Cub Stocking Plan

Chapter 39


Lou Yu came to the door in person, and there was no one who could not be caught.

But before arresting him, he was a little surprised.

Blocking Shao Xiaoxiao in the lounge, Lou Yu asked, "Why is Gu Wen here?"

Shao Xiaoxiao was lying on the sofa, holding onto the armrest tightly with one hand, fearing that this man would resort to violence, he hummed and said, "He's there, you'll know if you ask."

Lou Yu didn't go, he stretched out his hand and said, "Go to the hospital."

"Why should I go to the hospital with you?" Shao Xiaoxiao's grip was tighter, he was so irritable now, did the big villain break his brain, instead of connecting with his little white flower, he ran here to pester her what does he do.

Lou Yuli said bluntly: "There are still children at home, what should you do if you don't pass it on sooner?"

Shao Xiaoxiao was a little confused for a moment, his head was dizzy and his nose was stuffy, it was too uncomfortable, and he really couldn't bear to let Cong Cong suffer along with him, but when he thought of getting an injection, he shook his head again, "That's a big deal, I won't be going home for a few days , and go back when you are done."

Lou Yu coughed lightly and held back his smile. Among other things, watching Shao Xiaoxiao deflated felt so good.

He didn't care whether the premise of his coming was for Shao Xiaoxiao's good or not. In short, Shao Xiaoxiao was afraid, so he had to drag this guy to the hospital for an injection. Otherwise, how could he be worthy of the hundreds of silkworm babies at home.

Needless to say, then do it directly. Lou Yu stepped forward and picked up Shao Xiaoxiao, and walked directly outside.

Shao Xiaoxiao yelled while struggling, "Su Ji, help me!"

The voice was loud and hoarse, and it seemed a bit unpleasant, which did not meet the standards of a handsome man at all.

However, Shao Xiaoxiao couldn't pay attention to these things at this time, he reached out his hand to Su Ji who was rushing over, "Quickly, pull this man away, he is really sick."

"I'm not the one who's sick, it's you." Lou Yu said with a sullen face, afraid that he couldn't hold back his laughter. He explained to Su Ji: "I'll take him to the hospital. He has a serious cold and needs an injection." Fast."

Su Ji nodded again and again, "It should have been like this a long time ago."

Not only echoed the words, but also stepped forward to grab Shao Xiaoxiao's hand, and together with Lou Yu pushed him into the car parked outside.

"..." Shao Xiaoxiao who was stuffed into the car felt hopeless, why did he end up like this.

As the car started driving, Shao Xiaoxiao really became more and more panicked. He said tremblingly, "Can I take medicine? There is really no need for an injection."

"Not good." Lou Yu refused.

Shao Xiaoxiao was very anxious, especially when he saw the hospital building not far ahead, his back was covered with cold sweat, "I really don't want to get injections."

Lou Yu didn't bother to pay attention to him anymore, but his expression was already expressing that there was no reason to say that the injection was necessary.

The black car stopped slowly, and the driver in front of him said softly, "Mr. Lou, I will park the car outside. When you get off, call me, and I will pick you up."

Lou Yu nodded and got out of the car first.

Turning around and seeing that the person inside didn't respond, he bent down and reached out to grab his wrist.

As a result, surprise immediately appeared on his face, "Isn't it just an injection, do you want to be so scared?"

The whole person trembled slightly in fear.

Shao Xiaoxiao smiled wryly: "If you are afraid of silkworms, don't let me be afraid of injections."

And not just fear, but fear.

His mother once said that when he was a child, he didn't cry at all when he got an injection. Instead, he smiled at people. At that time, the doctors and nurses were surprised and praised him for being brave.

A car accident, he spent a whole year in the hospital.

If you talk about the biggest change after being discharged from the hospital, it is definitely the feeling about the injection.

During the one-year period, no more than a few hundred needles were given, which made him laugh at the beginning, but gradually became afraid and even terrified at the end.

Shao Xiaoxiao knew that this was an obstacle in his heart, but he couldn't overcome it. He retracted his grasped hand, and said hoarsely: "I really dare not go, please forgive me."

The pleading in the hoarse tone made Lou Yu's heart tremble. He did not let go of Shao Xiaoxiao's hand, but he still pulled it out with some strength, but said, "Even if you don't need an injection, you have to ask the doctor to prescribe some medicine."

