Cub Stocking Plan

Chapter 68


For the sudden call from the kindergarten, Shao Xiaoxiao didn't think much of it. There is no naughty child, and he could take this opportunity to make a good joke of his silly son.

The bad-tempered Shao Xiaoxiao didn't care, Su Ji panicked when he received the call, and quickly asked, "Is there a fight? Is Junyan injured?"

"Junyan's parents, Junyan is not injured, but there are other things that need you to come over. '

Su Ji was still a little uneasy, and while changing clothes and preparing to go out, he asked the teacher on the other side of the phone, "Can you tell me what happened first, I'm a little worried."

The other end didn't answer right away, but seemed to discuss something, and then said: "We found some drawings in Junyan's schoolbag, Junyan's parents, maybe you do this job, but you can't show some paintings to the children. And let him bring him to kindergarten...'

The rosiness on Junyan's face faded instantly, and he was so ashamed that he didn't even know when he hung up the phone.

He paced back and forth, completely lost the thought of changing clothes and going out.

When he thought about going to the kindergarten to get his drawings back later, he had the idea of crawling into the cracks in the ground.

Ahhh, Su Junyan, he should really spank his ass.

Su Ji covered his face with his hands, blushing appeared on his faded face, feeling ashamed and annoyed.

He hurried back to the studio and cleaned up all his sketches, shouting in his heart that it must be the kind of non-exclusive ones, but after cleaning them carefully, Su Ji was in despair.

The drawing that was taken away by Jun Yan was a manga adapted from a pornography, and the content in it was very explosive. When the manga came out, it caused quite a stir in this circle.

In addition to the beautiful picture quality, it unlocks a lot of actions...

Su Ji's whole face turned red with embarrassment, he didn't want to recall the content of the drawing at all.

"What to do, what to do." Muttering all the time, Su Ji was really worried, the kindergarten had already called, it was impossible for him not to go, even if he wanted to escape, it would be impossible for him to give up his son and leave him in the kindergarten to live on his own Self-destruction

That's definitely not possible.

Su Ji raked his hair, in a dilemma.

Then he had an idea in his mind. Although it was a little bit embarrassing, compared with going to kindergarten to embarrass himself, he decided to do it.

Su Ji wrote a few words on the note, then hesitantly left the room and walked to the door of the next door.

He pasted the post-it note on the door, then stretched out his hand, hesitated for a long time, and finally knocked on the door lightly. After knocking, he quickly ran to his home, closed the door, pressed his face tightly against the door, and listened to the outside world. Actions.

In fact, when Su Ji came out, Qi Hechang already knew that Su Ji was standing outside the door and he was also standing inside the door.

The distance between the two is only one door.

The doorman knocked and Su Ji left quickly, Qi Hechang knew it well, when he saw the note pasted on the door, the corners of his mouth had already risen, and the first time his Susu was in trouble was to come to him.

Looking at the contents of the note, Qi Hechang graciously forgave the troublemaker the little fat man.

Among other things, Xiao troublemaker can be regarded as the bond between him and Susu.

Qi Hechang didn't hesitate, and immediately went out to the kindergarten.

Before Qi Hechang came, Shao Xiaoxiao had to arrive early. When he saw the drawing that the teacher gave him, his first reaction was to laugh out loud. When he saw the faces of the teachers with livid faces, he could not help but feel sad .

"Parents, the children are still young, and some things can be touched a little, but they can't be too outrageous. Look at this drawing, it's too explicit, and it's brought to the kindergarten, it will..."

The teacher chattered endlessly, Shao Xiaoxiao could only nod his head repeatedly, he only had one thought in his mind now, the little fat man might have to be beaten again.

But... He is becoming more and more interested in Su Ji's drawings. Who doesn't say that Su Ji is gentle and soft-tempered, but he is so obscene in private. Shao Xiaoxiao feels that there will be a topic of teasing Su Ji in the future.

"Gong Cong Daddy! Why are you still laughing?!" A dissatisfied voice sounded, obviously a little angry.

