Cub Raising Association

Chapter 44: Forty-fourth as a childcare worker


The old patriarch of the Huo Di family personally went to Shilorin Star and attended the Supreme Court of the Star Alliance, which made some shadows appear on Youxing and some other information platforms of Star Network.

This was operated by the Huo Di family, and the purpose was to pave the way for the follow-up events after winning the trial, and to bring back the cubs in the family who developed mutant abilities in a high-profile manner.

Many procedures of the Interstellar Court are different from those of the modern court. Xie Luan sat in the seat with a calm expression. He had urgently made up for this part of common sense a few days ago.

The voice for the beginning of the trial has been heard, and now everything in the courtroom is under the shroud of the record system. After the trial is over, a permanent record will be kept in the Supreme Court of the Covenant.

This filing will be shared with all the various courts that are members of the Star Alliance. If it is a plaintiff who does not have enough confidence, it is generally not dare to choose to stand here directly.

It also adheres to the rule of whoever advocates who gives evidence. After the trial begins, the person on the suspended stage opposite Xie Luan is in the first place to speak.

Putting the black cane on the ground, the old patriarch Huo Di, who was sitting on the seat, looked very calm and did not make any comments. The man standing next to the other party began to present evidence and gave an overview of his own point of view.

I don't think there is any difficulty in this trial. After the man finished his statement, he only grasped the simplest core point and stepped on it: "In the case where there is evidence to prove that the cub clearly belongs to the Hoddy family. The other party still insists on refusing to cooperate, this behavior is absolutely unreasonable in the Covenant law. In other words, this itself is a violation of the Covenant law."

The evidence presented is sufficient to prove the other party's point of view, confirming that the documents presented as evidence do not contain any trace of forgery, and the eleven judges who are distributed around the circular venue in the higher seats almost have a slight bias in their hearts.

The trial requires fairness, but before the trial officially started, the judges present also felt that there should be no suspense in this trial, because this is indeed a very simple and intuitive case.

On the Huo Di family's side, the man who finished his speech even thought that the person on the other side could not listen to the speech at all, no matter how much the other side talked about, it was impossible to give a reasonable explanation for this.

Although the judges and grand judges who are currently in the upper seat have not made any statement, the attitudes can be vaguely seen from the inadvertent nodding movements and changes of expressions of several judges.

But in any case, the people on the floating platforms on both sides have the right to speak. After receiving the signal to speak, Xie Luan stood up from his seat.

"A cub care branch needs to be responsible for all the cubs in the branch. Based on this principle, I can't let the people sent by the Huo Di family take the cubs away." Said these words sincerely and calmly, Xie Luan was in The judges stood up straight in the sight of the judges.

If it's just from the state of the expression, the judge really can't say that the other party's state is not good at all. The young man on the floating platform on the right is very calm from beginning to end, and his calmness is very convincing.

Just simply stating his position, Xie Luan entrusted the remaining tasks to the defender next to him, and at the same time moved his eyes to a closed wooden door under the circular building.

Inside the door, there were more than one witnesses who followed them to Shilorin.

"According to the laws of the Covenant, a family that intentionally abandons a cub is judged to have lost its custody of the cub. At the same time, this also violates Article 39 of the Covenant Law and is a bad behavior that needs to be punished." The defender said During this passage, not only did the faces of the people in the opposite seats change slightly, but all the judges present suddenly became more serious when they heard the words "abandoned cubs".

Realizing that there might really be an unexpected situation, the eleven judges pulled back all the previous weak biases.

But the defense has not presented any substantive evidence to them, and such a defense has no strength just by speaking.

As if hearing what the judge in the seat was thinking, the defender standing beside Xie Luan made a request for the witness to appear in court.


The few people sitting in the auditorium were members of the Huo Di family. When they heard that the other party had actually invited witnesses, these core members of the family froze for a while, and finally began to feel unsteady in their hearts.

They handled this matter very cleanly at the beginning, and it was impossible to leave any handle.

The only person who took the money to help their family do the finishing touches, and after finishing the work, he did as he said before and hid the money far away.

Even they can't find where this person is now, let alone the other party...

With this reason to convince himself, the few people in the auditorium just calmed down a little, and the person who came out of the dark brown door below made them completely lose their temper, and their expressions became extremely stiff in an instant.

Even Patriarch Huo Di, who had been sitting on the opposite side with a winning attitude from the beginning, had to squeeze the cane in his hand tightly at this time.

It was in the Supreme Court of the Star Alliance, no matter how much the Huo Di family wanted to kill the person who came out of the door, now they couldn't do anything except cast a threatening gaze at the other party.

The middle-aged man who entered the arena under everyone's gaze trembled and stepped into the position where he should go, daring not to have any eye contact with the people of the Huo Di family.

As a witness, Aoqi first stated his identity as soon as he came on the stage, and then also stated his experience of working for the Huo Di family, which directly pointed out the relationship between the two.

