Cub Raising Association

Chapter 85: Eighty-fifth as a childcare worker


For the legion led by Yayi, Loren Planet is almost the same as an energy supply station. The large amount of high-purity energy crystals produced on this planet can meet the recharging needs of Gaia's core weapons.

The conclusion drawn by the Sarn engineering team that Gaia's core weapon is a consumable that can only be used three times is actually not entirely correct.

Gaia's core weapon consumes an incalculable amount of energy every time it is used. When the Knox race designed it, they prepared a second eternal source crystal for this weapon that is difficult to find in the entire interstellar space.

Less than a fist-sized spar, the energy contained in it is enough to make this core weapon attack three times.

Because there are basically no substitutes, the Sarn engineering team made that judgment.

But in fact, on Yayi's side, a way to recharge the core weapon has been found.

With the eternal source crystal as the carrier, the energy of a large amount of energy spar is transferred to this source crystal through the corresponding technology, and the quantity is used to make up for the lack of quality, so as to recycle the eternal source crystal.

Returning to Loren Star to complete the rest, in theory, they should be ready to capture the next planet in the plan, but the soldiers who followed the troops back to Loren Star found that several high-level personnel of their legion - including the leader, are now all It seems that plans have been put on hold for now.

Since that morning, he took care of some of Ravi's blond hair that was slightly turned outwards, Xie Luan saw that this adult Jiu's hairstyle was meticulous for several days, maintaining the state when he just combed it.

In the past few days when he kept his hairstyle, every time the other party came to him, he seemed to want him to see it, telling him that he had not messed up his hair. The look in his eyes that looked like he was waiting for a compliment made Xie Luan feel like he saw someone. Only tweeted to the chubby boy with his hairy little chest.

Of course, after shampooing, Ravi's hair was still curled up again. Xie Luan reached out and combed the other party again. This time, in response to the bright eyes, Xie Luan continued to raise his hand after finishing the curling hair. This Kuwei tweeted for a while longer on his head.

This Kuwei-tweeter now looks very calm and obedient when facing him. Xie Luan can see that the other party is trying very hard to show that he is a good baby in front of him, as if he is still concerned about the previous things.

"I'm not angry." With a pat on the head of the person in front, Xie Luan felt that he still had to explain this matter to the other person more directly, lest this Kuwei-chiu continue to be a bullshit.

Xie Luan didn't take to heart the words the other party said on the Ark at the beginning. It was normal to hear those words on that occasion.

But even if Xie Luan said so, Ravi still stood in front of him peacefully, which was what he wanted to do.

Seeing that he didn't move, Xie Luan thought about it, and finally let the other party go.

After receiving the shared memory, Ravi began to send people to check some information he wanted to know.

For example, the other two chubby chubby who often played with him in memory, and the couple who adopted him in the other world, but they have not received feedback for the time being.

On the other side of the world, he and his playmates were adopted by a pair of parents and had parents, but Ravi felt that for him, the youth in front of him must be equivalent to the parents.

In my memory, I saw that he and another Kuto chubby were very envious because they saw the parents of other cubs flying in the sky with their cubs. Their emotions, the young man lowered his head and said to them, will he take them to fly later

Of course, the cubs chirped happily, and the young man's words were not just to coax them, but he actually took them to the sky.

The other high-level personnel seemed to be in a meeting. Xie Luan was looked at expectantly by Ku Wei, who escaped the meeting by some unknown means. He was soon defeated without asking anything, and followed the other party to a place. patio.

"What are you going to do?" After arriving, Xie Luan looked around the spacious courtyard patrolled by regular staff before asking the blond young man who brought him to this place.

Ravi didn't answer, but a few seconds after Xie Luan's voice fell, a very large and ferocious creature that looked a bit like Jinpeng appeared in front of Xie Luan's eyes.

The feathers are unique and beautiful dark gold, with eagle heads and sharp claws and beaks. The first time Xie Luan saw the adult Kuwei people in their original form was in the flying competition on the Oort star.

What did this Kuweiju suddenly change back to its original form in front of him, Xie Luan still didn't understand what the other party was doing.

At this moment when Xie Luan was puzzled, he saw the ferocious and beautiful huge creature in the vicinity approaching him a little more, and then lowered his body.

Xie Luan's first reaction was to reach out and touch the beautiful dark golden feathers on this huge creature. It was different from the down feathers when he was a cub. The hard feathers on this part he touched became quite obvious, not like a cub. Times are so soft.

"Do you want me to go up?" Touching the hard feathers, Xie Luan looked into the eyes of this huge creature and asked tentatively.

Soon Xie Luan heard a response, which was deep and completely different from the tender and crisp chirp of the cub.

I don't know why the other party suddenly wanted to do this, but looking at the adult Kuwei who had changed back to his original form with his body lowered and waiting for him to climb up, Xie Luan still complied with the other party's expectations.

Climbing up on the back of this huge creature, the feathers on the back were still relatively soft, and Xie Luan felt like he was on a soft blanket.

He could feel that he was securely fastened to the back of this huge creature by an invisible force, and then Xie Luan heard the sound of the wind breaking from the flapping of the wings—

fly up.

The scene below became smaller and smaller in Xie Luan's eyes. It was not the first time that Xie Luan was so close to the sky instead of staying in a miniature mecha or a starship.

