Cub Stocking Plan

Chapter 14


The banquet went so smoothly that Shao Xiaoxiao was vigilant in vain.

What happened to Lou Peng can only be regarded as a minor disturbance. He thought that someone would use tricks and tricks later to make him lose face, but now it seems that everything is calm and he is worrying in vain.

The black car was driving towards home, and there was only Shao Xiaoxiao in the back seat.

Next to him, there is a silver box, which contains the costumes from this auction.

Shao Xiaoxiao put his right hand on it, and tapped his fingers from time to time, the car was so quiet that there was only the sound of his fingers moving.

"Mr. Shao, we're here." The driver said, got out of the car, walked quickly to the door, and opened it.

Shao Xiaoxiao got out with the box in hand, thanked her and walked towards the house.

It was midnight now, and the whole villa was quiet. Shao Xiaoxiao went straight to the second floor, and when he was walking to the door of the room, his footsteps slowed down.

I saw a small body lying by the door.

The little boy slept soundly, with his hands and feet tightly hugging the big pillow.

Without thinking too much, Shao Xiaoxiao put the one million worth box aside, leaned over and picked up the little boy with little flesh, his movements were very soft, he got up and walked slowly towards the house.

Perhaps because he disturbed the little boy in his arms, he opened his eyes in a daze, regardless of whether he saw the person clearly, he murmured softly: "Daddy, I don't pee... sleep with you."

Shao Xiaoxiao rubbed the boy's hair, and said softly, "Okay."

As if being soothed instantly, Gu Gug leaned his head in his father's arms and fell asleep again.

Shao Xiaoxiao put the little boy on the bed, and under the bedside light, he could see his appearance clearly.

Shao Xiaoxiao stretched out his hand, gently pinched the little boy's face with his fingers, and suddenly found that the little boy was not ugly, he was thinner and his skin was yellower, but he looked good.

Especially the eyes and mouth, very much like that man.

It's just that it's obvious that the kid in front of him is more likable.

After staying for a while, Shao Xiaoxiao went to the bathroom to freshen up.

Finally, he took off his blissful clothes and soaked in the bathtub.

He'll have to do a good job of combing and combing again.

After today's incident, even if my uncle doesn't change his mind about him, he won't hate him. With this guarantee, nothing will happen in a short time, and Lou Peng is a scammer. Lou Peng cheated the original owner, he cheated Lou Peng , both sides don't want to please.

Similarly, no matter how stupid Lou Peng is in a short period of time, he will not act rashly until he finds out about him.

That is.

He will have a short period of leisure without worry.

It's time for him to think carefully about his future.

After thinking about it, Shao Xiaoxiao felt relaxed all over, and after continuing to soak for about ten minutes, he fell asleep with the little boy.

It's just that he didn't expect it, and neither did Ruan Gu.

The next morning, there was another flood.

Under the pitiful eyes of the little boy, Shao Xiaoxiao really didn't know what to say. The little boy slept with him for two days, and this happened to him both mornings. He felt that it was really necessary to sleep in separate beds.

"Daddy, I'll wash the quilt for you." Gu Cong grabbed the blanket with his two little hands and directly covered the soaked place, as if covering it like this so that Daddy wouldn't see it.

"You still wash the quilt?"

Gugling hurriedly nodded, and rubbed his hands holding the blanket, indicating that he would.

Shao Xiaoxiao laughed a little, he was not willing to order the little boy to work, so he took him by the arms and took him to the bathroom to tidy up, then went downstairs to have breakfast.

Yesterday at the banquet, he didn't eat anything at all. Shao Xiaoxiao was already hungry. He ate a basket of steamed dumplings and stuffed two deep-fried dough sticks into his belly. He took a sip of soy milk and asked, "Did you eat so little today?"

Shao Xiaoxiao ate a lot, but Guggou ate a lot less.

The bowl of porridge in front of him was barely touched, and he had only eaten three or four steamed dumplings.

Comparing the two fathers and sons, the difference is really big.

Gurgling looked at his father and shook his head, picked up a spoon and ate the porridge.

Shao Xiaoxiao only thought that his appetite was bad, pinched his little face and said, "I'll cook something delicious for you in the evening, and allow you to order. Tell me what you want to eat tonight?"

Ruan Cong immediately recovered, "Can I eat cake? I want a lot of cream."

Shao Xiaoxiao shook his head: "Cake is not a dish."

Ruan Gu was a little disappointed, but his face was still full of joy, "Then Daddy decided, all the dishes Daddy cooks are delicious."

"You have such a sweet mouth at such a young age." Shao Xiaoxiao was very satisfied. He stretched out his hand to indicate a size, and said, "For the sake of your sweet mouth, I will prepare a dessert for you tonight, but it's only this big."

As big as a palm, he can eat it in two or three mouthfuls, but no matter how small it is, he always grins happily.

Not only can he eat the cake, but his father also praised him for his sweet mouth. This is the first time his father praised him.

While the two father and son were talking, one came over and sat directly at the head.

Almost instantly, the sound of talking and laughing disappeared, and the scene was very quiet, so quiet that only the sound of each other's breathing could be heard.

Shao Xiaoxiao looked sideways at the man, he couldn't hold back, and said, "Do you know what is the scariest?"

Lou Yu glanced at him and continued eating the sandwich.

Shao Xiaoxiao didn't care at all, and he continued, "I'm most afraid that the air will suddenly be quiet."

The words meant something, and the man who was eating the sandwich was stunned, but the stunned time was so short that it was almost unnoticeable, Lou Yu said lightly: "If you are free, you can find other things to do."

It was obvious that he was chasing people away, Shao Xiaoxiao smiled playfully, "I'm really not busy, you take care of the outside and I take care of the inside, isn't this just about serving our little boy to eat and drink, and then sending him to the kindergarten."

Lou Yu shifted his gaze to the other side, and just happened to be looking at him, with a timid look in his tight eyes. Before he could say anything, Chugchu quickly lowered his head, not daring to look at him .

In fact, Lou Yu didn't understand. He had never said harsh words to or beat him, but this child was very afraid of him.

"I know you are considerate of my many things, why don't you send off the kid today?"


Ruanmu was in a hurry, he didn't dare to be with his father, his father was very strange, he had never seen his father smile.

"Be good, little boy. I'll prepare ingredients for you. If you're obedient, I'll make the cake bigger for you." Shao Xiaoxiao tempted. He wasn't lazy, but wanted these two cold-faced father and son to get along well.

Think about how after he left, he could still make a fortune by selling meat.

But what about the little boy? Dad doesn't love Dad and he is gone, life must be very difficult.

It would be better to have the opportunity to match the two father and son now so that they are not as unfamiliar as before.

But on Lou Yu's side, he felt a little strange.

Sending my son to kindergarten is definitely a very fresh experience.

It was the same for Ruan Cong, making him nervous and looking forward to it.

Shao Xiaoxiao clapped his hands and said happily: "Then we will make a happy decision, Lou Yu, you take the kid to the kindergarten on the way, and I will go to the supermarket to buy, buy, buy!"

Lou Yu was extremely calm. After eating the sandwich and wiping it with a handkerchief, he said, "That's just right. I'll take you to the supermarket as well."

"... eh?!" Shao Xiaoxiao was in a daze, why did he take him with him on the specially prepared father-son trip? !