Cub Raising Association

Chapter 46: Forty-six as a childcare worker


Following the directions of the aborigines, he walked forward for a while, and after walking through a spacious alley, Xie Luan successfully saw the Lai Luo Pool mentioned by the other party.

Before he got close, Xie Luan had already seen a circle of people around the stage.

At first glance, they were basically grown-up mermaids. Some were also holding cubs in their arms. There were also some tourists from other races who came to this planet for the Nesera Festival and wanted to feel the festive atmosphere.

Indeed, as the person just said, this place is very lively now.

It was just night in the city. This was the time when the various festival activities of the Nesera Festival were ready to start. It can be said that Xie Luan came by coincidence this time, and it happened to happen at this time.

Lai Luo Pond is an artificially created water area. The huge site is covered by environmental simulation devices. Xie Luan is no stranger to this. This site has also been simulated as a marine environment.

The actual area of the venue is much larger than the ocean simulation hall in the Rainbow Branch. It can be seen that the construction of this public stage must have cost a lot of money.

The sea at night is quiet and dark. It should have been only a dark and deep area, but many small balls of light emitting warm fluorescent lights scattered and danced on this vast ocean, adding a new dimension to the environment. A soft atmosphere.

Where the sight can reach, people close to the coast can see a reef standing in the sea. This reef is also a place where warm light balls gather more.

It's not too far from the coast, so it's easy to get a full view of the reef.

After finally finding a suitable viewing position in the venue, Xie Luan heard a burst of applause as soon as he stood still.

Following the gaze of the applauding audience, Xie Luan saw a little mermaid sitting on the reef in the sea.

This is the first cub to sing tonight. As the opening ceremony, the applause of the crowd was extraordinarily warm.

For the mermaid cub in Xie Luan's arms, this is the first time this cub has seen so many of the same clan around him, and it is also the first time he has seen cubs of the same clan.

There are two parents around the cub of the same clan. Finding this, the mermaid cub nestled in the youth's arms moved its tail fin and rubbed the youth's arms again.

"Huh?" Xie Luan lowered his head and made a questioning tone to the mermaid cub he was holding.

But the cub seemed to just rely on him to give him a hug, with no other intentions. After hearing his questioning voice, he just gave him a little more hug.

"Good." In response to the cub's dependence behavior, Xie Luan softened his voice.

After coaxing the cub, when Xie Luan raised his head again, he vaguely heard a song coming from the direction of the reef.

The sound of the tidal waves became a foil. The singing was not very real at first, but it gradually became clear after a while.

It should be because he was not ready at the beginning, or was a little bit stage fright. The little mermaid sitting on the reef in the sea just couldn't let go of his voice completely, but now he has calmed down, and the song clearly reaches the ears of everyone on the coast. middle.

The cub's singing is always a little immature, but the mermaid race has a natural control over the sound. Even a cub's singing has a certain rendering power, which can attract the attention of the audience.

In the songs sung by the mermaid race, the lyrics have no real meaning, because these "lyrics" do not belong to any language in the interstellar, they are just syllables.

The emotion in the song does not need to be expressed in specific language, so the mermaid's singing can transcend language, so that all people who hear the song, regardless of race, can clearly appreciate the emotion conveyed by the song.

This song was sung by the cub to its parents, and the little mermaid kept looking in one direction on the shore during the entire singing process.

Xie Luan thought that this cub should be looking at his parents.

Not knowing music, Xie Luan could only subjectively judge the singing as good or bad. To him, the little mermaid who was singing still sang very well.

Especially for a cub, it is even more worthy of praise.

The little mermaid sitting on the reef sang for a while, and not long after, everyone heard another song.

This song obviously belongs to an adult mermaid. It caters to and also responds to the cub's singing. The voice inserted in the middle is intertwined with the cub's singing, and it blends together without abruptness.

And in the singing, the listeners on the coast can also see that an adult fish swims close to the reef in the sea.

This adult fish is undoubtedly the parent of the little mermaid singing on the reef.

The cubs at home are singing, and on a public stage, this is a proud and happy thing for the mermaid parents, not to mention that the cub's song is sung to them.

