Cub Stocking Plan

Chapter 41


The yellow bus was full of children, chattering excitedly and never stopping since they drove over.

If you want to talk about who said the least on the bus.

I'm afraid it's Congmu and Junyan.

Because their mouths are already stuffed with desserts and biscuits, they can't speak at all.

Gurgling finished a small piece of cake, opened the kettle and took a sip, then touched his swollen belly and said, "It's delicious."

Junyan nodded desperately, if he could eat every day in Qiuyou, then he would be very happy.

It's just that while being happy, the two cubs are a little worried. There are so many delicious foods, but the stomach is not enough to hold them, and the gurgling is a little embarrassing. drop it."

Junyan's chubby face was full of horror, such a delicious thing was going to be thrown away! It was simply intolerable!

"Gurgling, I can help you eat." The kid in the front seat couldn't help it, his eyes were staring at the small schoolbag full of snacks, and his saliva was almost overflowing when he spoke.

"I can too! I can eat gurgling."

"I can eat better. I can eat a lot."

"I can finish a schoolbag, can you?"

Several children were fighting each other, almost fighting over food.

As a result, Chuanzhu blinked his eyes and said, "But I didn't ask you to help me eat."

Let go of the delicious food, or ask help to eat, murmuring will never let himself do such a loss-making thing.

The crisp sound made the little ones who were fighting each other suddenly stop, and then looked at the murmur together, pursed their mouths, and opened their mouths at the same time to cry loudly.

The laughter of the children in the bus was suddenly contagious by the crying of a small area, and all the children in the bus burst into tears.

Of course, this does not include the culprit's gurgling and Toshihiko who is still nibbling on biscuits. They both grabbed their schoolbags by coincidence, and they still didn't plan to use desserts to coax the children not to cry.

Following the teacher and looking at the children in the car, I couldn't help but feel a little headache.

A few cried because they couldn't eat dessert, and more simply because someone was crying and they cried too.

In the end, there was no other way, the teacher could only squat down and discuss with the two little ones, and share it with the children.

When the teacher came to ask for it, Chuan Cong’s parents had explained in advance that these desserts were going to be distributed to everyone, and then she saw that Cong Cong and Junyan really ate a lot, and she would only ask for it if she was full after eating. .

When the teacher came to ask for it, even if Chuan Cong and Junyan were not happy, they could only pout and agree.

When they arrived at their destination, the two held hands and looked sullen.

Fortunately, there was something interesting to attract them, and the two laughed and played together again.

A group of children were first taken by the teachers to meet the grandpas and grandmas, and after making fun of them with immature words and actions, they took them to the garden to play.

There are many sweet-scented osmanthus trees planted in the garden, and the young female teacher shouted: "Children, let's see how the teacher picks the sweet-scented osmanthus first. After everyone picks the sweet-scented osmanthus, let the grandma in the kitchen make sweet-scented osmanthus cake for us, okay?"

"Okay~" The children replied in a childish voice, all staring at the teacher's movements with wide eyes.

The same goes for Toshihiko, he rolled up his sleeves and couldn't wait to harm the sweet-scented osmanthus tree.

It was gurgling, looking sideways all the time.

There is a big tree in that direction, and there is a big dog beside the tree.

The dog with its tail hanging down didn't know what it was sniffing, and it kept wandering around without coming forward.

There were quite a few people who noticed it, and the teacher who led the team was a little worried when he saw it, so he stepped forward and said to the person in charge, "There are a lot of children here, should you take that dog far away, so as not to hurt the children?"

"Don't worry, it is very good and never bites." The person in charge said, it is true that dogs don't bite people, and more importantly, this dog is their ancestor here, who dares to chase it away.

The teacher was a little embarrassed, but the person in charge said it, and she couldn't force it, so she had to tell her colleagues to pay attention.

It's just that when dozens of children are scattered, it's inevitable that they won't notice it when they make a fuss.

Jun Yan had already started to climb the tree, but was pulled off by Gu Gu, who took his hand and walked towards the big dog.

"Gurgling, sweet-scented osmanthus cake." Junyan was a little reluctant to be pulled, Kazuki's sweet-scented osmanthus cakes had a lot of osmanthus cakes.

Ruming's eyes glowed and he pointed in one direction.

Junyan looked over reluctantly, but with just one glance, he ran over there.

The big black dog backed away in fright from the little guy running towards him, and was hugged tightly around his neck within two steps. It struggled subconsciously, but it was suddenly stunned by the scent of milk it smelled from the tip of its nose.

In addition to the smell of milk, there is also a very distant and familiar smell, which made the big black dog stop struggling, and frantically flicked its tail, looking particularly excited.

"Hahahahaha, don't lick, don't lick." Junyan hugged the big dog tightly with both hands, but couldn't bear the fact that the big dog liked him too much, and kept licking his face.

Gurgling was so envious, he also stepped forward, first carefully petting the big dog.

The big dog's fur is a bit thick, and the fur without milk is comfortable to the touch, but Guming still likes it very much, and imitating Junyan's posture, hugging him with both hands, thinking that the big dog will come to lick him.

As a result, the big dogs only surrounded Jun Yan and kissed him, ignoring him.

"Why doesn't it kiss me?" Gu Guming was a little disappointed, the big dog kept pestering Jun Yan and ignored him.