Shao Xiaoxiao waved his hands again and again, and he hurriedly said: "Teacher, don't worry, the things at home must be cleaned up in the future, and they will not be given a chance to see them again."

The female teacher was suspicious, and obviously laughed twice, a little distrustful.

But she didn't say it directly, but said: "This matter actually has nothing to do with the murmur. The drawing was brought from Junyan's house. I called you here to remind you. If you have any questions after the murmur goes back, As a parent, you must not answer outrageously, you must guide him correctly... "

Shao Xiaoxiao responded while listening, but he had already made a plan in his heart, let Lou Yu do the job of guiding the murmurs, he really didn't have the ability.

The two were talking in the office when a tall figure appeared at the door.

When they saw the person coming, the two people in the room were a little stunned.

One is amazed, the other is surprised.

The female teacher was amazed that someone would be so magnanimous. If she hadn't been married and had children, she would have been fascinated. But Shao Xiaoxiao was surprised that the person who came was Qi Hechang.

With Su Ji's temperament, he must be very ashamed when he came, but he really didn't expect that the person who came would be Qi Hechang.

"Sir, what's the matter with you here?" the female teacher asked.

Qi Hechang walked into the office and sat down next to Shao Xiaoxiao, "Su Junyan's parents."

After he finished speaking, his heart suddenly felt a little itchy. This was because he was facing outsiders with a brand new identity.

"Jun Yan's parents?" The female teacher frowned and asked, "Is his father free? This is not a big deal, but it is not a small matter. How can the parents not come? If there is no time, when will his father be free?" , let’s make another appointment.”

Qi Hechang frowned even tighter, why couldn't he represent Su Ji? !

At this time, Shao Xiaoxiao snickered and said, "Teacher, this is Junyan's father, he can take care of everything."

"Daddy?!" the female teacher exclaimed, her face full of shock.

Qi Hechang was also emitting death rays, staring at Shao Xiaoxiao.

Shao Xiaoxiao spread his hands: "Junyan's father is Su Ji, he is not who his father is."

In this world, two men gave birth to a child, and the attacking side became the father, and the receiving side became the father.

Therefore, Shao Xiaoxiao's words are enough to represent that Qi Hechang is the recipient who gave birth to a chubby man. The teacher was very surprised, and looked at the tall man in shock. She had also met Su Ji and knew Su Ji's height. At most, it is at the height of a man's ear, so the pairing of short attack and high subject is really a bit surprising.

One curious and the other playful, under the gaze of two eyes, Qi Hechang nodded suddenly, and he said: "That's right, I'm Xiaopang... Junyan's father."

It doesn't matter what his identity is, as long as he has a relationship with Susu.

"Uh... well, then Junyan's father, did you draw the paintings that Junyan brought to the kindergarten?" The female teacher was a little unsure, thinking that they all thought that Junyan was a child from a single-parent family, and now a "Daddy" suddenly popped up. ', in addition to being surprised, I have to confirm it clearly.

Qi Hechang's eyes fell on the drawing on the table, and his eyes suddenly lit up.

He reached out to pick it up and looked at it. He had already written down the poses on the sketch, and planned to try it out with Susu in the future.

The look of expectation was so obvious that the female teacher couldn't help coughing and reminding, "Parent Junyan, your behavior is not right for children."

No matter how good-looking she was, the female teacher completely ignored her at this moment and sternly spoke.

In terms of appearance and the future of the child, she will definitely choose the latter.

In the office, the female teacher trained the two men so that their faces darkened. Outside the office, the two little guys were shivering together.

"Are we going to be beaten again?" Gu Cong was worried, although he didn't know what he did wrong, but the other children were asked to be parents, and their buttocks hurt the next day.

He was beaten at home.

Daddy was called by the teacher today, does that mean he will also be beaten at night

With a puckered mouth, Gu Guming rubbed his butt with his backhand, really wanting to cry.

