Cub Stocking Plan

Chapter 51


Lou Yu, who was left behind, rubbed his cheek with the back of his hand, but couldn't help laughing after a while.

This human skin really made his hands itchy.

With this in mind, Lou Yu turned around and got into a black car parked by the street, he said, "Go to the old house."

There was coldness in the words, unlike the gentleness before, even the expression gradually became cold.

The Lou family’s old house can also be called the ancestral house. On weekdays, Lou Xuezhen lives here. Other members of the Lou family only come to visit occasionally, or they will call people over if there are any important events in the family that need to be discussed. .

And today.

It was a big day when I was called out of nowhere.

There were twenty people crowded in the huge room, all of them surnamed 'Lou'.

"Uncle, why did Xiaoyu call us here today? Why didn't we hear anything before?"

"Is there anything major happening in the company?"

"What's the matter, Xiaoyu has the ability and the company will prosper in his hands, and it's enough for us old guys to follow along and enjoy the blessing."

Of course, it is enough for the old guy to enjoy the blessings, but there are not many young juniors in his family, so he naturally wants to help the juniors get ahead, right. One person said, "Uncle, my youngest son graduated this year. Can you see if you can help me?" Arrange for him to enter the company for training?"

Lou Xuezhen drank tea, and said, "Since the company's affairs have been handed over to Xiaoyu, let Xiaoyu handle these tedious matters."

The man laughed dryly: "Hahaha, Xiaoyu's older brother will naturally take care of his younger brother, so I'll just wait for the good news."

Lou Xuezhen sneered, but said nothing.

The people in this room are all good people, and the sarcasm on Lou Xuezhen's face can't be seen anywhere.

They couldn't help but dared not speak, the huge room was surprisingly quiet.

It wasn't until Lou Yu entered the door that there was a slight sound, but not long after the sound sounded, there was a complete silence, which was even quieter than before, even terribly quiet.

With a sullen face, Lou Yu said coldly: "If the facts do not match, the elders can raise objections, but I will bear the responsibility for any mistakes."

"Xiao... Xiaoyu, there must be some misunderstanding here."

"Third uncle, your misunderstanding is that your subsidiaries have not transferred public funds, or that the huge sum owed by your grandson is not filled with the company's accounts." Lou Yu pointed out one by one, the old man in front of him was covered in cold sweat , his legs were so weak that he couldn't stand up.

Lou Yu surrounded the people around, and he continued: "Several uncles probably don't want to lose face in front of everyone, I'll give you seven days to fix all the loopholes, otherwise I, a junior, will have no face to deal with you, then I will hand it over to the police Let's deal with it."

"Xiaoyu, what are you doing?"

"Lou Yu, are you being too ruthless?"

"Uncle, you don't care about Lou Yu, it's simply too lawless."

With a 'snap', Lou Yu threw the document in his hand on the ground, "I am lawless, but I want to ask you if it is really lawless. The Lou Group is in my hands now, and I hold 100% Sixty-seven shares, no matter how you join forces, you can't shake me, and most importantly, I don't care about Lou's Group, I can directly push Lou's Group into the abyss and build another tall building, in my hands at that time What you have will be 100% of the shares, and you, heh."

"Xiaoyu, Lou's Group is the foundation of our Lou family. We made mistakes in these things. We will fill in the funds immediately, and you will calm down."

Lou Yu's words shocked everyone.

Even if they don't want to admit it, they all know that with Lou Yu's means, he can do this.

What are they without the Lou Group? They are nothing, even if they all have children and grandchildren, they are all dudes. Without Lou Yu's support, they don't want to live such a good life now.

"Lou Yu, you don't need to deal with this matter. I'll take care of it for you. If someone really doesn't fill in the hole, we won't recognize him as Lou's family." The people around said, "Lou Yu gave you seven days, but I only give you three days. If you don't do anything after three days, you will be exiled by Lou's family."

All the people in the room looked resentful, some nodded and others lowered their heads, even if they didn't want to, they didn't dare to respond.

Then the old man turned his head and said to Lou Yu, "That's fine."

"Not enough." Lou Yu said, he took the contract handed over by his assistant, held it up and said: "What I just said is not to scare you, all the shares in my hand will be sold tomorrow, who of you wants to sit The position of Lou's president depends on which of you has the most money."