The flight speed was very fast, and the wind was whistling across Xie Luan's cheeks, but because of the protective layer on his body, Xie Luan didn't feel any pain.

Comparing the huge creature carrying him soaring in the sky with the chubby chubby who was squatting in his arms in his memory, Xie Luan couldn't help but feel more complicated feelings that were difficult to describe in words, and he felt a little emotional. , also a little warm.

He saw in advance what this chubby chubby would look like when he grew up, and it also showed that in this world, he skipped all the growing parts of this cub.

Not just this cub, but the other cubs as well.

A huge creature that could cast a shadow over a certain area of the ground flew so recklessly in the heavily fortified military area that it almost didn't cause a series of alarms. Fortunately, some of the guards still recognized Ravi's original form.

Flying past a clock tower, Xie Luan's hand lightly touched the soft dark golden feather under him. He probably understands now that this Kuwei Tweet probably wants to show him his morphological ability when he grows up .

Indeed Ravi thought so.

He has grown up, and it is impossible for the youth to take him to the sky like holding a chubby chubby in his memory, but also because he has grown up, he has the ability to carry the youth back to fly.

After such a high-speed flight around Tito City, the feathers of this Kuweijiu are of course a little messy, and in humanoid form, there are a few clumps of disobedient hair that stick out.

Xie Luan didn't say anything, and patiently sorted it out for the other party.

"I can still fly faster than before." He lowered his head slightly to let the young man touch his hair, and Ravi said this in a low voice.

Because the young man on his back slowed down the speed moderately, otherwise he could at least double the speed.

"Yeah." Xie Luan responded warmly, and then saw the familiar bright eyes waiting for praise when the person in front suddenly raised his head, Xie Luan's heart softened, and he couldn't help opening his hands to hug this Anfen Station Kuwei tweeted in front of him.

It's a matter of course that this grown-up Kuwei Chiu can fly quickly. From the pup's period, this little fat Chiu can fly faster than many cubs.

On the other side of the world, this Kuwei-chiu also took fourth place in the flying contest.

The high-level meeting that Ravi skipped this time was actually a combat meeting. During this combat meeting, other high-level leaders heard that their leaders and adjutants made decisions that were inconsistent with the original plan, and made it clear that the plan was suspended, and the army stopped first. Don't move on Loren.

For the Sphinx, who was supposed to be the Legion's next target for destruction, the planet was lucky to avoid a destruction without its own knowledge.

Like a butterfly flapping its wings slightly, in this world line, something has gradually changed since then.

The allowed range of activities is in the city. Xie Luan did not let Ravi follow him because of one thing to do. He took the sergeant who was sent to guard him and found a candy store and a candy store in the city. A shop that customizes all kinds of goods.

Xie Luan bought toffee in the candy store, and asked for a small gold medal in the shape of a sunflower in the custom shop, exactly the same as the one in the flying contest.

After the customization is completed, Xie Luan is going to give this small medal to Ravi.

When Xie Luan returned to the military region, this high-level meeting had just ended, and he happened to see two people who left an impression on him on the way back to his residence.

These two soldiers were two people who were frostbitten by Garr with his ice-type ability because he held him down and did not let go. Xie Luan paused after seeing these two figures, and turned to the two of them. walked over.

Both of them had bandages on their arms. Because they were frostbitten by high-level abilities, they were different from ordinary injuries and healed slowly.

When the two soldiers saw the young man walking towards them, they were a little inexplicable and a little embarrassed, but they were stunned by the young man's apology.

"I'm really sorry about the injury on your arm. I hope you can forgive him. If there is anything I can do, you can feel free to bring it up to me." Xie Luan said sincerely.

Not expecting to hear an apology at all, the two lower-level soldiers were obviously stunned for a second, and then they even felt a little flattered.

Their lieutenants have actually been very restrained and merciful, so their arms were only slightly frostbitten.

The two of them didn't expect that in Xie Luan's eyes, it was right, and at this moment, a mermaid with light blond hair came over.

"Sorry." The voice was clear and cold, and the mermaid standing beside Xie Luan apologized to the two soldiers in front of him.

The two soldiers were completely stunned.

The young man was apologizing to the others for him. Thinking of this, Cal directly followed the parents and took the initiative to speak.

Like a parent leading an apology to a cub who did something wrong, inexplicably, the two lower-level soldiers felt this way.

On the way back to the residence, Xie Luan saw that the mermaid had been silently looking at him with azure blue eyes, as if he wanted to say something to him, but he was very hesitant and could not say anything.

"What's wrong?" Xie Luan asked slowly.

It seems that his question gave the other party an opportunity to act. Xie Luan watched the mermaid stretch out the hand that he had been holding to him, and then put his hands together, making a gesture of holding something. .

In the palm of this mermaid is a beautiful ice-blue scale.

This is not the first scale that this mermaid dropped. The first scale that was dropped when it was a cub was also collected by Garr.

But because he couldn't wait for the person he expected, he lost the scale.

I can't find it now, even if I regret it, I can't find it anymore.

"Papa..." Garr said the title to the young man in front of him in a low voice, his beautiful blue eyes staring at the latter.

If it wasn't the first scale that fell, would the young man still be willing to accept it and keep this scale for him