Cub Raising Association

Chapter 27: Twenty-seventh as a childcare worker


The ten little chubby chirps on the podium were in the spotlight, as if bathed in some kind of shining halo. Wearing a small medal each, these award-winning cubs were greeted with applause and praise from the adults.

At first, Xie Luan also put his encouraging eyes on the cub on the podium, but after watching for a while, Xie Luan took the Yuanhu cub lying on his left shoulder into his arms and looked at the pair. Cyan vertical pupils.

Touching the small horns on the head of the Knox cub, and rubbing his ears, Xie Luan hugged the plush creature wearing a small black cloak, and patted it through a layer of fabric. Back of a cub.

"Huuu." The round cyan vertical pupils stared at the young man, and the Knox cub, who looked even more round because of the small black cloak, hummed in obedience.

Because it is not convenient for too many people to see, this Knox cub needs to wear a small cloak to block his appearance when going out. Compared to other cubs who are free to explore the world and enjoy the attention of others, this Knox cub doesn't appear to be in the public eye.

Thinking of the situation of the cub in his arms, and watching the lively scenes around him, Xie Luan continued to pat the cub's back in his arms for a while, silently expressing a kind of comfort.

And the round cub in his arms was also very good. Xie Luan felt the cub arching towards him, and a low grunt sounded from his throat.

"Be good." Because the cub was really good, Xie Luan reattached the cape and hat that had fallen off the Knox cub's head, and then lowered his head to the fluffy cub's head. A kiss on the forehead.

The small piece of fluffy tail exposed outside the black cloak suddenly drooped down as if losing its focus. The Knox cub made a clearer purr from its throat unconsciously, and the drooping tail was also at this moment. Responding again, he moved left and right, and then the tip of his tail was raised high.


The pupils in the round vertical pupils shrunk slightly. The Knox cub gently swept its plush tail on the back of the youth's hand, and then the little tail tried hard to half hook the youth's wrist.

But this time, the position of Xie Luan's right hand is still a little far from the plush tail. If it can touch it, it is not easy to half hook it.

There was a feeling that something fluffy had touched his wrist several times. Xie Luan lowered his gaze and immediately saw the little fluffy tail that seemed to be trying to hook his wrist.

Unable to hold back a laugh, Xie Luan moved his hand a little so that the plush tail could successfully complete the action of touching his wrist.

At the end of the award ceremony, Xie Luan brought back the three chubby chubby who were on the podium. The three chubby chubby who were wearing medals of different colors were still squatting in his arms. The small chest, it seems that this position will be maintained for a while.

Xie Luan didn't interrupt the happy mood of the three cubs, and only touched the small breasts that stood up one by one.

Hairy, with the warm body temperature of the cub.

The cub flying contest is a highly concerned event among the three races of Kuti, Kuwei, and Kuto, because it is a friendship event for the three races to exchange feelings, and the contestants are the cubs of the three races , the adults are of course concerned about the cubs of their own race.

Although the other races in the interstellar space did not pay much attention to this flying contest, they have heard of this large-scale event jointly organized by the three races.

As soon as the closing ceremony is over, this year's Cub Flying Contest hosted by the Kuti people will officially come to an end.

When the flight competition was going on, related topics of discussion had already appeared on Youxing, and now that the event has just ended, the popularity of related topics has further increased.

"I heard that in this year's flying competition, there is a strange picture of a person holding three cubs on the stage to accept the award?"

As soon as this inquiry message was posted in the related topic group on Youxing, many people responded with screenshots immediately.

The intercepted picture is from the competition video of the flying competition, and the picture is the picture facing the podium.

There were several adults holding their cubs on this round high platform. One of them, a black-haired young man standing on the left, stood out in the crowd, and one person was holding three chubby little chubby people in his arms.

Originally, some viewers who were on the scene and watched the live broadcast were curious and surprised about this scene. Now that someone has come to mention this matter, many people followed and discussed it under this dynamic message.

"This must be the nurseryman of some cub care branch. He brought three cubs to win the prize. I haven't seen this scene for a long time."

The reply below this comment is the most, some people are arguing that it is impossible for the human race to go to the cub care branch to be a nurse, while others have already started to discuss which branch this is.

"Anyway, it must be the top 3,000 chapters. Now you can find out by taking a look at the official accounts of these chapters on Youxing. The homepage must have updated relevant information."

A lot of likes pushed this reply to the top, and some people who were idle or were very curious quickly searched this way, but unfortunately they found nothing in the end.

Didn't find it

This made this group of people who were full of confidence at first and really put a lot of effort into wondering, they also felt that it must be the top 3,000 cub care clubs, why not?

