Cub Stocking Plan

Chapter 59


Gu Wen left, only the sound of music sounded in the whole store.

The gentle music couldn't calm the waves in everyone's hearts. Most people's eyes fell on the man who was still standing there without moving, and everyone's eyes were full of curiosity.

Zhai Sinian was very calm. After Gu Wen came to make a fuss, he didn't feel any embarrassment, on the contrary, he didn't seem to be the person involved.

He stood where he was, without speaking or moving, just standing quietly.

The people next to him wanted to speak but did not dare to make a sound, so they could only stand together.

It was Yi Yue who stuffed the lighter in the man's pocket, then looked at the mess around him, and said, "What a pity."

Zhai Sinian glanced over, with a cold expression on his face: "What's your pity."

Is it a pity for Gu Wen or he who is being tricked? Zhai Sinian was originally a person who didn't care about the attention of outsiders, but he just didn't want to see Yi Yue's sympathetic gaze, so he said viciously: "You should have heard what I just said, I am an unscrupulous person. So, you must Don't mess with me."

Yi Yue didn't look at him, but squatted slightly and picked up the few biscuits that had been swept to the ground before, then got up and said, "It's a pity that I want to treat you to these, but I can't eat them now."

"..." Zhai Sinian choked his neck, he couldn't react.

The tips of his ears were slightly hot. He looked down at the biscuits, looking very awkward, and said, "Can't I buy a few biscuits by myself?"

"Don't you know the difference between buying and giving away?" Yi Yue responded lightly, and after glancing at him, he turned and left.

Zhai Sinian frowned, the feeling of annoyance did not disappear, on the contrary, it really added some pity, so that he didn't know how to vent it, so he simply walked out, looking very eager.

As if running away from something.

"Do you think their way of getting along is a bit strange?" Shao Xiaoxiao asked the man beside him. He really couldn't understand it more and more, but it was quite interesting to watch.

Lou Yu didn't know what was strange or not. He only knew that the current atmosphere should not discuss others, but themselves. "Since we all know each other, shouldn't we have a meal and get to know each other better?" other side?"

Shao Xiaoxiao tilted his head. After thinking for a while, he found that no matter whether it was eating or getting to know the other party, he couldn't refuse both of them. He nodded conveniently, "Eat hot pot with lamb?"

Lou Yu picked up the phone for him and pointed to the direction of the gate: "I happen to know a good place, so let's go now?"

Shao Xiaoxiao said a few words to the clerk, and the two went to cook mutton hot pot.

Eating a warm hot pot in such a cool weather is very satisfying.

Ever since he sat down, Shao Xiaoxiao hadn't stopped his chopsticks. He said, "You said that if we pick up the gurgling in the afternoon, will he smell it? He must be very wronged."

Secretly going out to eat a big meal without telling him, the little guy will definitely lose his temper when he finds out.

Lou Yu invited him: "My office has a shower room, you can consider it."

What are you thinking about

Considering going back to take a shower with the man? Is there any special activity after taking a shower

Shao Xiaoxiao held his nose, he felt that he couldn't continue to imagine, and the more he thought about it, the more ashamed he felt.

"It's just a bath." Lou Yu smiled. Of course, if he had other ideas, he would not be unacceptable, although this stage was progressing too fast, and he was looking forward to it.

Shao Xiaoxiao rolled his eyes and said, "What are you thinking about? Let's figure it out. We have only known each other for less than two hours. Are your thoughts too dirty?"

Lou Yu frowned, and he admitted frankly: "A little bit."

Shao Xiaoxiao looked at him, and within a few seconds he laughed too, "I seem to have a little too."

The two looked at each other and smiled, feeling a little closer to each other.

"This Friday is a company trip, a three-day excursion. If you like, we can stay there longer." Lou Yu looked forward to it. Bathing together is not acceptable, but hot springs together are fine. "There is a resort on the mountain. , the bubble hot spring is very nice.”

