Cultivating in Online Games

Chapter 14: Put the butcher knife


This monk is not Master Tan Ji, but an ordinary npc.

Dugu Zhuo sat cross-legged on the futon beside the monk, clasped his hands together, and asked, "Where are the human players?"

"For young heroes who have been incensed during the day, someone will leave a small door behind for them." The old monk replied.

Aotian: "No wonder we didn't see anyone after jumping over the wall, it turned out that they came in from other entrances."

"Since it is a small door, there should be a system prompt." Ye Zhou said, "Otherwise most people would not think of other entrances. It seems that there are many tasks during the day that can keep human players safe at night."

"It's a bit like an escape game," Qingyue said excitedly, "An inadvertent task during the day may become a life-saving talisman at night, exciting!"

Listening to the players and npcs, Dugu Zhuo quickly integrated the information and noticed one thing. The old monk only said that the players who offer incense during the day can enter through the back door, but did not mention other players.

Dugu Zhuo: "Can human players who have not offered incense come in?"

The old monk put down the Buddhist beads and took a look at Dugu Zhuo: "Buddhist gate is a pure place, and Tanye Temple shoulders the heavy responsibility of protecting the human race in Zhulong Town at night. Except for young heroes who are destined for Buddhism, they can enter through the back door, and no one else is allowed to enter without permission." Altar Temple."

Aotian wondered: "Then why can we come in?"

"The young hero has a chivalrous heart and is willing to go into danger to clear karma for the world. He is the just man I have been waiting for."

It turned out that they were able to enter the Tanye Temple through the main entrance and saw this old monk who was obviously a key NPC because they had killed monsters in the Karma Forest.

As soon as the old monk finished speaking, a system-wide notification sounded in the sky: "The five young heroes from the justice team, Yiye Bingzhou, Dugu Zhuo, Qingyuelove, Long@艾天, and Wuqimohei, have triggered the main plot of Zhulong Town. Players are welcome to look for plot clues."

Regardless of whether it was a player from the Monster Race, the Demon Race, or the Ghost Race who was enjoying the nightlife, or the Human Race player who was struggling to survive, or the Spirit Race player who was trying to absorb the brilliance of the sun and the moon, all stopped what they were doing.

Different voices resounded in the world, and suddenly lines of small characters floated before Dugu Zhuo's eyes——

[The name Dugu Zhuo is so familiar, it seems like I have just heard it not long ago.]

[The player who comprehended the formation in the morning and became a formation master.]

[What is the use of the title of Array Master?]

[Why did all the good things happen to him alone?]

Dugu Zhuo only felt dizzy for a while, and rummaged through the jade slips on the control panel for a while, and finally found the button of "Close World Channel" and turned off the information prompt, which made it much cleaner.

It's strange, when he was a prompt on the system of the formation master before, he didn't see this series of texts. Why is it different this time

Dugu Zhuo looked carefully at the control panel, only to find that there was an extra line of words on the control panel - since more than 70% of the existing players in the game identified "Dugu Zhuo" as a player, the status of "player" was added.

In the personal information department, Dugu Zhuo's identity has changed to: bug, player.

And the player is followed by a string of numbers, which is what they call their personal ID.

After becoming a player, a stranger's private message interface was added to Dugu Zhuo's communication control panel, and Dugu Zhuo turned off the private message as usual, so as not to be disturbed by strangers.

It's just that he didn't expect that he became a player in this game.

According to the system prompt, it is because "more than 70% of the existing players in the game identify" that he has the player status, and the player's consciousness can actually change the system's cognition...

"What are you looking at?" Ye Zhou saw Dugu Zhuo swipe around with the jade slips, as if he was operating the control panel.

"Turn off the world channel, it's too noisy." Dugu Zhuo said.

"It's a bit noisy," Ye Zhou said, "But the world channel will have a lot of transaction information, and it will be troublesome to turn it off. I'm used to it."

Dugu Zhuo thought for a while and asked: "This game has no real players and npcs. If all players regard...for example, the old monk in front of you as a player, will the game system recognize him as a player?"

"How is it possible? It's not a novel or an anime." Ye Zhou raised his hand and patted Dugu Zhuo's shoulder. "Secondary school is a disease, and it needs to be cured."

So it is not the player's identification that can turn the original npc into a player. The only one who can change his identity is himself. Why is that? Dugu Zhuo thought secretly, could it be because of his bug status

After thinking for a while, they didn't find the answer. On the other side, Aotian Qingyue and the black cat, two people and one cat, almost toppled the main hall of the Tanye Temple in order to find clues. people.

