Cub Raising Association

Chapter 77: Seventy-seventh as a childcare worker


Coming to this planet with fantastic sights, Xie Luan realized that the old man who brought them to this planet has a high status in the Saen tribe through the performance of the locals.

Unlike other races that have established councils or retain emperors, the prophets occupy the leading position in the Sarn, and Clay is one of the three current prophets of the Sarn.

In addition to the prophets, the higher-ranking people in the Saen are priests. In daily life, ordinary people seem to have great respect for priests and prophets.

For example, when Xie Luan followed behind the old man, every time he met a Saen, he could see the other person's upper body leaning forward a little, bowing his head and putting his right hand behind him in a salute.

"Does that huge bell over there have any special meaning?" Curiosity made Xie Luan ask this sentence as he walked forward. Their destination was in the same direction as the building.

This building like a huge clock also looks very old, and the stationary hands are wrapped with some green plants, which are integrated with nature.

"It's a creation left by the ancestors." The prophet walking in front raised his head, his dark blue eyes looked at the huge clock in the distance, "When a certain person touches this clock, unpredictable things will happen, for example... can reach another world."

"—" Xie Luan stopped abruptly.

Aware of the footsteps that suddenly stopped, Clay turned to look at the two people behind him, and seeing the change in the expression on the young man's face, he couldn't help but put on a smile: "Of course this is purely a story-based rumor, there have been so many years. Countless clansmen have touched the clock, and no abnormal phenomenon has occurred. If there is any significance, it is to commemorate the ancestors."

Also noticing the expression on Xie Luan's face, Yayi whispered the name of the young man next to him: "A Luan?"

It seemed that something suddenly contacted, Xie Luan stood there for a while without answering.

Time power, another world—

The golden ball, who made him establish a dream link with this world, said that he had gone back to the past many times, trying to change the past to change the outcome of the future, but without exception, he failed.

The original words are not like this, but the information points that can be obtained are the same. The ability of the other party to go back to the past and reach another world, no matter how you look at it, coincides with the two terms that Xie Luan has captured now.

The golden ball of light, Xia Zuo, will it be a member of the Saen clan

Xie Luan had this idea very strongly at this time.

"It's alright." Xie Luan shook his head and responded, then he looked at the gray-blue-skinned elder in front and said, "Is there anyone in the Saen clan called—"

There seemed to be something suddenly stuck in his throat. When he was about to say the name "Xia Zuo", Xie Luan's voice stopped abruptly, and there was no way to continue speaking anyway.

Before waiting for the next sentence, Clay cast a suspicious look at the other party, but patiently continued to pose as a listener.

"..." Xia Zuo.

Unable to say, after several attempts, Xie Luan finally gave up saying the name.

"I suddenly forgot my name." Xie Luan waved his hand quickly, showing an apologetic expression to the person in front of him.

Clay nodded to show that he didn't mind, turned around and continued to take the two to his residence.

It was night now, and it would be time to rest in a while. Since he brought foreigners to their planet, he should always be a guest and host.

In order not to look strange, Xie Luan kept his expression under control and kept his usual appearance.

Why every time he wants to say the name "Xia Zuo", it seems like an invisible force is blocking him...

This is a mandatory prohibition, and he cannot reveal any information related to Xia Zuo.

I can't figure out the answer for the time being. The only thing Xie Luan can be sure of now is that Xia Zuo is a Saen tribe, otherwise he really can't find a second eligible race.

Clay's residence is not far away. Although he is a prophet who is respected in the race, the residence is not luxurious. He arranged a guest room for the two of them.

"What is the specific confirmation method, can you tell us now?" They had already come to this planet, and Xie Luan felt that he should have the right to know.

This time, Clay didn't answer in a roundabout way, but nodded and said the method: "It's very simple, as long as he touches the Soul Stone in the temple himself."

"The stone of the mind can reflect the essence of a person." Time and wisdom were precipitated in the dark blue eyes of the Saen prophet, and the other party said calmly, "We need to confirm his essence before deciding on the necklace. to stay."