"This Friday?" Shao Xiaoxiao counted the time, and he shook his head: "Xiao Bin is going to be hospitalized, and my dad has some things he can't handle, so I have to stay and help them, it seems like I can't get away."

"I'll ask Lou Peng to help." Lou Yu planned it long ago, and he said, "It's Lou Peng who built the bridge with the hospital. He is also more familiar with the hospital's system than you, and handles things more efficiently than you."

"Is that so?" Shao Xiaoxiao was suspicious.

Lou Yu nodded heavily, expressing affirmation.

But for Lou Peng.

It's not good at all! ! !

Who is he now? He is now the acting president of Lou's Group, who has the time to run to the hospital? He is so busy these days that his hair is almost falling out.

Lou Peng scratched his head. If he had time to spare, he might as well get a hair transplant, so as not to become a bald man.

It's just a pity that he dares to refuse anyone's request, but his cousin can't. Now he has to rely on his cousin in many places to live a good life, and he can only obey his orders and not refuse.

Lou Peng had two days free to go through the hospitalization procedures and some routine examinations with Shao Gaofeng and his son.

After confirming that he only had to wait for the result, he bid farewell to the father and son, and invited his friends to have fun.

When a few friends get together, what else can they choose? Naturally, it's a bar.

After a few glasses of white wine, the topic of the conversation gradually became colorful.

I don't know if it's been too long since I haven't been on such an occasion. Lou Peng's eyes are a little impatient. He really doesn't know why his former self likes to say such obscene words.

"Young Master Lou, you are amazing now, the president of the Lou Group, what a capable title."

"Don't even mention it, you'll be sure to send a bunch of women to your door with just this title."

"I still want that Jiang Han, if you want to go, it's not easy, just..."

"That's enough!" Lou Peng tensed his face. He brushed his hair a little annoyed, and ignored the surprised expressions of these people, he turned around and left. He really felt that this kind of occasion was too fucking boring.

And what annoyed him even more was that even this kind of occasion was boring to him, so how can he be a qualified playboy in the future

When Lou Peng walked out of the bar, he leaned against the railing, took out his mobile phone and flipped through the address book.

Eight out of ten of the hundreds of stored numbers in it belonged to women. Of course, most of them were numbers that he had no contact with, but he was too lazy to delete them.

Lou Peng looked through the numbers one by one, and then deleted all the unimportant ones.

He didn't stop until he saw the word 'Yi Yue', and after a short silence, he sent a text message.

'Jiang Han likes you so much, if you say to turn me into you, will she like me? '

Friday comes quickly.

Gurgling has never stopped being excited since he knew he was going out to play.

I've been wandering around my dad and dad, and I don't know what I'm talking about.

Shao Xiaoxiao looked at him worriedly, how well-behaved he was when he was quiet, how could a child be so noisy when he started arguing, but seeing him so excited, he couldn't bear to let him be quieter.

"Pack your little suitcase and pack what you want to take away." Lou Yu handed him a children's suitcase.

Gugling wandered around the suitcase a few more times, and said, "But Dad, the suitcase can't fit Junyan."

Shao Xiaoxiao laughed when he heard it, "Why did you put Junyan in the box?"

"I want to take him away." Congcong shook his head, he stepped forward and grabbed Shao Xiaoxiao's hand, "Can Daddy take Junyan to play with us? We will all be very good."

Shao Xiaoxiao shook his head: "No way, Junyan followed us, and your Uncle Su will stay at home alone, so how lonely he is."

Ruancong frowned, tilted his head and thought about it, and he sighed slightly: "Forget it, let Junyan stay with his father, and bring him some fun when I come back."

Just like that, Ruanzhu dragged his small suitcase back to the room. He originally wanted to take the wooden horse made for him by his little uncle, but found that he couldn't put it in anyway, so he had to give up regretfully.

Then he stood on tiptoe again and stuffed all the toys that could be put in.

And Shao Xiaoxiao didn't care about packing his luggage at all.

