Cub Raising Association

Chapter 5: Fifth day as a childcare worker


Having fully mastered the method of using a small feeding bottle, and also learned how to mix rations, Xie Luan has basically lit up the skills of feeding the cubs.

However, there were several cubs who didn't know what race they were. Xie Luan suddenly felt that he needed a "Cub Encyclopedia" to supplement the common sense he lacked and to understand the habits of cubs of different races.

The cub Takira, who was lying on Xie Luan's lap, was still squinting and grunting. It looked like he was about to fall asleep, and the swing of his tail gradually became smaller and smaller. Xie Luan's legs were actually numb from sitting cross-legged, but he still didn't push the cub away.

Coaxing cubs to sleep is also a technical task. For example, cubs of some races will be very noisy. It is not something every nurse can do to make such cubs sleep obediently. In the star-level assessments listed by the Star Alliance for the nursery profession, coaxing the cubs to sleep accounts for a certain proportion.

I have never seen this Takira cub want to sleep just after drinking the milk. Xia Qi didn't respond a little at first, and when she recovered, she turned to the young human who was still sitting cross-legged. Went over there.

Xia Qi wanted to carry the Takira cub, which seemed to have fallen asleep, back to its nest, but just as she approached and squatted down, the Tachira cub suddenly put her hand over halfway through. He opened his eyes, his throat made a lower grunt than before, and his thick and short fluffy tail slapped the ground several times.

Not happy to be hugged. Xia Qi knew the withdrawn nature of the Tachira race, so she quickly retracted her hand and put on a helpless expression on her face. She thought that the cub had already fallen asleep, so she wanted to come over and carry him back to the bed.

Since he's still awake, he certainly can't hold...

"Are you going to carry it back to the room over there?" Xie Luan picked up the cub Takira, who suddenly opened his eyes again, and stood up at the same time. Because his legs were numb, Xie Luan was still a little bit numb when he stood up. Not standing still.

The other party has more work to do than he does, so he can do things like bringing the cub back to the nest, Xie Luan thought so.

"..." Xia Qi looked at the Takira cub who was holding the young man's arms but did not struggle at all, and behaved unusually obedient, and nodded with a slow reaction.

If you agree that you are unhappy and let people hug you, why not hold it if you agree? ? Although her inner activities were extremely rich at this time, Xia Qi still tried her best to maintain her stable image.

It didn't take much time to bring the Takira cub back to the nest, but when he walked back, Xie Luan saw that his two colleagues seemed to be discussing things, and one of them brought the topic to him as soon as he saw him.

"It's my turn today, but I think it's better for the newcomers to get acquainted with them, so that they can become more proficient when it's their turn later." Zhao Chuan said to the other two.

Of course the newcomer was referring to him. Xie Luan didn't hear the previous situation and didn't know what he was talking about, so he cast a questioning look at Xia Qi.

"It's nothing, I just want to change the water for the mermaid cub." Xia Qi shook her head at the young man. How could she not know that Zhao Chuan was just trying to make himself lazy, and he said it so grandly. Now when a new colleague arrives, this person wants to throw away the work that he should do.

Think beautifully!

If it weren't for the fact that their branch was in short supply and couldn't recruit new people, Xia Qi would have gone to tell the old president about firing the other party.

She was obviously more fond of her new colleague who was willing to take care of the cubs. Xia Qi raised her eyebrows and straightened her face, ready to help Xie Luan speak.

"Oh, okay." Xie Luan nodded and answered the matter neatly.

Xia Qi was stunned by the young man's words, and swallowed the words that were coming to his mouth. She's in a hurry. The new colleague is too good to talk. Don't you see that the other party just wants to be lazy and leave the job to him?

But it's not that Xie Luan didn't notice it, but he was too lazy to argue over such trivial matters, and he himself was quite willing to change the water for the cubs.

Since the young man has already agreed, Xia Qi can't say anything more about this matter, but she gave Zhao Chuan a cold face and said, "The supplies in the branch need to be replenished, I made a list, you go out in the afternoon. Buy things back according to the list."

After speaking, Xia Qi doesn't care what the other party's expression is, anyway, the matter is settled.

Change the water for the baby mermaid - the wooden bucket is not big, theoretically it is a very easy thing to change the water, just pick up the baby mermaid first, pour out the water in the small wooden bucket and fill it up, and then put the mermaid. Put the cub back and you're done.

Xie Luan picked up the small wooden barrel that contained a mermaid cub and carried it all the way to the bathroom to put it down. Then he started rolling up his sleeves.

The mermaid baby in the small wooden barrel was very quiet. At least from the beginning, Xie Luan didn't hear the baby's sound at all. He just raised his head and observed him with those blue eyes, with a delicate and lovable face. Still no expression.

But Xie Luan didn't mind, first squatted down and touched the short blond hair of the mermaid baby, and bowed his eyes slightly to express his kindness. Then he reached out his hand and carefully picked up the merman cub from the small wooden bucket filled with water.