The necklace with a ring that belonged to the Knox in front of him was accidentally discovered by one of their tribesmen in the black market. After seeing the Knox characters engraved on the ring, the tribe bought this necklace. down and brought back to Chronos.

Because the material of this necklace and the ring on which it was strung were very special, the tribe presented the necklace to several of their prophets, and after some research, they were stunned to discover the secret hidden in it.

The necklace is indeed an ordinary necklace, but the material is special, but the ring on it is different.

It looks like a ring, but this ring is actually a "key"—

Used to activate a terrifying weapon that will terrify and marvel all races in the universe.

Yayi, who was next to Xie Luan, didn't respond to this sentence. He didn't seem to care about what the other party said, and accepted it by default with a cold expression.

Xie Luan nodded slightly, and he could roughly hear from the other party's words that the necklace was not an ordinary item, and the San people were afraid that Yayi would do bad things after getting the necklace.

"As long as you can understand." Clay added, and his eyes stopped on Knox, the last surviving star in the interstellar space.

The Sarn race is a race that has a good relationship with Knox. When a serious disaster happened to their planet, it was the Knox race that gave them a helping hand.

Because of this kindness, even though everything seems to be very clear today, they still don't want to believe that the star field explosion more than 30 years ago was made by the Knox race for their own selfish desires.

Looking back now, before the big explosion, the Sarn actually took the initiative to contact the Knox race that had entered a closed state, and the response they received made them puzzled even now.

The Knox responded by saying that there was no time.

It's not clear what the Knox race was worried about at the time, and Clay was one of the few who remembered it.

Although they don't want to believe it, the fact that the star field explosion happened is in front of them. Now facing this last Knox, in addition to continuing to remember the kindness, they have to remain vigilant on the other hand.

There were actually two rooms under the arranged room. Xie Luan felt very used to seeing the adult Knox who walked into the room behind him.

Thinking that the other party was going to touch the Soul Stone tomorrow to test the essence, Xie Luan raised his hand and touched Knox's silver hair.

"Will it be a little longer?" The cool hair touched the pulp of his fingers, Xie Luan couldn't help but ask when he looked at the length of this smooth silver hair.

It was about to reach the waist, and this length looked good, but Xie Luan didn't know if the other party would find it troublesome.

As soon as Xie Luan finished saying this, he saw the Knox, who had been touched by his hair, cut a small space gap in the air on the right, and randomly took out a short soldier with acceptable sharpness from it.

Before he could react, Xie Luan felt that the hilt of the dagger was stuffed into his hand, and then he looked at the Knox standing near him, bowed his head slightly, and let his silver hair down towards him. come over.

Xie Luan: "..."

Looking down at the dagger in his hand, and then looking at the silver hair that the other party deliberately dangled slightly towards him, Xie Luan's mood switched between helplessness and laughter.

"Actually, long hair looks good, although it's a little more troublesome to take care of. If you want to cut it, I'll find a pair of scissors and cut it for you when you go back to the branch." Putting down the dagger in his hand, Xie Luan certainly couldn't use such a simple and rude way to cut it for you. The other party cuts their hair.

The second after he finished speaking, Xie Luan watched Yayi raise his head. The Knox nodded to him and said, "No more cutting."

The appearance of the person in front of him is cold and handsome, and the outlines are not soft, but Xie Luan now sees the other party's slightly lowered eyebrows, showing a contradictory meekness to him under the cold expression.

This docile attitude made Xie Luan move the hand that touched the other party's cool silver hair up a little, and put it on the place where the beautiful horns should have grown on the other party's head, and touched it twice.

After a while, the Knox revealed the hidden horn, and Xie Luan didn't know what he was thinking, so it didn't matter if he touched it back and forth. In the end, he even... kissed the horn on the left. .

Fortunately, when the other party was watching, Xie Luan fooled around by touching his tail, but now that he woke up the next day, Xie Luan was still a little confused.

But there was no time for Xie Luan to be in a daze. Now is the time for them to go to the Kanya Temple.

When Yayi touches the Mind Stone and retrieves the necklace, he will be able to know why this necklace is taken so seriously by the Sarn.