It's only three days, just bring two changes of clothes, and a backpack can do it.

So when he returned to the room at night, he went to sleep directly, and when he woke up the next day, he took the clothes and stuffed them into the backpack slowly. It was done in less than five minutes. When he went to the first floor, he saw two people who were already eating. Father and son.

"Hurry up, Dad, or you won't be able to catch the bus." After gurgling, he gulped down soy milk, expressing his eagerness.

Shao Xiaoxiao was not in a hurry, sat down at the dining table, took a fork and ate a piece of ham, and said, "No hurry, there is still more than an hour."

He actually got up earlier than usual.

Although he didn't show it, Shao Xiaoxiao was looking forward to this short trip. He didn't go out to play except for going home when he came here.

This time he plans to have fun, and when he comes back, he plans to start his second career.

"Eat slowly, don't rush." Lou Yu also followed suit. Seeing that Shao Xiaoxiao was eating deliciously, he took a piece of ham with his chopsticks and took a bite. The taste was not bad, but it wasn't delicious. He stared at Shao Xiaoxiao, always feeling that the one he was holding was tastier.

"Daddy, give me a bite." Apparently, Gu Gug felt the same way. He stood up, leaned out with his hands on the table, and opened his mouth, waiting to be fed.

Shao Xiaoxiao was not stingy, so he let Gugcong take a bite and said, "Is it delicious? Is there another one on the plate?"

"It's delicious." Gugou said while chewing, and when he finished chewing and swallowing, he said again: "More."

Shao Xiaoxiao smiled. He first reached out and flicked the gurgling forehead, and then gave him another bite.

"I can't finish eating one." Gu Cong acted coquettishly, her forehead didn't feel any pain when it was slapped.

Lou Yu's eyes were hot, he leaned forward slightly, and said, "I want to eat too."

Shao Xiaoxiao narrowed his eyes, "Isn't there some in your bowl? Why did you snatch it from me?"

"This one is not ripe." Lou Yu opened his eyes and said nonsense, regardless of Shao Xiaoxiao's suspicious gaze, he looked over it very confidently, and said: "I can't finish eating one, so share it with me."

Shao Xiaoxiao didn't believe it, and under Lou Yu's expectant eyes, he ate half of the ham in two mouthfuls.

Then he spread his hands to signal that it was gone.

Lou Yu sighed softly, what a pity.

After breakfast, the three got into the car.

Shao Xiaoxiao originally thought that they would go to the meeting place of the company to gather first, but when they got out of the outskirts, he realized that they had gone directly to their destination. He looked at the scenery outside the window, and heard the voices of constantly asking questions and Lou Yu's answers , which made him look forward to it.

They came to a resort.

The resort is very large and can accommodate hundreds of people at a time. When they came, they happened to see buses parked outside. It was obvious that the people from Louyu Company had already arrived.

"Do you want to go and have a look?" No matter in the last life or this life, Shao Xiaoxiao is always in front of the boss, but the shop he runs is not big and there are not many employees. I really don't know the way of getting along with big groups. Yu also has to go over to talk to the staff and so on.

"No need, we're here to play and not discuss business." Lou Yu said, even if he wanted to discuss business, it would be done by the people below, otherwise what would be the use of the high-level executives he spent a lot of money to invite back.

If it wasn't for Shao Xiaoxiao and Cong Cong, he wouldn't have participated in this trip.

And the purpose of coming now is just to have a good place to cultivate feelings.

According to the search method on the Internet.

A resort is a place where you can warm up your feelings for each other.

This made him look forward to it.

However, at the beginning of their relationship heating up, they encountered a problem.

Looking at the toys all over the bed, Shao Xiaoxiao was a little dazed. He felt that he was stupid to believe that a four-year-old child would pack his luggage by himself.

In the entire suitcase, apart from toys, there were not even a single towel or handkerchief, let alone a change of clothes.

Ruanguo didn't know what he had done, he picked up a robot and waved it: "Daddy, I want to take Superman to swim."

