Cub Stocking Plan

Chapter 60


Lou Peng's eyes kept falling on the ferocious scar, and he was not stupid, so he couldn't see that such a serious scar could not be made by a cat, but Yi Yue didn't want to say that he couldn't continue to ask, but he was a little bit resentful Said: "If the cat is disobedient, give it a good lesson and smooth its paws."

Yi Yue shook his head: "It's not my cat, I care so much about what to do."

Lou Peng made a 'tsk' sound, no matter whether it is or not, how can he vent his anger without repairing his hands like this? He was still thinking that when he found out how the injury came about, he must teach that 'cat' a lesson for Yi Yue.

"It's almost time, why don't you start yet?" Yi Yue raised his wrist to signal.

Lou Peng looked at the time on the watch, feeling a little resentful, he rubbed his hands together and said, "Will Jiang Han really like me?"

"What if you don't like it?"

Lou Peng was stunned, but he choked his neck and said, "If you don't like it, you don't like it. At worst... At worst, I just keep chasing it."

A slight smile appeared on Yi Yue's face, and he said seriously: "Although I don't know if Jiang Han will like you, I'm sure she can feel your sincerity."

Jiang Peng became anxious again, he hesitated to move, this was the first time he would feel so flustered when he met a woman, he said: "Why don't you come with me."

Yi Yue shook his head, he really didn't want to be a light bulb.

It's just a pity that Lou Peng dragged her to see Jiang Han no matter how unhappy she was.

The meeting of the three did not actually have any wonderful atmosphere.

If there is, it's just that Jiang Han was a little surprised when he saw two similarly dressed men, and then he got along as usual, getting along as he should.

The actions of the three of them were nothing more than wandering around, and then making an appointment to go to the movies together.

When Lou Peng was queuing up to buy tickets, Jiang Han said to Yi Yue, "You helped him pay attention, right?"

With the straw in his mouth, Yi Yue nodded.

Jiang Han laughed instantly, with two obvious dimples on her cheeks, she looked very cute, "How did you come up with this idea?"

Yi Yue said, "Isn't it childish?"

Jiang Han smiled and nodded. The age difference between Lou Peng and Yi Yue is a few years, and his temperament is completely different from that of students who have not left society. This outfit looks very sunny on Yi Yue, but in Lou Peng There is something wrong with Peng.

"I think he also knows childishness, but he is willing to do it." Yi Yue spoke slowly but solemnly, and looked up at the man who was crowded in the crowd to buy tickets: "Do you think the man who is willing to do these childish things how many?"

Jiang Han was stunned, and the smile on his face disappeared.

The tip of her nose suddenly felt sore, but there was warmth in her heart.

In fact, I really want to say that the matter of changing clothes and changing styles is really small, and it is not worth mentioning at all, and Jiang Han knows better that among the men who pursue her, those who are willing to do these things or even more are also very unreasonable. few.

But Lou Peng is different. His status determines that even if he doesn’t need to please women, many women will come to his door automatically. Even talking about the situation of their two families, Jiang Han is sure that as long as Lou Peng says he likes her, even if she If she doesn't want to, her family will definitely agree with this matter.

Status determines status, she enjoys the advantages brought by her family, and Jiang Han also knows that sooner or later she will pay.

And what she pays is her marriage.

When going on a blind date with Lou Peng, she really didn't want to. In a circle, she had heard about what kind of person Lou Peng was, a playful and troublesome playboy.

But parents are very supportive of this matter, and even asked her to take the initiative again and again, not to mention that Lou Peng is now the president of the Lou Group, and they even urged her to take Lou Peng down.

In just a few short contacts, Jiang Han actually felt that Lou Peng's character was not very bad, but her parents' urging made her feel very impatient and even rebellious.

Facing Lou Peng's joy for her, her response has always been indifferent.

But now, Jiang Han can really feel Lou Peng's sincerity towards her.

Yi Yue looked at Jiang Han's slightly moist eyes, and didn't say anything else.

Sometimes, no matter how much you hear, it is not as strong as what you feel yourself.

Jiang Han wiped her eyes with her hand, and after taking a few deep breaths, she finally calmed down, and asked, "Why are you helping Lou Peng like this? Didn't you realize that I like your type?"

"That's just a preference."

Likes and likes are different, Lou Peng didn't notice the difference between these two points, but he could see clearly, Yi Yue knew that Jiang Han's view of him was actually just an appreciation, but definitely not a liking.


Yi Yue went on to say: "As for why, maybe it's because I used to have a... younger brother."

"Puff." Jiang Han couldn't help laughing, "You won't tell me that you used to have a younger brother who looks like Lou Peng, and then you can't help being nice to him, right? Lou Peng is older than you, how can you be a younger brother? Besides, will this story be too clichéd?"

Yi Yue raised his eyebrows, and nodded empathetically, "It's really old-fashioned."

But no matter how old-fashioned it is, it's not a story, it's reality.

There is a reason why Lou Peng is treated so preferentially. A person who met by chance is not worthy of preferential treatment. Naturally, there is a reason, and it is not because Lou Peng is similar to the person he cares about the most.

After finishing the Sprite in the cup, Yi Yue threw the empty cup into the trash can next to him. He got up and said, "Actually, I don't like making light bulbs. Tell Lou Peng, I'd better leave first."

Jiang Han opened her mouth, but she still didn't say anything to leave Yi Yue behind. After nodding, she looked at the man who was still queuing up to buy tickets, obviously impatient, but she was still willing to wait in line.

After Yi Yue left the cinema, he didn't know where to go for a while.

