powers.

Other races will have ordinary people who cannot develop abilities due to their innate limitations, but this phenomenon does not exist in the Knox race. This alone is enough to make other races jealous.

But it is also true that this powerful race did not use its power in the right way. Having powerful power but using it incorrectly means danger.

Even if Knox, who was held by the youth in his arms, was only a cub, the danger still existed.

Anyone who has seen the star explosion more than 30 years ago will know that the word "Knox" represents a very crazy race.

Having said everything that needs to be said, Zarad was waiting for the human youth in front of him to nod to him, but what he got was an unexpected response.

The other party was silent for a while, then shook his head and said to him, "I hope you don't have prejudice against this cub because of your race."

Xie Luan felt that he had just been kicked by the cub in his arms. In theory, the Knox cub could not understand what they were saying, but Xie Luan still freed up a hand and used a softer hand than usual. He rubbed the cub's back with strength.

Not prejudice, but normal vigilance, Zarad originally wanted to explain.

But his still lowered eyes suddenly met a pair of light cyan vertical pupils, and Zarad couldn't help but be stunned for a while.

A look that seems to be cold, but actually makes people unable to see emotions.

It was unreasonable for such a look to appear on a cub, but when he thought of the Knox race, Zarad was not so surprised.

He recalled a racial trait of the Knox race.

Generally speaking, there is a fixed time for the puppy period of each race.

For example, for the cubs of the Kuti clan, the cub period is fifteen years, the cub period of the Takira clan is twenty-two years, and the cub period of the Sevilla cub is seventeen years.

Leaving aside the human races that were born in human form, most races in the interstellar space would not be able to advance to humanoid form until they reached adulthood, that is, being a plush cub for ten or twenty years is indispensable. At present, it is known that the race with the longest cub period in the interstellar space can last as long as 31 years.

The Knox race is different from other races in this regard. The Knox race's cub period does not exist for a fixed time, and it is usually very short.

Taking the power they possess as the criterion, as long as their own abilities reach a certain fixed standard line, the cubs of the Knox race can advance out of humanoid form and directly enter adulthood.

Due to the short puppy life, Knox cubs appear to have mature minds at an early age.

When he met that look, Zarad actually felt a real sense of danger from the Knox cub, which made him reflexively tighten his body.

But in the next second, the young man's hand just touched the cub's tail, and Zarad suddenly felt that the sense of danger was gone. He heard the Knox cub emit a low voice from his throat. Grunt, as if expressing some kind of deference to the youth.

Wait a minute... touch the tail

Suddenly, I vaguely remembered something about the tail of the Knox race, but before Zarad remembered it, he had to express his attitude first because of Xie Luan's silent gaze.

Zarad nodded and accepted what Xie Luan said just now, thinking that he would have to work in this cub care branch for a long time, and he didn't want to have any differences with the branch's investor and vice president. .

It can be seen that this Knox cub seems to be very good when facing young people, Zarad thought, maybe he really thought too much, this cub itself is not in any danger.

Seeing the person on the other side nod, Xie Luan just looked at the slightly serious eyebrows and suddenly relaxed.

Other employees in the chapter had a similar reaction to Zarad's when they first learned of the Knox cub's existence. But after Xie Luan finished speaking, they were all persuaded, and now they can treat this Knox cub as an ordinary cub.

The world outside is too big. Outside of this cub care club, Xie Luan can't change the way people in this world think about this Knox cub.

But at least in the Yunbao branch, Xie Luan was still able to persuade the employees.

Even if the whole world was raining, if he stood by the Knox cub with an umbrella, the cub wouldn't get wet.

During the rest time at night, Xie Luan carried the Knox cub back to the room as usual. Anyway, even if he didn't take the initiative, the cub would somehow come to his room in the middle of the night.

I don't know if it's because when this Knox cub was still an egg, he often went to apply nutrient solution to the other party, which may have left breath or something in the process. This cub died after breaking the shell. I have a fledgling complex with him... Otherwise, how could it be so sticky

With the money from the previous auction, Xie Luan replaced all the employees in the branch with single beds. Of course, there is not much space for the single beds, but it is obviously more than enough to lie down alone and with a cub. .

Xie Luan lay on the outside side and let the Knox cub nest inside to prevent the cub from accidentally falling off the bed or something.

Before going to bed, Xie Luan remembered what happened this morning again, so he stretched out his hand and raised the white fluffy Yuanhu cub next to him.

Looking at the pair of pale blue vertical pupils, Xie Luan softened his voice and said in a serious tone, "You were born in expectation, and you will grow up in love."

Although he felt that the cub probably didn't understand what he was saying, Xie Luan still finished the sentence with his eyes slightly bent.

"Huuu." Trying to hook the young man's wrist halfway with his tail, the Knox cub made a low whimper.

After speaking, Xie Luan put the Yuanhu cub that he held up and put it back to the side, and when he pulled up the quilt, he also covered part of the quilt over the Knox cub.

After turning off the lights, the room entered a quiet darkness. Xie Luan lay on the bed and closed his eyes, and it didn't take long for his breathing to become very shallow.

When he woke up the next day, Xie Luan felt that nothing was right.

His single bed seemed to be crowded. Xie Luan just wanted to turn over to the side, but found that there seemed to be no room for him to turn over there.

what's the situation

Xie Luan was thinking in a daze before he even opened his eyes when he woke up.

There should only be a fluffy nest inside... Thinking of the Knox cub nestled next to it, Xie Luan didn't open his eyes, and still felt blindly.

This touch did touch something, but it didn't feel like the fluffy and soft feeling that Xie Luan imagined. Rather, it's a little cooler, and it feels a little like... hair

Still drowsy, Xie Luan barely opened his eyes and moved his gaze to the position of his hands.


Before Xie Luan realized what was wrong, his eyes quickly met a pair of light cyan vertical pupils. It was still at the moment of looking at each other, and in the pair of vertical pupils, he could see the slightly constricted pupils.

These are a pair of familiar eyes, but they are not the same as the ones in memory. This difference makes Xie Luan open his eyes and wake up completely.

Silver hair, light blue eyes, cold but still very handsome face.

These light blue eyes are as clean and clear as polished gems, but the slightly cold luster contained in them makes these eyes a little sharper and colder. They are very beautiful eyes.

Xie Luan: ? ?

With his hand still touching the silver hair of the owner of the pair of eyes, Xie Luan stuck in place.