Cub Stocking Plan

Chapter 2


In the end, Shao Xiaoxiao blew it anyway.

He didn't blow out a mouthful of leeks, but it made Ruancong like it very much. His small face like an iceberg melted instantly, and his big eyes seemed to be shining. I like this ugly bastard.

He stretched out his hand and squeezed the flesh on the gurgling face, "You are so thin, you should make up for it."

The face was pinched so that it didn't hurt, Ruan Gug tried hard to press down the corners of her mouth, and quietly moved her face towards Daddy, as if asking Daddy to pinch more, but hummed softly pretending to be unhappy, "Daddy, don't pinch your face."

"Chengcheng, don't pinch your face." Shao Xiaoxiao let go of his hand, but hugged Cong Cong in his arms, turned and walked out the door, "If you don't pinch your face, then take the kid to eat and make your face fat It feels better when you pinch it."

Ruan Cong put his arms around his father's neck, and was carried downstairs by him. He didn't have much appetite to eat, but suddenly wanted to eat more, just like what his father said, more meat would make it feel better.

The big one hugged the little one and just went downstairs.

A middle-aged woman trotted over in a hurry, and she said in a little panic, "Mr. Shao, let me hug Gurgling, he is afraid that you will be tired from hugging."

Gurgling is small in size and naturally light in weight.

Mama Zhang just found a reason, because she was afraid that Mr. Shao would hurt Guggou.

She did not forget that when Chuan Cong was two years old, Mr. Shao wanted to hug and coax him on a whim, but for some reason, he threw Gu Cong on the ground. Fortunately, there was a thick blanket on the ground, otherwise there would be consequences. Unbelievable.

Even if it is thick, the two-year-old Gurgling hit his head when he fell down. Even after nearly two years of recuperation, he still looks sick.

Zhang Ma thought back, the more she thought about it, the more frightened she became, and she was afraid that the murmur would suffer again, so she stretched out her hand and hugged murmur from Mr. Shao's arms abruptly, without waiting for Mr. Shao to speak.

She didn't know that with such a hug, both the older and the younger felt a little disappointed.

One is not hugged enough, and the other is not hugged enough.

Both father and son felt sorry at the same time.

But all of them are serious.

Ruan Cong reached out and patted Mama Zhang's shoulder lightly, signaling to put himself down, and when he got off the ground, he said to the two adults with a stern face, "I'm not young anymore, so I don't need to be hugged around."

Zhang Ma nodded again and again, and seconded: "Yes, Guglong can walk by himself."

She said this to Mr. Shao, so as not to let him suffer on the spur of the moment.

Zhang Ma's face is full of distrust, Shao Xiaoxiao can't see it, because Gu Cong's father is a villain, even if the pen and ink are heavy, he doesn't explain a lot about the family, but Shao Xiaoxiao knows that this family is afraid that apart from the young Gu Cong , no one welcomed him.

Naturally, this includes Zhang's mother who has been working in Lou's family for decades.

Shao Xiaoxiao didn't think there was anything wrong, anyway, he didn't plan to stay here any longer, and sooner or later he would pack up and pat his ass and leave. He grinned and said, "I'll go to the kitchen and make some food for the brat."

"No, no, what Mr. Shao needs to eat, I'll get someone to prepare it for you." Zhang Ma hurriedly said, she didn't believe that Shao Xiaoxiao would cook for Guggou, and every time she wanted something, she would take Guggou for it. When it is an excuse, it is actually to benefit yourself.

And she didn't believe it anymore, she thought she was a jewelry designer, and she often said that her hands were his treasures for eating, and she must not hurt them, so would a person like this go to make food for Ruanmu

Even if she was killed, she wouldn't believe it!


Even if she was not beaten to death, Mama Zhang believed it.

Outside the kitchen, there were people standing, old and young, all looking at the backs inside.

The old one was always full of doubts, while the young one was full of anticipation. He felt that it must be very fragrant and delicious even before the aroma of the vegetables wafted out.

And in the kitchen.

Shao Xiaoxiao took the guy he was eating and started to work.

A boning knife.

Cut off the tendons and bones in the meat, and cut the cartilage.

The original body is a jewelry designer, not very famous, Shao Xiaoxiao doesn't know how to judge the jewelry he designed, but it was written in the book that the original body made a big splash at a jewelry exhibition.

It's just that they are all bad aspects, and some people even ridiculed Yuan Bo's eyes on the spot.

For Shao Xiaoxiao himself, jewelry is completely unknown.

In his previous life, he was the boss of a meat shop.

Compared with jewelry, Shao Xiaoxiao is more familiar with meat. He can know the texture of each kind of meat and how to cut it to make it more delicious. He can even proudly say that he can carve flowers out of meat.

Even though he himself doesn't know what the flowers carved out of meat are good for, but he is very proud, and has shown off to many friends many times, from their praise at the beginning to their complaints later...

Shao Xiaoxiao withdrew his thoughts and focused his attention on his hands.

He didn't plan to make a rich dish this time, but a simple mushroom and beef porridge.

He chose round-grained rice. After washing it, he put the chopped shiitake mushrooms and beef into it, and boiled them together over low heat.

Boil until the aroma is released in the pot, and the meat is rotten and the rice is cooked.

Then add other seasonings and cook for another three minutes before they come out of the pan.

The scent filled the tip of his nose, making Shao Xiaoxiao a little hungry, so he took three bowls, one for each person.

Zhang Ma didn't want it at first, even if she didn't like Shao Xiaoxiao anymore, but after all he was the master and she was the servant, but she was afraid that Shao Xiaoxiao would make it unpalatable and undercooked, and that it would be bad for Ruanguo to spoil her stomach.

So, she first brought the two bowls to her table, and said to the murmur who was staring at the bowls, "It's still hot, I'll cool it down for you before eating."

Gurgling's big eyes still couldn't move away from the bowl, but he nodded obediently in the end, which was regarded as his agreement.

After cooling down for two minutes, Mama Zhang saw Shao Xiaoxiao eating calmly, so she picked up a spoon and took a tentative bite.

As a result, after just one mouthful...then two mouthfuls, three mouthfuls, four or five mouthfuls, until the bowl bottomed out.

The gurgling like a little iceberg was a little anxious, and he couldn't help humming.

When Mama Zhang realized it, her old face turned red, and she quickly picked up another bowl and started feeding it to Gurgling.

When gurgling took the first sip, his eyes were very bright.

Although Zhang Ma didn't want to admit it, the bowl of porridge just now really made her want to eat it.

It's not a peerless delicacy. She has worked in Lou's family for so many years, and she has eaten many delicious dishes. This bowl of porridge is absolutely incomparable.

But don't know why.

After eating, she felt warm all over, and the taste made her miss the porridge her mother made for her when she was a child.

And on the opposite side.

The corners of Shao Xiaoxiao's mouth curled up while drinking the porridge.

When he saw the old and the young opposite, he couldn't help but look a little smug.

Maybe it's talent, maybe it's really genetic.

The Shao family has been a chef for several generations, even if he has never really learned from childhood, the taste of the food he cooks is unique, not to mention the delicacies of big restaurants, but just home-cooked dishes, which make people linger.


Under the anger of Shao's seniors, he, Shao Xiaoxiao, did not inspire himself to be a chef, but became the owner of a butcher shop, the kind of boss who hired employees and waited to collect money.