"Really not to fight?" Shao Xiaoxiao was a little skeptical, and if the two of them thought about it in a different direction, he would definitely ask the doctor to give Lou Yu more injections.

"Don't fight." Lou Yu was a little impatient, and he said with a straight face: "If you continue to dawdle, I will change my mind."

How could Shao Xiaoxiao let go of this opportunity, he got out of the car door immediately, put his free hand on Lou Yu's shoulder, and said happily: "Let's go, let's go see the doctor, can we be treated by the doctor?" The doctor you trust must have good medical skills, just take two meals of medicine and keep the medicine until the illness is cured."

Lou Yu ignored his nonsense and led him into the hospital building.

And when the two of them walked shoulder to shoulder, they didn't find a young man not far away taking a few photos with his mobile phone.

The young man sent the photo to the group, and sent a message with playfulness, "Brother Peng, is this your cousin and his husband and wife? They have been holding hands since they got off the car. They are so loving." .”

As he spoke, he followed the two figures a few more steps, and watched the two of them get on the elevator.

Then the elevator stopped on the fifth floor.

The young man looked sideways at the sign hanging on the wall, and was amazed immediately, and quickly sent another voice, "Damn it! They went to the gynecology department? Is your cousin going to have another child? "

There are not many people in the group, just a few guys who play well in the circle, less than ten people.

As a result, it didn't take long for these photos and two voices to spread, and the whole circle erupted in an instant.

Among them, the person who took the lead in spreading the word was Lou Peng. He really didn't expect Shao Xiaoxiao to be so powerful, so he caught his cousin, and immediately had a kid again, just to please his uncle. He first told his uncle the news.

If I really heard my uncle's hearty laughter on the other end of the phone, I couldn't help feeling a little smug, but I don't know why I always feel a little cold behind my back.

After Lou Xuezhen heard the news, he ran to Lou Yu's villa that afternoon, intending to visit him in person.

When he came to the door, Shao Xiaoxiao was being stared at and stuffed the bitter pill into his mouth. Although it was a bit bitter, it was better than an injection, so Shao Xiaoxiao ate it without any hesitation with a wrinkled face.

"What are you doing?" Lou Xuezhen was pushed in in a wheelchair. He looked at the two people in front of him, especially when he saw the pill in Shao Xiaoxiao's hand, he knew that Lou Peng must be unreliable.

Lou Xuezhen snorted, and muttered: "Lou Peng is really getting more and more confused, this kid should teach him well."

"Uncle, what did he do to make you so unhappy?" Shao Xiaoxiao was happy to watch Lou Peng's jokes, but now that he took the medicine, he felt his mouth full of bitterness.

Lou Xuezhen glanced at him, and said, "Say you have a baby again."


A fountain spewed out of his mouth, choking Shao Xiaoxiao to cough desperately. He was really surprised to get such a reply.

"Uncle, where did he get the news?" Lou Yu couldn't laugh or cry, he asked while patting Shao Xiaoxiao's back.

"Who knows where he got the news, it's all lies about the military, he should be punished." Lou Xuezhen was very dissatisfied, he ran here full of joy, but it turned out to be false news.

"Punishment, this boy should be fined and punished." Shao Xiaoxiao gritted his teeth, and if he could pass the news to his uncle, it must have spread farther outside. If Lou Peng was really in front of him, Shao Xiaoxiao would not have time to dig him out. I just want to kick him hard.

After the oolong matter was over, Lou Xuezhen didn't go back directly, but stayed and chatted with Lou Yu.

While chatting, he found that although there was no close contact between Lou Yu and Shao Xiaoxiao, the two of them sat together without the previous alienation.

Lou Xuezhen remembered very clearly that the last time they sat together, Lou Yu had a little impatience and boredom in his eyes, while Shao Xiaoxiao was restless and fawning.

But now, the two people in front of them are very casual, with a slight smile in their eyes, and there is no trace of discord.

Lou Xuezhen wrenched the nuts in his hand, suddenly looking forward to the future.

I always feel that there will be more changes between the two.

"When is Goonggong going to leave school?" Lou Xuezhen looked at the clock hanging on the wall, planning to go home after seeing Goonggong.

"Mum Zhang has already picked it up. Uncle, you have to go back later today. I will cook for you and get you some delicious food." Shao Xiaoxiao said, not sure if it was because of the medicine. It was much better before, at least the nose is completely clear.

Lou Xuezhen shook his head: "If you have a chance in the future, you should rest well if you are still sick."