However, after the mermaid cub, who had been quite quiet from now on, was picked up by Xie Luan, it seemed to start some kind of instinctive struggle, probably after leaving the water. The fish tail covered with ice blue scales patted on Xie Luan's clothes repeatedly.

After a while, Xie Luan was dumped in the water by the mermaid cub, and his clothes got wet a lot.

Although this unexpected thing happened, Xie Luan was not angry, he already felt that the mermaid cub seemed very scared.

"Don't be afraid, baby is good." Soothing, Xie Luan quickened the action at hand. He quickly emptied the water in the small wooden bucket, then quickly turned on the water valve to fill in the water, and quickly let the merman cub in his arms rest again. into a watery environment.

Sure enough, as soon as he returned to the water, the mermaid cub became quiet again. Xie Luan felt that the cub was still in a frightened state, so he squatted down and patiently comforted it for a while.

A few drops of water were also thrown on his face, Xie Luan didn't care, but the mermaid cub, who was looking at him with blue eyes, slowly stretched out his hand, probably wanting to wipe the water off his cheeks.

Even if it was just a cub, the mermaid cub remembered that the two nurses who had changed the water before were unhappy and unhappy that he was dumped in the water.

But the hands of the mermaid cub were already wet, and the more they wiped, the more water stains Xie Luan's face would get stained. Xie Luan didn't scold, only touched the head of the mermaid cub, and finally raised his hand to wipe his face casually, then walked out holding the small wooden bucket that had been replaced with water.

Seeing the young man's wet shirt, Xia Qi looked at the merman cub sitting quietly in the small wooden barrel, and couldn't help but say, "Don't blame it, this mermaid cub is just too scared, that's why... "

It wasn't that he wanted to dump the nurse on purpose, but when he was panicking, the cub couldn't control his behavior.

"The mermaid race can't leave the water for too long when it is a cub. You should also know that when someone picked up this mermaid cub in the abandoned yard, the cub was almost dehydrated and died." Xia Qi said with a hint of unbearable expression, "Fortunately, the person who picked up this mermaid cub put it back into the water at the first time, and it was lucky to survive."

Why a cub was picked up in the Gaia star's abandoned yard, of course, because the parents deliberately abandoned it. The planet where the mermaid race lives is not close to the Gaia star, so they deliberately went to a distant planet to abandon the cub. Xia Qi thought that the parents of this mermaid cub really hated the child. As for the reason—

"This cub can't speak..." It was a congenital defect, Xia Qi paused, then said, "But if the adults are angry, it will feel it, and it will be more afraid."

Can't speak? Xie Luan was stunned for a while. He was thinking that this mermaid cub was a little too quiet, but he didn't expect it to be the reason.

"I'm not angry." Xie Luan shook his head, then said with a smile, "You can't be unhappy when a babysitter gets your clothes wet, it's too unqualified."

Xia Qi was relieved when she heard the words, "That's good."

The mermaid race all use singing as the medium of abilities. This is the racial characteristic of mermaids, so a mermaid cub who cannot speak can be said to mean that there is no possibility of mastering abilities.

But is this congenital defect something the cub can decide for himself? Xia Qi could never understand the parents who would abandon their cubs because of such a thing. She even felt angry. The mermaid cub was left alone in the dump, struggling with dehydration. How much would this cub have? Afraid, has the person who discarded it thought about it? !

Just thinking about it like this made Xia Qi feel like she was going to be angry again. Her violent temper—

All the cubs were brought back to the nest to sleep, and the nurses also ushered in a short period of rest, but Xie Luan didn't go to rest. He walked out to the courtyard outside the house and found what Lin Yi said before. Said pool.

Although the other party said that the pool could not be used, Xie Luan decided to come over and see for himself.

The pool is not far from the house. If you go out from the side door, you can see it within a few steps. Xie Luan glanced over and saw that the pool was indeed as Lin Yi said, it had been dried up, and the bottom of the pool was covered with leaves and dust.

The pool is round, about one meter deep, and there is a thing that looks like a large Rubik's cube installed at the bottom of the pool. Xie Luan thinks this should be a circulation device.

Neatly jumped to the bottom of the pool, Xie Luan approached the device, squatted down and tapped it with his hands.

The circulation device is broken, how to fix it? As an earthling living in the 21st century, Xie Luan is still quite clueless about the high-tech products in this world.

"What can you do to get this circulation device back to work?" Xie Luan asked with little hope, poking at the golden ball of light floating beside him.

The golden ball has not disappeared, which should mean that the other party has not given him the real final guidance. Xie Luan also remembered that the golden ball could not communicate with him, so he just asked casually in the process of thinking.

Unsurprisingly, the golden light ball didn't react at all, and Xie Luan still had to rely on himself.

It is impossible to find someone to repair it, and it is impossible to replace it with a new circulation device. Xie Luan is still very conscious of the economic situation of their cub care branch. To solve the problem, we can only start from the existing circulation device.

The circulation device does not appear to be damaged in any way. If the appearance is tattered, Xie Luan may have to give up reluctantly, but the appearance is intact, which gives Xie Luan a little hope.