"I don't know." Jun Yan is also unclear, and he is even more unclear about another thing now, "Why did the teacher call Dad, and Dad didn't come, but the bad uncle is here?"

Hearing the gurgling, his attention also fell on this, he looked at the bad uncle inside, and then thought of everything before, he said: "Could it be that the bad uncle wants to be your father?"

"Ah?" Jun Yan was stunned, the bad uncle wants to be his father, so the bad uncle has already become a bad father

Jun Yan hurriedly shook his head: "No, no, bad uncle is too fierce, I don't want him to be my father."

Although the bad uncle has a big dog, he often gives him snacks, but the bad uncle doesn't smile, he keeps a serious face all day long, Jun Yan thinks that the bad uncle really wants to be his father, he must do it at night nightmare.

So it's better to say goodbye, he shook his head and said, "If it's your father, I'm willing, but if it's a bad uncle, then forget it."

"Maybe Uncle Su likes it." Cong Cong said, he hoped that Uncle Su would find a companion quickly, so that Junyan would not miss his father.

"Impossible, my father doesn't like bad uncles." Jun Yan hummed, he is his father's son, he must have the same vision, he doesn't like bad uncles at all, so my father certainly doesn't like them either.

What the two children said to each other fell into the ears of the two men who came out of the office, and they made a black face and a smirk.

Qi Hechang stepped forward, stretched out his hands to grab the little fat man's back collar, and squeezed out a few words from his throat: "What did you say?"

Junyan struggled with his limbs in the air, trembling with fright, opened his mouth and began to cry.

It's just a pity that there is no Su Ji here, Qi Hechang doesn't care if the little fat man will cry or not.

"Father Junyan, it's wrong to physically punish children." The teacher shouted quickly.

Qi Hechang raised his hand empty-handed, and forced a smirk: "I didn't do anything."

"He's not my father, woo woo woo teacher, he hit me woo woo woo." Junyan kept groaning, but was still taken away by Qi Hechang under his arm.

Shao Xiaoxiao shook his head, the two father and son did not know who they would conquer in the future.

Ruling came over, he opened his eyes and said timidly, "Daddy, you want to beat me up."

Shao Xiaoxiao squatted halfway: "Why should I beat you?"

"Because I saw the picture of taking a bath." Gu Chuan played with his fingers. He didn't understand why he couldn't see the picture of taking a bath. Didn't he just take off his clothes? He also took a bath without taking off his clothes. What a bath.

After seeing Lou Yu, the thoughts in my heart came out curiously.

And Lou Yu was shocked by a series of 'undressed'.

Shao Xiaoxiao ignored how Lou Yu taught his son, and he has no time to take care of it now.

On the day of Wen Bin's operation, many people came to the corridor of the hospital.

Looking at the light on the door, no one was in the mood to talk.

Shao Gaofeng walked back and forth by the door, clasped his hands tightly, his whole body was tense and shivering a little, he couldn't calm down.

Lou Peng couldn't hold back, and said, "Uncle, just sit down, the operation is just beginning, don't tire yourself out."

Shao Gaofeng waved his hand, how could he sit still now.

Lou Peng couldn't, and couldn't go forward and push the old man to sit down.

Shao Xiaoxiao, who was leaning against the wall, looked at Lou Peng, and was a little surprised.

Although Lou Peng knew Dad and Xiao Bin, but only met a few times, he really didn't expect that Lou Peng would put aside his busy work in the company and come to see Xiao Bin.

"Let Dad sit down." Lou Yu followed up and said this to Shao Xiaoxiao.

Shao Gaofeng is old, and the operation time will be at least four or five hours, so he can't stand it.

Shao Xiaoxiao stepped forward, knowing that he would try to persuade him, but he would not be able to persuade him, so he asked, "Dad, tell me about Xiaobin."

"Tell me about Xiao Bin?" Shao Gaofeng was a little puzzled.

