Cub Raising Association

Chapter 87: Eighty-seventh as a childcare worker


In the current interstellar space with frequent wars, Gaia is one of the rare planets with a relatively stable environment.

Several nearby planets were destroyed by the army led by Yayi, only Gaia was left, and other forces did not know whether they got any information from it, and later avoided this planet by coincidence.

The ark ship turned on the invisible force field, and the whole process of jumping to Gaia did not attract any attention.

Most of the soldiers stayed on the Ark, and only a small group of troops landed on Gaia Star with Xie Luan.

The time point of this parallel world line is in the future decades later. After getting off the Ark, Xie Luan still saw a planet that made him feel quite intimate.

The planet doesn't seem to have changed much. In the city where he is currently, Xie Luan saw the streets and various storefronts in his memory, many of which were exactly the same as in his memory.

Although Gaia was left behind when he destroyed the nearby planet, Yayi didn't have any feelings for the planet he was born in. He just ignored it casually at the time.

Gaia is also one of the planets that will be destroyed sooner or later for him, but he chooses to leave this planet behind.

He had no good memories of this planet at first—

"It should be this way." Xie Luan went to his destination based on memory, and the urban planning remained largely unchanged, which made his activities on this planet much more convenient.

The place Xie Luan wanted to go to was the Yunbao branch. The Yunbao branch in this world stopped functioning many years ago, and now I don't know what it has become. Xie Luan wanted to see it with his own eyes.

Due to the presence of an adult Muka tribe, Xie Luan and his party still received some attention. Several people with shared memories knew where they were going, and their expressionless faces seemed to change slightly involuntarily.

The cub care club called "Rainbow", which had closed down, was where they were born.

Not long after walking, after passing a commercial street, Xie Luan arrived at his destination, where he saw a familiar and unfamiliar scene.

There was a half-open rusty iron gate, no one guarded the door, and the buildings inside were also in a state of being demolished in half. What appeared in front of Xie Luan was obviously an abandoned place.

It was abandoned and unguarded, and there was no sign prohibiting entry, so Xie Luan walked in through the half-open iron gate.

The whole place is empty, except for the half-shelved buildings that have been demolished. In the area within the fence, there are only weeds and some trees that grow randomly, which looks very desolate.

There is a gap between the scene in front of me and the picture in the shared memory of Ravi. On the other side of the world, the Rainbow Branch that should have been located in this place is like their home. The youth and other caregivers took care of them carefully and lived a carefree life.

But in their world, this place has been abandoned, and there is no cub care branch called Rainbow Dash in Interstellar.

This is where it all started.

Xie Luan took out a custom-made small golden medal from his clothes pocket, held it in his hand first, and waved to the young blond next to him.

Seeing the young man beckoning to him, he ignored the surrounding abandoned environment for a moment. Ravi quickly took two steps closer to the human youth standing nearby. Anfen stood in front of Xie Luan like a squatting little boy. Fat tweet.

Xie Luan let go of his clenched hand and put the small golden medal in the shape of a sunflower on the body of this Kuweijiu.

Because it is in the humanoid form in adulthood, an adult Kuwei ethnic group wears a small medal with a particularly childish shape, which will look a little incongruous in style.

But Ravi, who received the small medal, didn't seem to have this feeling at all. The adult Kuwei paused, his eyes lit up for a moment.

Although he didn't say it, after receiving the shared memory, Ravi actually wanted the small medal he saw in his memory.

"Golden...?" Ravi hesitated.

Small golden medal with the number "1" inscribed in the center.

"Yeah." Xie Luan nodded affirmatively, and by the way raised his hand and rubbed the dark golden hair of this Ku Weijiu.

The awards are divided into rankings, but in Xie Luan's mind, the three chubby chubby who participated in the flying competition were the first in his mind.

For a moment, he seemed to see the young man in front of him straighten his body a little bit, Xie Luan laughed slightly, and the picture of Xiao Chuan's body straightening up again overlapped with the other party in front of him.

The demolition area was full of scattered slates and stones. The Rainbow Branch in this world should have built other facilities after it closed down, but it ended up like this.