"Grandpa, Shao Xiaoxiao's cooking skills are really good. I will help him so that he won't be tired." Lou Yu also asked to stay. He is busy with the company and has been with him for a long time. He has not been with his uncle for a long time. We ate together.

"Grandpa, you must agree. Lou Yu never goes to the kitchen. Let him help me and I can earn a chance to command him." Shao Xiaoxiao geared up, looking a little impatient.

Lou Xuezhen looked at the two of them, couldn't help laughing, and said repeatedly: "Cheng Chengcheng, then I will stay for dinner."

After the uncle agreed, Shao Xiaoxiao went to the kitchen to start preparations, while Lou Yu stayed in the living room and talked with Lou Xuezhen, but the work on hand never stopped.

Either Shao Xiaoxiao stuffed three or four garlics to remove the skins, or picked vegetables, or peeled the hard-boiled eggs.

Talking about big projects with hundreds of millions of dollars, but hands are busy with small things at home.

Looking at it, Lou Xuezhen really felt relieved, and the guilt hidden in his heart gradually dissipated a lot.

Halfway through the meal preparation, Gu Gugong was picked up, bouncing all the way, trotting to Grandpa Chong's side, sticky all the time.

The relationship between the two grandparents has always been very good, but they haven't seen each other for a long time, and they miss each other very much.

"Grandpa Chong, do you know that I fought with the children in the kindergarten, and they are not as good as me, and I can still dig a hole, so big, so big..." Sitting on the small stirrup, murmuring and dancing with Grandpa Chong Happy things these days.

Lou Xuezhen cooperated very well and exclaimed from time to time.

After gurgling finished sharing, he sat down obediently, and then asked: "What about you? Have you encountered any happy things these days?"

"Of course there is." Lou Xuezhen patted Gurgling's head, and he said with a smile: "The happiest thing about Grandpa Chong is that he has a little friend by his side. I didn't bring it here in a hurry, and Grandpa Chong will take it later. Bring it to you for acquaintance."

Gurgling was a little curious about this new partner. After questioning, he found out that Grandpa Chong's little friend was actually a bird, and he was sent by his father. He was immediately moved.

Turning around and twisting into Lou Yu's arms, he asked expectantly, "Dad, can I have a friend too?"

Lou Yu shook his head, "You have a father, a father, and a grandpa."

Gurgling pursed his mouth, and he counted with his fingers, "But Junyan has milk, Grandpa Chong has birds, and Gurgling doesn't have any."

After finishing speaking, he sniffled his nose, feeling that he was too pitiful, and said aggrievedly: "They all have pets, so they don't have any pets."

Lou Yu was not in a hurry, he said calmly: "But you have 687 silkworm babies, so many more than them, children must be satisfied."

That's right, 818 has now become 687. Although the murmurings have to go to the bedroom to take care of them every day, they are no better than experienced people, and they will inevitably die a lot.

Every time the dead silkworms were taken away secretly by Zhang Ma, she was afraid that Ruanmu would be sad if she found out.

He continued: "Or you can choose to send the silkworm baby away, and Dad will think about it later."

Cong Cong shook his head, grabbing Lou Yu's sleeve and hurriedly explained: "It's different, silkworm babies are my cuties, but pets can be taken out for a walk, but silkworm babies are not. Dad is afraid that I can't take them out for a walk." Woolen cloth."

Lou Yu was silent. He didn't know that Chuancong had such a dangerous idea. He took the silkworms out for a walk, which forced him to have a home and couldn't go back.

"Father, do they all have me?" Cong Cong rested his chin on Lou Yu's lap, raised his head pitifully.

It sounded really pitiful, but Lou Yu still refused, "Maybe you can consider moving out and buying it yourself when you grow up."

Now murmuring was terrified.

Why did he grow up and move out wow? Then can he not grow up

With all kinds of doubts and panic, the murmurings entangled Lou Yu even more tightly, and kept repeating his determination not to move. As for pets, he had long forgotten about them.

Lou Xuezhen watched this scene from the side, laughing loudly.

Xiaoyu now is really much more lively than before, even murmuring, much more lively.

The four of them were like this, eating dinner lively. After Lou Xuezhen tasted the food, he really admired Shao Xiaoxiao.

Several people were sitting on the sofa chatting, and Shao Xiaoxiao suddenly said: "Uncle, I think Lou Peng is not too young, and it's time to think about important things in life."