"There's a supermarket here, so just bring along and buy some close-fitting clothes." Lou Yu didn't care, as long as he could buy them.

What else could Shao Xiaoxiao do, he could only nod his head.

He put his bag on the bed, then took out the changed clothes and folded them, and then put them aside, he saw Lou Yu staring at him, "What are you looking at? Take out your things quickly and put them away OK, let's go to the store."

Lou Yu still didn't speak, but still stared at him.

"...No way?" Shao Xiaoxiao looked very speechless, and it was only at this time that he reacted as if Lou Yu's hands were always empty from the time he left home to when he entered the hotel, "You didn't bring any clothes?"

Lou Yu still didn't answer, but seemed a little aggrieved.

Shao Xiaoxiao, who was being stared at, reacted, and the corners of his mouth twitched: "What makes you think I will pack your clothes? I haven't even entered your room, okay?"

There was some accusation in Lou Yu's eyes: "You can go in."

"..." This is not a question of whether to enter the room or not

Shao Xiaoxiao rubbed his forehead, he is not the old mother of these two father and son, he has to clean up for them when they go out

It's nothing more than gurgling, he is still young and doesn't understand these things, but Lou Yu is such a big man, he even needs him to arrange the packing? Would it be too... wait!

Shao Xiaoxiao's eyes were suspicious: "Did you do it on purpose?"

Lou Yu spread his hands and shrugged, but didn't answer.

Shao Xiaoxiao gritted her teeth, "Why did you do it on purpose? It's not me who has no clothes to change."

"I just want to remind you." Lou Yu got up, and he walked slowly to Shao Xiaoxiao, "Next time, can you help me pack my luggage?"

Shao Xiaoxiao didn't feel any palpitations, he just felt dissatisfied: "Why do you want me to clean up for you instead of you for me?"

Lou Yu smiled, the corners of his mouth curled up greatly, and he said: "Then we have agreed, I will clean up for you next time."

"..." Shao Xiaoxiao pursed his lips, he finally understood, it turned out to be here.

The three of them rested for a while, and then headed towards the supermarket in the resort hand in hand.

Gugling, who was led in the middle, walked around, humming a song, and every time he walked a few steps and saw an interesting place, he would yell, "Daddy, can you give me there later?" Shall I take a picture? I'm going to send it to Toshihiko."

"Okay, but you have to take pictures along the way, and you won't have time to soak in the hot spring later." Shao Xiaoxiao said.

"It's okay, then I'll stop making bubbles. I promised Jun Yan that I would send him many, many photos." Although Chuan Cong felt it was a pity, he had to do what he promised his little friend.

The three of them walked into the supermarket, wandered around twice, and the clothes were bought.

After going back to the hotel for dinner, it was time for some extra fun. Shao Xiaoxiao put on his swimming trunks, and he went down to the hot spring with the same can't-wait gurgling. When his whole body fell into the warm water, he looked very satisfied.

Although Cong Cong is young, he can also swim. After splashing in the hot spring twice, he still wants to swim far away.

Shao Xiaoxiao's water skills are not very good, and who doesn't sit and rest in the hot spring, he really has no energy to greet this kid, so he can't help calling the man who hasn't entered the water yet: "Lou Yu, hurry up and take care of your little brat!"

Lou Yu stood on the side, holding a mobile phone in his hand and didn't know what he was doing.

After listening and shouting, he put down his phone, took off his bathrobe, and walked slowly into the hot spring step by step.

In Shao Xiaoxiao's eyes, this scene was in extremely slow motion, making it impossible for him to look away.

God damn it! !

Six pack abs and that big lump.

It just makes other men feel inferior.

Shao Xiaoxiao recalled carefully, when he got off the hot spring just now, he was already inhaling, right? Although I don't have a small belly, I can't see my abdominal muscles without taking a few more breaths.

