Cub Raising Association

Chapter 4: Fourth day as a childcare worker


After cleaning up the room, Xie Luan had to start work immediately. There were only four childcare workers in the branch, including him, and the manpower was not sufficient.

Now is the time for the pups to eat.

Xie Luan was still thinking about what the cubs of other races would look like, but as soon as he walked into the cub's feeding place... he saw a group of plush.

The only two are not fluffy, only the Muka cub who came close to him as soon as he came in, and the other mermaid cub who was placed in a small wooden bucket full of water.

Mermaid... It was the first time that Xie Luan saw this fantastic creature that only existed in people's imaginations. Xie Luan couldn't help but take another look.

Human fish tail, the upper body of this mermaid cub looks like a human baby about two years old. Maybe there is a racial advantage, and his appearance is very pleasing, but there is no expression on his face, he looks very silent, and there is a feeling of being too quiet.

This glance took a little longer, and when he suddenly met a pair of blue eyes, Xie Luan realized that he simply bent his brows at the cub.

"Does this cub usually stay in this wooden barrel? We don't have a pool in our branch?" Xie Luan walked over to a colleague whom he had met before and asked carefully.

When it comes to mermaids, the scene that people most easily think of is a boundless blue ocean, but the mermaid cub in front of Xie Luan could only stay in a small wooden bucket filled with water. No matter how you look at it, Xie Luan, who was deeply impressed by the story of The Little Mermaid as a child, was a little confused.

"There is, but there is." Lin Yi did not deny Xie Luan's previous question, but nodded, "There is one in the courtyard outside the house, but that pool has been dried up long ago, and the bottom of the pool is now covered with leaves and dust."

After saying this, Lin Yi saw that the young human beside him seemed to be thinking, and he couldn't help asking with a strange expression: "Don't you want to clean up the pool for this mermaid cub? It's useless, the pool's The circulation device is broken, and even if you clean the pool and fill it up, you can't change the water afterwards."

Besides, they only earn 1,800 credit points a month, so they can do their duty well every day, so why bother doing more hard work for themselves.

Xie Luan didn't say yes or no, and answered vaguely.

There are a total of 12 cubs in the branch that need to be cared for. This is what Xie Luan learned from Xia Qi. Among them, three of the cubs are still in the incubator.

And there are only four nurses in the branch and Xie Luan who is a new recruit. If you want to take care of the cubs in the branch, there will of course be a priority in many things, and some cubs will not be able to eat until the end. thing.

Xia Qi was busy making milk powder, and the other two colleagues seemed to deliberately ignore the Muka cub following Xie Luan. Looking at this situation, Xie Luan didn't understand anything.

Xia Qi didn't have time to take care of this Muka cub for the time being, and the other two were unwilling to take care of it, and wanted to push this matter away from their own hands.

If it was before, the two pushed each other, and in the end, someone had to reluctantly prepare food for the muka cub. But now, Xie Luan took the initiative to take the job away.

In the past, it was always necessary to wait until the end to get food. Muka cub actually had no idea about this matter. It usually watched the nursery prepare food or feed other cubs, and at the end it would be its turn.

For economic reasons, the food they provide to the cubs is relatively cheap general-purpose cub rations, which are mixed with cub-specific nutritional supplements. The taste is not very good, but it is enough to fill.

Following the actions of his colleague, Xie Luan poured out a large pot of rations for the cubs, which was quite heavy to carry.

The muka cub was waiting as usual. The dangerous and terrifying appearance made it look particularly aggressive even if it didn't do anything. The scarlet vertical pupil looked fierce and cold. But when the dangerous creature watched the young man bring the bowl over and put it in front of it, it paused and instinctively let out a low hiss from its throat.

This food is for it. After confirming this, the Muka cub lowered its head and began to eat.

This amount of food was only enough to make the Muka cub just feel full, but this time he only ate less than half of the food, and the Muka cub pushed the bowl towards the youth.

Any survival resource is precious, especially food—a consciousness that is inscribed in all Muka instincts.

As a six-month-old muka cub, this muka cub obviously has no idea how other races survive, only innate instinct tells it that they rely on fighting in exchange for themselves as adults resources needed for survival.

But the human youth in front of it has no fighting ability, so what should we do

Perhaps the wisdom of lower races cannot understand things that are too complicated, but because of this, their thinking direction will become particularly simple—

As long as it divides half of the survival resources it gets to the youth, it is fine as long as it grows up and fights harder.

