Cub Stocking Plan

Chapter 8


Shao Xiaoxiao finally subdued the two cubs with a box of family buckets.

Even the little chubby pouting at him all the time, for the sake of delicious food, he wasn't so rude, and even waved his little hand to say goodbye to them before leaving.

On the way back, Gug Cong followed Dad, eating French fries with both hands.

Maybe it's because I haven't eaten this kind of food for a long time, and Gugling seems to like it very much. If Shao Xiaoxiao didn't know that he couldn't eat more at the end and put away the bag in his hand, Gugling would have eaten it all the way home.

That night, Shao Xiaoxiao was a little distracted.

Stayed in the living room and watched anime with the little boy. Although his eyes were fixed on the TV, his attention was on his ears, and he wanted to hear if there was any movement outside.

He rejected Lou Yu's going to the charity party before, but now he wants to go, he must say hello in advance, he knows that he doesn't have such a big face, so if he doesn't want to go, he won't go, just go if he wants to.

"Daddy, will it rain tonight?"

Shao Xiaoxiao came back to his senses, shook his head first, and then said, "No."

The sky is clear in the morning, and there may be a little rain.

Gurgling seemed a little disappointed, and continued to watch the anime with all his energy.

It's just that the little brow is slightly frowned, obviously not very happy.

Shao Xiaoxiao asked curiously: "Little brat likes rain?"

"It would be even better if there were thunderstorms." Gu Cong looked at his father, looking a little aggrieved.

Hehe, Shao Xiaoxiao was overjoyed.

The little boy is not afraid of needles or thunder, he is simply a little warrior.

Cong Cong showed his little paws, grabbed his father's sleeve, and said expectantly: "Jun Yan said that his father would sleep with him as long as there is thunder and rain, so can father also accompany me?"

In the past few days, I have gradually gotten closer to my father, and I want more.

Cong Cong heard a lot of happiness from father and son getting along from his little friend. He was envious and eager, and only hoped that he could get along with his father more like his little friend.

Shao Xiaoxiao reached out and landed on the boy's head. His hair was so soft that his chest was warm.

He smiled and said: "Of course, it doesn't need thunder and rain, just today."

"Really?" Gu Cong stood up from the sofa suddenly, his eyes were shining, as if he had the whole world.

Shao Xiaoxiao smiled, very broadly.

He was excited, why didn't he feel happy, but this happiness always felt mixed with some other emotions, but at this time he didn't know what it was.

When Lou Yu came back, he happened to see this scene.

The two father and son laughed heartily, and the crisp laughter spread to the ears, which Lou Yu had never seen before.

At one time, Lou Yu thought that Rumbling's temper was a bit cold. He was not like other children who could cry, quarrel and laugh. No matter how sad he was, he would cry silently with red eyes. In a pair of big eyes.

Not like now.

He grinned so much that his eyes became slits.

And the man beside him, Lou Yu frowned and recalled that he had never seen Shao Xiaoxiao smile so cleanly.

That's right, it's clean.

Not mixed with other thoughts, not with a flattery that makes him very disgusted, nor is it careful to please.

"Are you back? I happened to need you for something."

Shao Xiaoxiao patted the boy's butt and told him to take a bath first.

Gu Cong nodded hurriedly, and ran upstairs on short legs. The excitement of going to sleep with his father made him completely forget about his father.

Lou Yu walked to the sofa, his brows were still furrowed, and he suddenly felt that he was a bit more deserted than before.

Shao Xiaoxiao watched the man standing there motionless, then patted his sofa cushion, motioning him to come and sit down.

Lou Yu gave him a cold look: "I have something to say."

Shao Xiaoxiao spread his hands.

All right, all right, he originally planned to come tactfully, since the man is so direct, he should also be direct, "I'll go to the charity party tomorrow."

Lou Yu's expression became even colder.

He hooked his lips and satirized: "As expected, what kind of tricks do you want to play?"

Shao Xiaoxiao scratched his head, it seemed that he was really unpleasant in Lou Yu's heart, look at him, he was ridiculed after only one word.

"You can go if you want, no one is stopping you." Lou Yu snorted coldly, and went up with a calm face after speaking, and did not respond to Shao Xiaoxiao.

Shao Xiaoxiao gritted his teeth looking at his back. This man is really boring, not even a piece of pork is interesting.

After staying in the living room for a while, he simply went upstairs and returned to his room.

I went to take a shower first, then lay on the bed and played with my phone.

This world is a bit different from his previous world, at least he doesn't know any celebrities who attract attention, and the occasional gossip news is quite refreshing.

Looking at the screen of the mobile phone, Shao Xiaoxiao scanned the time, and it was already 8:10.

He wondered why the brat didn't come yet

I usually go to bed around 8:30.

When he was wondering, he heard some rustling sounds outside the door, so he got up and opened the door.

The first thing that catches the eye is the little brat standing pitifully outside the door with his arms around a pillow.

Wearing cute light blue pajamas, one little foot is stepping on the other, with apprehension and longing on her little face.

He first stared at his father with wide eyes and pursed his lips.

Shao Xiaoxiao smiled helplessly, and he asked, "Why don't you come in?"

Looking at the little boy's appearance, he must have been waiting outside the door for a long time.

"Daddy." Cong Cong called out softly, he was very uncertain: "Can I really sleep with you?"

As long as he can remember, he has never slept with his father.

It's not that I'm not afraid of thunder, but even if I'm afraid, there's no one to comfort me. After a long time, I won't be afraid anymore.

Just now downstairs, I heard that my father wanted to sleep with him.

The joy in his heart gradually cooled down while taking a bath, and he was a little uneasy. He was afraid that he had heard wrong, so he came to daddy's door early, but he didn't dare to go in.

Just out of fear of disappointment.

There is deep expectation in the clear eyes.

Shao Xiaoxiao felt that if his answer was no, the brat would cry directly.

Leaning slightly, put both hands in the cub's creaking nest to pick him up, and went directly to the big bed in the bedroom, "Of course, not only today, but tomorrow and later, you can come over whenever you want to sleep."

"Really?" The gurgling eyes began to shine again.

Shao Xiaoxiao put him on the bed, then reached out and scratched the tip of his nose: "Really, but only if you don't wet the bed."

Rumbling's little face flushed instantly, "I don't wet the bed! I'm not a child, I haven't wet the bed a long time ago."

Shao Xiaoxiao smiled with satisfaction, and slept on the bed with the little boy.


Children's words, sometimes can't be taken seriously.

Especially when Shao Xiaoxiao woke up from a nest of oceans the next day.