Dugu Zhuo: "Don't turn over, especially the cat, don't touch the Buddha statue, the master has already picked up the Zen stick, haven't you seen it?"

The three stopped their restless hands and turned to look at the old monk. Sure enough, the old monk stood up at some point, replaced the Buddhist beads with a Zen stick, and was looking up at the black cat at the foot of the Buddha statue.

The black cat jumped down quickly, and hid under Dugu Zhuo's feet with its tail between its legs, showing half of its head and looking at the old monk.

The old monk looked at Dugu Zhuo with compassion: "The benefactor is a righteous person, why should he be with such monsters?"

"A righteous person?" Dugu Zhuo said to himself sarcastically, "How can I be considered a righteous person? Why does the monk think that I am a righteous person?"

"Naturally because of the value of justice," the old monk said, "Young hero punishes the evil and promotes the good. He already has 5 points of justice. He is the most righteous person in the town right now."

Before Dugu Zhuo killed the black cat, he got 1 point of justice, and he also got 1 point for saving the owner of the tea shed. The remaining 3 points were obtained by killing a few monsters that absorbed the essence of human players when he came to Tanye Temple to rescue Ye Zhou at night.

Dugu Zhuo had been thinking about the use of justice before. He pointed to the black cat and asked, "Where is this cat? What is his justice?"

"This evildoer absorbs other people's energy. He is not a good person. Unless the sin is washed away, the old monk will not tell you young heroes to solve the clue of the candle dragon curse." The old monk said.

The four human players immediately looked down at the black cat. The black cat took two steps back in fright, landed on all fours, arched its body, and its back hair stood up: "Meow! What are you going to do?"

"Let's try kicking out of the team first." Aotian suggested.

The purpose of opening up wasteland in the game is to try. Ye Zhou decisively kicked the black cat out of the team, and said to the old monk, "Can you tell us the clue now?"

The old monk put down his Zen staff and said gently: "I believe that young heroes are united and friendly people, and will never give up any friend."

Everyone: "..."

It seems that they formed a team to contact the old monk, and they had to form a team to do the task. Ye Zhou had to bring the black cat back to the team, but with the black cat, the old monk picked up the Zen staff again, It looks like he wants to exorcise the demon.

"It's unscientific," the black cat argued for itself, "If I can't complete the mission, then the three races that are active at night must also have difficulty doing the mission. There are only six races in the game, and the three races can't start the main story. There is definitely no way to play!"

Ye Zhou said: "The system announcement just now mentioned that the majority of players can look for clues. Maybe the clues to crack the candle dragon's curse don't have to go through this master."

Dugu Zhuo carefully recalled everything that happened when he came to this world, black and white, light and dark, several clearly opposing races, and came up with an answer.

He drew a picture of Tai Chi in the air, and said to everyone: "If day and night are regarded as these two Tai Chi fishes, our current position is the Tanye Temple in the night, which is the only white in the black. As the white side, it means that during the day, there should also be a shelter for the players of the race of the night, and it is the only black in the white."

Ye Zhou also suddenly said: "So we didn't get any news about the main plot when we came to Tanye Temple during the day, but we got clues at night. The human race will be attacked outside at night, and we must bear the pressure of the demons dancing wildly and get out of the safe refuge , enter the Tanye Temple from the front to start the main plot. This requires fighting monsters in the Karma Forest, and the conditions are very harsh."

"After all, it is the first important main storyline. If we are not lucky, I am afraid it will take more than half a month to get the clue." Aotian said.

Qingyue asked: "Now that the old monk refuses to give us clues, does it mean that we have to find the only black in the white during the day?"

Dugu Zhuo shook his head: "Since the cat demon's evil value is too high to be recognized by the master, then I may not be able to get clues to another location if my justice value is too high."

"But we still team up with Wu Qi Mo Hei to take on the task..." Qingyue was going to turn her head to look at the black cat with disgust, but when she turned around, she saw the black cat was licking its paws and washing its face. The dislike turned into love, and she turned her fist and said, " Why should he be a cat!"

The black and black personality is too unpleasant, but the appearance is very attractive. Is this the characteristic of the monster race

Everyone was helpless, but Dugu Zhuo came to the old monk with a black cat: "Master, didn't the Buddha claim to 'put down the butcher's knife and become a Buddha immediately'? He has repented now, can't he be given a chance?"

A gleam flashed in the old monk's eyes, and he said a Buddha's name: "Amitabha, I, Buddha, feel sad, 'Put down the butcher's knife and become a Buddha immediately', black and black benefactor, are you willing to put down the butcher's knife and walk on the right path?"