To say how amazed and yearned they were at this unknown branch would not be the case. After all, the flying contest was just a small friendship competition between the cubs of the three races. It was the most basic flight, aimed at emotional exchange.

However, since the flying competition itself has a high degree of attention, if a branch can let the cubs win several good places in this competition, it will be good to publicize it. This at least shows that this branch should have a good maintenance ability. .

Some people struggled to find which cub care club it was, but after a while, another dynamic message that appeared in the topic group completely grabbed everyone's attention.

"The Kuti cub who won the first place in this flying competition, I remember that it seemed that he couldn't learn to fly... This cub used to be in the same branch as my children, I should I remember correctly."

Not long after this dynamic message was sent, the person who sent this dynamic added a comment below.

"I was surprised when I saw the close-up in the competition before. I didn't expect that this cub has learned to fly and is still able to fly so well. I think its parents must be very happy."

The amount of information in this dynamic news is huge. A cub care club won three places in the flying competition, and a branch made a cub who could not fly finally learn to fly, and also won. To win the first place in the competition, this is completely the concept of two different levels—

If the former is not a particularly remarkable thing, it can only be said that it sounds good and can make everyone surprised and curious, then the latter is something that really deserves their serious attention.

For a time, the popularity of the topic of the flight contest on Xingwang soared several levels in succession, and it didn't take long to even squeeze into the popularity list on Youxing.

Several chapters that had cared for this Kuti cub had also responded long ago. Seeing the increasing discussion of the flying contest on Yuxing, the staff of these chapters could not help but have some ideas.

This Kuti cub can fly now, is it actually related to their branch

Although this Kuti cub couldn't fly from the time of staying in their branch to leaving, but during this period, the nurses of their branch have used mental strength to guide the cub many times. Maybe this kind of grooming It worked later...

I can't blame the people in these chapters for thinking this way. These top-ranked chapters in the interstellar ranks have nurses who are rated as A-level or even S-level, and spiritual counseling is definitely beneficial and harmless to the cubs. This kind of grooming even has a certain chance to stimulate the potential abilities of the cubs.

I don't know what's going on on Youxing now, but Xie Luan went to the central city of Oort Star while the topic of the flying contest was on the rise.

Xie Luan was invited by Fuya to be a guest at the Varun family's manor. She said it was an invitation, but it was actually a request. The Kuti woman said she hoped he could be there to encourage the Kuti cub in his arms.

As for why encouragement is needed, it has to do with the cub's father.

Fuya asked the housekeeper to receive Xie Luan first. Xie Luan came to the manor villa with three chubby chubby and a Knox cub, and sat on the sofa in the living room and waited for a while.

Probably after some conversation in the study, Xie Luan didn't wait long when he saw two adult Kuti people with light red hair coming out of the room.

The man walking in front was straight-faced, and he could faintly see that his expression was a little stiff, especially when the other party looked at the light-red chubby chubby in his arms, this blunt expression became more obvious.

Looking at the Kuti cub who was squatting in the youth's arms with a small golden medal on his body, Donna suddenly felt that his steps were a little heavy, and it was a little difficult to take a step forward.

His wife told him in the study just now that what the cub needs in the family is his praise and encouragement, not cold-faced blame.

He blamed the cub for something bad, which would only make the cub in the family want to back down. This behavior is not correct.

Being attracted by so many people in the flying competition, when standing on the podium, this light red chubby chubby in Xie Luan's arms can show a confident and proud look.

But now when he got home and saw his father coming, this cub of Kuti shrank the little wings behind him, and his head drooped a little, as if he was a little timid.

Seeing the reaction of the cubs at home, Donna finally realized his mistakes all the time.

Feeling his wife pushing him behind him, Donner took a few steps forward and walked to the human youth not far away.

Xie Luan touched the soft back feathers of the Kuti cub in his arms. The light red chubby chubby was still drooping his head, and he didn't dare to raise his head to look at the approaching parents.

"Is Pepena's medal going to be shown to my parents?" Xie Luan said warmly, and then emphasized again, "Golden, the first-place medal."

After saying this, Xie Luan naturally put the Kuti cub in his arms into the arms of the man in front.

It's been a long time since he didn't hold the cub like this again, Tangner's body was half-frozen, and the light red chubby chubby in his arms seemed to gather up some courage at this moment, and slowly raised his head again.

Lifting his head, he saw that his father still had a cold face. The courage that the Kuti cub finally mustered up was lost, but the weight of the medal gave the Kuti cub a little more confidence and made it dare to dare. He continued to look up at his father.

Gold, first place medal.

It took first place.


Resurrecting his courage, the light red chubby chubby stood up to his father, making the little golden medal on his body stand out even more.

Donner's body, which was only half-frozen, is now completely frozen.