Cub Stocking Plan

Chapter 17


Cong Cong stayed in the hospital for two days, Shao Xiaoxiao stayed with him almost all day long, and Lou Yu, a busy man, did not disappear. There seemed to be a tacit understanding between the two. then leave.

During this period, murmur felt that he was too happy.

Even though his head was a little dizzy and his nose was blocked and he couldn't breathe, his father and father took turns staying by his side, and there were a lot of delicious food cooked by his father. Gu Guming liked staying in the hospital more and more.

It's just a pity.

After two days, I had to go home from the hospital.

Sitting in the car, Gu Chuan looked at the hospital building outside and asked, "Daddy, can we still come here?"

Shao Xiaoxiao rubbed his head, "Don't come if you can, this is not a good place."

Ruanmu pursed his lips, but he thought this place was very good. Although he had to take injections and medicine every day, he didn't feel uncomfortable at all. Dad would coax him when he was taking medicine, and his father would feel distressed during injections.

Gu Cong turned around suddenly, buried his body in the waist of the person next to him, closed his eyes and shouted: "Daddy, I'm still dizzy, you can hug me to sleep."

Shao Xiaoxiao pinched his little face lightly, "Success, sleep with you in my arms."

Daddy's arms were very soft, murmured that he would not fall asleep, but it didn't take long before he started snoring.

Shao Xiaoxiao pushed the hair on the little boy's forehead to one side, and decided to cut the little boy's hair when he got back. The broken hair on the forehead almost covered his eyes.

"Mr. Shao, do you want to stop at the supermarket?" the driver in front asked.

Shao Xiaoxiao originally planned to go through the supermarket to buy some ingredients, but there was a kid sleeping in his arms, and he didn't want to wake him up, so he shook his head and said softly, "No, just go home."

The black car drove all the way to the entrance of the villa. Shao Xiaoxiao hugged Cong Cong in his arms and got out of the car without much effort. As soon as he took two steps, Mama Zhang rushed out and saw Cong Cong who was asleep. Cong felt very distressed, "I finally gained some flesh, and now I'm thin again."

Shao Xiaoxiao weighed the weight in his arms, he really didn't think the little boy had lost weight.

In the past two days in the hospital, there are two small bowls of rice every day, and the dishes are also clean. It is definitely not as thin as Zhang Ma said, but a few taels of meat have been added.


There was a bluffing sound, and a little fat man rushed out from the gate.

The little chubby pier was too short to hold Gug Cong, so he could only hug Shao Xiaoxiao's thigh, then raised his head and shouted: "Uncle Uncle Uncle, is Gug Cong still sick?"

"Su Junyan is quieter, Congcong is still sleeping." Su Ji followed, yelled at his son in a low voice, pulled him away from Shao Xiaoxiao's legs, and then said gently: "Junyan heard that Congcong was ill, so he wanted to come here." Look at him, is the murmur better?"

"A few needles in the butt, it's all right now." Shao Xiaoxiao responded with a smile.

It's a pity that the lingering in his arms didn't follow, he blushed a little bit shyly, "Daddy, it's an injection!"

An injection is an injection, not a prick in the buttocks! It would embarrass him!

"Mrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr, does it hurt to prick your buttocks? Do you want me to blow it up for you?" The little fat man broke free from Su Ji's hands, hugged Shao Xiaoxiao's legs again, raised his head and puffed up his cheeks, and moved towards Blow and blow in the direction of gurgling ass.

Su Ji had lost his sight, pulled his son by the collar, and said, "It's fine if you're fine, then let Gug Cong rest well, and we'll leave first."

"No, no, I want to blow my ass, he hurts!" The little fat pier was not happy, and he hugged Shao Xiaoxiao's leg tightly and refused to let go.

"Su Junyan, your skin is itchy, right?" Su Ji couldn't hold back the gentleness on his face.

" butt doesn't hurt." Guming also explained weakly, why did he keep talking about his butt.

On the other hand, Shao Xiaoxiao looked at everything in front of him and laughed so hard that his whole body trembled.

He hugged Cong Cong well with one hand, and carried him up with the other hand around the waist of the little chubby, walking towards the inside and saying: "Everyone is here, let's go back after eating."

"..." Su Ji was a little unhappy, but his son had happily agreed, so he had no choice but to follow into the house.

As soon as he entered the door, Shao Xiaoxiao put down the two little ones, and he patted the shoulder lightly, "Take your little friend to play, can Daddy make you a small cake?"

Gu Gou forgot about the butt piercing in an instant, and he nodded quickly: "Is it the kind with a lot of cream?"

"Uncle, Uncle, can I eat?" Little Pang Dun bit his finger, feeling a little greedy.

"It's a cake with a lot of cream." Shao Xiaoxiao answered the little brat first, then turned to the little fat pier and said, "You can eat it, not only you can eat it, but your father also has a share."

The little fat pier cheered immediately, and went to play while holding the gurgling hand. As for Dad... Dad can't eat it, and it's not as pleasing as a small cake.

Su Ji pursed his lips. He felt that Su Junyan really deserved a beating. He must take good care of this little guy when he returned.

Shao Xiaoxiao shook his arms, and said, "Your son is really heavy."

After walking a short distance, my arms felt a little sore.

Su Ji pushed the glasses on the bridge of his nose, "Junyan likes to eat, and can't resist anything."

Even if they are so close to gurgling, the origin is also 'eating'.

One of them likes to eat and the other doesn't like to eat. Naturally, the one who doesn't like to eat will give the food to the one who likes to eat. The friendship between the two little ones has gradually developed like this.

Shao Xiaoxiao nodded in understanding, and he invited: "I'm going to the kitchen, do you want to come together?"

Su Ji is really interested in this, Junyan has been saying that Congcong's father made him a delicious cake a few days ago, it was so delicious that he dreamed of it when he was dreaming.

Don't look at him now thinking of going back to teach his son a lesson, but in the end he still loves him, Su Ji really wants to learn from him.

Shao Xiaoxiao put one hand on his shoulder and took it directly to the kitchen: "Come on, I don't charge you for teaching, so why are you still coy."

"..." Su Ji looked very helpless.

The two big men came to the kitchen. Shao Xiaoxiao opened the refrigerator, and there happened to be some strawberries in it. He immediately decided on the type of cake—strawberry cake. He was not polite and asked Su Ji to help.

Su Ji, who was given the task, took strawberries to wash them, and his mind was in a trance. He hadn't had much contact with Shao Xiaoxiao before, but he had heard a lot. Now that he has been in contact with Shao Xiaoxiao for a few times, the situation is completely different from what he heard.

"Ah, ah, don't be lazy, hurry up and wash all these things."

"... Am I a guest?"

"Hehe, you still want to be a free guest with the little fat man eating and drinking? Just dream."


The two worked for about an hour, and a one-pound strawberry cake was completed.

Shao Xiaoxiao took a photo with his mobile phone, then cut it with a knife and quickly came out.

"Don't you call them to come over?"

"Taste the taste first. If the taste is not good, quickly destroy the corpse and wipe out the traces. You can't lose face in front of the brat."

Taking this as a matter of course, Su Ji suddenly felt that there was nothing wrong with it.