Anyway, he just wandered around the mall without stopping or looking at the surrounding shops, as if he was taking a walk. After Yi Yue walked for a while, he turned around and walked towards a corner, then leaned against the wall waiting.

Not long after, a man in a suit walked over quickly, his pace a little eager.

"How long have you been following?" Yi Yue looked at the man.

The man staggered, but fortunately he held his body and did not fall. He frowned, "Who is with you? Could it be too self-indulgent?"

Yi Yue shrugged and said nothing.

Zhai Sinian couldn't hold back, he said bluntly: "I'm just here to inspect my site, do you really think I'm following you?"

Yi Yue looked at him, "Do you have any cigarettes?"

"..." All kinds of words to justify could not be uttered, and Zhai Sinian threw the cigarettes and lighters in his pocket to Yi Yue with irritability, and said with disdain: "Aren't you a good citizen? I don't know." Is there no smoking here, too?"

Yi Yue lit the cigarette and held it in his mouth, he raised his chin: "This is a smoking area, don't you even know your territory?"

Looking at the sign hanging on the wall, Zhai Sinian's face darkened even more. He decided to have all the smoking areas removed when he got back!

Yi Yue exhaled smoke rings, under the white smoke, his eyes seemed a little confused.

Zhai Sinian was very upset, he said: "Is it because of a man?"

The corner of Yi Yue's mouth turned upwards: "Didn't you follow me?"

"... They say I'm inspecting, who knows I'll run into you." Zhai Sinian was angry, but he felt a little uncomfortable looking at the person in front of him, "Since you like Lou Peng, why do you want to set him up? "

There was a hint of surprise in Yi Yue's eyes, and he even thought it was funny. He really wanted to ask Zhai Sinian what he had done, and would think that he liked Lou Peng, but when he saw a trace of anxiety in Zhai Sinian's eyes, The negative words on the lips have not been uttered, but they have another meaning: "I like him, but he doesn't like me."

"So you just give up, why not pursue, maybe..."

"Why should I pursue?" Before Zhai Sinian finished speaking, Yi Yue interjected.

Zhai Sinian frowned, "...but you like it."

"I like it's my business, why should my business bother him?" Yi Yue held a cigarette in his hand, but didn't smoke any more, letting the cigarette burn out slowly.

And this conversation made Zhai Sinian very puzzled, "So in order not to trouble him, you secretly liked him?"

Yi Yue didn't care much: "You might say, I won't like him after he falls in love and gets married."

Zhai Sinian frowned, "Is your liking too... cheap?"

He really doesn't know if it's right to use this word to describe it, but if he likes it, he doesn't pursue it, and after the other party confirms the relationship, he forgets it, what is this? To be a saint to perfect the world

Zhai Sinian originally thought that Yi Yue would be furious or angry when he heard him describe it like this, but he didn't want Yi Yue to laugh out of nowhere, his smile was bright but his eyes were cold, and he said, "Isn't liking cheap?"

In his cognition, tears are the most useless thing, and liking is also the cheapest.

Zhai Sinian was silent.

At this moment, he suddenly wanted to know what kind of person Yi Yue was, and at the same time, he didn't know why, but he still felt distressed.

I feel sorry for Yi Yue.

The few people in the resort were a little bit reluctant to leave.

Not long after soaking in the hot spring, they went fishing, and what they caught was not fish but crayfish.

Shao Xiaoxiao looked at the crayfish in the basket and almost couldn't help drooling. This is what he loves, and he feels that he can solve such a basket directly after a while.

"Daddy, can I take it home and raise it?" Gu Guming at the side also looked at it hotly, but he didn't want to eat it, but wanted to raise it.

The little cute silkworms at home are gone, so it can be filled with little cute lobsters.

"No, this is for eating." Shao Xiaoxiao firmly refused, even Ruancong couldn't compete with him for food!

Ruanmu twisted his body and was unhappy, "But they are so cute."

"But they are delicious too." Shao Xiaoxiao retorted.

Thus, the two fathers and sons confronted each other across the basket.

Lou Yu threw the crayfish he caught into the basket, and after looking at the father and son for a few moments, he decided not to participate.

Just because he doesn't want to participate, doesn't mean other people don't pull him to participate.

Cong Cong felt that he couldn't handle Daddy by himself, so he hugged Daddy's hand and acted like a baby: "Dad, why don't you tell Daddy not to eat it? Let's take it back and raise it. When we grow up and fatten up, we will feed Daddy the cubs."

Lou Yu was silent for a while, and then asked, "What's the difference between that and eating now?"

"But I can raise them." Ruanmu opened his eyes wide, wanting to raise them very much.

"The crayfish should be kept in the pond, but there are none at home." Lou Yu said.

"That, that, then can I dig a pond?" Guming still didn't give up.

Shao Xiaoxiao snorted coldly at him: "It's not good to dig a pond, but you can consider using the swimming pool to raise crayfish, but you won't be able to swim in the future."

Gurgling was very happy at the beginning, but he was a little embarrassed when he heard it later.

While raising the cuties and swimming, he grabbed each other with both hands, and said pitifully, "Daddy, can't I choose both?"

Shao Xiaoxiao stretched out his finger and waved it, "No."

"Hey." Ruan Cong sighed with a sad face, and abandoned the cuties anyway, he decided to stay away from the cuties and not to see them again.

Looking at the little guy's pitiful back, Lou Yu said, "Why don't you give him two?"

Shao Xiaoxiao shook his head again, "Look at it, I'm talking about raising it now, and it will definitely taste delicious later."

Yes, when a pot of spicy crayfish was served, Gu Gumiao had completely forgotten that these were his cuties, so he got carried away eating it.