"How do you put down the butcher knife?" the black cat asked in a daze.

The old monk didn't answer, but Dugu Zhuo said: "The butcher's knife is your sharp weapon to hurt people. It must be that you have to completely give up the upgrade method of absorbing energy, so that the master can forgive you."

"How can this work?" Black Cat said, "Then I am slower than other monster races to level up?"

He also made sense. This is equivalent to preventing the race from doing tasks to gain experience, and no one is willing to change it.

Dugu Zhuo said: "If you give up, you will gain. I think this game pays attention to checks and balances. If you give up this upgrade method, the game company will definitely compensate you with another one. Even if you don't compensate, I will give you a share if I have the opportunity to upgrade in the future." , never let you be worse than others."

His simple words were actually very convincing.

The black cat stared blankly at Dugu Zhuo for a while, and muttered: "I don't know who is who after the game is offline, how can I trust you."

Despite what he said, the black cat came to the old monk, stroked his beard and said, "Then how can I put down the butcher knife?"

Old monk: "Amitabha Buddha, benefactor of high righteousness."

At this time, a dialog box appeared in front of the black cat, asking him whether to accept the old monk's purification at the same time. After the purification, the "charm" talent skill will be retained, and the ability to absorb essence will be lost.

The black cat shook its paws for a long time before clicking "Accept".

The old monk raised his Zen stick and pointed it at the top of the black cat's head, a flash of Buddha's light flashed, and the black cat lost one of its abilities.

At the same time, the old monk said: "The almsgiver will be a disciple of Buddhism with hair and practice from now on. I will give you a string of Buddhist beads. When your life is dying in the future, you can call me, Buddha King Kong, to help you."

The black cat took the beads and shared the skills with a few friends through the teammate channel.

"Non-Wrath King Kong", the player's designated skill, when the player's blood volume drops below 3%, he can summon a Buddhist King Kong with an attack power of ∞, which can instantly kill any player on the opponent with one move.

"The attack power is infinite, take away any master indiscriminately! The ultimate blood lock skill!" Aotian touched the black cat's head excitedly and said, "As long as you master the 3% blood volume, I will take you to deal with the boss in the future Isn't it completely possible to be a wave, even if you are PKing with a player, you can also take away the opponent's master with one move, you can do this move!"

The black cat also stroked his beard in satisfaction: "It's just that the speed of 3% is difficult to grasp. It seems that I will bring a few more red medicines in the future to try to practice this skill. No, don't touch my head with your hands and feet. "

"Hey hey." Aotian withdrew his hand, "It's mainly because your hair looks too smooth."

Dugu Zhuo handed the black cat a piece of jade slip, and said: "What good weapon do you get in the future, I will forge it for you again."

The Jade Slip recorded "Misty Trace", Dugu Zhuo copied a copy and gave it to Heimao. The grievance between the two started because of "Misty Trace", and now "Misty Trace" ended it.

But when everyone didn't notice, Dugu Zhuo used the cover of his sleeve to quietly slip a jade slip to Ye Zhou. he.

It's kind of mysterious, sorry. Ye Zhou blushed slightly, put away the jade slips, thinking that if he finds something good in the future, he must give it to his apprentice first.

After solving the evil value of the black cat, the five regrouped and Ye Zhou asked about the curse of the candle dragon.

This time the old monk did not evade, but raised his eyelids with compassion and said: "Hey, this town is not so much cursed by the candle dragon as it is destined."

"It is said that the Candle Dragon was punished by the Ancient Desolate Heavenly Emperor from a catastrophic disaster in the world, and he hid in Youdu. Attracted by evil spirits in the world. Ten years ago, this small town was still a simple and honest town, until the child was born, which attracted the attention of Zhulong, making Youdu come to this small town at night."

Dugu Zhuo: "That child?"

The old monk sighed: "Yes, the child who was destined to become the sword master of Xuanjian was born with a turbid air. The child who was destined to sever his relatives and committed the crime of killing his father was born in this small town. As long as he leaves here , Zhulong will no longer look at this small town, you need to find him, and contact the Qingtian Sword Sect to take him away, so that Youdu can be separated from the small town."

"Xuanjian! It's really the main plot of Sword Tomb, "Jiuzhongtian" has restarted the main plot, Ye Qinghui!" Long@艾天 said excitedly.

Dugu Zhuo was struck by lightning.

He was destined to be cut off from all kinship, and his mother died when he was ten years old. When he was helpless, a man who claimed to be his father's younger brother came to him and took him away from the small town where he was born to go to the Qingtian Sword Sect.