Shao Xiaoxiao said: "I remember when Xiaobin first came to our house, he was only seven or eight years old? At that time, I was angry and treated Xiaobin badly. He must be sad in private."

"You're only six years old, and you know you have a bad temper. Your aunt and Xiaobin have been wronged a lot." Shao Gaofeng continued. There are many things that are wrong.

Xiao Bin was only six years old at that time, so how old could Xiao Xiao be

Suddenly there was a woman and a child in the family, it was inevitable for Xiao Xiao to be angry, but at that time, in order to take into account the emotions of Xiao Bin and his mother, he spoke ill of Xiao Xiao, which made the conflict between the two father and son more and more serious. bigger.

When Shao Gaofeng thinks about it now, he really feels that he did something wrong. If he had had a good talk with Xiao Xiao at that time, it would not be possible to have a harmonious relationship until now.

He sighed slightly: "Xiao Bin has been in poor health since he was a child. When he first came to our house, he was thin and small. His skin was so white that the bloodshot eyes could be seen underneath. A child who is obviously troubled by disasters likes to laugh. Everyone laughs. I have to show my teeth, at that time I thought, since he came to our house, I can't treat this child badly, and I can't lose what you have."

Speaking of this, Shao Gaofeng's eyes were a little moist, "How could I have thought that this would be unfair to you."

Xiao Xiao must have Xiaobin, and it seems fair for the two to be equal.

But in fact, it was he who took what should belong to him from Xiao Xiao and gave it to Xiao Bin, but he still took it for granted at that time, only thinking that Xiao Xiao was too ignorant.

"I knew... I knew it earlier." Shao Gaofeng couldn't continue.

It's really unfair to Xiao Xiao, but he has been with Xiao Bin every day these years, and he knows how good this child is in his heart. Now that he is asked to choose, he will still choose the same as before.

Shao Xiaoxiao leaned on Shao Gaofeng's shoulder, and he said softly: "I used to think it was unfair, but now I feel that what Xiaobin got may belong to me, but it is Xiaobin who is responsible for what I should do." , if Xiaobin hadn't been with you all these years, how lonely you would be."

Shao Gaofeng choked up twice in his throat, and tilted his head slightly to wipe away the tears that were about to overflow.

When the two father and son were talking, they had already sat on the chair next to them before they knew it.

Shao Xiaoxiao continued: "I remember that the school once went to the playground in the autumn outing. Xiaobin was very envious when he found out about it, and he took the photos I took to look at it for a long time. I said it was very fun there on purpose, and almost made him cry with envy. .”

"You have the nerve to say it." Shao Gaofeng couldn't help but glared at Shao Xiaoxiao. He also had an impression of this incident. He knew Xiaobin wanted to play, but he couldn't because of his health. He took the photos Xiaoxiao took for a long time to look at.

He even thought that if Xiao Bin really wanted to go, even if he couldn't play in person and buy a ticket for him to see.

As a result, not only did Xiao Bin not speak, but Xiao Bin also refused when he asked.

As for the reason, of course, the ticket price to enter the amusement park was quite a lot for their family at that time.

He is obviously a sensible and caring child, but God has no eyes and gave him an incomplete heart.

It also made his life incomplete.

"When he gets better, I'll take him to the playground for as long as I want." Shao Xiaoxiao patted his chest and said with a smile: "Dad, you have to testify, and tell him when Xiaobin wakes up. Everyone go."

"Go, I'll go too, I know which place is fun, I'm sure you'll still want to go there if you go." Lou Peng interjected, pointing his fingers and giving examples, not only amusement parks in the city, but even some places outside the province and abroad They were all mentioned by him, and he finally concluded: "I will take you to all these places, until you have enough fun."

"I don't need so much. I can't afford it with my old bones." Shao Gaofeng shook his head and waved his hands, and then said with some embarrassment: "But you should take Xiaobin with you, young people are all playing together."

"Uncle Shao, don't worry, Xiaobin is also my younger brother, I will definitely take him to play." Lou Peng nodded heavily, looking at the red light above the operating door, praying to God in his heart, hoping to take Xiaobin to play for him Opportunity.