"About more than two years ago, the old owner gave me a lot of money to abandon the cub on a farther planet, and told me not to return to Helenmeet after finishing my work. Go farther." Aoqi told the judges in the upper seat about this matter, and from his voice he could hear that he was still in a state of anxiety at this time, "I was also blindfolded by money at the time. , I have regretted it many times in the past few years, so... That's why I am willing to come out as a witness now."

"Our family has never hired such a servant." Old Patriarch Huo Di on the prosecution table slammed his stick on the ground and made a dull sound, and his eyes were fixed on the person who just spoke. .

The seat where the witness was sitting was very close to the prosecution seat, and when Orchi raised his eyes a little, he came into contact with the oppressive gaze of Patriarch Huo Di, almost poking a hole in him.

"The price of perjury is very heavy. I advise you not to hurt yourself because of impulsiveness." I don't know where the other party dug up this witness that even their family could not find. Doing things for their family, insisting that the other party is perjuring.

Saying the word "price", Huo Di's family owner has also clearly released a threat, as long as the other party is not stupid, he can hear it, and there is a hint of revenge here.

His back was chilled by the threat, and under the sharp eyes of the old man like an eagle, Aoqi swallowed his saliva and barely let himself escape.

Ask him if he is afraid of the retaliation of the Huo Di family, then of course he is afraid - if he is not caught by the people of the Covenant investigation team, and learns the identities of those who arrested him, then it is to give Orchi ten thousand courage, He did not dare to appear in court as a witness.

Those who had caught him assured him that he would not be subject to retaliation from the Hoddy family, and that in his role as an accomplice in the abandonment of the cubs, willingness to be present as a witness would lighten the punishment a little.

"First of all, the witness cannot prove that he once worked in the Hoddy family, because this is an unfounded thing. Under this premise, we do not believe that the witness's testimony can have any effect." Standing next to the old family owner of Hoddy The prosecution's lawyer also bitten to death on this point, directly labeling the middle-aged man standing on the witness stand as perjury.

How can the other party come up with evidence that he has done things to the Huo Di family

After thinking for a while, the Huo Di family thought that the other party couldn't bring it out. What evidence can there be for this kind of thing, it was all dealt with a few years ago, and now they insist that there is no or no.

Back then, they shouldn't have given money to let the other party stay away. They should have solved it directly. This is the only thing that the Huo Di family regrets now.

In this way, someone suddenly appeared and said that he was related to the Huo Di family, and he was a person who had disappeared in the past few years. As a witness, the credibility of his speech was indeed limited.

But just as the judges were about to approve the prosecution's remarks, the middle-aged man on the witness stand spoke again.

"I have evidence." Facing the dark eyes not far away, Aoqi said this sentence under huge psychological pressure.

He has evidence. He didn't get the evidence. He doesn't have the ability. The evidence in hand is due to the people sent by the military investigation team to arrest him.

What the other party found out when they hunted him down was that the Huo Di family's flow of personnel in recent years was a piece of data recorded in Guangnao, and the investigation team hacked into that Guangnao.

The evidence was presented and confirmed as valid proof, and all the judges present, including the grand judge, showed their dumbfounded expressions one after another.

The other party did not talk nonsense about the relationship between himself and the Huo Di family, and the latter was so eager to deny this fact just now, and the amount of information fed back seemed a bit large.

Someone from a big family even deliberately abandoned the cub, and now they don't know why they want to recognize it. The judges who touched the truth felt absurd at this time.

Aoqi didn't go to mention the reason why the Hodi family abandoned the cubs. This is because Xie Luan told him before that it was okay to mention that the mermaid cubs in the branch couldn't speak is a thing of the past. If it is unnecessary, Xie Luan hopes that this This is how things were buried.

Cubs with language barriers will be despised a lot in the mermaid race. Xie Luan can't change the concept of a race. If things are buried here, the cubs will not be picked up by some people when they grow up. say something.

"If the judge still has doubts about my statement, I can also submit a polygraph report, hoping it can be used as a reference." Standing on the witness stand, Och knew that he had no way back, so he He gritted his teeth and said this again.

In the Interstellar Court, submitting a polygraph report is a very common method. This polygraph report cannot be used as substantive evidence, but it can be used as a reference to increase the credibility of the submitter's statement in the eyes of the jury.

The polygraph report was finally presented, with a mark of passing with a high score printed on it, and the judges had already weighed it in their hearts.

He never thought that the other party would still be able to show evidence, and he seemed indifferent to the implied revenge. Huo Di's old patriarch squeezed the cane so hard that the head of the cane was almost torn off.

The first witness who appeared in court had already caused chaos on the Huo Di family's side, but this round of attacks was not over yet. Soon, the second witness was summoned to appear in court.

He was from the Sevilla race, and he didn't know this witness, the people from the Hoddy family present.

But the nerves have been tense, and now they dare not take it lightly in the face of a seemingly unrelated witness.

