Cub Raising Association

Chapter 79: Seventy-ninth as a childcare worker


Listening to the engineers of the Saen people entering the enthusiastic mode and gushing about how powerful this ark ship is, Xie Luan and Yayi have also boarded this majestic ark ship like a huge fortress. Of course, he is just With a curious attitude.

Although the people of the Sarn tribe could make the ark ship appear, they could not activate it, so all research was done in the stationary state of the warship.

Now that the ark ship is activated, the capabilities of the warship that cannot be discovered by research when it is dormant are clearly displayed.

Allowed to board the active ark, almost immediately the Sarn engineer team went into a state of ecstasy in their research.

They deliberately studied the battleship's defense matrix and energy shield. After exploring with satisfaction, the Sarn engineers thought from the bottom of their hearts that this arkship might be called an unbreakable barrier.

In addition to the core weapon that can destroy the planet in one hit, the other weapons loaded by this ark ship also make the battleship extremely powerful. For the enemy, this ark ship is undoubtedly a nightmare.

Walking on an aisle corridor of this ark ship, the first thing that came to Xie Luan's mind was actually a very out of place idea—

This ark ship is so big, and it is so convenient to move and store. If Yayi is willing, if their branch wants to take the cubs from the branch to play on other planets during the holidays, wouldn't it be very convenient

There is no need to book air tickets for commercial starships, they will go directly on this private starship... But the size of this ark ship is too large, and going to other planets might cause some misunderstandings and riots.

The above thoughts passed by in a hurry, Xie Luan and Yayi, who was beside him, paced into the command room of the battleship and walked to the vicinity of the round table. Xie Luan touched one of the control panels.

What is the purpose of the Knox race to create this ark ship, this matter can no longer be traced back, but combined with some things he has learned since he came to this planet, Xie Luan thinks that he may have encountered something vaguely the truth.

After asking Prophet Klay about the Knox race, Xie Luan was very concerned about the phrase "There is no time" said by the Knox race.

The golden ball of light that made him establish a link with this world said that he tried to go back to the past to kill the root cause of the world's destruction, but even so, the future of this world still leads to destruction.

Xia Zuo believed that the root cause of the destruction of the world was Yayi, which Xie Luan knew from the last guidance the other party gave him, so he could analyze very contradictory information from here.

Yayi has done things to destroy the world in other parallel world lines, which is true, perhaps this is the ending that most world lines lead to.

Then why was the world destroyed after Xia Zuo returned to the past to kill each other? Combining all the known information, Xie Luan can only come up with an answer that he thinks is the most reasonable—

The source that Xia Zuo thought led to the destruction of the world may be wrong. This source is not Yayi, but may be another hidden enemy.

And this enemy is likely to be the one who made the Knox race say "there is no time". The Knox race at that time may have said this because of what they found...

Seeing the enthusiasm of the engineers of the Sarn tribe, Yayi did not let the ark ship return to the dormant state for the time being, and promised to let the former continue to study for a few days.

With such speculation, Xie Luan certainly felt a sense of crisis in his heart.

The most friendly with the Knox race in the interstellar is the Sarn race. He hopes to persuade the latter to believe his words with words, at least to make the other party remain vigilant.

Thinking about what to say to make it more reasonable, Xie Luan was pondering the words all day, but fortunately they were not in a hurry.

It was a rare visit to Chronos. While thinking about the words in his heart, Xie Luan also followed the prophet Clay, who volunteered to be their tour guide, touring the city, and the place they are now is where Xie Luan first came. The first building I noticed on the planet—

A huge clock with stationary hands.

Observing this clock up close, Xie Luan felt more and more the strangeness of this huge clock, not only its shape, but also another unexplained psychological feeling.

At this time, Xie Luan remembered that the Saen prophet, who was serving as their tour guide, said that when a certain person touches this clock, unpredictable things will happen, such as being able to reach another world.

Although the other party later said that this was just a story, since everyone came to this place, Xie Luan, like other people who heard the story, was particularly interested in touching this huge clock.

"I'll go over." Saying this to Yayi who was following him, Xie Luan approached the large-scale creation not far away.

Standing under the huge clock, Xie Luan stretched out his hand and touched it where he could reach it.

This touch is like starting a certain organ.

Xie Luan hadn't noticed it yet. After touching the clock, he turned around and prepared to go back.

It was also at the moment of turning around that Xie Luan saw that Knox, who had been standing obediently not far away, suddenly teleported towards him, and the silver tail seemed to be eager to encircle him.

Seeing the pupils in the pair of vertical pupils that had shrunk into a thin line nearby, Xie Luan reflexively wanted to raise his hand to comfort Knox's silver hair.

But at the same time as this idea came up, Xie Luan found that he had lost the ability to move, and he didn't know what happened next.

From the perspective of others, Xie Luan seemed to be sucked in by the huge clock, and at the same time as the youth disappeared, the hands that had been stationary for many years on this ancient clock seemed to tremble slightly.