After doing this, Xie Luan set his eyes on the Knox standing next to him. He had a lot of things to tell him about the world and the unknown enemy, Xie Luan wanted to tell him all the information he knew. other side.

But when Xie Luan mentioned a possible unknown enemy and linked this enemy to the black mark, he saw the Knox in front of him nodded to him, calmly expressing his understanding.

Someone else put the mark on him. Knowing this, Yayi naturally classified this "other" into the enemy column.

As for the world, the urge to destroy the world is his own idea. Yayi is not induced and controlled by this mark, at most it can only be regarded as a follow-up.

But now, Yayi's thinking has been changed, or rather suppressed.

In contact with warm and beautiful things, this thing is very fragile, so fragile that as long as he puts his hand on the white neck with faint blue blood vessels showing a little force, this beautiful thing will be destroyed by him.

But it was such a fragile existence that easily suppressed the icy madness that had accumulated in his heart.

"There are still many beautiful things in this world." A delicate flower grew in the gap left by the collapsed slate. Xie Luan looked at the flower, squatted down and touched the soft petals with his fingers.

The beast in his heart was appeased, and when Yayi waited for the young man in front of him to stand up, he raised his hand like a young man touching a flower petal, and touched the young man's cheek with the pulp of his fingers.

Such warm and beautiful things are real, as long as he reaches out his hand, he can touch them, as if they belong to him.

If she can keep it, Yayi understands for the first time what it feels like to have a beautiful world.

But why is there no youth in front of him in his world...

"Me too..." Pausing after saying two words, the Knox finally stopped his voice and didn't say the words.

He also wanted to like this man.

The youth is like the sunlight in the cold winter, warm but without the slightest burning sensation, or like the warm residual temperature on the egg shell when the cub is born, it will make him instinctively want to approach.

Also what

Xie Luan thought for a while and couldn't come up with an answer. Seeing that the other party didn't plan to speak again, he didn't ask.

The youth will leave and go back to the other world, and the few people who have received the shared memory are conscious of this. The more limited time they have, the more they want to get along with young people.

There was nothing to visit in the abandoned place. After Xie Luan informed Yayi of the known information and guesses, they were ready to leave the place.

But when he walked out of the iron gate, Xie Luan was surprised to see a familiar person.

In the interstellar era, the appearance of all kinds of clansmen showed relatively slow aging. Standing near the door was a Sevilla woman with two small tentacles on her head. In addition to being a little more mature, the appearance was similar to the one in Xie Luan's memory. There is no difference.

"Xia Qi?" Xie Luan said his name reflexively, and then he remembered that the other party didn't know him from the suspicious eyes of the other party.

Instead of letting Garr share his memories, Xie Luan chose to talk to him directly. With his understanding of Xia Qi's character, Xie Luan quickly asked him to let go of his guard against him.

From the conversation, Xie Luan learned more things.

After the branch had to close down due to lack of funds, in order to treat the old director, Xia Qi had no choice but to find someone to sell the land after persuading the old director.

The chapter building was demolished, and an auction house was later built on the site, but it also closed down due to poor management.

Originally, the landlord was going to demolish the new building again, but this time half of the demolished was put on hold, and he didn't decide what to build, so this place became what Xie Luan saw now.

"I want to make money to buy this piece of land back and reopen a cub care club, but the amount of money is too much..." Xia Qi smiled bitterly, she didn't know why she met her for the first time. The stranger who said so much, said it naturally in the conversation with the other party.

The money for buying land and building new facilities is an astronomical sum for Xia Qi. She knows that even if she works hard for decades, the money will not be enough, but she always has a direction.

"This is for you, I hope you can fulfill your wish." Xie Luan put a crystal card that had not yet been bound into Xia Qi's hand. Before waiting for the other party to respond, he motioned for Yayi to use his space ability to teleport them. Walk.

The old-fashioned crystal cards are no longer usable in Interstellar after a few decades. Taking this into account, Xie Luan received four crystal cards when he was in Loren, and everyone from Yayi to Nick gave him one. open.