Lou Xuezhen nodded approvingly, that kid needs someone to take good care of him.

"Why don't you give him a staff officer and see if there is any suitable girl who can match him up." Shao Xiaoxiao suggested.

"He really should calm down." Lou Yu was rubbing his stomach while he said, "I will ask him to come to the company tomorrow and arrange a job for him to do it first."

"It should be like this." Lou Xuezhen nodded again, he was already thinking about the candidate for the girl.

Shao Xiaoxiao squinted his eyes with a smile. If Lou Peng dared to talk nonsense, he would keep Lou Peng too busy to talk.

After discussing for a few words, Lou Xuezhen went back.

Cong Cong looked at his little cuties with short legs. Shao Xiaoxiao was very energetic, holding a mobile phone to fight in the game. Lou Yu was looking at the contract, and his mind gradually turned to the past, even if Shao Xiaoxiao's game There was no external sound, but the breath of the people around him made him a little restless.

Shao Xiaoxiao's attention was diverted from the phone, and he said, "Why don't you look so bitter, the files are so difficult to handle?"

It's really tiring to be a big boss, but it's easier to be a small boss.

Lou Yu didn't answer this question, but closed the document and put it aside, he said: "Congcong Kindergarten will go on an autumn tour in a few days, do you need to prepare anything?"

"It's just the autumn outing?" Shao Xiaoxiao stopped playing the game when he heard the news, "Can I bring my parents?"

Lou Yu was a little speechless, "It's all children, what do you do next."

Shao Xiaoxiao was unhappy, "I'm not an otaku, of course I want to go out and have fun."

Looking at the emotional expression on his face, Lou Yu couldn't help but think that the company will also hold a city trip next month. At that time, he can bring his family members.

"No, why didn't you tell me, brat? I can prepare some food for him, so what's the use of telling you?" Shao Xiaoxiao felt that he was about to fall out of favor, and brat didn't tell him such a big thing.

Lou Yu glanced at him lightly, "I have money."

The underlying meaning in the words is very clear, what he can't buy if he has money.

Shao Xiaoxiao gritted his teeth. He shouldn't compare himself to this kind of local tyrant who buys 818 flower baskets as soon as he buys them. He stood up with his hands on his hips, "I've decided! Let's go to the supermarket now. I'll take the kid, and you take the money!"

Lou Yu looked at him and got up immediately.

Shao Xiaoxiao still thought he was about to run away, so he grabbed his arm and shouted, "Don't be stingy, the main thing is to buy food for Chugcong, I'll just get a little bit of his favor, I won't take advantage of you."

Lou Yu raised his chin, gesturing to the arm being pulled, "How can you get me there?"

Shao Xiaoxiao immediately cheered, and quickly ran upstairs to bring the little boy down.

Then the three headed towards the nearest supermarket.

Of the three, two were particularly excited.

Sitting in the shopping cart, Shao Xiaoxiao pointed at some snacks, and went straight to get them. Seeing that he had an appetite, he would take more. He planned to eat secretly while going home.

Lou Yu followed the two of them and didn't stop them. They followed the father and son to choose along the way, and there was no objection when paying the bill. It was very refreshing to pay by card.

After waiting for more than an hour, the three of them returned home with big and small bags. Lou Yu said to Zhang's mother when they entered the door: "Lock these things in the cabinet, and they are only allowed to eat one bag a day."

"Hey, hey, it's reasonable to ban the kid's snacks, why do you count me?" Shao Xiaoxiao lost his temper, did he treat him like a four-year-old

Lou Yu ignored him, and continued, "Especially Shao Xiaoxiao, don't allow him to eat secretly."

"..." Shao Xiaoxiao gritted his teeth.

Zhang Ma responded with a smile, took the bag from them and walked inside.

Although Ruan Cong felt it was a pity, it was acceptable to have his father with him, and comforted him with his head raised: "Daddy is fine, he can eat a pack a day, and I will eat with you."

"You don't understand." Shao Xiaoxiao rubbed his head, "Your father treats me like a child."

Ruanzhu tilted his head, he thought for a while and said, "The teacher said that children should be pampered. Dad treats you like a child, so he just wants to pamper you?"

"..." Shao Xiaoxiao had a strange face on his face. I really don't know how the little boy came to this conclusion. He hummed to Lou Yu: "I can make money now, and I can buy it with my own money, so I don't care about you."