When he regained consciousness, Xie Luan was stunned. After being stuck in place for several seconds, he gradually regained his ability to think.

Is he... in another world because he touched that clock?

The first reaction was this, but when Xie Luan stood up to observe the surrounding environment, he found that this should still be in a place he knew, and he had just observed this place not long ago.


He was in a vacant room on the ark ship.

So the huge clock just sent him a short-distance teleportation, and did not allow him to go to another world. Thinking of this, Xie Luan opened the door of the room and walked out.

However, just when Xie Luan walked out of the door a few steps, in a passage, he was surrounded by more than a dozen soldiers holding beam weapons. in his body.

Suddenly being pointed at by more than a dozen guns, Xie Luan's eyelids couldn't help but jump slightly, and he raised his hands first, and his heart was turning rapidly while his heartbeat naturally accelerated.

Recognizing the internal environment of this ark ship, Xie Luan is sure that this battleship is Gaia, so why are there so many soldiers on this ark ship—

"Report, the infiltrator has been successfully arrested, it is... a human." The first half of the sentence was decisive, and when it came to the second half, the soldier who opened the communication seemed a little hesitant.

Someone was able to sneak into their battleship without knowing it, and they have only now discovered that this is already extremely unlikely, not to mention that this infiltrator is actually a human with a weak body.

He couldn't hear what the person on the other end of the communication said. Xie Luan only heard the soldier who pointed his weapon at him nearby and said yes, and then said to the others, "Take him to the main hall."

"I advise you not to make any small moves. On this warship, you can't escape." The muzzle of the beam weapon pushed forward against the young man's back. The soldier's voice and expression were very cold. Of course.

Xie Luan saw a familiar figure in the hall when he was taken to the main hall that the soldier said.

He was looking at each other, and the Knox sitting in the seat also put his eyes on him. The pair of cyan vertical pupils were not the same as Xie Luan's impression, the original pure cyan seemed to be darker.

The sense of indifference on this adult Knox is very obvious, the handsome face is cold, and the silver tail behind him is also in a posture that can attack at any time.

Like a beautiful, but dangerous beast that will tear the throats of all who come near it mercilessly.

Finally realizing something, Xie Luan opened his mouth slightly and didn't make a sound. He realized that the huge clock probably really sent him to another world line.

"You didn't commit suicide on the spot when you were caught? It doesn't look like a hard bone." A young man not far away touched his chin and sneered a few times when he finished saying this.

"You can't live by betraying your original master's information. Otherwise, if you listen to me and commit suicide, then at least you can keep the information in your mind." The young man's face showed a bad taste when he deliberately said this sarcastically. smile.

"You are noisy."

Xie Luan didn't answer, these three words were uttered by another person next to Knox. After saying these three words in a cold voice, this person went straight to Xie Luan.

Approaching Xie Luan was an adult mermaid. This mermaid had long light blond hair, beautiful blue eyes, and ice-blue fins on both sides of the cheeks near the ears.

People of the mermaid race are generally good-looking, and this mermaid with only light blonde long hair is no exception. If you don't look at the Adam's apple, the appearance of this adult fish is really a kind of gender-neutral beauty.

He obviously didn't know him, but looking at this adult fish, Xie Luan felt a sense of familiarity almost at the first sight.

Hair, eyes, and the color of the fins...

Although the most important pale gold pattern was missing on the mermaid's forehead, Xie Luan still said a name in a low voice: "Jal?"

Hearing the young man say the name accurately, the atmosphere in the hall suddenly became a little more cold.

Knowing the real name, the infiltrator estimated that they had a considerable degree of intelligence.

The young man who had a malicious smile just now stopped smiling and looked at Xie Luan with scrutiny.

But it doesn't matter, the merman's mental ability can force the reading of each other's memory, so that they can know everything about each other.

Just now, he was pointed at by more than a dozen guns, but now Xie Luan is being held by two soldiers from left to right, so that he does not have any chance to move.

The next second that Xie Luan was suppressed by the two, a hand was placed on his head. Almost at the same time, Xie Luan felt a slight dizziness.

After the ice-type ability, the mental ability of this mermaid's second awakening can only reach the intermediate level, but it is more than enough for reading memories.

However, it has been selectively read, and the memories he has read from the mind of the young man in front of him still have nothing to do with intelligence secrets. The few memories he has read so far are related to some cubs.

Frowning slightly, the mermaid continued to expand the scope of reading memory, so he heard a familiar voice.



The mermaid race has a very strong ability to recognize voices. The voice I heard in the youth's memory, the mermaid with an indifferent expression had froze slightly.

Following this voice, he saw a little mermaid with an ice-blue fish tail nestled in the arms of a young human being with peace of mind, and the tail fin was gently patted on the latter's body. It was the pale gold pattern that he was very familiar with.

Since it was the youth's memory that was probed, he could only see things from the youth's perspective.

He couldn't see the expression on the young man's face, but he could hear a very gentle response.

"Carl is good."