"I was the one who sent the cubs to the Rainbow Dash Club. The place where I found the cubs was in the Gaia star's abandoned yard. From this point of view, I can prove that the cubs were maliciously abandoned." The name stood on the floating platform. The severa on the board did not look sideways, and said his testimony very firmly, "When I found the cub, the mermaid cub was already in a very dehydrated state, I put it back in the water as soon as possible, and I took it to the cub hospital, and the medical records in the hospital can be used as evidence for what I said."

After the witness finished speaking this testimony, Xie Luan pressed the button on the floating platform and presented the two integrated pieces of evidence together.

One is the identity record of the person who brought the cub when the Rainbow Branch adopted the cub, and the other is the medical record that the other party said. I only got it after a trip to that cub hospital.

Proving that the cub was deliberately abandoned and that the circumstances were serious enough to almost lead to the cub's death, Xie Luan was not going to let the Huo Di family have the slightest possibility of justifying in the Supreme Court.

After the jury read the submitted medical records, the expressions of most of the judges immediately became solemn.

Judging from the medical records, the severely dehydrated mermaid cub was almost on the verge of life and death at the time, with a very high risk of life.

Such an experience is too cruel for a cub, and it makes one's back chill just thinking about it.

"I also have a video here that may not be used as strong evidence, but can be used as an additional reference." With the permission of the jury, Xie Luan put a chip he brought into the groove of the console, and the video content began to be displayed. on a virtual screen.

The scene shown is the Rainbow Dash Club.

A merman cub swam near the edge of the pool, and the human youth standing in front of the cub crouched down and touched the cub's hair, then slowly picked up the mermaid cub from the water with both hands. , into his arms.

The content of the video was very short, and it was played in less than 20 seconds. Xie Luan fixed the video at the countdown and said, "Because of the experience of almost dehydration and death, this cub became very afraid of leaving the water, and now the situation is over. It has improved, but from the reaction of the cubs in the video, I believe this psychological disorder can still be clearly seen."

The cub's instinctive reaction will not deceive people. Although the mermaid cub in the video no longer struggles as soon as it leaves the water, the slight stiffness and fear at the moment of leaving the water have not been completely eliminated.

One thing is very intuitive. After this mermaid cub left the water, it instinctively sought security from the youth, and it slowly relaxed after being in the youth's arms for a while.

"The prosecution's intentional abandonment of the cub has caused irreparable consequences. I don't think such a family has any qualifications to claim this cub again. Apart from the harm, they have not done the slightest care for the cub." Xie Luan also has a temper, but he restrained this emotional impulse and ended his speech.

Being accused directly and mercilessly in front of him, and when the other party had sufficient evidence, everyone in the Huo Di family had an embarrassing feeling of being ripped off and thrown on the ground.

Originally, the two sides should have another round of debate, but now that the witnesses and evidence from the youth side came out, the people from the Huo Di family were completely speechless, which made the entire jury see this time. the outcome of the trial.

The judgment of the Interstellar Court is decided by the judges and the Grand Inquisitor after the final discussion of the jury.

The judges have one vote each, the grand judge has two votes, and the party with the most votes wins the case.

The number of votes is directly displayed on the virtual screen. After the judges confirm the votes successively, the numbers on the virtual screen begin to change.

1, 2, 3—

The numbers on the screen flickered quickly, and a final result was frozen in just a few seconds.


It was indeed a trial without suspense, but the result was completely reversed from what the Hoddy family imagined, and they became the losing party.

Really seeing the result, the old master Huo Di, who had been holding the cane tightly since just now, and the blue veins on the back of his hands protruded because of it, seemed to have not slowed down. .

With the crisp landing sound, the cane still rolled on the ground a few times, just like the current situation of the Huo Di family.

After the trial of the Supreme Court of the Star Alliance, the custody of the cub belongs to the Yunbao Branch, which is already a result that satisfied Xie Luan.

As for what kind of punishment the mastermind and accomplice who deliberately abandoned the cub will receive in the follow-up, this is not what Xie Luan cares about. Without making any more stops on this planet, Xie Luan took the starship directly back to Gaia Star.

But although Xie Luan doesn't care what happens to the Huo Di family, due to the foreshadowing by the latter, some people on the Star Network are paying attention to the Huo Di family's movements in the Supreme Court of the Star Alliance.

As the saying goes, there is no airtight wall in the world. The Huo Di family lost the case in the Supreme Court and the specific reasons for losing the case have gradually spread in the few days that Xie Luan was still on the commercial starship.

Especially on Yuxing, the most engaged members of the discussion are members of the mermaid race.

Whether forwarding or commenting, without exception, it is a statement of condemnation. The behavior of deliberately abandoning a cub is extremely bad. The other party is a big family, and there is no possibility of understanding at all.

Originally, the Huo Di family was already overwhelmed, and the old family owners were facing the danger of staying in the Star Alliance prison for a few years. Now their family affairs have been spread to You Xing...

The family's reputation has plummeted, and once it has fallen so hard, it is very difficult for the Huo Di family to turn around again in terms of reputation.

Don't talk about turning over, everyone in the family will have to temporarily hold their tails and make fish during this time.