After speaking, he hummed heavily and ran upstairs.

Cong Cong frowned, he tugged at the corner of Lou Yu's clothes, and asked, "Dad, am I the one who doesn't understand?"

Lou Yu bent over to hug Gug Cong, and he said, "It's your father who doesn't understand."

A big fool who only knows how to dig holes.

After taking the medicine for two days in a row, Shao Xiaoxiao was finally alive and well, and he planned to prepare some desserts for the little boy for an autumn outing tomorrow.

"You have prepared so much, can they finish it?" Su Ji was a little worried. Shao Xiaoxiao prepared five or six different desserts, each of which was quite a lot. He felt that he could not afford to carry them to two children. .

"Did you know that delicious food is the best shortcut to make friends." Shao Xiaoxiao said, Su Ji is the best proof, isn't he abducted by him with quick cakes, "They can't eat it, even children can eat it, If they share more, they will naturally have more playmates, and when they are bullied in the future, they will have many little helpers."

Su Ji pursed his lips, Shao Xiaoxiao had a lot of crooked reasons, but every reason was so reasonable.

But at this time, Shao Xiaoxiao's cell phone rang, he washed his hands and connected the phone, listening to the person on the other end, he kept answering, with a strange look on his face.

Seeing his expression, Su Ji was extremely curious.

When the phone was hung up, Shao Xiaoxiao laughed, "There is a good show to watch."

Although Lou Xuezhen is old, he is a man of action.

It was said that it was arranged for Lou Peng, and it was really arranged.

And he was a little worried about Lou Peng's inconsistency, so he directly ordered to arrange the blind date at Shao Xiaoxiao's cake shop, and let Shao Xiaoxiao help to keep an eye on it, and if Lou Peng thought of not cooperating, he immediately suppressed it.

Shao Xiaoxiao was more interested in watching the excitement than making desserts for the kids. He couldn't wait to get to the door, and he didn't wait long before he saw Lou Peng walking towards here with a girl's house.

The atmosphere between the two looked a bit awkward, but Shao Xiaoxiao felt that the girl beside him was good-looking, with a delicate appearance and a good figure, so they were a good match when they stood together.

Although Lou Peng is a bit stupid, there is really no one in the Lou family who is not good-looking. Judging from the appearance alone, he is quite suitable for the girl around him.

"Brother Shao." Lou Peng gritted his teeth, but forced a smile to say hello.

Shao Xiaoxiao turned a blind eye to his strange smile, but said to the girl next to him: "Shao Xiaoxiao, Lou Peng's cousin."

"Hello Brother Shao, my name is Jiang Han." Jiang Han smiled, and there were two small dimples on her cheeks, which looked very cute.

Shao Xiaoxiao welcomed the two of them into the store, and specially selected a couple booth for them. After sitting down, he said: "Although Lou Peng is a bit bad, but fortunately, his IQ is not high. Generally speaking, he is not bad. , you guys have a good chat, and I won't bother you."

"Shao Xiaoxiao!" Lou Peng was furious, not to mention digging a hole for him, but even laughing at him, it's just... so fucked!

Shao Xiaoxiao patted him on the shoulder, laughed and left.

And Lou Peng hurriedly took a sneak peek at Jiang Han. In fact, he had known Jiang Han for a long time. It counts really sweet.

The blind date introduced to him by his uncle this time, although he was a little unhappy, he was also slightly looking forward to it.

Lou Peng was thinking about how to speak to please the girl, but when he saw Jiang Han looking straight behind him, he pouted and said, "Is there anything nice about it?"

What's behind him, it's not Shao Xiaoxiao who just left, he has a man, no matter how good-looking he is, he can't remember it.

"Didn't you notice? He's really handsome." Jiang Han was a little excited, her eyes glowed, and she asked expectantly, "Can you introduce me?"

Lou Peng was a little speechless, he growled: "Please, we are here for a blind date, okay, you want me to introduce my cousin's man to you?"

really! Shao Xiaoxiao is a goblin who likes to recruit people. Not to mention his cold-blooded cousin, he didn't even let go of the woman he was on a blind date with!

Jiang Han couldn't hold back, and rolled his eyes, "I'm not talking about Brother Shao, I'm talking about that boy."

Lou Peng looked in the direction of her finger, and gritted his teeth again, what kind of vision is Shao Xiaoxiao, but he is just a painter, why did he recruit such a handsome guy? !