And on Nesera, parents who love their cubs are sure to respond to the cub's singing, as everyone sees it.

Immediately after, the other parent of the cub also passed by, also singing along.

When the singing of the cubs at home stopped, one of the parents picked up their cubs and swam back to the shore.

At this time, the faces of both parents were proud of their cubs, and the little mermaid held by the parents was also full of joy.

People who saw this scene were a little bit infected, and even if they didn't smile, their expressions couldn't help softening a little.

There was no time before, Xie Luan followed the others to applaud the cub this time. When he saw the cub shake its tail fin lightly like the little mermaid in his arms, Xie Luan bent slightly. Bend your eyes.

Since the two cubs in his arms were peacefully nested in his arms and did not move, Xie Luan didn't notice that when he was applauding with the others just now, the little mermaid in his arms raised his head to look first. He then turned his eyes to look at the clan cub who had just finished singing, and his blue eyes finally fixed on his face.

After that, several mermaid cubs swam to the reef and sang. Xie Luan clapped his hands several times to join in the fun. When the third cub came down from the reef, Xie Luan felt that he was in his arms. The little mermaid seemed to twist its body.

His attention immediately returned to the cub in his arms, Xie Luan lowered his head again, and he saw that the mermaid cub he was holding made an unexpected move.

"Papa..." Raised his finger and pointed to the reef in the sea, the mermaid cub made two single tones to the youth.

Seeing the cub pointing his finger at the reef, Xie Luan was stunned for a moment, and then hesitantly said, "Jal wants to go up?"

This little mermaid from his branch has never sang before. Xie Luan felt that the cub had not learned it yet. After all, it was not long ago that the mermaid cub regained his voice.

And this cub is not very good at speaking yet. The most proficient word is to call him "Papa", and other words are still being learned.

Although he was a little hesitant just now, Xie Luan quickly made a decision when he heard the cub in his arms respond with a single tone.

After putting the mermaid cub into the sea, Xie Luan watched the little mermaid swim all the way to the front of the reef where many warm-colored light balls were flying, and then, like the cubs who passed by before, sat down On that rock.

The light gold pattern on the forehead was covered by the night, but surrounded by a little warm fluorescent light, the audience on the coast could vaguely see that this mermaid cub had a small ice-blue fish tail.

"I still think the second cub that went up just now is better. That cub should not lack what the military academy wants in the future." A young man told his companion next to him his assessment. Quickly nodded.

Whether it's timbre or the ability to control the sound, the second cub who goes up to sing is pretty good, but the most important thing is the advantage in strength.

The singing voice of the mermaid race is powerful. Whether it has developed abilities or not, the singing itself can reveal the level of ability of a mermaid.

As members of the same clan, most of the audience present could easily hear the differences in the singing voices of the cubs.

The discussion returned to the discussion, and when another cub sat on the reef, the audience still paid attention to it.

The cubs who have the courage to sing to their parents in front of so many people are worthy of praise. I believe that the parents of these cubs must be very moved.

Sitting on the reef beaten by the tide, the blue eyes of the merman cub looked at the human youth standing on the shore, and then the little mermaid sang for the first time.

“Ar’nas ena…”

From the first syllable, it was clear, without any timidity or weakness. This song appeared in this quiet ocean dotted with fluorescent lights, and the first sentence made the listeners on the coast slightly startled.

Although there is also the tenderness of the cub in the voice, the singing of this mermaid cub is undoubtedly extremely pleasant to the ear, and the tone is so clear that it may be described as beautiful.

This pup must be very fond of its parents.

Every listener who hears the song has this idea at this time, because the emotion expressed by the song will not deceive people, especially in the mermaid race.

With such a voice, the cub's singing when it grows up may be easily addictive, but the fact that the audience was slightly stunned was not the sound, but the power they felt in this song...

Only as a listener of the same race or mastery of supernatural powers can feel that the power of this mermaid cub's singing is much higher than that of other cubs, at least more than twice.

What kind of concept is this

At least so far, the audience has never seen such a case.