Junyan pushed away the licked dog's face again, he tilted his head to think about it, and comforted his little friend: "Maybe it's because I smell of milk."

"Does milk kiss you very much?" Gu Cong was even more envious. The little friend had cats and dogs, but he didn't have any.

Junyan could feel the depression of the murmur, he let go of the big dog with both hands, and hugged him on the face, and squinted a few times, smiling: "They don't kiss you, I will kiss you."

The big black dog tilted its head, it didn't understand why it didn't hold it

So he stretched out his head, got into the middle of the two, and squeezed his huge body into it.

The two little guys and a big dog are happily playing together again.

Such a big movement naturally attracted the teacher's attention, and Jun Yan wanted to come over to stop him after pounced on him, but was stopped by the person in charge at the side, who whispered: "Don't worry, don't bite anyone, you just Let them play together."

He spoke in a low voice, even with some pleading.

But how dare the teacher, parents take their children out with confidence, they are naturally responsible, no matter how capable the nursing home here is, they can't trade the safety of the children.

Who knows if such a big dog will suddenly go crazy and bite people.

The teacher pushed the person in charge away, and when he was about to step forward, he found that the big dog had already calmed down, and was hiding behind Jun Yan and Junyan with its tail hanging down, while a tall man stood in front of them.

There was no expression on the man's face, he just looked at the black dog and said, "Go back."

"Wow, woof, woof." The black dog barked wildly a few times, making it clear that he didn't want to.

The man frowned and seemed a little impatient. He didn't know why the obedient dog didn't come home on time today, and refused to go home with him when he found him.

"Uncle, does the big dog belong to your family?" Rugging said, his little hand behind his back was secretly stroking the big dog's fur, and he really wanted to continue playing with it, but he didn't know that this stern face seemed a bit Scary uncle will not agree.

"Can I play with it? I have a milk at home, you let me play with the big dog, and I will bring you the milk for fun in the future, okay?" This deal of mine was so good that only the slits could be seen on his chubby smiling face.

The man ignored the two children at all, he still stared at the black dog, "Yanzi, come back."

"Wow!" Yanzi still yelled twice, but it was much shorter than before, with its tail between its legs, and it was really reluctant to leave that familiar breath, sobbing in its throat, looking very pitiful.

"Uncle, Uncle, Uncle, don't bully the big dog when it cries." Jun Yan became unhappy, and he was not willing to let go of the big dog's neck.

Yanzi took advantage of the situation, and then stuck out his tongue to lick it, seeming to like it very much.

Only then did the man move his eyes away from Yanzi and put his eyes on the child who was holding him. Although Yanzi was a dog, he was lazy and didn't love neighbors. It was the first time in these years that Yanzi liked someone so much.

A bluffing little fat guy

"Su Junyan, you can't be so ignorant." The teacher finally rushed over, she pulled the two children to her side one by one, and then apologized with a smile: "I'm sorry sir, it is inevitable that children are a little strange when they see animals. "

"But the uncle bullied the big dog." Jun Yan pouted, the big dog was frightened and cried, the uncle is too bad.

Rugging nodded, the big dog is so pitiful.

The teacher's smile was a bit awkward. In fact, she was really afraid of facing this cold-faced man. No matter how handsome he was or how good his temperament was, she just didn't dare to look directly at him, and always felt very horrified.

The person in charge also rushed over. He bent down and apologized repeatedly: "Mr. Qi is really sorry, or I will let these children change places and won't bother you anymore."

The man didn't respond, he still stared at the big dog, "If you don't go back, don't come back."

With that said, he turned around and left without looking back.

Yanzi whimpered twice again, flicked his tail in Junyan's direction, and then followed the man listlessly, only walking two or three steps and always looking back, looking very reluctant.

Jun Yan pursed his mouth, his eyes were filled with tears, and he almost cried.

The big dog is gone wow.

Although Ruan Cong was reluctant, he didn't cry to the point of crying, so he quickly hugged his little friend to comfort him.

And this scene was watched from beginning to end by a man not far away.

Zhai Sinian's face was sullen, he had been hesitating in his heart, he hadn't made a choice since he saw that photo, and it's even more so now.

He didn't even know what the use of doing this was.

After seeing the two children in the distance tossing the sweet-scented osmanthus tree again, he turned and left, walking in the direction the man had just gone.

Zhai Sinian walked into an independent courtyard. He looked at the man sitting on the balcony, with bitterness in his heart. He didn't know if it was right or wrong to let Su Junyan meet his uncle. Let me tell my uncle, after all, Su Ji would disappear back then, and the person who helped behind it was theirs...

What's more, he didn't expect that his brother-in-law didn't notice Su Junyan, but Yanzi's reaction was a little abnormal.

Calculating the time, the day when Su Ji picked up Yanzi, it happened to be the time when he was pregnant with Junyan.

When Zhai Sinian stepped forward, he said softly, "Uncle, are you alright?"

"Not good, not good at all." The man sitting on the balcony said, his eyes fell on the direction of the lawn, and the black soil dog looked a little lazy again, lying there wagging its tail.

He couldn't help thinking, why did that person pick up such a lazy dog? Too lazy to make him more and more disgusted.