Seeing the Muka cub push the food to him, Xie Luan was stunned for a moment, but seeing that he did not accept the food, the large cub lowered his head and made a lower hiss than before.

"I don't need to..." Saying that it was impossible without a touch in the bottom of my heart, Xie Luan squatted down and pushed the bowl back, and then reached out to touch this large cub who looked extremely dangerous, and coaxed while touching, "Good baby."

After Xie Luan coaxed the Muka cub, he turned his attention to Xia Qi who was filling the milky white liquid into several small bottles, thinking that he should go over to help.

However, just two steps away, Xie Luan was temporarily unable to walk when a fluffy fluff came up on his trouser legs. It's not how heavy this cub is, but if he moves, he will definitely kick the opponent.

The oval ears, the thick but not long tail, the fluff so thick that it even made this cub look a little chubby... This cub really looks like Xie Luan's impression, he used to be a kind of "rabbit" on the earth. Hozen" creature.

Although there is a rabbit in the name, hozen and rabbits have nothing to do with them, they are cats, and they are wild species with ferocious characters.

When the youth called "baby", there was a vague feeling of being called, because the tone of the voice he heard was too soft, like coaxing, the cub raised his head, and when the youth passed by Ba grabbed each other's trouser legs.

Xie Luan didn't know the reason, he just thought that this cub likes to flutter on moving objects, and he happened to pass by.

"This is the cub of the Tachira race, you feed it." Xia Qi turned around and saw this scene, she walked over and stuffed a small bottle into Xie Luan's hand.

Xia Qi was actually stunned for a second just now. In her memory, this Takira cub did not like to be close to others.

This is probably also related to the nature of the race. Among the many races in the interstellar space, the Tachira people generally have excellent individual combat capabilities, which makes them more inclined to be alone, or even lonely, even when they were young. not excluded.

Therefore, the scene in front of her at the moment seems extraordinarily strange.

Xie Luan said hello, squatted down with the bottle in hand, and tried to keep his face as calm as possible to prevent himself from appearing to be in a hurry. He knows how to bottle feed, but how does it work...

After thinking about it for a while, Xie Luan first took down the two front paws on his trouser legs and sat down with his legs crossed. Then he tried to reach out and touch the fluff on the back of the tachira cub.

This is really fluffy and thick fur, with a very light color at the tip. At first glance, it has a frost-like cold texture, but when Xie Luan touched it, the only feeling was soft.

The stubby tail was raised and lowered, and the tachira cub, which looked like a hozen baby, squinted his eyes under the caress of the youth, and made a low grunt involuntarily in his throat.

It was at this time that Xie Luan shook the small bottle in his hand that was still a little hot. When he felt that the temperature was almost the same, Xie Luan put the pacifier in the cub's mouth, and continued to touch the back of the Tachira cub while feeding.

The grunting sound of the Takira cub made the other cubs around him somewhat distracted. The youth was a strange being they had never seen before, but watching the young man gently caress the Takira cub again and again. , These cubs gradually just stared at this picture.

Other caregivers don't do this superfluous thing when feeding them.

After drinking the milk, it refused to leave. The tachira cub stretched out its tongue and licked the palm of the youth's hand, then lowered its body and sniffed the scent of the youth's body. After writing down the youth's breath, it squatted down On the young man's crossed legs, the thick and short tail behind him moved slightly from time to time.

The weight on his leg made Xie Luan laugh a little, and when he heard the low grunt, he couldn't help but stretch out a finger to touch the oval ear of the tachira cub.

Probably the ear position is more sensitive, the cub moved his body as soon as his ears were touched, but it didn't avoid the young man's touch, just narrowed his eyes and stared at the slender fingers of the young man touching his ears.

Theoretically, the withdrawn nature of the Tachira race would not like being treated this way, not even by the parents. If someone insists on forcibly approaching them, the biggest possibility is to be attacked and put on a blacklist that refuses all communication.

Similarly, the cubs of the Tachira race are also temperamental, and it is definitely not a happy thing for them if the separate territory they demarcated is broken.

Xie Luan didn't know this. Hearing the grunt, he reached out and touched the head of the tachira cub, then the back, and finally even the particularly fluffy tail.

There was no resistance throughout the whole process. If the nurses from other cub care clubs saw this scene, they would immediately suspect that they had hallucinations in front of them—

This is not a cub of the Tachira race at all, fake!