It was like pouring a pot of water into boiling oil, and it was more like a thunderbolt.

"Lou Yu, are you crazy?!"

"What the hell are you doing, we're all willing to pay back misappropriated funds, isn't that enough?"

"Uncle, hurry up and persuade me, what's the matter?"

One after another.

Lou Yu was very calm.

After everyone vented their panic, he slowly said, "In the past few years, I have carried the sky for the entire Lou family to protect you from the wind and rain. How did you do it? Bullying and laughing at me behind my back Son, hire someone to smash up Shao Xiaoxiao and his shop. Do you think that I will never know about these things done secretly, or do you mean that when I know, I will do my best to build a business dynasty for you?"

Guilty, unwilling, angry.

These eye-catching emotions once again proved that his approach was not wrong.

Lou Yu continued: "Tomorrow at nine o'clock in the morning, you still have half a day to prepare funds. Who will be the next president of the Lou family depends on who has more money."



Some people still want to persuade, but some people leave in a hurry.

No one has much liquidity, so if they want to collect money, they really have to think of a way.

Half an hour later, there were only two people left in the room.

Lou Xuezhen took one from the drawer and stuffed it into his mouth. After drinking tea for more than an hour, his mouth was full of bitter taste. He still prefers sweet.

"Uncle, you won't blame me, will you?" Lou Yu sat on the sidelines upright. Although he had told his uncle about this matter beforehand, he was still a little worried. Only the attitude of the uncle.

Lou Xuezhen shook his head, and he said: "Do you know that there are too many moths in Lou's Group, I have thought about this a long time ago, but when my father handed Lou's Group into my hands, he told me to treat him well. , I promised him, so even if I don’t like it, I have to bear it.”

As he said that, he pointed at Lou Yu and said with a smile, "But you are different. I handed over Lou's Group to you, but I didn't make you promise anything. Even if you destroy it, it has nothing to do with me."

Moreover, he despises all those old things that respect the old.

He has raised these people all his life, which does not mean that Lou Yu has the responsibility to raise their offspring.

What's more, I don't see these old things treating Lou Yu's descendants kindly.

"Are you ready for the new company?" Lou Xuezhen said, "I still have some assets and contacts in my hand, if you need it, just ask."

Lou Yu shook his head: "The new company has been prepared for a long time. Even if it wasn't for this murmur and Shao Xiaoxiao, I would resign as the president of the Lou Group tomorrow."

The difference is that after voluntarily resigning from the position of president, he will not kill all of them and drag Lou's Group into the abyss.

And now, he really has this idea.

Even if he doesn't take the initiative, he won't help Lou's Group if there are any problems in the future.

"That's fine, you can handle these things yourself." Lou Xuezhen said, and he reached out to get candy from the drawer again.

Lou Yu blocked it with his hands, and said, "The doctor said, you have to eat less sweets."

Lou Xuezhen let go of his hand resentfully, and couldn't help humming: "You have the time to control me, why don't you know how to spend more time with Xiaoxiao, and when he really runs away, I'll see what you will do."

Lou Yu was stunned, and he asked, "Is he leaving?"

Lou Xuezhen snorted coldly: "I don't believe you can't see it."

Lou Yu frowned, he could see it, but he didn't want to see clearly.

Shao Xiaoxiao's temperament has changed so much during this period that he unconsciously focused his attention on Shao Xiaoxiao. After he realized it, he suddenly found that he seemed to be trapped.

Even if the sinking is not deep, but it is still sinking.

Lou Yu knew he had two choices now.

One is to pull out the sinking foot, or wait for it to sink deeper and deeper.

Lou Yu rubbed his forehead, and he asked softly, "When?"

Lou Xuezhen replied: "At the beginning of the year."

At the beginning of the year, counting the days, there are still less than six months.

After Lou Yu thought about it carefully, he said, "I want to try. These few months are enough for me to see him clearly. If I can't let go, then I will choose to hold on tightly."

Lou Xuezhen didn't speak, he just pouted.

Xiaoyu is good at everything, but he is a bit arrogant. Doesn't he understand that love is a matter between two people. When he wants to hold on tightly, doesn't he think about whether the other party will hold on

This meeting of the Lou family caused a storm.