And his constant boasting should also show a man's self-confidence, right

Shao Xiaoxiao slowly buried his body under the hot spring. He felt that he was asking for guilt by following him in the hot spring. He knew that he should have made some preparations.

"Have you seen enough?"

Lou Yu walked in front of Shao Xiaoxiao, the corners of his mouth turned up: "Are you satisfied?"

Shao Xiaoxiao frowned, and said, "Some fouls."

Lou Yu smiled and said, "I don't mind if you touch it."

touch? Where to touch

Above or below

Shao Xiaoxiao turned his head, trying not to let his gaze look down.

"Daddy, what are you looking at?" Gu Cong came over, and he also stared into the water, but he didn't see anything interesting.

Shao Xiaoxiao covered his eyes, and then took him two steps, he hummed dissatisfied: "What's so interesting, it seems like no one has it."

He also has what Lou Yu has, even if the portion is smaller, he still has it!

It's just this kind of cognition, I don't know why there is a feeling of inferiority that wants to cry, Shao Xiaoxiao once again feels that it is a wrong decision for him to come this time! ! !

And Lou Peng also felt that it was a completely wrong decision for him to ask Yi Yue for advice!

"Don't you want to be me? Let's start." Yi Yue raised his chin to signal him.

Lou Peng's body was a little stiff, he said: "What to start? How to start."

"Take off your clothes."

"..." Not only his body, but also his face became stiff. Lou Peng stepped back slightly, suppressing his hands that wanted to hug his chest, and coughed lightly: "You... have some misunderstandings?"

"It's you who misunderstood." Yi Yue threw some clothes beside him, and said, "What do you think I want to do?"

"No, no, no, I didn't misunderstand." Lou Peng waved his hands with a flushed face, and hurriedly took the clothes to change, and said while changing: "Isn't it just changing clothes, what misunderstanding can I have?"

The clothes that Yi Yue threw over were very simple.

A hooded sweater and a pair of slacks are very simple to match together.

It was Yi Yue's favorite style.

The heights of the two were about the same, Lou Peng felt a little awkward after changing his clothes, he said: "If I change into this, Jiang Han will like me?"

"Do you think Jiang Han likes me?" Yi Yue asked without answering.

"I like it." Lou Peng is very sure, every time Jiang Han looks at Yi Yue, there are stars in his eyes, God knows how delicious he is, he hums: "If you are not my friend, I will definitely not let you go you."

If nothing else, if you dare to snatch a woman from him, you will be beaten up straight away!

"But I don't think so." Yi Yue put his hands on the table and leaned his waist against the edge of the table.

"That's because you didn't pay attention to Jiang Han's eyes. She definitely fell in love with you at first sight." Lou Peng said with trepidation in his heart.

"Love at first sight?" There was a smile on Yi Yue's face, but the smile was ironic. When Lou Peng was a little surprised, he restrained the smile and continued: "Jiang Han is nothing more than a boy who likes the sun. You Appearing in front of her all day in suits and leather shoes will naturally not attract her attention, and as long as she is not blind, she will definitely be able to see that you are good."

Lou Peng's face turned red again, and he pushed it directly: "What are you talking about..."

As a result, Yi Yue, who was pushed, fell to the side, Lou Peng quickly took his hand, and said worriedly: "Are you okay? Why don't you just push him so weakly?"

Yi Yue retracted his hand, and turned his left hand around his right wrist, obviously aching.

"You..." Lou Peng didn't know what to say, he looked at Yi Yue's wrist with curiosity and distress.

"You don't think this is the mark left by my suicide, do you?" Yi Yue said, he pushed up the watch on his wrist, revealing a scar.

"No, of course not." Lou Peng quickly denied, and he murmured: "It's better not to commit suicide."

"Of course not." Yi Yue continued to turn his wrist, the soreness slowly subsided, and he said, "It's just a troublesome... cat, left a mark."

Lou Peng was still a little puzzled.

And he didn't notice at all that it was a 'cat' instead of a 'cat'.