Outside the operating room, several people were discussing where to go for the first stop and where to go for the second stop after Wen Bin got well...

In the operating room, the sleeping Wen Bin was also working hard.

Working hard when he opened his eyes again, it will be another life.

Shao Xiaoxiao was holding the lunch box in one hand and Ginging in the other, and the two walked into the gate of the hospital.

After taking two steps, Shao Xiaoxiao felt that he couldn't move the little brat anymore. He looked down and was immediately amused: "You won't even walk?"

Gu Cong sighed: "Daddy, if you don't let me lead you away, I won't be able to leave."

I was really worried, I had to hold my father every step of the way, it was a sweet burden, he lifted the object in his arms up, "I have to hold the flower in one hand and hold Dad in the other, the flower is so heavy that it will fall soon It's over."

Shao Xiaoxiao pinched the tip of his nose, "Do you dislike your father for holding you?"

"I don't dislike it, but can you wait for me to give my little uncle's flowers to him first, and then take daddy?" Cong Cong discussed.

"No." Shao Xiaoxiao firmly refused.

Sighing, he stretched out his little hand again, "Okay, okay, if Daddy wants to hold it, just hold it."

Shao Xiaoxiao was funny, he didn't reach out to hold him, but rubbed his head, picked him up, and walked towards the ward.

In the ward, Shao Gaofeng and the nurse were changing Wen Bin's clothes. When Shao Xiaoxiao and the others came in, they could see a thick layer of gauze tied on Wen Bin's chest. Unhealed wounds.

"Little uncle!" Gu Cong yelled loudly, struggling to get off Shao Xiaoxiao's body.

When he landed on the ground, he sent the flowers in his hand over: "Little uncle, these are the flowers chosen by the murmur, aren't they very beautiful? When the little uncle recovers from his illness, we will go pick flowers together."

With a smile on his face, Wen Bin replied weakly.

"Gurgling eyes are so good, your little uncle will definitely like it." Shao Gaofeng took the flowers and put them in a vase, and said with a smile on his face: "The doctor just said that Xiaobin is recovering very well, wait for him Once the wound is healed, I can run and laugh."

Shao Xiaoxiao leaned forward, and he said, "You look pretty good, get well soon, and go out to play when you get better."

Wen Bin had also heard about the amusement park. Even though the wound was painful, his eyes were full of smiles.

"Little uncle, get well soon, let's go ride the roller coaster together." Chuan Cong lay beside the bed, his mouth kept whistling, as if he was imitating the scene of a roller coaster.

"Your little uncle can play, but you can't." Shao Xiaoxiao immediately refused. He didn't want the little guy to know that he couldn't ride the roller coaster and roll around.

"Why?" Rugging puffed her cheeks.

"You have to grow taller."

"But I'm taller than Junyan." Gu Cong made a gesture with his hands, very proud, he was a little taller than Junyan.

"That's not OK."

Confused, he puffed up his cheeks again. He snarled his nose and said pitifully, "Okay, then sit down, little uncle. Tell me if it's fun."

Wen Bin's fingers hooked the arm resting on the side of the bed, and he responded softly: "Okay."

Although he has only seen it and never played it himself, it will definitely be fun and fun.

The atmosphere in the ward was very warm, and just at the gate of the emergency department of the hospital, an ambulance drove into it.

Two nurses lifted the stretcher off, carried the injured and ran in hastily, while the nurse who followed was quickly talking to the doctor about the condition of the injured: "Just checked in the car, the injured has at least three fractures. , congested right eye, hearing loss in right ear, there is a possibility of a slight concussion.”

The doctor exclaimed: "So serious? Is it a gang fight?"

The nurse shook her head: "It's domestic violence."

"Is the injured man a man?"

The nurse nodded: "The wounded man's name is Gu Wen. He is 26 years old this year. His boyfriend beat him. Now he has been temporarily detained."