The next morning, Lou Yu resigned from his position as the president of the Lou Group, and seriously sold all the shares under his name.

And the day after Lou's family was in chaos, a company suddenly stood up, covering a lot of aura.

It's just these, Shao Xiaoxiao didn't take it to heart at all, he is now focused on the store next door, but in just seven days, the store next door has been renovated and opened quietly.

The opening of the painting shop is completely different from what they were at that time.

When the cake shop opened, the flower baskets were too crowded. On the day of the opening of this painting shop, there were no flower baskets and handouts on the street. The glass door was open, and there was no one inside from the outside.

If there is anything worthy of attention, it is a dirt dog tied inside the door.

The earth dog wagged its tail and struggled with the chain with its tongue hanging out, looking very excited.

I don't know if it's because the dog's temperament is too lively. Just in case, the owner of the store uses a very thick iron chain, and the dog can't break free at all.

"Tell me, what kind of combination is a high-end painting shop with a dog guarding the door?" Shao Xiaoxiao really felt that the rich people's thoughts were a bit difficult to understand.

"I don't know." Su Ji was sorting out the accounts, and he replied distractedly: "But if I don't open a restaurant for food, I also want to bring my milk here. Every time I see it left at home alone, it's so pitiful." .”

Shao Xiaoxiao propped his chin with one hand, "It's just that it's not good to keep pets, and you have to think about the little things at home when you go out."

Su Ji raised his head, and he squinted his eyes with a smile: "But I can play with the cat when I get home."

Shao Xiaoxiao couldn't take it anymore and glanced at the excrement shoveler. He took a biscuit from the table and said while eating, "I was planning to talk to the boss next door about the business cooperation, but I didn't see him twice when I went there. Man, this boss is too mysterious."

"We're all neighbors, we'll meet sooner or later." Su Ji put the counted money aside, and he said, "By the way, some children in the kindergarten have caught a cold these days, and they said they are going to take a few days off, why don't we put them away?" Bring it to the store?"

"Success, I really don't feel at ease if I don't keep it under my nose." Shao Xiaoxiao agrees very much. If you lose it once, you can't imagine the second time at all. It's better to keep it with you.

Su Ji put the money in his bag, packed his things and got up: "Let's go, let's go to the bank first."

Shao Xiaoxiao nodded and followed him out.

He closed the door of the shop, then turned to look for Su Ji, but saw Su Ji standing at the door of the painting shop without moving, he stepped forward and asked, "Why are you in a daze? Could it be that you saw a painting you like? "

Su Ji shook his head, and he smiled wryly: "No, it's just that the dog looks like the one I used to have."

The dog kept barking, and the earth dog frantically wagged its tail in their direction.

Shao Xiaoxiao was really afraid that the dog would break the chain and rush towards them, so he quickly pushed Su Ji and said: "The dogs are all similar in appearance, and there is no difference in the whole body being black. Go back quickly, this dog is so fierce. , don't bite us."

Su Ji was pushed into the car, so he had no choice but to start the car and leave.

But at this time in the painting shop, watching people leave, Yanzi whimpered twice, then turned around and yelled at another person. Unlike the excitement before, this time she was obviously angry.

Without the chain, it would have already rushed to the owner's arms!

In that corner, a man was sitting all the time.

The man clenched his hands so tightly that he didn't even feel his nails scratching the palm of his hand.

Qi Hechang endured it for a whole day. He watched Susu laughing, talking with people, and even saw the physical contact between the two, all of which almost drove him crazy.

Fortunately, fortunately, everything was endured.

A smile appeared on Qi Hechang's face, wait a minute, wait until he can stabilize his emotions before appearing again.

Only in this way, he will not hurt Susu.

Kindergarten holidays, the happiest thing is the children.

And the most disappointing thing is the adults.

After taking the two increasingly mischievous little guys into the store, Shao Xiaoxiao said to them with a straight face: "Don't run around or yell, this time you are running out, it's not just a spanking. "

The two little guys reached out to cover their buttocks at the same time.

Then Jun Yan asked timidly: "Uncle Uncle Uncle, spanking is not easy, it hurts."

"Daddy, don't hit me, I'm so good."