Xie Luan didn't look carefully at the amount of credit points in the crystal card, but each number displayed after swiping had a long string of zeros.

After being stuffed with a crystal card, she would never see anyone again. Xia Qi froze in place for a long time. She checked the amount in the crystal card and was startled by the number displayed.

Looking at the crystal card in her hand with wide eyes, Xia Qi stood there hesitantly and struggled for a long time, and she could hear her own heartbeat in the process.

Giving away an unauthenticated crystal card with a huge amount of money for nothing, but looking up at the abandoned place in front of her, Xia Qi gritted her teeth, she didn't want to miss this opportunity.

"Thank you—" Although there was no one around, Xia Qi still bowed to the place where the young man stood to thank him.

With this money, she must build the Rainbow Dash Club again, develop it well, and wait until one day in the future, if she can see that young human again, let the other party see that she has used the money in the right way.

The location where the space is transferred is another commercial street. The street is full of people coming and going, which is a lively scene, and on the other hand, it is peaceful and peaceful.

Although it didn't take much time to run from Loren to Gaia, it took a lot of trouble to jump over by the ark. Xie Luan chose a dessert shop and sat down. People can also lift the camouflage.

"Please accompany me on this trip, this is a thank you gift." Xie Luan placed the two puddings in front of the man with closed eyes and the only female member in the room.

After being able to clearly hear the sound of the porcelain being gently dropped in front of him, Ain turned his eyes in the exact direction.

He knew where the pudding was, but he didn't know where the cutlery was. When Ain was about to move his closed eyes away, a porcelain spoon was stuffed into his hand.

As for the other person, because he remembered that the other person didn't like people approaching, Xie Luan quickly retracted his hand after pushing the pudding over. Heilong in humanoid form glanced at him with vertical pupils, and said nothing with a cold face. But he still lowered his head and picked up the small spoon that was placed nearby.

After delivering the pudding to the two, Xie Luancai chose a few desserts in turn according to the cubs' tastes and preferences in his memory.

"The last piece, this Nick can't eat too much." Xie Luan patted Nick's sharp forearm. According to the food intake of an adult Muka, Xie Luan has already ordered several more desserts for the other party.

Tilt his head, this huge adult Muka stared at the young man with scarlet eyes and responded with a low hiss.

Xie Luan and his party stayed on this planet until evening, and it happened that a festival was held in this city today.

It's not an important festival with special significance. It's just a simple prayer, and the activity is completed by hanging the wooden sign with the wish on a short rope and hanging it on an iconic ancient tree.

It's not a famous festival. There are very few people who actually go to the festival. When Xie Luan passed by, they were the only people around the big old tree.

There is no way to change the things that have happened in this world line, and there is no way to stay in this world for more. Xie Luan's wish written on the wooden sign is that the cubs who have grown up in this world will be able to do so in the future. Live a happy life and hope that the world will have a different ending from the original trajectory.

There were some fireflies flying around the ancient tree, and only Xie Luan wrote a wish to hang a wooden sign in the group.

After he finally hung up the wooden sign, when he exhaled, Xie Luan looked down and found that his hand seemed to be gradually turning into a small spot of light like the roundabout fireflies.

Of course it wasn't just him, everyone else standing near him also saw it.

Time is up-

The body can still move, and the few people who approached at the first time have surrounded Xie Luan, and their hands are clutching his clothes.

The body was slowly turning into a spot of light, and Xie Luan hugged the three big babies one by one with the arms that were still in existence for the time being, like cubs soaked in the rain.

Xie Luan kissed the other's forehead, facing the Knox who was staring at him with the cyan vertical pupils that were condensed into a thin line.

"I am..." I love you.

In the end, the voice was no longer allowed to be conveyed, but from the young man's mouth, they could still see what Xie Luan wanted to say.

The light spot gradually disappeared, leaving only the light spot of light in this place, only the lightly flying fireflies around.

The warm body temperature they touched seemed to still have lingering warmth, and they seemed to have experienced a short beautiful... very happy dream in the past few days.