Logically speaking, this is the interstellar era, and high-tech products should be very durable, right... Since the whole is still in good condition, maybe this circulation device is just a small problem like "poor contact"

At this time, Xie Luan remembered that his computer suddenly couldn't be turned on at the time, and it was fine after he beat the host computer. Now, he is also a dead horse as a living horse doctor.

"Hurry up and get back to work—" Xie Luan rolled up his sleeves and beat the large Rubik's Cube-like circulation device. I don't know what material this circulation device is made of, but Xie Luan made a loud noise.

After about a minute of shooting, a voice suddenly sounded in this empty courtyard.


With this sound, the top of the large Rubik's Cube lit up, a string of indiscernible data flashed quickly, and the last remaining blue light, which represented the startup state, was slightly lit.

It was too late to feel happy, almost at the same moment when the circulation device resumed operation, Xie Luan suddenly felt a sense of mental fatigue, which made him raise his hand to support his forehead, close his eyes and wait for the strange feeling to pass. .

Did you really beat him up? Unexpectedly, breaking the jar and breaking the jar can really have this result. Xie Luan blinked to make sure that the little blue dot on the device was really lit, and then stood up.

The process is not important, what is important is the result. Now that the circulation device is complete, as long as he cleans the bottom of the pool again, he can immediately change the living environment for the merman cub to a better place...

Although this pool is not big, it must be much more spacious than the small wooden barrel. Perhaps in this relatively free environment, the merman cubs will feel more secure.

It is not easy to clean the pool, but it can be done with hard work. Xie Luan has been busy here for several hours, and finally came up with a clean pool.

Filling the pool with water, Xie Luan went back to the house and told Xia Qi about it, and went out with the small wooden barrel that still contained a mermaid cub while the latter stared blankly.

"I'm sorry, baby, it's impossible to get you a sea, but this pool should be better than a wooden barrel." Xie Luan said, carrying the mermaid cub out of the wooden barrel into the pool.

The mermaid cub who changed living environment seemed to be a little unresponsive for a while, but the spacious environment different from the small wooden barrel made it unable to resist trying to swim around. After getting used to it, the cub also tried to dive. into the water.

With water in all directions, there is no safer environment for a merman cub.

Xie Luan squatted by the pool and watched. Seeing that the baby mermaid was adapting well and seemed to like the pool, he smiled.

After watching for a while, Xie Luan noticed that the mermaid cub was swimming towards him. He first stared at him with those blue and beautiful eyes for a few seconds, and then suddenly raised his hand and rubbed his own eyes.

"What's wrong?" Seeing that the mermaid cub suddenly started rubbing his eyes, Xie Luan couldn't help but be a little worried.

When Xie Luan couldn't stand it any longer and was about to pick up the cub from the pool to see what happened, he saw the mermaid cub stopped rubbing his eyes, and then his hands seemed to be holding something , holding it carefully in front of him.

Because the rubbing time was a little long, the eye sockets were slightly red on the delicate little face of the mermaid cub.

"a..." Can't speak, this mermaid cub can only faintly make some breath sounds from the throat, no expression can be seen on his face, but he can vaguely see emotions in those eyes.

In the hands of the mermaid cub were a few shiny things, very small, reflecting a little light in the sun.

This is due to the special physique of the mermaid race. Tears can form a special spar, and some ladies like to wear jewelry made of this spar.

This spar is also valuable when it is said to be valuable, and it is not valuable when it is said to be worthless. The spar made by the ordinary mermaid is completely worthless, but the superhuman mermaid is different.

The spar made by this mermaid cub is worthless, but this cub does not understand this, it just thinks that these spar can be used as a gift for the youth.

Noticing the few small crystal stones held by the mermaid cub, Xie Luan was stunned for a while. During his stunned period, the mermaid cub kept holding things towards him. Then another monophonic sound: "pa..."

This is a gift, Xie Luan realized this. So under the gaze of the cub, he took the few crystals only the size of a grain of rice, and put them in his palm.

"'s very beautiful." Xie Luan said slowly, thinking in his heart that he should find a small box or something to keep this gift in the future.

With a little rest time left, Xie Luan, who had worked hard to clean the pool, decided to go back to the staff dormitory to lie down for a while.

Originally, he only planned to sleep for half an hour, but Xie Luan felt that he had slept for a long time. In the quiet darkness, an extremely urgent voice in his ear woke him up.

"A Luan! Wake up, if you don't wake up, I'm going to call the police—"

Lu Yuan's voice. Because the voice was very familiar, Xie Luan recognized it almost immediately, but how could he hear the other party's voice

Suddenly opening his eyes, Xie Luan saw a face with an anxious expression, and his thinking suddenly got stuck. This place is his yard, did he travel back again?

Thinking stuck for a few seconds. In this daze, Xie Luan suddenly realized something... The golden ball of light that forced him to pass through had told him a few words, but he couldn't think it through. conclusion.

1. Just build a link

2. Will not have much impact on his real life

These two sentences probably represent some kind of particularly important rule, and it is the kind that he can use.