Shao Xiaoxiao snorted coldly: "In the next two days, it depends on whether you are good or not. If you are not good, you will be beaten. If you are good, I will make cakes for you."

With the cake here, why don't you care about being beaten

The two little guys were yelling in an instant, the voice was so loud that the whole store could hear it.

Shao Xiaoxiao gritted her teeth and felt her hands itching again.

However, there are two little guys, and it is lively all day long.

The two of them especially love to play on the rotating slide, and they often run up to the second floor hand in hand, and then slide down.

"Brother Shao ordered a cake from the mural painting shop next door, I'll send it directly."

Shao Xiaoxiao nodded, this time happened to be the busy time in the store, and the delivery people were specially invited, but the neighbor is so close, so he must deliver it by himself.

"Brother, I'm going there too. There's a dog next door. I heard the dog barking." Junyan tugged at the corner of the boy's clothes, intending to follow along.

Ruanmu also followed, her big eyes filled with anticipation.

"Brother Shao, what should we do?" The boy couldn't help it.

Shao Xiaoxiao waved his hand, "Let them go, and come back as soon as they deliver it, you don't know if you don't have to wait too long."

"Got it." The two little guys replied in a childish voice.

Then they took the big brother by the corners of his clothes and walked out.

In the end, within five minutes the boy rushed over, with a helpless expression on his face: "Brother Shao, your son doesn't want to come back."

Shao Xiaoxiao rolled up his sleeves, and the two little guys owed another slap.

It turned out that Cong Cong and the others went to the next door and recognized the big dog at a glance. They threw away the brother who was leading them and ran towards the big dog. They hugged each other sticky and talked about their lovesickness.

When the boy gave the cake and wanted to take the two children away, they were all reluctant.

Helpless, the boy had no choice but to ask for help, while Guming and Junyan happily hugged Yanzi.

"Big dog, I miss you so much."

"The last time I saw you, we were all beaten."

"Yes, yes, spanking really hurts."

"Big dog, did the bad uncle bully you? Did he buy you something delicious?"


With a light cough, the two really turned their heads to look, and each of them shrank their necks back.

"It's not bad Susu, it's handsome Susu." Junyan said timidly, and buried his head in the big dog's hair after speaking, he wanted to cry, why is the bad uncle so fierce, so scary.

Gurgling followed suit and buried his head in the big dog.

The two little guys were still shaking.

Qi Hechang touched the corner of his mouth with his fingers, he was obviously smiling, why did he scare the child? !

At the same time, he was a little cold, how could a timid little chubby make Su Ji pay so much attention to him, he should be more courageous, so that he can be self-reliant after studying, and enroll him in a school far away.

Qi Hechang rubbed his chin, he had to make a phone call and ask those people abroad to arrange a good school as soon as possible, and throw it away when he was in elementary school!

"You stand up."

The two little fellows didn't know who the 'you' in these words were, so they quietly raised their heads and looked at Junyan sympathetically.

And Junyan saw that the bad uncle was pointing at himself, he curled his mouth, and didn't step forward, he just opened his mouth and burst into tears.

Don't tell me how sad you are crying.

And Qi Hechang panicked.

Let Su Ji feel that he is bullying his son, will he be scared away again? !

I don't know if Su Ji was scared away, but Jun Yan and Gu Cong were scared away, and the two little guys ran away crying with short legs.

Surprised by such a big commotion, both Shao Xiaoxiao and Su Ji ran out, holding their sons in their arms to comfort them, and then they both set their eyes on the painting shop.

After they knew the ins and outs from the little guys, they couldn't help but find it funny.

"What a coincidence." Su Ji sighed, and he comforted Junyan: "Don't cry, the big dog is here in the future, won't you be able to see it from time to time?"

"But the bad uncle is fierce." Junyan cried so much that his nose bubbled out, but he was very sad.

"Uncle isn't mean to kill you, it's good to get in touch with him more in the future." Su Ji looked at his son amusedly, and wiped his face with a handkerchief.

And Shao Xiaoxiao looked at the door of the painting shop with his arms in his arms, suddenly feeling thoughtful.

Zhai Sinian's shop, the big black dog, and the past of Zhai Sinian and Su Ji must be related.

Now that I think about it, it's all too coincidental.